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Posts posted by natee1

  1. In this thread and others The aggro has gotten too much for me recently, it is unnecessarily offensive (unless this is what you want it to be).

    Let's take the trouble to read our comments before we post them, a form of editing one does not have with the spoken word where wider boundaries apply, I believe.

    And let's not use the same language as the person we are hitting on the head for using it...

    Sorry if I sound patronizing, but is has developed into some form of verbal birdflu !

  2. What we really need is a poll about how to rid this place of trolls! :o

    I was kind of hoping you might make a graceful exit on your own accord?

    Tick your choice:

    1 -Boon Mee is a Vegemuncher

    2 -Boon Mee is a tosser

    3 -Boon Mee is a dosser

    The result turned out just as I said it would.

    Happy now???

  3. ... or set up a structure which will enable at least three distinctly different answers to tick.

    Any of you ????mite obsessed chip butty or salmon and creamcheese sandwiches munchers - ooops, forgot the dripping vinegar or sliced cucumber, (made you really homesick now, haven't I [ almost as good as playing Bingo at Hull City Community Centre while waiting for your next hassle-free 5-year multi entry a-o visa to be stamped]) -please forgive me the digression, what again was the name of this forum?

    Ahhh -remember now, back on track: this moneysucking Thai-government which unfairly refuses to hand out permanent residence permits to 17 year-olds from Barnsley who wish to live off their latest score Nana Plaza bird, demanded 2 (two) entire dole-cheques worth of cash for the one-year business visa.

    Uouo.. still off topic, sorry admin, it will get better:

    Anybody got an idea of how to enable 3 different choices in polls, sorry I am computer illiterate, but something like the green colour automatically linked to 3 tick boxes, and if it is something clever like -do you agree; -do you agree a lot; -do you agree very much -- haha, answer is exactly as I predicted, simply close it as soon as spotted?

    Or is this something for admin or management to think about?

  4. She has so many of them that Michael Jackson asked me for some advice.

    Did not want to give him any advice.

    Do not want to be associated with him in any way.

    These days people are taking the law in their own hands.

    Judging without knowing.

    Too risky.

    What has he been accused of?

    pretending to be innocent

  5. with my sister's kids back in the US I had the story of 'the ugly man in the old pick up' that collected kids and put them in the back maybe never to see their folks again if they did not behave...very effective

    ..and very lucrative for the therapist who will help remove the trauma in adulthood. A therapist, btw is neither a ghost nor a god.

    More of a witchdoctor, actually..


  6. Definitely agree with you on that point. Just remember one thing, foreign invasions are what cause freaks like the Taliban to emerge and take power. I know this is off Thailand subject, will not elaborate any further.

    The freaks and the Taliban - messengers of the new age, first in Afghanistan, and now..? :o

  7. Herr Johan,

    I offered you to exchange views one-to-one.

    In the last 3 1/2 hours since my original offer, you have put up several posts here, but I haven't received any e-mail from you, only a public threat to 'fight them as enemies', a radical feminist, as you labelled me also.

    You have no interest in resolving differences.

    Go and wind somebody else up!!!

  8. If you still can't see your priviliges, maybe you are still looking in the wrong places...

    I do not want to waste other people's time (or mine) on this here, in this thread, in this forum. E-mail me for further communication with view to a personal meeting.

    Clear enough English? :o

  9. Herr Johan,

    I don't know how to deal with you any more, to be honest.

    There are a few things I would like to have a conversation about, but not on this forum, such as fairness regarding retirement age in Austria etc., but on the whole, I find your post is so riddled with insinuations and comments on things I never mentioned, or possibly plain misunderstandings, it would be tedious to waste other people's time with sorting this out.

    However, I invite you to communicate with me by e-mail or possibly a chat in person if you have time in BKK, sometimes it clears things up amazingly fast to talk face to face.

  10. And I can do that quietly enjoying myself without having to explain to a dozen drunks that I don't wish to be shatted up right now

    Nobody tries to belittle me or invalidate my arguments because it might be 'this time of the month'

    Your a 45 year old straight male???

    Errr----Let me see---the drunks were girls then???

    Ummm---That time of month---Fine tale erco.

    Wata you think Doc.

    This is what I replied to:


    Please can you make a list and explain me exactly where I can find my personal priviliges for being a man?

    I do not see them.....

    And this is what I replied:

    1. there are so many, you don't see the wood for the trees.

    Just some small everyday priviliges I am glad about having:

    I enjoy going out for a late beer on my own just for the sake of it.

    And I can do that quietly enjoying myself without having to explain to a dozen drunks that I don't wish to be shatted up right now, and yes I do drink and smoke, but I am perfectly normal ....

    Please do not quote out of context!

    This is getting worse by the hour. First I am supposed to be a woman, now I am suspected to be 'erco'.

    Any other suggestions?

    Please make an effort to read and understand posts before replying.

    O.k.: in contrast to women, I have as a man amongst other priviliges this one:

    I enjoy going out for a late beer ........etc. as above...

    Other men such as Johan also have this privilige amongst other priviliges, because they are men and not women. Those in the more powerful position in society, in a hierarchy, often are not aware of their priviliges or take them for granted, and consequently fail to understand the basis of complaint of the less priviliged, less empowered. Another, more grave example: it is not the man but the woman who gets pregnant and does not have the privilige to walk away from this situation. For somebody who can walk away and believes this to be his right, it will seem unreasonable for the woman to demand to decide whether to abort or not, and for a financial if not emotional contribution to be made by the man who is equally responsible for creating this situation.

    I hope I made it clearer what I am on about, I hope some misunderstandings are lifted now.

  11. For one thing, you shouldn't assume I am a woman, just because I defend issues with which YOU as a man feel uncomfortable.

    I am a 45 year old straight male, if I may. And I think you know the answers to your questions only too well, or you are making a pretty good job of keeping your eyes and ears shut.

    Your post reminds me of the kind of emotionally charged, twisting ranting over a few beers at the 'Stammtisch' which was one of the reasons I left Germany 25 years ago...

    I do apologize, I am getting wound up now, originally I just wanted to balance the one-sidedness of the posts a little bit, obviously did a bad job.

    Thank you Otherstuff and Snark for making some sense here.

  12. Superstition has a lot to do with believing in nature and things being animated by ghosts or supernatural forces that cause things to happen. So in the west the believe a black cat crossing your path bringing misfortune, or number 13 being unlucky. Believing in God and Jesus, or Allah and Mohammad classify as religion.

    Superstition is much ridiculed by Christianity and scientific education, so many westerners will say they do not believe in ghosts, and at the same time be afraid of them.

  13. Johann,

    One fears what one does not know, and it is dark and dangerous...

    1. there are so many, you don't see the wood for the trees.

    Just some small everyday priviliges I am glad about having:

    I enjoy going out for a late beer on my own just for the sake of it.

    And I can do that quietly enjoying myself without having to explain to a dozen drunks that I don't wish to be shatted up right now, and yes I do drink and smoke, but I am perfectly normal...

    Nobody tries to belittle me or invalidate my arguments because it might be 'this time of the month'

    Most of these 'small priviliges' will only become apparent when you don't have them, or you use your much propagated choice to think about it, but that may be radical, or would have been 20 years ago.

    2.The children live with the mother's relatives, the mothers are out earning money by servicing the men who don't pay maintenance and tell us the women exercise their free will to do this work.

    Yes, we are talking about equality, and I am tired of explaining it to people who do not want to understand, the key lies in the unequality of power, which makes a farce of the notion of choice and the loud shouting of those who have the advantage offending.

    3."They" are all the same??? And if 'they' are pro-abortion, I fail to see how this is a point against 'them', and who do you suggest should pay the hospital bill?.

    Finally, radical or not radical? I said maybe some of it is not so radical, it is not all the same. I also get offended by women suggesting intercourse equals rape and such nonsense, but a lot of the criticism and comments about political and economic power are so obviously justified!

  14. We need radical feminists everywhere.
    If they really wanted to make a big change, why don't they first try going to all of the arabic countries where women are by and large treated far worse?

    Spee, by saying that Arabic women are treated worse , you are saying that women in Thailand are treated badly. And there have already been huge feminist campaigns around female genital surgery, which have resulted in FGS being outlawed in a number of countries, Egypt being one example.

    Amyji, who are these radical feminists controlling the education agenda?? They certainly don't control it here in Australia. And honestly, radical feminists do not control the academy in the US either. That's kind of inherent in being radical - you are automatically on the margins (though of course I find it sad that it is radical for women to have all their body hair, to call for an end to violence against women, to exercise autonomy etc.).

    Equity feminist= liberal feminist. You want to be equal to men. Why be equal to men - and everything that entails, such as militarisation, state deregulation and liberal markets, colonialism/post-colonialism etc - when we could be liberated from all that?

    And darling, you don't need make-up!! It's OK to be yourself! Love yourself as you are!

    Jeepz, what's the relevance of individual choice when one suffers structural violence such as gender, race and class-based discrimination? When choices are extremely limited, it is more illuminating to look at structures in order to understand an individual's life than it is to look at their 'choices'.

    Quoting this post as an example of how to express one's opinion and disagree without insulting everybody left, right and centre. What is it with you folks? :o

    This discussion reminds me also of where the political cutting edge was in the eighties, thanks for reminding me of a few truths, MsNina, life is so different here, it is easy to forget.

    It would be quite a challenge to marry feminist ideas and the Thai way of life, not something I would attempt, also not on my list of priorities.

    What I have learned though, it is the privilige of those in power to ignore issues of inequality, be it gender issues or the simple fact Thai immigration doesn't provide longterm visa solutions for a lot of decent people.

    Come on folks, it is 2004, still claiming there are no priviliges attached to being a man? Ever wondered how the majority of Thai men get away with not contributing anything to the wellbeing of their unwanted children?

    Welcome, radical feminists...

    Maybe not all of it is quite so radical. :D

  15. I have posted this before:

    Please do not put all the blame on people who overstay.

    Before I came across this forum, I, like many others, was not aware of the potential dire consequences of overstaying. The hear-say amongst travelleres has been that it's okay, you just pay the fine when you exit.

    This is also supported by uninformed "official' advice, such as from the French embassy, and the polite treatment by immigration when you depart, at D.M. airport there are big notices explaining how to calculate the fines, but not a word that you have been staying illegally and could have been locked up.

    One might well get the impression, as I did, that as a courtesy to encourage visits to 'amazing Thailand', authorities tolerate a few (20 according to the French emb.) days overstay.

    Of course I know now that this is not so and will advise other travellers accordingly.

  16. My quip is this: It seems to me that freedom to FLAME other members prevails in this forum. It sounds a lot like the people who sit in the bars of Sukumvit and Soi Ramutri talking about "business" .....

    I'll tell you, in the last three years, very few of these people are still here, and those that are, are hopeless heroin addicts, drunks, struggling english teachers and the like ...

    Youre giving a good example of "flaming' ,actually.

    Heroin addicts and English teachers? Which do you belong to? -or are you still trying unsuccessfully- heroin too expensive, English too poor...

  17. WHAT A CROCK OF KRAPP,,,,,,,,After recently being told that I would no longer be able to get 60 day tourist VISAs unless I deposited 200,000 baht in a thai bank..... My reply was It is my understanding that on a tourist VISA one is not allowed to have a bank account??????? So then I asked what to do when I get married in july and I was told I would need to deposit 375,000 baht if I was married just to get a tourist VISA of 60 days..... Then was told I can get a letter from the U.S. EMBASSY that says I can support myself .....

    Sounds familiar. Were you told in Vientiane by any chance? Seems to me they never read their own regulations. Donate some tissues for them to clean their glasses...

  18. [

    We will never be able to change what the Thai government wants. What they want is far from normal considering where we are. It is unrealistic and unreasonable. If you look at the "Big Mac" index, you will see my reasoning. If you cannot see the unreasonableness of it you are clearly not well read. Just as closing the bars at midnight was, just as the Thai elite card, just as the asian crises a few years ago. All great ideas half though through.

    And please for a forum that has people such as Sunbelt Asia advertising businesses, I find it unprofessional for a moderator to be so uncouth at the best of times with poster's who are angry and frustrated. Where is you diplomacy?

    By the way, could someone please show me where foreigners become a burden to the Thai government.

    I agree the new regulations or rather the implementation are not fair to a lot of us living here.

    What is the "big mac" index?

    Foreigner becoming a burden, to the gobvernment or the country and its people:

    Just read some posts in this forum such as the 'shall we send the misses to work her old trade when the cash runs out' type thread....Which government would welcome people who openly discuss the advantages of being a pimp, and then complain about the strict visaregulations ?

    Furthermore, as immigration states, they want to know where the money comes from, catch people who work illegally or gain profit form criminal activities.

    Don't you agree people pimping their wives, running businesses without licence or selling drugs in tourist resorts are a burden to the state?

    Ironically though, increasing the financial visa requirements does nothing to help catch these kind of individuals, rather makes life difficult for the majority of ordinary folks who do their best to support themselves and their Thai dependants over here.

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