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Posts posted by ihunnieibee

  1. I'm currently working in a school where I'm teaching k2 & k3. This school has given me a Thai assistant teacher to have in my classes. It's good for controlling the kids behavior but it isn't helping with them actually learning anything.

    The last school I worked at I was teaching k-P6 and the kids seemed to know a lot more and could understand more of what I was saying.

    Today as my assistant was helping me teach lyrics to a familiar kids song-- all the children now think "Lay them straight" is "Ray dem sturlate"

    ZzzZZzzz I am annoyed by her. I need her to control the kids but to stop trying to speak English and stop trying to tell them how to pronounce anything because her English is horrible. I'm really not sure how she got the job.

  2. Ok in my last post I was trying to be a little uplifting but since you guys are so annoying I just wanna say this--

    There are beautiful women of all races and nationalities.

    Some guys have a thing for particular features or behaviors which some are able to be changed and other things you have to deal with what you're given. This isn't just a male trait though, WOMEN ARE THE SAME WAY!

    In the end-- If guys aren't interested in you why make it your problem?

    Why would anyone wanna be with someone that doesn't wanna be with them?

    If guys in BKK wanna be with Thai women then let them. If they're interested in you then they'll come to you.

    Anyone complaining on a forum like this about not being able to get guys probably has more than a few reasons why they're not able to get guys aside from their race.

  3. Eh.. I've been in Thailand for 5 years now and soon after I had moved here I posted on here about Western guys approaching Western women in Thailand.

    I didn't expect it because I knew that a high percentage of Western men would be coming to Thailand for Thai women or that they're probably interested in Asian women.

    I came here with my Thai boyfriend that I met in NYC so I wasn't out looking for guys or anything.

    To be honest, since I've been here-- Western guys seem to notice me a lot more here than back home and they've tried to chat me up a lot more too. I always seemed to attract Asian guys and since I like them then it was good for me.

    Thai guys on the other hand - they love to stare and say "Hello" "Beautiful" "Tukatha" etc. but they don't try to talk to me very much and it's probably because they're scared to speak English or I'm too tall for them lol

    Anyways, my advice would be to go for it. If you see a guy that you wanna talk to-- then try to talk to him. The worst he can do is say he isn't into it. Then you don't waste your time.

    The world is full of people, there has to be someone who likes you! :D Plus I'm sure that if any of these *I ONLY DATE ASIAN WOMEN* guys met a woman of any race that gave them a good vibe and was beautiful in their eyes who made them feel good then they could switch their opinions of who they *ONLY* date.

  4. I'm a girl but I've had people seem to want me to go hang out with them but not really be interested in talking to me at all hahhaa and they always want to take pictures with me for some reason.

    Many times I've had strangers come up to me and ask to take a picture with me like I'm some kind of celebrity or something hahahaha

    The funniest one was a girl using the excuse that she had to take a picture with a foreigner for her school assignment.

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  5. Khao soi at Little Home & the restaurant that is attached to iberry which I forgot the name of right now-- sorry-- I know they have a location in La Villa Ari & Thonglor

    I'm trying to ask my friend where she brought me to a street place it's around Klong Toey --- I don't know the address but if she ever replies to my message I will post here.

    *edit: spelling

  6. Do any of you have any recommendations for Balayage highlights?? I mostly have given up on salons here and have been doing my own but I kind of want to have a nice look for my graduation next month and am hoping there is someone competent and NOT OVERPRICED in BKK, please let me know!

  7. I'm American and some of the things I miss in America are comedy and people in-line with my sense of humor and food stuff which I don't really need anyways.

    Work ethic here would have me slipping up back home, I can be a total slacker here and look like I'm doing a ton of work compared to my Thai co-workers (in most cases)

    I have this love/hate relationship with Thailand as I'm sure most people do.

    I really do go back n forth -- I miss USA when I'm here... When I'm in USA when I'm in Thailand


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