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Posts posted by aussiebrian

  1. This is a copy of a post I have written before on TV in response to a similar question. I would also recommend picking up the pup at around 8 weeks old.

    2011-07-21 02:47:11

    It would not be worth considering a long haired or short haired GSD especially in Thailand. In Australia, as an ethical breeder you don't breed from long haired, short haired or white GSD as they are faults, even though some of the public liked them and often you would see them selling for more in the newspaper than what you would pay for a GSD of a good standard with breed survey, hip x ray etc, through an ethical breeder in the GSD club.

    A GSD should have a double coat, both an undercoat and outercoat. They were originally breed from a variety of German sheep dogs, some with long coats, others with short coats. The long and short coats are just a throwback to the original stock. Considering the working heritage of the GSD breed, there are valid reasons for considering some coats faulty.

    The accepted standard coat is the most maintenance free and weather resistant. This is why it is the preferred coat type and was the only type allowed under the standard. When I was in the GSD club in Australia there was talk of some countries possibly allowing long haired with undercoats to be breed and showed. While writing this, I thought I would do some research and found this very interesting site. http://www.aboutgermanshepherddog.com/page.php?page_id=60 So now since 1st Jan 2011 long haired are recognized if they have an undercoat, but can't be breed to one with standard stock hair length.

    A short coat, also known as a "close coat" or "mole coat" usually has little to no undercoat, which reduces insulation against heat and cold and less water resistance, which are important to a dog working outside in all sorts of weather.

    The true long coat usually doesn't have an undercoat. This fault can allow the dog to get sunburn and it also reduces its water resistance and insulation properties. Plus, the long outer coat is more prone to matting, picking up burrs, etc...

    The bias against coats is not some nitpicking . It is respect for the breed standard. The coat requirements of the breed standard are not there just for some arbitrary reason or because someone thinks they look trendy. They are there for a very good reason when we consider the origin, heritage and purpose of this breed.

    There are many more things to think about when buying your GSD such as temperment, hip dysplasia, etc but most importantly is socializing, feeding getting all its shots from the vet and training your pup correctly.

    The worst place to purchase a pure bred dog would be somewhere like Chatuchak market as dogs that end up here are not only normally bred in factories that pump out as many dogs as possible, with no concern for the quality, or welfare of the parents or puppies, but may be cross bred. They also would have a lot more chance they have come into contact with distemper or some other disease that will kill or effect the dog for life.

  2. Your google search may have better results if you spell the breed name correctly. It is a German Shepherd Dog. I found this which should possibly steer you in the right direction.

    German Shepherd Dog Association of Thailand

    Categories: Company in Thailand > Associations & Chambers

    Address: 7 Soi Phahon Yothin 5, Phahon Yothin Rd., Sam Sen Nai, Phaya Thai, Bangkok 10400 Thailand See map from http://www.bangkokpost.com/business/company-in-thailand/listing/german-shepherd-dog-association-of-thailand/7863/

    Hope this helps.

  3. I should have said that the worst place to purchase a pure bred dog would be somewhere like Chatuchak market as dogs that end up here are not only normally bred in factories that pump out as many dogs as possible, with no concern for the quality, or welfare of the parents or puppies, but may be cross bred. They also would have a lot more chance they have come into contact with distemper or some other disease that will kill or effect the dog for life.

  4. It would not be worth considering a long haired or short haired GSD especially in Thailand. In Australia, as an ethical breeder you didn't breed from long haired, short haired or white GSD as they are faults, even though some of the public liked them and often you would see them selling for more in the newspaper than what you would pay for a GSD of a good standard with breed survey, hip x ray etc, through an ethical breeder in the GSD club.

    A GSD should have a double coat, both an undercoat and outercoat. They were originally breed from a variety of german sheep dogs, some with long coats, others with short coats. The long and short coats are just a throwback to the original stock. Considering the working heritage of the GSD breed, there are valid reasons for considering some coats faulty.

    The accepted standard coat is the most maintenance free and weather resistant. This is why it is the preferred coat type and was the only type allowed under the standard. When I was in the GSD club in Australia there was talk of some countries possibly allowing long haired with undercoats to be breed and showed. While writing this, I thought I would do some research and found this very interesting site. http://www.aboutgerm....php?page_id=60 So now since 1st Jan 2011 long haired are recognized if they have an undercoat, but can't be breed to one with standard stock hair length.

    A short coat, also known as a "close coat" or "mole coat" usually has little to no undercoat, which reduces insulation against heat and cold and less water resistance, which are important to a dog working outside in all sorts of weather.

    The true long coat usually doesn't have an undercoat. This fault can allow the dog to get sunburn and it also reduces its water resistance and insulation properties. Plus, the long outer coat is more prone to matting, picking up burrs, etc...

    The bias against coats is not some nitpicking . It is respect for the breed standard. The coat requirements of the breed standard are not there just for some arbitrary reason or because someone thinks they look trendy. They are there for a very good reason when we consider the origin, heritage and purpose of this breed.

    I have also found there is a GSD association of Thailand which normally would be a good place to start when looking for a new pup. http://www.gsdat.org/demo/ The site is in Thai, so not sure how helpful it is.

    There are many more things to think about when buying your GSD such as temperment, hip dysplasia, etc but most importantly is socializing, feeding getting all its shots from the vet and training your pup correctly. Good luck.. Hope that helps..

  5. Hi Mr Aussiebrian and GF hope I did not give the impression that I think Thai girl caddies are all useless, but some are!!

    As to tipping we all have different circumstances in my case I am retired here on a small income from the UK I can not afford to play golf on any of the top courses, I play at my local club when they have a price promotion, so my caddy gets the standard tip yes I wish I could give more but like many others I am not a wealthy Falang, I have had one girl doing her make up, talking on the phone and lagging at least 50mtrs behind the play(she got the same tip as the good girls)

    Yes I appreciate all you have said about this job being tough but working on a building site for 150bht is a lot tougher.

    Attached is my picture you must admit I am a looker lol :lol:

    My GF is Thai also but not a caddy.

    I did not realize what these girls have to do, so in future I will give a good girl caddy a better tip if I can afford to do so. if I offended your GF I apologize.

    Must say this any customer that gropes a girl caddy is sick, also I have had a girl caddy come on to me(I was not interested) I think some of these girl's use this job as a place to do there business if you know what I mean, I am sure this is a minority of girls.

    My GF has never seen you before, but if she thinks you look like a lovely kind and generous man and will say hi to you when she sees you at her club. Where do you normally play?

    Different clubs have weekly specials, for eg. Around 1000 Baht for 18 holes on Wednesdays at Phunaka or at Lock Palm has sports day on Thursday with cheaper rates. If you know some friend that is a member of a club, they can get you a cheaper ticket.

    My GF says some caddies good and some no good, so if you find a good caddy, you can ask next time for their number, but tell the caddy when you want to play next so they can work that day. You can make booking with your tee time.

  6. Hi Mr Aussiebrian and GF hope I did not give the impression that I think Thai girl caddies are all useless, but some are!!

    As to tipping we all have different circumstances in my case I am retired here on a small income from the UK I can not afford to play golf on any of the top courses, I play at my local club when they have a price promotion, so my caddy gets the standard tip yes I wish I could give more but like many others I am not a wealthy Falang, I have had one girl doing her make up, talking on the phone and lagging at least 50mtrs behind the play(she got the same tip as the good girls)

    Yes I appreciate all you have said about this job being tough but working on a building site for 150bht is a lot tougher.

    Attached is my picture you must admit I am a looker lol :lol:

    My GF is Thai also but not a caddy.

    I did not realize what these girls have to do, so in future I will give a good girl caddy a better tip if I can afford to do so. if I offended your GF I apologize.

    Must say this any customer that gropes a girl caddy is sick, also I have had a girl caddy come on to me(I was not interested) I think some of these girl's use this job as a place to do there business if you know what I mean, I am sure this is a minority of girls.

  7. It looks like I will play my golf at the driving range, the prices here in Phuket are just crazy (just looked at Mission Hills golf club, 3800 bht untill Oct, after this 4500 bht plus you have to have a golf cart 700 bht, 300 for caddie oh my god I think I need to move North where a great course I have seen is 500 bht, okay the courses are fantastic in Phuket but coupled with lazy useless caddies who give you a dirty look when you tip them 200 bht it's just something that makes you not wanting to play golf again.

    Are there public courses in Thailand with a more reasonable green fee??

    I agree with you about the cost of a game, but the caddies get many rude customers, grabbing at them like you may a bar girl, having to do many other jobs around the course, getting to work at ungodly hrs, having to wait all day for numbers, customers canceling, waiting all day for customers to turn up etc and all for no pay from the golf club. In the low season they may only get one or two customers a week and work rain or shine, carrying your clubs and walking the course and giving helpful tips. So I would give you nasty looks too if they spend hrs caddying for you and you only gave me a tip of 200baht. They are not supposed to give you nasty looks but to accept that.

    Yep appreciate all of that, so the tip you would give is how much?

    The standard tip for a caddie in this country is between 200 and 300 bht if you give a lot more then in the future these caddies will expect it again, if they do not get it then this is where the problems arise. the other day I gave my caddie 250 bht she was very happy...

    No reply from aussiebrian I guess he does not play golf or does not give a tip.

    Sorry about the late reply as I was just riding back from Penang for visa run and got in late last night.

    Yes, you are right, I don't play golf, but my gf is a caddy and I hear many stories about the customers. both good and bad. Ok, it depends on where you play and how many holes and what time. But the standard fee is 200 Baht for 9 holes and 300 Baht for 18 holes. If you think you have had a good caddy, then you should give a better tip, but that is up to you. As I was saying before, in the low season, remember the caddy may have to go to work and sit there for 2 days before they get their number then they can have one customer. So they normally only have 2 customers a week. Would you like to go to work 5 to 7 days, get 2 customers walk around 8 to 10 km for one customer and then get a small tip after waiting 2 days for them? In Australia, if you go to work you get paid, not so in Thailand.

    ps, my gf says she wants to see your face.

  8. It looks like I will play my golf at the driving range, the prices here in Phuket are just crazy (just looked at Mission Hills golf club, 3800 bht untill Oct, after this 4500 bht plus you have to have a golf cart 700 bht, 300 for caddie oh my god I think I need to move North where a great course I have seen is 500 bht, okay the courses are fantastic in Phuket but coupled with lazy useless caddies who give you a dirty look when you tip them 200 bht it's just something that makes you not wanting to play golf again.

    Are there public courses in Thailand with a more reasonable green fee??

    I agree with you about the cost of a game, but the caddies get many rude customers, grabbing at them like you may a bar girl, having to do many other jobs around the course, getting to work at ungodly hrs, having to wait all day for numbers, customers canceling, waiting all day for customers to turn up etc and all for no pay from the golf club. In the low season they may only get one or two customers a week and work rain or shine, carrying your clubs and walking the course and giving helpful tips. So I would give you nasty looks too if they spend hrs caddying for you and you only gave me a tip of 200baht. They are not supposed to give you nasty looks but to accept that.

  9. Is this thread for real?

    Yes the dog whisperer is good, but I ALWAYS look them in the eye and stay calm, then walk where I want to. Remember that soi dogs depend on humans, they won't bite you for no reason. They bark to tell they pack leader about a potential problem. if they're gonna bite you, why would they alert you to their presence by barking? They can't smell 'fear' they can smell adrenaline. Look them in the eye and just walk through them. It always works for me.

    I have never been bitten by a dog even though I walk through many soi's with lots of dogs around. But I am not scared of them either. In fact, I do pat most dogs I see if they seem friendly. But you must be able to read their body language. I ride a motorcycle and have been chased by many dogs, but I know it is only because they see me as prey as I ride past. If you can't out run the dog and are on a collision course, you just need to stop and turn your bike off, the dog will then walk away. Try it, it really works.

    Dogs do smell and sense fear. When you are frightened, many hormones are released and pumped through your body, adrenaline being one of them and then you sweat much more than normal. They can also read body language if they can see you.

    I trained German Shepherds for over 20 years and in a lecture we had by the Victorian Police Dog Squad, they said if they have to attend a factory or car yard with an intruder, when they arrive, if they can't see anyone, they yell out DOG SQUAD! If someone is lurking around they become more frightened and then they release the dogs and they can find them much easier as the person will smell about 20 times as strong.

    I would suggest not to stare into their eyes, which they can read as a threat.

    I found a good link which will explain a lot more. http://canidaepetfoo...sense-fear.html

  10. Yes, it is a pigeon, about 5 weeks old, still even with a bit of yellow down still on it's head. By the sounds of it's droppings, the picture and the way it is behaving it could have canker or possibly coccidiosis also known as going light. It is not flying much as it is young and unwell. By the looks of it, I doubt if it was someones pet, but just a wild pigeon.

    If it is canker, there will be a cheesy deposit growing in it's throat. It is quite easy to open it's beak and look down it's throat. Canker can be cured with anti canker drugs which only a good vet would sell. It may not be able to swallow it's food easily and will most likely be underweight with it's keel bone quite obviously pertruding. If you pick it up you will feel it sticking out and it may be very light. If it is coccidiosis it will also be very thin. Possibly a broad spectrum antibiotic may help. Most pigeons have the protozoan that infects the intestines which causes this disease but have built up an immunity. It can be passed on to humans, but normally through breathing in it's dried droppings but highly unlikely given there is only 1 and you are not scraping up tons if dried pigeon poo in a confined space.

    The diet it is getting is not what pigeons should eat, but it has little choice unless you can help feed it. If you can get a mixtures of grains, preferably a good pigeon mix but at least some like wheat and or dried peas, would help in it's recovery. Make sure it has clean water always available. Not sure where you are but if you are in Bangkok there are many pigeon fanciers there, so the food and medicine would be available.

    If it survives it will stay around forever and can become very tame. Hope this helps.

  11. Dr. Chusak is very good. If he doesn't know, he will recommend a specialist. I went to see him two years ago and again last year. He remembered me, didn't charge me either time and I'm now seeing a very good Rheumatologist at Phuket International that he said was the best. I would avoid Bangkok Phuket Hospital. They are way overpriced for really poor service with an attitude... At least from my experience.

    Thanks for all your replies. I saw Dr Chusak today and was also very happy with him. He worked out my problem fast and was very professional.

  12. Never used him, but friends have recommended a Dr Chusak in the Kata area for 'general ailments'.

    Maybe someone else can give you better contact / location details than I have.

    His surgery is half way along Tiana Road, that's the road from the traffic lights near the PTT gas station to the beach road. He is well known as a good general doctor, so good that the queues are often quite large. Another place in Patong that I would recommend is Dr Aryia on Soi Ketsup just past the main entrance to the Horizon Hotel.

    Thanks, I will give them a try. I have been to Bangkok Phuket Hospital before, but you never know what doctor you will get and have never been happy with any of them. It is not stomach problem. Possibly prostrate but not sure and would need tests.

  13. Just wondered if anyone can recommend a good doctor in Phuket? I live in Kathu so one around this area would be an advantage, but I will travel anywhere in Phuket if necessaty.. Thanks

  14. When I was very young in Fla. Just got my driver lic. and had a few Motor cycle guys after me I tried real hard to hit them thinking I got four wheels they are riding on two.After one fell off(cars hits bike) I saw a cop stopped him.Cop stopped the group that was after me,end of story.I drove away,thinking happy I was in a rental car.Police if they want can put a stop to it,very easy,did it in Arizona put them all in jail. My heart goes out to the family

    Sounds like you couldn't drive after you just got your licence and most likely almost killed them, then you say they were after you, more likely you were after them unless you put your car into R for race. Were they behind you or infront of you? You saw a cop stopped him, well why didn't you go and tell the cop what had happened? sounds more like the cop was helping the poor guy you almost killed and he was giving details about you. Hope you stay in your boat fishing and keep off the road with an attitude like that."Put them all in jail", sounds like that is where you should be.

  15. Hi all, I wrote to Gina and got a very prompt reply. So as most Thais ride scooters I would think the headline is being a bit sensationalist, and if it was normal practice for him to have a word with everyone driving or riding dangerously, it was almost bound to happen eventually. This is what I found out.

    Hi Brian, Thanks for your email and your interest. The details in the story are what the family have found out from one of Peter's neighbours who is a witness. They saw some of the exchange and from what i know peter had a word with the lads who were driving dangerously. He was not armed and they battered him before fleeing. It was the neighbour who also called police. Further details we don't know i'm afraid about whether or not the gang were wearing colours etc. However I do know from the family that Peter said the area had become very rough and lots of people were being murdered. The family feel there has been a cover-up because firstly the police are calling his death, death by assault, when it is in fact a murder. Still I suppose their thinking is that a murder of a westerner won't do their tourist trade any favours. The family are still battling to find out more from the Foreign Office. Thanks again for your interest. Gina Gina Marden

    What does she mean by wearing colors?

    Did Gina say where(become very rough and lots of people were being murdered.) it is?

    death by assault is less severe than murder a lot....

    Motorcycle clubs (or the term Team as used in Thailand) have a unique club patch or colours with "MC" meaning motorcycle club that are worn on the riders vest, bearing the insignia, with the club name and place where they are from. It was used in response to one of my questions. I assume it happened in Pattaya. I just received another email from her..

    "Brian, The gang term is that used by the neighbour as that is what they believed the attackers to be. Since the family were happy with the story that is my main concern. Thanks for your interest though. Gina Gina Marden

    Crime Reporter

    Basildon Echo

    Tel: 01268 469379"

  16. Hi all, I wrote to Gina and got a very prompt reply. So as most Thais ride scooters I would think the headline is being a bit sensationalist, and if it was normal practice for him to have a word with everyone driving or riding dangerously, it was almost bound to happen eventually. This is what I found out.

    Hi Brian, Thanks for your email and your interest. The details in the story are what the family have found out from one of Peter's neighbours who is a witness. They saw some of the exchange and from what i know peter had a word with the lads who were driving dangerously. He was not armed and they battered him before fleeing. It was the neighbour who also called police. Further details we don't know i'm afraid about whether or not the gang were wearing colours etc. However I do know from the family that Peter said the area had become very rough and lots of people were being murdered. The family feel there has been a cover-up because firstly the police are calling his death, death by assault, when it is in fact a murder. Still I suppose their thinking is that a murder of a westerner won't do their tourist trade any favours. The family are still battling to find out more from the Foreign Office. Thanks again for your interest. Gina Gina Marden

  17. How about this; It was a confrontation between a motorcycle gang and a fellow that pissed them off? What do you think happens if you try to pass the Hells Angels or Satans Choice when they are blocking a road driving illegally two abreast? Not every crime is motivated because someone is a foreigner. Sometimes the victims are just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

    Hey geriatric, in Australia it is not illegal to ride two abreast. I can't say about other places in the world but would think that is not. Staggered formation is far safer and most bikers prefer that. I love your choice of words, "Blocking a road." Riding two abreast takes up no more room than when you sit in your car driving on the road, (most likely chatting on your phone) and far less room than a truck "blocking a road" just because it was there. I bet you don't try running a truck off the road. Or do you think motorcycles should have to ride in the gutter? They have just as much right to be on the road as you do, except in Bangkok where they are discriminated against by law. And if you passed them legally, giving them a safe amount of clearance, without trying to run them off the road absolutely nothing will happen to you. How do you know it was not the other way around and Peter was pissed off about the motorcyclists being on the road and that is why he tried to confront them? I don't know and unless you know something that isn't in the story, neither do you. Let me guess, you don't ride a big motorcycle.

    With a quick google I see it is also legal in most if not all of the USA http://www.bmwbmw.or...hp?f=62&t=16242

    and many other places. Can't see anywhere where it is illegal for motorcycles, can you? I don't say I have searched every country. Do your research before you mouth off, but that I don't think is your style. I can just imagine you running off the road two outlaw motorcycles riding two abreast because you thought it was illegal, then got pissed off when they got upset, and blaming them for punching your lights out.

    As for everyone else's racist comments about Thais, I wonder why you bother living in Thailand. The article never said the so called "gang" were Thai. And as for the and anti motorcycle rhetoric, maybe you would speak different if you all rode a motorcycles and had to put up with imbeciles on the road that thought like you do. And for londonthai, "note to myself: drive off or drive them over, but don't stop. Risky and waste of time". I am really sorry it was not you beaten to death. Please go back to London and please stay off the roads and they will be a much safer place with out you.

    The reported story leaves a lot more questions than answers, and I don't think Gina Marden would ever get a job or win any awards as an investigative reporter.

    My condolences to the family of Peter if she got his name right.

  18. I think it's called enforcing traffic laws...you know, basic stuff like checking that moto-drivers are of legal driving age and have a driving license...also that ferengs have Thai or international MOTO licenses...helmets being worn...not more than two people riding on the bikes...maybe talking while driving...also that the bike is not stolen...that the bike's lights were on during use.

    Good work by the BIB.

    Don't make me laugh. Enforcing traffic laws... That is only done when they need extra cash..Police won't stop under-age riders in case they make a run for it, get hurt and the police get the blame..,.... Driving licences..if they don't have one, yes a fine and on their way.24 hrs to get one...I was never asked to show an international licence an OS licence has always done me just fine, Helmets not being worn, again for cash, have you ever seen anyone stopped for not wearing a helmet when there wasn't check point with many police pulling lots of bikes up.. police never worry if a Thai has more than 2 people on the bike.. I see under-age kids leaving the school over the road every day usually 3 up, no helmets and the police not only there, but waving them on..Talking while riding.. saw a policeman on his mobile phone today riding along chatting..6 years riding in Thailand over 140000km, never been checked for a stolen bike, lights don't have to be on during the day.. By my observations here looks like they don't need to be on at night either..I asked a policeman why they don't have a crackdown 555 on bikes with no tail lights, he said we don't worry about that..By the way, I know we were talking about Thailand, but when riding in Cambodia 2 years ago, I was booked $5 for having my lights ON during the day..

    Good work by the BIB r u kidding? You don't sound like you are being sarcastic, if you are my apologies

  19. I have a bulging disk. I was in very severe pain for 1 1/2 years. The Dr in Australia put me on anti inflammatory and pain killers. Still some days I could hardly get out of bed. It was suggested for me to try glucosamine. I read a lot about it and almost didn't bother trying it as many articles said it has not been proved to have any effect. (See attached Choice article) Most testing is done on glucosamine sulphate. A pharmacist said I should try glucosamine hydrochloride. It is made from shell fish and has no side effects unless you are allergic to shell fish. Blackmores also makes one from vegetable matter..

    The pharmacist said it would take at least 3 to 4 weeks before I felt any improvement. 10 days later the back pain stopped, my arthritic toes stopped hurting and my knee that I was told I should have another reconstruction 7 years ago has never felt better.

    I am not saying this will work for everyone, but I have told about 10 friends about this that have had back pain and it has worked for all but one. I think the one it didn't work for didn't take it every day.

    If I stop taking them for about 1 week my pain starts coming back.

    I have tried 3 different brands. One didn't work. It was in tablet form. I have been taking 1000mg capsule Blackmores brand every day for the last 2 1/2 years and the worst pain I get now,and that is rare, is how I used to feel on a good day.

    In Thailand it is very expensive, about 880 baht for 80 capsules of glucosamine sulphate 250 mg. This is about $1.20 per dose. In Australia I buy 1000 mg, 300 capsules for around $45 or about 15c a dose. This is nearly 1 years supply for me. Recommended dose is 1500mg. Guess where I buy mine from? I personally wouldn't trust the Thai made ones.

    Hope that helps you or maybe someone reading the post. I would be interested if you could message me if you try it and you also have a miracle cure or if it has no effect and let me know your results. Good luck..

    choice glucosamine.pdf

  20. Hope that's right, a Staffordshire Bull Terrier should normally not be too bad, but with the way Thai's control dogs, maybe even the Staffordshire Bull Terrier could get into trouble because of their strength.. That is just my opinion.. But would like to see Pit Bulls kept out. I know there are some already here as we had one next door to me tied up all day. I tried to stay on it's good side by patting it almost every day. When it got to about 9 months old I couldn't get near it. I think they had it for fighting..I pity the poor kid that may want to give it a pat, even worse I dreaded the day I saw it running around my soi free as I am sure it would latch on the the first moving thing that took it's fancy.

    Some may be sweet, but I wouldn't trust one.

    • Like 1
  21. Lucky you floridaguy. I've been booked for using an overpass, an underpass, and for not being on a frontage road.


    I have been booked over 30 times in Bangkok, mostly for not being in the left lane of the frontage road, but about 5 or 6 times for being on an underpass, expressway over a bridge I was not supposed to cross even though I was following a stream of bikes over it. Just because I was on a big bike makes no difference at all. I try to avoid being on them but sometimes I have accidentally gone on ones I am not supposed to be on. I have also talked my way out a few times.

    Following my gps one day when I accidentally got lost and ended up on an expressway, I even had a police escort off it, . He opened up a gate along the way, and told me to follow him. . I followed him over the footpaths in heavy traffic when the cars were blocking the road, through one red light when it wasn't changing for a while, (with other bikes also going through), all the way to the picture theatre I was trying to find. With no fine that time he waved me good bye.

    The police can travel along anywhere they like, even on a small bike but on my CBR1100 and now my Harley I can not. I have talked to many police about this and their usual answer is it is dangerous to travel along them, you are not allowed to and you must travel in the left lane on frontage and all roads.

    I don't think Florida guy has been in Bangkok long or has been extremely lucky so far. I would if he keeps travelling where he likes his luck won't last much longer.

    I believe that if this changed there would be around 30% less death and injuries from motorcycles in Bangok. Maybe I should put this on a new thread.

  22. Hey, hope it's not too off topic, but what are the rules about using the road under the Motorway? I see signs in Bang Na forbidding bikes, but further on there are none.

    So what's the rules please?

    It's basically legal until you get caught at which point it becomes illegal, if you get my drift.

    It used to be legal up to about 1 1/2 years ago to travel along Bangna Trad Road under the motorway, all the way, then the signs of no bikes popped up. The police patrol the road often and also just sit on the side waiting for motorcycles to book. Where the signs finish then there is no problem which by memory would be about near the airport turn off.

    I think they want motorcyclists in Bangkok to die with the crazy laws of not being able to travel on freeways, expressways, tollways, over some bridges and then to make it even worse having to be in the left lane. You must must wear a helmet but a bit of plastic on your head whether done up or not will suffice. I have been booked over 30 times, usually for not being in the left lane, but normally 100baht takes care of the problem. Lately they have wanted more. I don't understand why there are no protests by motorcycle clubs to the crazy laws.

    Instead of encouraging motorcycles to travel around Bangkok, they discriminate against to them to such a degree that it becomes the slowest and most dangerous way to travel around Bangkok. Imagine if all the motorcycles in Bangkok were cars.. No one would ever get anywhere.

    When I came back from North Thailand travelling to Bangna, once arriving into the outskirts of Bangkok, I had about 50 kms of travel on roads next to the express ways, battling with buses and cars pulling in and out of streets, shopping centres or just wanting to stop infront of me. I am riding a Harley, it can travel faster, handles better, is worth more than most cars and does less damage to the road surface. The trip took nearly 2 hours of hel_l, but if I could have been allowed on the tollway I would have been in Bangna in about 30 minutes without the many people cutting me off every couple of minutes. The police had a blitz on, with at least 7 groups of police along the way with many motorcycles being booked at each one.

    So why am I a second class citizen? Ok. restrict anything under 125cc but why big bikes? If it was supposed to be for our safety they are just wrong, or is it just because car drivers want to feel superior and don't want us on their roads plus motorcycles are easy targets for the police to make money from? I think so.

    There are no restrictions in other countries, with most giving motorcycles free passage on tollways, Malaysia and Australia are 2 examples. In Malaysia they even have signs with an umbrella, with places along the freeways where motorcycles can stop under cover incase of rain.

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