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Posts posted by aussiebrian

  1. I have had a lot of dental work done in Phnom Phen. It has been great quality and my dentist does Zinconia crowns with free root canal treatment for $300 and a 7 year warranty and implants were around US$1200 and US$1600 depending where implant was made. I had a implant done here in Thailand 6 years ago, that was 65,000 baht.

    Last time I had 3 crowns and 2 root canals surgery done. I only gave the dentist 5 days as I was flying out. The first day, he prepared the teeth. Two days before I was flying, I came in to get them fitted. The dentist looked horrified and said they had made them 2 shades the wrong colour. He called the dental technician up, within 30 minutes he arrived. The dentist had a bit to say to him, but amazingly, the next day, the dentist had my crowns back, this time the right colour. He fitted them and all was done 1 day before I flew.

    For an implant you would need 2 trips to Cambodia, first time to have the Titanium bolt inserted, second time 3 to 6 months later for the tooth.

    Depending on the condition of your bone, a bone transplant may also be needed.

    I can say after 9 crowns and many root canal treatments and other work, so far everything has gone well.

    • Like 2
  2. I think you mean hyaluronic acid. If you want to use it for treating osteoarthritis have you tried Glucosamine HCL capsules? It works wonders with me and many friends, even my friends dog and my sisters 14 YO pig, but I think as you say filler you want it for beauty so I can't help you, sorry sad.png

    He didn't say he wanted it for beauty. He probably wants to inject it into a joint to relieve pain.

    If the OP said just hyaluronic acid you would most likely be right, and my original thought on the subject would also be, but the term filler normally means hyaluronic acid wrinkle filler. If you google it with the word filler, all links relate to wrinkle filler.

  3. I think you mean hyaluronic acid. If you want to use it for treating osteoarthritis have you tried Glucosamine HCL capsules? It works wonders with me and many friends, even my friends dog and my sisters 14 YO pig, but I think as you say filler you want it for beauty so I can't help you, sorry sad.png

  4. As posted above, need to be the 5 years license.

    Yes, it's definitely valid in Cambodia.

    It's valid in all the ASEAN countries (and some additional countries), since the change to the plastic credit card style license.

    Unfortunately that's still not a guarantee that the local policeman won't try to fine you anyway sad.png

    I got pulled up with 5 year Thai licence in Phnom Phen. Police wanted to fine me $5, but I argued with him for about 10 minutes before he let me go. They will try anything. If you are on a motorcycle, make sure you have a switch so you can turn off your headlight during the day, otherwise you will be pulled up when a cop sees you and a $5 fine.

  5. I think the fact that a person is prepared to stick a needle in his arm, and not be sure of the purity or strength of what he's injecting, shows a serious lack of intellect.

    I'd also take issue with the poster who contends that, "This happens in all societies, with no boundaries of socio economic class or culture in all countries around the world.".

    I don't believe for a second that the number of addicts, and therefore deaths, or even the number of addicts/users, is nearly as high in higher socio/economic/intellectual groups as those in the lower strata, and I'd even go as far to say that wouldn't even be close on percentages, rather than totals.

    I have no statistics to back up my claim, but one could perhaps use other crime rates as a guide? Crime rates in the lower socio/economic/intellectual groups is many times that in the higher s/e/i groups.

    I will take issue with you on your comprehension of what I said. Did I say anything about "nearly as high in higher socio/economic/intellectual groups as those in the lower strata" ?

  6. What was he injecting? TV's drug users may like a heads-up or they too may be found dead in a petrol station toilet after inadvertently injecting themselves with rat poison which their dealer had insisted was high-grade heroin. These stories only ever contain a fraction of the important information.neus.gif.pagespeed.ce.ptR4K2not3.gif

    Could be anything, and won't stop till it becomes a health problem rather than a legal one.

  7. Ever wonder...why so many Thais...escape to alcohol and drugs...is daily living in Thai culture...so hard to deal with...or does the easy access to drugs and cheap alcohol have anything to do with it...? Is it escapism...or opting out of society...?


    This happens in all societies, with no boundaries of socio economic class or culture in all countries around the world.

  8. It scares me to think of you riding around on a motorcycle especially on a big bike without knowing how to use your brakes without ABS. I would suspect you are not using them correctly with ABS, I would also suspect you need to learn some other skills. I have ridden a few bikes with ABS but never owned one, and I have been riding everyday for over 45 years.

    When on a good dry road, use about 80% with the front brake and 20% with the rear.

    On a wet road about 50/50

    On dirt, gravel or sand about 10% or 20% with the front and the rest with the rear. Try and be upright when you brake, especially on a loose surface.

    Be smooth, and squeeze the brakes don't panic and slam them on.

    Under normal circumstances use your brakes in conjunction with your gears, giving a small rev just before shifting down, but in an emergency situation, forget the gears, concentrate on your brakes.

    If a dog does suddenly jump out in front of you, brake by all means, always checking your rear view mirror before braking, but don't panic. Many people drop their bikes before they hit the dog (or car) because they jump on the brakes too hard and lock up the front brake. Others hit the dog with the brakes still applied, that is when the bike will come down. If you are going to hit the dog, it is better for both you and the dog not to be braking when you hit it, but to accelerate just before you hit it. That will make the front lighter so it can go over the dog. If you are braking hard when you hit the dog (or other animal or object on the road) you WILL lock your front wheel and go down.

    Practice braking in a car park in a controlled situation. If you do drop it, it will be much better than on the road with cars around. Practice going through witches hats and straightening the bike up and stopping. Get a friend to suddenly raise their hand at any time for you to stop. Watch twist of the wrist 2 video by Keith Code, which explains all riding techniques including braking. You can find it on youtube, There is also a pdf file you will find with a google search too that you can download..


    Good luck,keep the shiny side up

    • Like 1
  9. Thanks, sounds interesting. You say it is mountain slope land, but in the pictures the land looks quite flat. What area are they in?

    Also you say "You can work 1 day picking the pineapple and rest for 3 days if you like" What happens on the other 3 days of the week? Or do you mean you can pick every 4 days?

    For anyone interested this looks like an interesting site.http://www.saico.co.th/localpineaple.php In Thailand, there are 27 pineapple species

    • Like 1
  10. 6 months, the herniation has likely resolved, quite likely that the degeneration has resulted in a narrowing of the space where the nerve root exits and that only surgery will relieve this. However, you need a spinal specialist to confirm that. What you will have seen in Bkk Phuket Hosp is not that, just a regular ortho. And it sounds like you did not get much of an evaluation in Oz.

    I strongly suggest you consult this doctor in Bangkok:



    It is the same doctor, he has hours at both BNH and Bangkok Christian hospitals. I include both websites because only the BNH one has his CV. However since you will be paying out of pocket it would be better to see him at Bkk Christian, less expensive.

    If he recommends surgery, be frank with him regarding the fact that you are paying out of pocket. Likely cost if done at Bkk Chrisitan is somewhere between 150-200K baht, can be reduced a bit by having a semi-private room. Would be higher at BNH. Higher still at Bkk Phuket hospital and nowhere near the same level of expertise.

    Thanks Sheryl, great advise but I may take up grumpyoldmans offer, if hanging doesn't work then acupuncture and if all fails I will look at an opinion from the Dr. you suggest. I want to leave the operation as a last resort.

  11. Phuket International Hospital Acupuncture & Alternative Medicine center has gotten generally good reports.


    That said, pain from nerve compression from a protruding disc does not, in my experience, respond well to acupuncture.

    Physiotherapy -- particularly lumbar traction -- is apt to do more good.

    Thanks Sheryl, I did have Physiotherapy, Traction made it worse. I also had ultrasound, electrical stimulation, heat treatment, cold packs, chiropractic manipulation treatment and short wave none of which helped. I have read that acupuncture is very good for nerve pain.

    Have you been evaluated by a good specialist in spinal disorders (not just a regular orthopedist)?

    If this has been going on for sometime it may not be due to a herniated disc. Pain from those will usually resolve within say 2 months. Note that the fact that there is a disc herniation does not mean pain is due to it. Lots of people have herniated disks without any symptoms, and lots of people have back pain from a cause other than herniated disk even though there is one.

    If there is bone spur pressing on the nerve and/or the vertebral space where the nerve root exits is too small, nothing but surgery is going to help that.

    From what you recount I think you'd find it a worthwhile investment to come to Bangkok and be evaluated by a really good spinal specialist.

    Yes, I had a x-ray and then a MRI and it was then they diagnosed the herniated disc and degeneration of my spine, causing the sciatica. This was done at Bangkok hospital Phuket. It has been going on for 6 months now. About 1 month ago, I was in so much pain I was admitted to Bangkok Hospital Phuket. They wanted to give me microdiscectomy surgery.

    My insurance said they want me to get the best treatment back in Australia so sent me back to Australia even though I said I didn't want to go. They didn't want to take a risk that something would go wrong here even though it cost them 4 times the cost of the operation to get me back. Even had a Thai nurse accompany me on the plane so she could give me morphine and look after me. It is a very long story, but my insurance told me they had arranged the flight, and I had a bed in Royal Melbourne. The bed bit was BS.

    I was transported by ambulance to the airport,had a stretcher on the plane, then transported by ambulance to Royal Melbourne hospital. After waiting on a stretcher for 3 hrs, a Malaysian Dr there told me, even before an examination that the health system is stuffed in Australia, gave me a prescription for some morphine tablets, said I would need to contact out patients as I wasn't an emergency, which would take at least 3 weeks and at least 3 months for an operation. I was then sent away.

    A friend has been waiting 2 years for the same operation. So after being in hospital 2 weeks in Thailand, I had to push my luggage out of the hospital and wait for a friend to pick me up.

    After 1 week in Melbourne, I got a flight back here.

    It is now a pre existing illness, so I don't have any more cover for this. At least I got to see may daughter and got a few things done.

  12. Phuket International Hospital Acupuncture & Alternative Medicine center has gotten generally good reports.


    That said, pain from nerve compression from a protruding disc does not, in my experience, respond well to acupuncture.

    Physiotherapy -- particularly lumbar traction -- is apt to do more good.

    Thanks Sheryl, I did have Physiotherapy, Traction made it worse. I also had ultrasound, electrical stimulation, heat treatment, cold packs, chiropractic manipulation treatment and short wave none of which helped. I have read that acupuncture is very good for nerve pain.

  13. I have sciatica arising from a spinal disc herniation and wondered if anyone here has had traditional Chinese acupuncture in Phuket with success and if you have any recommendations of a good acupuncturist?

  14. This would be laughable if not so serious.

    Look at Vietnam, back in 2003 no one wore helmets, then they made it a law, and enforced it, and now you don't see anyone without a helmet on.

    Make the helmets conform at least to the DOT safety standard.

    Make sure people do them up properly, not with chin cups, which are banned in most western countries.

    The article says "We also need the police to get people to wear helmets, not to drive drunk and to wear safety belts.” Maybe it would be a good start to get the police to wear helmets as a good example to the public, and not to have the strap hanging down, or use the stupid chin cup and to do it up firmly.

    I told a policeman that the helmets people normally wouldn't protect them in the event of a collision, he sad they protect you from the police.

    I have attached a presentation I gave to the road safety department in Bangkok back in 2006 and told them I have many more ideas and this was a presentation made up quickly to give them an idea of some of my thoughts. I said would help them to cut the road toll for free. This was given them through a very influential friend who had just retired as minister for the interior. My response was they weren't interested.

    Well, I have clocked up another 200000 km around mostly Thailand since them, on my motorcycle and 80000 km in my car since then. I bet they still aren't interested.

    I know many of you won't agree with my thoughts of Thai drivers, but I still believe this.

    I have also omitted my details for here.

    Plan To Reduce Road Trauma and Congestion.ppt

    • Like 1
  15. I said go back through the links and you will see how Halpin pushed the guy to sign a report in Thai he did not understand. Boonlert was transferred soon after.

    Sent from my i-mobile IQ 9.2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Ok, I have found what you are talking about "While still in the cell a police officer brought a statement written in Thai for Sequeira to sign. He refused as he didn’t understand the document. But a New Zealander introduced to him as a tourism police officer and one of the few officials who could speak English, told him it was safe to sign the document as it was “just a formality”."

    There is no mention of Gary by name and I don't know if Gary was the only tourist police from New Zealand working at Chalong, but the odds are it was him.

    The story in http://www.iol.co.za/news/south-africa/gauteng/my-r200-000-holiday-hell-1.1147472#.Ut-hsEDQMnI

    But convicting him over this on the basis of a newspaper article from South Africa, when Sequeira possibly had fake $US and if he did would be trying to blame others and plead innocent, again needs to be looked at in perspective. Gary was not charged. The other officer was, but cleared. Whether a person is found guilty of innocent by a court is never infallible. To believe what you read in a newspaper is not a good way to think you know the truth. Gary didn't have a trial. I haven't heard his side of the story. What the truth is I don't know, but many people will jump to assumptions.

    When someone is accused of something, does not mean they are guilty.

    • Like 1
  16. I Googled and found nothing......

    It's the headline from a Phuket Gazette story. Halpin set up the South African guy for an 800K scam.

    Sent from my i-mobile IQ 9.2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Where? I found nothing either.

    Here it is. If you go back through the links Halpin forced the guy to sign a police statement written in Thai ..... http://www.phuketgazette.net/archives/articles/2011/article11222.html

    Well, you got the headline almost right, but there is no mention of Gary Halpin in the article. It is about a Chalong Police duty officer Boonlert Onklang, who was cleared.

  17. You are wrong on all counts.

    Yes, I remember. That is not what you said. You are now saying

    "In Thailand anyone who gets arrested is automatically guilty because the Thai police never ever arrest innocent people!"

    If you were trying to be sarcastic then that means that Gary possibly could be innocent, so you agree with my point.

    That is a lot different to your first quote

    "that if the police in Thailand arrest a person then they are automatically presumed guilty, even the courts will presume they are guilty. Do they?

    Automatically assumed guilty by who? You?

    Can't you see the difference between your two statements? Doesn't really matter because both are nonsense.

    You say "even the courts will presume they are guilty." You sound like you must be a member of the bar. I think I know which one.

    2. Office of the Attorney General

    A public prosecutor is an official under the office of the Attorney General and is governed by the Regulation of Public Prosecutor Officers Act 1978 (B.E. 2521). The Office of the Attorney-General, formerly called the Public Prosecution Department, was separated from the Ministry of Interior and became a state agency under the direct supervision of the Prime Minister in 1991 to make the Office free from outside influence and interference.

    The public prosecutor is responsible for bringing a criminal prosecution on behalf of the government and represents the government in civil cases where the government is a party to the proceedings. When the investigation is completed, a report is filed with the public prosecutor, who then prepares an indictment and gives a copy to the accused or his counsel, who enter a plea of guilty or not guilty.

    Based on the plea and the evidence that has been gathered, the judge either accepts a case for trial or dismisses all charges. Trials are normally held in open court, and the accused is presumed to be innocent until proven guilty. If the defendant has no counsel and wishes to be represented the court appoints a defence attorney. During trials, accused persons or their counsels can cross-examine prosecution witnesses and re-examine defence witnesses.


    The Thai Criminal Court hears two types of cases: (1) cases in which Defendants are accused of criminal conduct by public prosecutors, and (2) cases in which the Court accepts the prosecution of a criminal case arising from a civil lawsuit filed by a Plaintiff. In either type, one of the first courses of action for Defendants is to apply for a provisional release pending trial to avoid being detained or, what is more commonly known as posting bail. Essentially, the Court will allow the temporary release of Defendants during trial because the core principle of Thai criminal proceedings is that Defendants are innocent until proven guilty, as stated in the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand of 2007, Section 39. Limitations on bail are detailed in the Section 108/1 of the Criminal Procedure Code and require the Court to withhold the release of Defendants if there is reason to believe that the Defendant will escape, tamper with evidence, or otherwise cause any difficulties.


    But I am sure you know better.

    Then you say " Now to the second post, I think all foreign tourist cops are dregs, looking to make themselves important, losers with too many chips on their shoulders. All the ones I have seen are ignorant, rude in speech, always trying to talk down to one and basically have no manners, plus their schooling seems to have ended at 15 or 16 years old, latest."

    You must have spent many years traveling around Thailand in the company of all the tourist cops, or is that just a slight generalization? How many tourist police have you actually met or you really just mean seen and can know all that just by the way they look?? Where do you get your analytical skills from that you can make such broad sweeping statements?? As I said in my post "Or is his guilt and hang him high mentality just based on your prejudice of him being a volunteer tourist policeman?" Looks like you have just answered my question again.

    Maybe you are just jealous they possibly had more schooling than you.

    You say "As this thread is about Gary the presumed guilty ex.oink then I will not discuss the workings of the Thai police as they are off subject. So no comment about the Thai hot fuzz."

    Presumed guilty by who, you? I thought the workings of the Thai Police was part of this subject. So now you are calling them hot fuzz, sounds like a comment to me.

    And lastly, I don't drink and haven't been drunk since I was in my early 20's, so wrong again..

    Your and some other posters speed of condemning someone they don't know, on a thread of evidence and lack of empathy is outstanding.

    And no, I am not a tourist policeman. Peace man.

    The highly trained and highly paid Thai police must be totally infallible and would never set anyone up in your eyes? Never telling any pork pies? Amazing, even in Australia there have been many police found to have set people up for various reasons. One of many examples that springs to my mind is Roger Rogerson. Try googling him if you can put your beer down and know how to. Glad that could never happen in Thailand. Without knowing Gary, or his side of the story and based on evidence of a Thai newspaper article, which we all know are always sourced by the best investigative reporters in the world, being always 100% accurate, you can make this educated assumption he is guilty. Or do you know something we don't know? Maybe you will need to pray to your invisible friend if you end up behind bars.

    Or is his guilt and hang him high mentality just based on your prejudice of him being a volunteer tourist policeman?

    Tell me now, do you think all tourist police are the scum of the earth and all the Thai police would never dream of perverting the course of justice are only there to put evil criminals behind bars?

    I am not saying he is guilty or innocent based on the small amount of evidence I have seen, but i think the very least he deserves is for any decent person to keep an open mind. I do know he devoted much time and energy helping many people in Phuket including myself on two occasions and helping out at Phuket bike week.

    He should at least be treated as being innocent until proven guilty beyond reasonable doubt which is the case in any civilized country. Even if found guilty that really does not mean he is guilty or if that was the case then no one would ever have been executed and later been found to be innocent and exonerated.

    Treat him with the respect he deserves !!

    Respect! What respect does this asswi*e deserve pray tell? He's just another pathetic wannabe cop who was dealing dope. A loser who could legally don a silly uniform and then believe that he had the power to command the public. I have seen too many of these toady foreign tourist cops who are just full of their own self importance. In any civilized country these prats wouldn't even be employed as police station cleaners.

    As AC/DC said, "Good riddance to bad rubbish".

    Sent from my e1909c_v77_gq1008_a41_6628 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Read what I posted again, that's if you can, my first post remember. I said that if the police in Thailand arrest a person then they are automatically presumed guilty, even the courts will presume they are guilty.

    Now to the second post, I think all foreign tourist cops are dregs, looking to make themselves important, losers with too many chips on their shoulders. All the ones I have seen are ignorant, rude in speech, always trying to talk down to one and basically have no manners, plus their schooling seems to have ended at 15 or 16 years old, latest.

    As this thread is about Gary the presumed guilty ex.oink then I will not discuss the workings of the Thai police as they are off subject. So no comment about the Thai hot fuzz.

    You seem determined to pick at me over what I said about gary the ex oink. Well, what the law books say and what actually happens in reality are very different. In reality everyone, cops, judges, lawyers, probation, automatically assume that anyone who has been arrested is guilty. Thailand always has been that a person is guilty until you can prove their innocence, and normally innocence comes at a high price. Either one pays the police off before going to court, or if the case reaches the court, then one needs to pay the prosecutor and/or judge. Thai jails are full of poor people, as the rich manage to always slide away. When a person claims innocence, their trial will always happen many years later, as the courts blackmail a person into saying guilty. For a guilty plea the sentence will be reduced by half but when a person gets found guilty, and the poor always do, then the person gets double jail time. Gary oink is going to be in jail for quite some time, then deported and blacklisted (100 years).

    As for my education level, well, I maybe a bit stupid at times but I'm certainly not that daft to get involved with asswi*e foreigners who wear stupid tourist cop uniforms. Happy now? Finished your silly little crusade now?

    You say "As for my education level, well, I maybe a bit stupid at times" clap2.gif To me looks like it is another one of those times you are being a bit stupid. Fantastic, at least we have one point we can agree on. cheesy.gif Silly little crusade? No, I don't have a silly little crusade. Yes, I will finish in this conversation with you because I have waisted enough time here beating my head against a brick wall.

  18. i saw this in the carefordogs site in chiang mai on facebook:

    "Are you looking for a cuddly teddy bear of a dog to keep you warm this season? Let us introduce...

    Moo Daeng

    This beauty of a big fella is eager for his new partner and place to call home. He is obviously an imposing char...acter and will do well with someone that is familiar with large dogs. He would be best suited to a place with no other male dogs at least, or children as he likes to run the show. He loves humans though and exercise is one of his favorite things, so we hope that he will bring fun and enjoyment to someone's life soon"

    he looks to be a large thai dog... looks self confident, well built, basic fur, red in colour... his pic is on their site, from dog of the week january 5th. he doesnt look soft and cuddly , he is built like a canaan dog (the israeli native village type dog .maybe thats why i like his look), looks athletic, dominant (his tail in pic is straight up), but human friendly. just the kind for guarding house areas and yet getting along with family/friends. anyhow, good luck, check out their site, there are similar dog rescue sites in bangkok as well,

    if so, go for a male and female or two females (females are often better guard dogs, as they dont wander, and theya re more home based and protective. JFYI).

    You are better off with one male and one female. Two males are normally better together than two females. Female dogs are easier to control and train than males, but the reason I say two males over two females is they don't call females bitches for nothing. They do tend to fight with each other more than 2 males would. I bought them around the same time as puppies so they grew up together. It would possibly be harder and riskier introducing 2 older bitches together, that didn't know each other. But again, they all have their own personalities and not all are the same.

    As Bina pointed out, bitches are normally more protective. But if you have two German Shepherds you want as guard dogs, I wouldn't be letting them get out of your property and roaming free, but have your property fenced with a fence high enough to keep them in. Not sure how big your property is, but then don't forget they will also need daily walks.

    Of course if you had one of each sex, unless you want to breed from them, have them both desexed. Otherwise you must separate them each time when the bitch comes on heat if you don't want a litter at the time and they won't be the best for guarding your property then as they will have other things on their mind.

    It is also much healthier for them having your bitches spayed as during heat they are more prone to infections.

    I owned two German Shepherds bitches for thirteen years, both were highly trained with obedience titles. I trained them, attending the German Shepherd Dog Club weekly and sometimes biweekly all of their lives. Most of the time they were good together and best friends, but if one got jealous of the other for some reason, all hell would break loose.

    My male German Shepherd I got after them was much more head strong, and a bit harder to train. Normally police in Australia use dogs as they are larger with bigger heads and therefore more threating. Females are more often used as rescue and tracking.

    Good luck,

    • Like 1
  19. Boy, maybe about time to learn,then maybe you wouldn't have enlightened us with this post..

    is this not the KIWI/AUS silver spoon boy that was done not long back, that the family in Aus said that he was the nicest, gentlest, most helpful wouldn't hurt a fly a$$wipe that tried to blame his problems on his wife????

    I ask as I don't know how to check old threads, sorry.

  20. You are wrong on all counts.

    Yes, I remember. That is not what you said. You are now saying

    "In Thailand anyone who gets arrested is automatically guilty because the Thai police never ever arrest innocent people!"

    If you were trying to be sarcastic then that means that Gary possibly could be innocent, so you agree with my point.

    That is a lot different to your first quote

    "that if the police in Thailand arrest a person then they are automatically presumed guilty, even the courts will presume they are guilty. Do they?

    Automatically assumed guilty by who? You?

    Can't you see the difference between your two statements? Doesn't really matter because both are nonsense.

    You say "even the courts will presume they are guilty." You sound like you must be a member of the bar. I think I know which one.

    2. Office of the Attorney General

    A public prosecutor is an official under the office of the Attorney General and is governed by the Regulation of Public Prosecutor Officers Act 1978 (B.E. 2521). The Office of the Attorney-General, formerly called the Public Prosecution Department, was separated from the Ministry of Interior and became a state agency under the direct supervision of the Prime Minister in 1991 to make the Office free from outside influence and interference.
    The public prosecutor is responsible for bringing a criminal prosecution on behalf of the government and represents the government in civil cases where the government is a party to the proceedings. When the investigation is completed, a report is filed with the public prosecutor, who then prepares an indictment and gives a copy to the accused or his counsel, who enter a plea of guilty or not guilty.
    Based on the plea and the evidence that has been gathered, the judge either accepts a case for trial or dismisses all charges. Trials are normally held in open court, and the accused is presumed to be innocent until proven guilty. If the defendant has no counsel and wishes to be represented the court appoints a defence attorney. During trials, accused persons or their counsels can cross-examine prosecution witnesses and re-examine defence witnesses.


    The Thai Criminal Court hears two types of cases: (1) cases in which Defendants are accused of criminal conduct by public prosecutors, and (2) cases in which the Court accepts the prosecution of a criminal case arising from a civil lawsuit filed by a Plaintiff. In either type, one of the first courses of action for Defendants is to apply for a provisional release pending trial to avoid being detained or, what is more commonly known as posting bail. Essentially, the Court will allow the temporary release of Defendants during trial because the core principle of Thai criminal proceedings is that Defendants are “innocent until proven guilty,” as stated in the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand of 2007, Section 39. Limitations on bail are detailed in the Section 108/1 of the Criminal Procedure Code and require the Court to withhold the release of Defendants if there is reason to believe that the Defendant will escape, tamper with evidence, or otherwise cause any difficulties.


    But I am sure you know better.

    Then you say " Now to the second post, I think all foreign tourist cops are dregs, looking to make themselves important, losers with too many chips on their shoulders. All the ones I have seen are ignorant, rude in speech, always trying to talk down to one and basically have no manners, plus their schooling seems to have ended at 15 or 16 years old, latest."

    You must have spent many years traveling around Thailand in the company of all the tourist cops, or is that just a slight generalization? How many tourist police have you actually met or you really just mean seen and can know all that just by the way they look?? Where do you get your analytical skills from that you can make such broad sweeping statements?? As I said in my post "Or is his guilt and hang him high mentality just based on your prejudice of him being a volunteer tourist policeman?" Looks like you have just answered my question again.

    Maybe you are just jealous they possibly had more schooling than you.

    You say "As this thread is about Gary the presumed guilty ex.oink then I will not discuss the workings of the Thai police as they are off subject. So no comment about the Thai hot fuzz."

    Presumed guilty by who, you? I thought the workings of the Thai Police was part of this subject. So now you are calling them hot fuzz, sounds like a comment to me.

    And lastly, I don't drink and haven't been drunk since I was in my early 20's, so wrong again..

    Your and some other posters speed of condemning someone they don't know, on a thread of evidence and lack of empathy is outstanding.

    And no, I am not a tourist policeman. Peace man.

    The highly trained and highly paid Thai police must be totally infallible and would never set anyone up in your eyes? Never telling any pork pies? Amazing, even in Australia there have been many police found to have set people up for various reasons. One of many examples that springs to my mind is Roger Rogerson. Try googling him if you can put your beer down and know how to. Glad that could never happen in Thailand. Without knowing Gary, or his side of the story and based on evidence of a Thai newspaper article, which we all know are always sourced by the best investigative reporters in the world, being always 100% accurate, you can make this educated assumption he is guilty. Or do you know something we don't know? Maybe you will need to pray to your invisible friend if you end up behind bars.

    Or is his guilt and hang him high mentality just based on your prejudice of him being a volunteer tourist policeman?

    Tell me now, do you think all tourist police are the scum of the earth and all the Thai police would never dream of perverting the course of justice are only there to put evil criminals behind bars?

    I am not saying he is guilty or innocent based on the small amount of evidence I have seen, but i think the very least he deserves is for any decent person to keep an open mind. I do know he devoted much time and energy helping many people in Phuket including myself on two occasions and helping out at Phuket bike week.

    He should at least be treated as being innocent until proven guilty beyond reasonable doubt which is the case in any civilized country. Even if found guilty that really does not mean he is guilty or if that was the case then no one would ever have been executed and later been found to be innocent and exonerated.

    Treat him with the respect he deserves !!

    Respect! What respect does this asswi*e deserve pray tell? He's just another pathetic wannabe cop who was dealing dope. A loser who could legally don a silly uniform and then believe that he had the power to command the public. I have seen too many of these toady foreign tourist cops who are just full of their own self importance. In any civilized country these prats wouldn't even be employed as police station cleaners.

    As AC/DC said, "Good riddance to bad rubbish".
    Sent from my e1909c_v77_gq1008_a41_6628 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app
    Read what I posted again, that's if you can, my first post remember. I said that if the police in Thailand arrest a person then they are automatically presumed guilty, even the courts will presume they are guilty.

    Now to the second post, I think all foreign tourist cops are dregs, looking to make themselves important, losers with too many chips on their shoulders. All the ones I have seen are ignorant, rude in speech, always trying to talk down to one and basically have no manners, plus their schooling seems to have ended at 15 or 16 years old, latest.

    As this thread is about Gary the presumed guilty ex.oink then I will not discuss the workings of the Thai police as they are off subject. So no comment about the Thai hot fuzz.
  21. The highly trained and highly paid Thai police must be totally infallible and would never set anyone up in your eyes? Never telling any pork pies? Amazing, even in Australia there have been many police found to have set people up for various reasons. One of many examples that springs to my mind is Roger Rogerson. Try googling him if you can put your beer down and know how to. Glad that could never happen in Thailand. Without knowing Gary, or his side of the story and based on evidence of a Thai newspaper article, which we all know are always sourced by the best investigative reporters in the world, being always 100% accurate, you can make this educated assumption he is guilty. Or do you know something we don't know? Maybe you will need to pray to your invisible friend if you end up behind bars.

    Or is his guilt and hang him high mentality just based on your prejudice of him being a volunteer tourist policeman?

    Tell me now, do you think all tourist police are the scum of the earth and all the Thai police would never dream of perverting the course of justice are only there to put evil criminals behind bars?

    I am not saying he is guilty or innocent based on the small amount of evidence I have seen, but i think the very least he deserves is for any decent person to keep an open mind. I do know he devoted much time and energy helping many people in Phuket including myself on two occasions and helping out at Phuket bike week.

    He should at least be treated as being innocent until proven guilty beyond reasonable doubt which is the case in any civilized country. Even if found guilty that really does not mean he is guilty or if that was the case then no one would ever have been executed and later been found to be innocent and exonerated.

    Treat him with the respect he deserves !!

    Respect! What respect does this asswi*e deserve pray tell? He's just another pathetic wannabe cop who was dealing dope. A loser who could legally don a silly uniform and then believe that he had the power to command the public. I have seen too many of these toady foreign tourist cops who are just full of their own self importance. In any civilized country these prats wouldn't even be employed as police station cleaners.

    As AC/DC said, "Good riddance to bad rubbish".

    Sent from my e1909c_v77_gq1008_a41_6628 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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  22. Murder, Suicide? I am sure we will never know the truth. A friend of mine supposedly suicided by bashing himself then drowning himself in 18 inches of water. Check out many articles on Kevin Attew and also in T.V.

    "...dead with her face submerged under water."

    This is odd. What water? How much water?

    Difficult to drown in a small amount of water unless you are unconscious

    . Can't really stick your head in a puddle and commit suicide.Very difficult to do.

    Enough to drown in, and who mentioned a puddle apart from you?

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