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Posts posted by aussiebrian

  1. I think the story is so incomplete, not even worth guessing to what went on.

    Re Jackh's questions and statements,and comments 1/ A drug test could tell. 2/ Many people think that is the case 3/ Some bystanders may help sometimes, but not in my case. 4/ That depends

    I was in Times Square New York back in 2004 and a big black guy collapsed in front of me. His wife was with him and she was going hysterical as people just walked around him. There were 2 security guys standing around with Times Square reflective jackets on and they also did nothing. After about 30 or 40 seconds of watching this I asked her if she knew what was wrong with him? She didn't know. He had stopped breathing and I felt him for a pulse and he didn't have one, so I started CPR and after a few more minutes someone else started to help me.

    Took about 15 minutes for the ambulance to arrive and they said we were doing a good job, they got the stretcher and took him away. I got his wifes phone number and the next day I called her to see how he was, but he passed away overnight in the hospital. She said was diabetic and hadn't been checking his blood sugar level.

    I thought no one wanted to help through fear of being sued. I couldn't stand around and leave him there dying.

    I just did a search and looks like I possibly left myself open to be sued according to Wikipedia The details of good Samaritan laws/acts in various jurisdictions vary, including who is protected from liability and in what circumstances.[23] Not all jurisdictions provide protection to laypersons, in those cases only protecting trained personnel, such as doctors or nurses and perhaps also emergency services personnel such as trained police, fire and EMS workers.

    Just read a bit more and it says New York's law provides immunity for those who assist in an emergency. Phew!!

    I would still do it again even if unsure if I am protected.

    Not sure Foodland should be blamed. An actual rescue guy arriving in an actual rescue vehicle is quite convincing. Even the boyfriend waited at the hospital thinking the rescue vehicle would deliver his girlfriend.

    Maybe it would be better to leave the woman as is? In the US many bystanders would not help for fear of legal repercussions. The 'sue' capital of the world.

    You must be on yaba! Where do you get this information?? US bystanders would immediately offer assistance in this case. Federal US laws protect any citizen who renders aid to people. Even if their aid results in more harm to the victim, their INTENT was to help, and therefore is safe from any prosecution or being sued.

    US maybe the sue capital, but it is also the most helpful capital for people in need.

  2. I had had this girl that looked Russian (with hair in bun) post-79019-0-87440800-1388579165_thumb.jcome over to me and placed 2 blue smurf keyrings and a card on my table and walked away doing the same with everyone in the restaurant. The card stated she was deaf and it was advising me to give a donation, This was downstairs at central plaza 2 days ago.. I got a couple of pictures with my phone but not clear. 100 baht each keyring and I saw 6 sales in only 4 minutes. All her customers were Thai. After she finished she walked outside and started talking with the tall guy post-79019-0-83750100-1388580024_thumb.j in picture and then he went over and he was talking to the guy sitting down. She wandered off most likely to another restaurant. Not bad, that works out about 6000 baht an hour if she could keep that ratio up.

    Vincent To me that is fraud, not begging.

  3. I would suggest that if you buy a second hand bike and don't know much about bikes take someone along with you that does or it may work out a lot cheaper buying a new one.

    Have you ridden a bike with a clutch? If not, best to hire one first and get used to it so you can test ride the bikes you are interested in without looking silly.

    Check out thaivisa classifieds and bahtsold. Take some different bikes for a ride and see what you like and feel most comfortable on.

    I know Thais call scooters bikes but you sound like you are from an English speaking country, so when you talk to friends back home that ride bikes, don't say you bought a big bike because when they ask you what you ride and you tell them a CBR150 I am sure they will crack up. cheesy.gif

    Good luck and keep the shiny side up.

    how do you know you have been in Thailand to long?

    when you look at a 150 and think its a big bike.biggrin.png

    Right, or another possibility is if you were never into bikes in your home country, and first discover motorcycles in Asia

    How things change..

    Now a 150cc is even a very small scooter with the Yamaha T Max 500, Honda's Silverwing 582cc, Suzuki Burgman 650, Kymco 700i, Gilera GP800. (839cc) and the Aprilia SRV 850 “Maxiscooter” tongue.png

  4. I would suggest that if you buy a second hand bike and don't know much about bikes take someone along with you that does or it may work out a lot cheaper buying a new one.

    Have you ridden a bike with a clutch? If not, best to hire one first and get used to it so you can test ride the bikes you are interested in without looking silly.

    Check out thaivisa classifieds and bahtsold. Take some different bikes for a ride and see what you like and feel most comfortable on.

    I know Thais call scooters bikes but you sound like you are from an English speaking country, so when you talk to friends back home that ride bikes, don't say you bought a big bike because when they ask you what you ride and you tell them a CBR150 I am sure they will crack up. cheesy.gif

    Good luck and keep the shiny side up.

    • Like 2
  5. Drunks of any nationality can act bad. I am an Aussie and have seen 1 or 2 drunk Aussies and many other nationalities acting a lot worse than what you describe. No one was threatened, punched, stabbed, physically attacked or shot, but HOW has this topic made it to 2 pages as I thought that rule number 7) Not to post slurs or degrading comments directed towards any group on the basis of race, nationality, religion, gender or sexual orientation. Hmmm Moderator Moderator where are you..? Maybe having a few drinks for Christmas?, ok, I forgive you ...

    • Like 2
  6. I got airaasia insurance once, when I was supposed to fly from Phuket to Bangkok. I had to make a claim as I couldn't make a flight due to illness, I had to send a fax with all my details to Malaysia as I couldn't send email. It cost me 300 baht to send a fax from Central festival, and I with a copy of my doctors certificate. I never heard back from them, nothing. They had a line you could call that cost a few dollars a minute to ring them. So that was out of the question as it was a cheap flight I booked and the majority of the cost was the meals and the 40 kllos of luggage I was to carry. The luggage and the meals wouldn't have been covered in the insurance, so the amount I wanted to claim was mot much more than the 300 baht the fax cost me to send.

    I have spoke to Airasia many times about this but they can't help me as it is a different company that does the insurance. I found it to be a total rip off. I hate it when I book the flights that you have to keep clicking you don't want the insurance because if you are not careful, you will get it by default.

    I would love to hear from others that have tried claiming from the airasia insurance.

    I always get my travel insurance in Australia, and use the option of buying out the excess that costs an extra $60, so you can always claim any small claim,

  7. I've just joined this forum to post a reply. I am the owner of this dive company this story is about.

    Firstly I'd like to say that I can not believe that this have made international news. Please don't believe everything that you read in the american news or the daily mail for that matter.

    I would like to explain myself and my company. We have a 100% safety record in our shop and pride ourselves in this.

    So some of the events in the story did happen. Our boat did breakdown but at know point did our captain abandon anyone. It is not a common occurrence that our boat breaks down but he have strict set procedure in place so that if something happens all our customers are safe.

    During the dive the captain was having battery problems on the boat. The customers in article insisted on seeing sharks so we went to that site. On that dive site there is no buoy lines to moor up on and we can not drop an anchor as it is a national marine park and could damage coral.

    The captain is employed with us and is a good captain and he followed the procedures correctly. When he realised that he could not fix the boat he called back to our manager at the dive shop who organised another boat to collect them. We radioed another boat that we knew was in the area to go and collect the divers.

    This did take a little bit time around 30 minutes in total.

    The instructor who was with the customers has been diving in Thailand for over 10 years and knows the shop procedures. So knew they would be fine and was assuring the divers this.

    There were shark in the water as the divers requested us to go to the shark site but the sharks in question are Black Tip Reef sharks. If you don't know your sharks they range from around 50cm-150cm and live on small reef fish. There has never been a known attack from these types of shark as they are quite timid creatures and scared of divers.

    So at no time was anyone in danger of getting attacked by a shark!

    When climbing onto the other boat that arrived the collect the divers unfortunately the lady in the video did slip. She hit her chin on the boat and we are very sorry about this. Our dive shop has medical insurance so we told the divers to go to the hospital to have a look at her chin and used the medical insurance through the dive shop to cover the costs.

    As you can see this was not our most perfect day out diving but all my staff followed the correct procedure to ensure the safety of these divers.

    We apologised to the customers and explained everything to them. They said they understood what had happen but at know point did they say they felt "abandoned at sea"

    I am just guess when they got home they wanted there 5 minutes of fame. It is just unfortunate that there limelight brings such a bad name to the diving in thailand and to my shop.

    Diving standard in thailand are very high compared with other part of the world and at our shop we stick to these high standard.

    I can't actually believe that I have to reply and defend my shop and diving in Thailand to such a ridiculous article.

    You missed something, in the original link it says "Exhausted and freezing, Lexa collapsed and split her chin open. The wound required stitches." Oh right, freezing in Thai waters with a wet suit on, amazing!! 555

    I did miss that. On what did she split open her chin? Not many hard surfaces in the middle of the ocean... unless she was climbing on one of the other divers in a panic attempt to get out of the water, and hit her chin on the divers primary atop the tank. While many will castigate the boat captain, I'm more inclined to think the instructors may have failed to maintain order while waiting for pickup.

    Chris in his post pointed out "When climbing onto the other boat that arrived the collect the divers unfortunately the lady in the video did slip. She hit her chin on the boat and we are very sorry about this. Our dive shop has medical insurance so we told the divers to go to the hospital to have a look at her chin and used the medical insurance through the dive shop to cover the costs."

  8. You missed something, in the original link it says "Exhausted and freezing, Lexa collapsed and split her chin open. The wound required stitches." Oh right, freezing in Thai waters with a wet suit on, amazing!! 555

    What a wonderful way to incite readership... Sensationalism worthy of a sleazy supermarket tabloid, along side articles about alien abduction and sightings of Elvis...

    As a Divemaster with over 20 years experience diving all over the world, I feel compelled to say that this is NOT a Thai problem. Divers get left in the water everywhere. And in the past 10-15 years there have only been a couple of fatalities, far fewer than in skiing, sailing, equestrian sports, motorcycle riding or rock climbing. So few, in fact, that when the potential for it happens, it makes good copy to sell newspapers... Look at the facts...

    'Abandoned in the middle of the ocean..' Where in Thailand are there dive sites 'in the middle of the ocean next to cliffs too steep to climb?'

    Most Thai dive sites are dam_n close to fishing areas and Thai fishing boats are ALWAYS going back and forth. You might have to wait 30 minutes to an hour until one comes along.

    Every competent, experienced diver carries signalling equipment on every dive. These 'poor inexperienced divers' weren't alone... They were with four other divers, two of whom were INSTRUCTORS. I have a whistle attached to my BCD that can be heard almost a mile away over the water. Many dive companies attach these to all their rental BCDs. They are cheap insurance. We also carry an inflatable 'safety sausages' which it seems one of the divers in this group had as well. This is STANDARD SAFETY EQUIPMENT, and very effective.

    As for 'bobbing in the water until exhausted...' Why? They are wearing inflatable Buoyancy Compensation Devices. The operative word here is BUOYANCY. They aren't going to sink no matter how hard they try. You inflate the vests, tie yourselves together so you don't drift apart, lay back and relax waiting for a pickup. There is no effort involved. And with the cliffs right there, even though they couldn't climb them, they could certainly tie into them so as not to drift off...

    Sharks? People pay a fortune to try to see sharks when they dive. As long as it's not a Great White Shark, there is little danger. Usually sharks will head the other way as soon as they hear the diver's bubbles, so all you get to see, generally, is the south end of a north-bound shark. When we dive in Palau, and drop down on "Blue Corner" dive site, we are usually in the middle of 20-50 large gray reef sharks, black tip reef sharks, and the bottom always has a handful of sleeping white-tip sharks. In the Galapagos, divers will dive deep just to swim with huge schools of hammer-head sharks. Scuba divers aren't shark food, any more than humans are bear food. Don't disturb them and they won't disturb you. (The Great White is one the four species of shark on record that will attack humans without provocation... out of over 450 different species of sharks... ) Don't fall of Hollywood Hysteria... Freddy really isn't waiting in the shadows. Neither is Jaws.

    The captain of the boat made a judgement call, and followed the procedures laid out by his company. He knew that the inexperienced divers were with two VERY experience dive professionals, as well as two other experienced divers. Apparently he radioed of a recovery boat to be dispatched. I won't debate the validity of the company's emergency plan, but I will say that these inexperienced divers were in no more danger on top of the water than they were while they were diving.

    The human body has a temp of about 37C,staying long enough in water below that temp can have somebody suffer from hypothermia even in Thailands waters,every so called expert diver or people who have had sea survival training will confirm this .

    You are kidding aren't you. Yes, Long Enough. This diver would have been in the water for a maximum time of 1hr 30 mins with a wet suit on and she said she was freezing! The water temperature would be around 30 deg and "she had a wet suit on". This would be impossible to be freezing unless it was due to fear, and by the response of the owner of the dive school said "We apologised to the customers and explained everything to them. They said they understood what had happen but at know point did they say they felt "abandoned at sea"" so I doubt very much if you could be freezing with fear in such a short time.

    I can swim all day in the sea in Thai waters with no wet suit and never felt cold, and SCUBA dived around a hundred times and never felt cold either. I have felt cold SCUBA diving in Australia even with a 7mm wet suit.

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  9. I have been chased by 3 sharks now.

    I don't like them.

    I think they don't think much of you either or they would have caught you, or did you out swim them?

    Times like that you can say a prayer of thanks to the fishermen that killed all the sharks in the ocean and the Chinese that ate them all. Amen.

    Man is normally the aggressor not the shark.. You need to watch this amazing documentary If you dare..


  10. You missed something, in the original link it says "Exhausted and freezing, Lexa collapsed and split her chin open. The wound required stitches." Oh right, freezing in Thai waters with a wet suit on, amazing!! 555

    What a wonderful way to incite readership... Sensationalism worthy of a sleazy supermarket tabloid, along side articles about alien abduction and sightings of Elvis...

    As a Divemaster with over 20 years experience diving all over the world, I feel compelled to say that this is NOT a Thai problem. Divers get left in the water everywhere. And in the past 10-15 years there have only been a couple of fatalities, far fewer than in skiing, sailing, equestrian sports, motorcycle riding or rock climbing. So few, in fact, that when the potential for it happens, it makes good copy to sell newspapers... Look at the facts...

    'Abandoned in the middle of the ocean..' Where in Thailand are there dive sites 'in the middle of the ocean next to cliffs too steep to climb?'

    Most Thai dive sites are dam_n close to fishing areas and Thai fishing boats are ALWAYS going back and forth. You might have to wait 30 minutes to an hour until one comes along.

    Every competent, experienced diver carries signalling equipment on every dive. These 'poor inexperienced divers' weren't alone... They were with four other divers, two of whom were INSTRUCTORS. I have a whistle attached to my BCD that can be heard almost a mile away over the water. Many dive companies attach these to all their rental BCDs. They are cheap insurance. We also carry an inflatable 'safety sausages' which it seems one of the divers in this group had as well. This is STANDARD SAFETY EQUIPMENT, and very effective.

    As for 'bobbing in the water until exhausted...' Why? They are wearing inflatable Buoyancy Compensation Devices. The operative word here is BUOYANCY. They aren't going to sink no matter how hard they try. You inflate the vests, tie yourselves together so you don't drift apart, lay back and relax waiting for a pickup. There is no effort involved. And with the cliffs right there, even though they couldn't climb them, they could certainly tie into them so as not to drift off...

    Sharks? People pay a fortune to try to see sharks when they dive. As long as it's not a Great White Shark, there is little danger. Usually sharks will head the other way as soon as they hear the diver's bubbles, so all you get to see, generally, is the south end of a north-bound shark. When we dive in Palau, and drop down on "Blue Corner" dive site, we are usually in the middle of 20-50 large gray reef sharks, black tip reef sharks, and the bottom always has a handful of sleeping white-tip sharks. In the Galapagos, divers will dive deep just to swim with huge schools of hammer-head sharks. Scuba divers aren't shark food, any more than humans are bear food. Don't disturb them and they won't disturb you. (The Great White is one the four species of shark on record that will attack humans without provocation... out of over 450 different species of sharks... ) Don't fall of Hollywood Hysteria... Freddy really isn't waiting in the shadows. Neither is Jaws.

    The captain of the boat made a judgement call, and followed the procedures laid out by his company. He knew that the inexperienced divers were with two VERY experience dive professionals, as well as two other experienced divers. Apparently he radioed of a recovery boat to be dispatched. I won't debate the validity of the company's emergency plan, but I will say that these inexperienced divers were in no more danger on top of the water than they were while they were diving.

  11. If he has insurance, I would suggest to get him out of Vachira. If he can be transfered to Bangkok Phuket hospital would be a lot better, but much more expensive.

    If he can be transfered to Bangkok, Siriraj Hospital would be the best and not expensive.

  12. It must be about 1 year ago that my gf and I went to Krabi bike week. After it finished about 1am I rode to AO Nang with some friends and we sat at a bar where 2 drunken Aussies were sitting. They were both very loud so I knew where they came from, but never really took any more notice of them.

    Around 2 am we went to get something to eat and on the way back to my bike my gf spotted a bag leaning against a tree outside a pharmacy. We looked inside and there was an ipad in it. I walked into the pharmacy to see if anyone there had lost it or knew who owned it. I stood there for a couple of minutes and I am sure that everyone had seen me there but I didn't want to be rude and interrupt thinking that if it belonged to anyone there, they would have said something.

    I thought I would take it back to the hotel and see if I could find out when I looked on the ipad if I could find the owner. We looked at the emails on it and saw an email from the owners mother. I connected it to the internet to reply to their mother to say we had found it, but alas, it got locked and a message appeared on the screen saying something like, to the ladyboy that has stolen my ipad, we know who you are and where you are and and we would go to jail for stealing it and to take it to the police station.

    As it was around 3.30 am now and we were tired so decided to take it to the police station in the morning. We went to sleep and then around 4.30 am there was a phone call from reception of the hotel saying the police were there and they knew we had this guys ipad and to bring it down.

    We got dressed, went downstairs with their ipad and it was the drunk Australian guys from the bar being very aggressive calling us thieves and all sorts of other names and saying we would be locked up. My gf and I explained to the police what had happened but the police went along with the guys saying they would lock my gf up as the Aussies were saying they wanted to press charges.

    I tried explaining that they should be thanking us as if we didn't pick it up they wouldn't have ever got it back, but they just kept calling us names, They wouldn't listen to reason and said that they had a 2 taxi's follow us to the hotel which had cost them 3000 baht and if we paid that, we would be lucky and she wouldn't be locked up. They said they had checked the hotels security camera and seen us walking into the hotel with my gf carrying the bag.

    The taxi story was a lie, as there was no one following us and no one on the road behind us.

    I rang a friend of mine that was a tourist police in Phuket and told him what had happened. He advised for me to pay the money as the ipad was in our possession, and they could hold her till the court time.

    So instead of being thanked for finding it, it cost me 3000baht, lots of headaches, and no sleep till around 7.00am.

    I think next time if I find something I will just leave it there.

    You have excellent English for a ladyboy


  13. It must be about 1 year ago that my gf and I went to Krabi bike week. After it finished about 1am I rode to AO Nang with some friends and we sat at a bar where 2 drunken Aussies were sitting. They were both very loud so I knew where they came from, but never really took any more notice of them.

    Around 2 am we went to get something to eat and on the way back to my bike my gf spotted a bag leaning against a tree outside a pharmacy. We looked inside and there was an ipad in it. I walked into the pharmacy to see if anyone there had lost it or knew who owned it. I stood there for a couple of minutes and I am sure that everyone had seen me there but I didn't want to be rude and interrupt thinking that if it belonged to anyone there, they would have said something.

    I thought I would take it back to the hotel and see if I could find out when I looked on the ipad if I could find the owner. We looked at the emails on it and saw an email from the owner’s mother. I connected it to the internet to reply to their mother to say we had found it, but alas, it got locked and a message appeared on the screen saying something like, to the ladyboy that has stolen my ipad, we know who you are and where you are and and we would go to jail for stealing it and to take it to the police station.

    As it was around 3.30 am now and we were tired so decided to take it to the police station in the morning. We went to sleep and then around 4.30 am there was a phone call from reception of the hotel saying the police were there and they knew we had this guy’s ipad and to bring it down.

    We got dressed, went downstairs with their ipad and it was the drunk Australian guys from the bar being very aggressive calling us thieves and all sorts of other names and saying we would be locked up. My gf and I explained to the police what had happened but the police went along with the guys saying they would lock my gf up as the Aussies were saying they wanted to press charges.

    I tried explaining that they should be thanking us as if we didn't pick it up they wouldn't have ever got it back, but they just kept calling us names, They wouldn't listen to reason and said that they had a 2 taxi's follow us to the hotel which had cost them 3000 baht and if we paid that, we would be lucky and she wouldn't be locked up. They said they had checked the hotels security camera and seen us walking into the hotel with my gf carrying the bag.

    The taxi story was a lie, as there was no one following us and no one on the road behind us.

    I rang a friend of mine that was a tourist police in Phuket and told him what had happened. He advised for me to pay the money as the ipad was in our possession, and they could hold her till the court time.

    So instead of being thanked for finding it, it cost me 3000baht, lots of headaches, and no sleep till around 7.00am.

    I think next time if I find something I will just leave it there.

  14. Hey Kitsune, I understand how you feel. I am in Phuket so not much more I can do here at the moment than help with some suggestions.

    Maybe you can record the sound and put it on here as a wav file and see if someone can recognize what it is. This will help with who to call. Don't get disheartened by some of the negative posts. I am sure there must be someone that can help.

    Maybe soi dogs can help or suggest what to do, but I think they will only just take them in if you have them, and suggest you to call the police.

    It may be something like some wildlife being slaughtered for their body bits.

    I know in Phuket they use slow loris for the tourists to have pictures taken with them. First they have to pull their teeth out because their bite is toxic. I am not sure what sound they make, but that must be very painful and many die in this process. I have tried to help with stopping these people and called the police, who have pretended to try and help, but nothing gets done.

    Without trying to over sensationalize this, one possibility could be gibbons slaughtered for their meat, that are not suitable for the pet trade. If it is that, there is the Gibbons rehabilitation project that maybe could help. I have reported 2 gibbons that had been mistreated and were being used as a way to attract people into their restaurant. They were chained up outside and could only run backwards and forwards along a rope. As they are a protected species they help coordinate a rescue and they ended up at the Gibbons rehabilitation project. This was a much easier rescue than what it would be with your situation.

    Other organizations that may help are Thailand Animal Rescue and Animal Cruelty http://www.thaiaga.org/rescue_en.php

    Thai Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals http://www.thaispca.org/english/index.php

    “If you see people being cruel to animals, you can report it to the local police by calling 191 or report it to the Tourist Police by calling their hotline at 1155. (They have never been of much help to me, but still maybe worth a try)

    The criminal code clearly states:

    Article 381, “Those who commit cruelty to animals shall be sentenced to one month in prison or a fine of 1,000 baht or both."

    Article 382, “Those who force an animal to work beyond its capacity or cause injury to an animal shall be sentenced to one month in prison or a fine of 1,000 baht or both.”
    Sawan Sangbunlung, secretary-general of the Thai Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals

    There is a Thai branch of WSPA but is in Thai language http://www.wspathailand.org/ The international site is http://www.wspa-international.org/

    An interesting read.. http://www.prweb.com/releases/2013/7/prweb10876198.htm

    Good luck, be careful and don't give up hope.

  15. I was just checking out the Lebara site. Looks good if you only need a small amount of data, as you can call some countries for free with the $49.90 plan, the only drawback is it only gives you 1.5 GB data and Amaysim is 4 GB. I used 3.5 GB of data in the 3 weeks I was back. I wouldn't have lasted the month unless I was careful. Don't know how much you use.

  16. I got it when I was back in Australia. it has auto recharge, but only if you link it so they can auto recharge it. You don't need to do anything . I got it for 1 month worth and the number will stay valid for 12 months. I had one 18 months before and when I applied for the new sim they told me the one 18 months previous had just expired the day before, so maybe the number stays valid for 18 months. They even give you a choice of number on their website, so my Aussie number and my Thai number are almost the same, only 3 numbers are different. With unlimited calls it was fantastic being able to catch up with lots of old friends around Australia.

  17. Sure, try amaysim 4 GB data $39 Optus network unlimited calls in Australia landline or mobile for 1 month, view all your usage with their app or website and $10 off if you use this link http://amp.do/r/Oi6JiRFf and I also get $ 10 credit, and when you recommend someone you too will get a $10 credit. Sounds good? Hope that helps.

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