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Posts posted by aussiebrian

  1. ^^

    I'd say bangkok is one of the best places for motorbikes - they are allowed to go nearly anywhere, on the pavements etc and even flee fro the police(without chase). The helmet law is often forgotten. You are allowed to take your dog on the bike etc.

    I think the responses are because it isn't really worthy of a news story just because he was riding an expensive bike.

    I see you defiantly don't ride a motorcycle in Bangkok or anywhere and I also suspect you hate motorcycles. You are NOT allowed to ride on the pavements, (but many do), freeways, tollways, bridges expressways, and you can take a dog on a bike all over Thailand. Trouble is I don't have a dog, but I do ride a bike in Bangkok often. The rider MUST wear a helmet or potentially be fined. YOU MUST RIDE A MOTORCYCLE in the Left lane or be Booked. Full stop. I was booked on Sukhumvit when I moved to the right to turn right. This was 150 meters before I wanted to turn right in heavy traffic. I showed the policeman my GPS that I was going to turn right. His answer, "You can't move to the right till 50 meters before the turn!" You can drive a car, truck taxi, on any road, in any lane, but NOT a motorcycle. What are you trying to say? Please be informed before you start writing!!

    Why is this? , because Thais think motorcycle riders are second class citizens and they feel superior in their cars, and don't want motorcycles on their special roads!

  2. How about everyone riding on 'sideWALKs'? Parking on them also. Just seize them, load them into pickups and get the selfish idle b4st4rds to pay a BIG fine to get them back. huh.png

    I got stopped for driving in the middle of the lane last week. I thought my only option now was the footpath.

    You must've been out near Bang Na, that's where I've been done by the BIB looking for some tea money.

    It used to be just in Bangkok where motorcycles were booked for not keeping in the left lane, but I have just ridden from Phuket to Bangkok, and 3 days ago 10 kilometres past Cha-um there were about 15 police either side of the highway stopping all motorcycles not in the left lane. It is totally crazy and dangerous that I have to ride in the left lane on a highway where the speed limit for motorcycles is 110km/h and the left lane has potholes, sand, big puddles of water, tread ripped off trucks from their retreads, vehicles including buses (almost killing me with their smoky exhaust fumes) stopping along the way and I can't legally even move one lane across to pass them without the fear of having money extorted buy the RTP. Which has happened to me on many occasions.

    The police that tried to book me said I need to pay him or go to the station and pay there. I told him I didn't like either of the options. I argued and joked with him for about 20 minutes, before he gave up and gave me my licence back and away I went. Another road block 10 kilometres further on and this time I was in the middle lane again and was just waved through.

    After that I tried staying in the left lane and had many cars turning left from the middle lane in front of me, having to follow buses and untold amounts of motorcycles heading towards me in the left lane. It then took me 1 hour 45 minutes to travel from the start of the Bangna toll-way to my place in Bangna along all main roads in the service road in the left lane , with all the hazards I encountered earlier and ride the back roads, where if I was allowed on the toll-way it would have taken me about 20 minutes.

    If they made Bangkok more motorcycle friendly, then more motorcycles would be on the road, and 1/2 the amount of cars and traffic problems would be not nearly as bad.

    And yes, it had always been legal to ride a motorcycle on the footpath when the road was blocked by cars. So it is not as some people state the police are not enforcing the laws that are there because the law permits it. Now it is booking people for doing what has been permitted.

    Section 43 (400-1000B)

    No driver shall drive the vehicle:

    a. while being incompetent to drive

    b. while being intoxicated by liquor or other alcoholic drinks

    c. in a manner that obstructs the traffic

    d. with carelessness or recklessness which may cause danger to persons or property

    e. in a manner not normally practiced in driving a vehicle or while unable to see the way in front or at the back or either/both sides clearly enough for safety

    f. beyond or on the line dividing traffic lanes, except upon changing lanes, turning or turning around the vehicle

    g. on a footpath without sufficient cause, except a baby-carriage or wheel-chair for sick or disabled persons

    h. without thinking about the safety or suffering of other persons.

    ​The sufficient cause would be if the road was obstructed by vehicles.

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  3. The fee of 150 baht or 180 baht will be insignificant, compared to the fees that your Commonwealth Bank will charge. The best way is when back in Australia get a Ctibank Mastercard debit card. Transfer the money from your CBA account over the net into your Citibank and then use your Citibank card to withdraw the money from the ATM . Citibank don't charge any fees and the money is converted in Thailand to Baht. To know which ATM to use have a look at this. http://bankexchangerates.daytodaydata.net/default.aspx It is updated regularly.

  4. Lol, didn't mean to post yet. Also his main theme was if you ride slow then it isn't necessary to wear a helmet. If you are collected from behind when you are travelling at 5 km/h by a car doing 60 km/h is potentially more dangerous than dropping your bike at 60km/h especially if you don't have a helmet on. I better try and stick to to topic and start a new one for why you rode a bike in farangland and why you ride one here. RIP to the Belgian guy.

  5. I like my avatar picture too. Was taken in cambodia. I believe most people in farangland ride motorbikes as not only is it a fun form of transport, it is convenient, cheaper than driving a car on fuel, repairs, registration, and usually to buy, easier to park, etc, but I am sure the primary use isn't for pleasure. In Asia, it is usually the only form of motorised transport that is affordable for the average person.

    I don't believe last that he really rides at 5km/h on a 900cc motorcycle. I lived and rode in Bkk and 5km/h may be around 2% of the time max in peak period traffic.

    I don't agree with your comment that you commend lust for riding slow as it is just as dangerous to ride slow when the traffic is moving faster

  6. I don't quite understand what you want. Do you want to rent a Kawasaki in Phnom Phen? Do you want to buy? What size? What do you mean 125,80? Do you want a 80cc to 125cc scooter? You want a motorcycle or a scooter? How about a Honda? I know where you can rent 250 Honda trail bikes if that is what you want. Scooters are everywhere.

    sorry for my bad english tho.. erm.. i wanna buy them. kawasaki gto that comes with 7spokes wheels or kawasaki ar 125 or ar80 which also cames with 5spokes wheels...

    Ok, I understand now, I don't remember seeing any there, but that doesn't mean there aren't any. But many small bikes for sale, but if you are staying less than a couple of months, you would be better renting.

    You can rent Honda 250cc trail bikes for around $10 a day. Smaller bikes cheaper.

    If you are staying just in Phnom Phen then a scooter should do, but if you want to travel further, then better on a bigger bike. Good luck. The longest trip I did was 1 month there but I rode my Honda Blackbird there from Phuket. Some roads out of Phnom Phen are good, others terrible, terrible, terrible :).

  7. I don't quite understand what you want. Do you want to rent a Kawasaki in Phnom Phen? Do you want to buy? What size? What do you mean 125,80? Do you want a 80cc to 125cc scooter? You want a motorcycle or a scooter? How about a Honda? I know where you can rent 250 Honda trail bikes if that is what you want. Scooters are everywhere.

  8. The sad thing is that there is one God - you can call God anything you like but it is essentially the same thing. We are all human and if you go back far enough we all come from the same place on Earth, and a Earth shares its beginning from the same place as the rest of our universe. And yet people want to control other people and for some reason want to hurt each other and thus the philosophy of religion is abused to form a dogma and excuse to kill and abuse others. It is rather a sad thing about humans that we have not evolved beyond that yet.

    The sad thing is there isn't one god. Thanks, I will call him a figment of your imagination.

  9. People still believe this religion stuff?

    Approximatively 5 billion people?

    Its worth noting that the 'prophets' on which the 3 major monotheististic religions are based ie Jesus, Buddha and Mohammed, would probably be horrified at what their ' adherents' have done with their ideas.

    Buddha in particular was anti-dogma and anti-religion. I have always liked the famous Zen Buddhist saying 'if you meet the Buddha on the road, kill him', which captures the spirit nicely.

    A more prosaic quote from John Lennon sums it up (I paraphrase) - 'Jesus was alright, but its his disciples twisting things that ruin it for me'.

    A mob like the one that bashed these people to death are about as far from Mohammeds message as you can get.

    No, the three major monotheistic religions are Judaism, Christianity and Islam. There is no god in Buddhism, even though many of Buddha's followers treat him as one, so we can scrub that note.

    There are many prophets in Judaism, but it is not based on a prophet. Islam is based on the prophet Mohammed. Christianity is based on Judaism, Jesus was not a prophet in Christianity, He was the son of god. Jesus was a prophet only in Islam.

    It is debatable if Mohammed would have approved of the mob murdering the Christians. As he committed mass murder amongst many other things I don't think he would have lost much sleep over it, so it isn't in all reality too far away from his message.

  10. The blasphemy law is self-preserving since nobody can criticise it without they themselves blaspheming, thus it never gets modified.

    No law should be self-preserving.

    How to tackle it? I don't know.

    It is very simple my friend, kill all the radical Muslim scum, simple as that.....

    Obviously you mean to also kill the ' radical scum ' who happen to be Jewish , Christian , Hindu etc , you do know that we still have blasphemy laws here in the West ?

    In the modern world, there is only one religion that practices death for blasphemy on a regular basis.

  11. Local Drunk. Many of the homeless have mental disorders...or literally no education or funds to create an opportunity. Society must help the disadvantaged in hopes that they will find a path to self sufficiency. Its called Love.

    Not my problem... Those people in mention are not my responsibility, nor are they the responsibility of the government. I don't love them at all and neither does the government. If you want to open up your wallet and spend time to help them it's your business. Don't expect anyone else to do it.

    Wow. Why do I have to share oxygen with people like this?

    I think he has killed too many brain cells.

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  12. Will be heading down the coast avoiding bangkok. Just looking for any ideas of must see small villages. A possible retirement home

    I spent 1 month travelling around North Thailand. I have a GPS and set it to keep off main highways. Was fantastic, travelled mostly through the small villages. Got my certificate in Mae Hon Son for completing 1887 curves. Great roads. What are you riding?

  13. I'm sure this can happen and would follow the advice of some of the posters here, however, I'd be a little scared of counting my money out in the open also. Hate to let some person see how much I've withdrawn.

    Happened to me in Vietnam.. Wasn't 100% sure that was what had happened, just 99.9% as I was in a hurry and never counted my money till the next day Was one note short, mine wasn't 1000 Baht, but 500000 Dong,(worth about the same) I couldn't remember which ATM it was so couldn't do anything about it.

    Lesson learned, now I count my money when it comes out.

  14. Pretty sure some later posters can help , sorry cant help myself more .

    Would of thought they offered weekly / monthly rates as well though.

    All the best to your buddy :-)

    Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Thanks, yes, would hope so, first day of trying, only spoken so far to one place, other will get back tomorrow, so will see if they can do a good deal.

  15. I not 100% certain but i seem to remember from previous posts you can rent one from most of the hospitals here ??

    Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Thanks, he is in hospital and they are kicking him out today. They will lend him one for a very short time, but old style and almost impossible for him to get in and out. I have got 2 places that rent them, but looks like it is around 200-300 baht a day and over 3 months that adds up to 18000 minimum which he can't afford. One place getting back to me tomorrow.

  16. Hello All, in desperate need of a wheelchair for a friend that fell nearly 2 stories through his friends shop floor that hadn’t been constructed properly and has broken both his feet and other injuries. He is a very large guy about 150 Kg. He doesn’t have much money so if someone has one they can lend/rent cheap or sell cheap would be welcomed. It needs to be one where the arm can be removed for easy access. We can arrange pickup of the wheelchair. Any help appreciated.

  17. The quote was talking about the date, not food or laundry.

    Any suggestions where to go, Brian? thumbsup.gif

    No, sorry, haven't been to Songkla for a few years, except just passing through. The Songkla bird sanctuary was pretty good, but you can't eat them, just look. laugh.png

  18. OP, are you looking for a hot date or some good food (nosh)?

    Being a foreigner I do not understand English idiomatic expressions.

    Now.....for food, plenty of restaurants around.

    "Now.....for food, plenty of restaurants around." I was hoping someone would come up with a few suggestions. Thai or international will do fine ... both, if you're feeling generous. wai.gifwai2.gif

    For a hot date, why should you bother getting dressed, going out, spending money..... just stay indoors and use your hands.

    It will be the same outcome.

    Two things I don't do at home - laundry and cook food. In both cases, I'm more than happy to support the Thai economy.

    The quote was talking about the date, not food or laundry.

  19. laugh if 2 innocent people get punished?

    yea its a big laugh

    like to see you laughing if you were one of them

    I will laugh so hard if its a set up. I hope it isn't.

    Keep your shirt on. If its proven its a set up then they will be proven innocent.

    And all the police and everyone involved that have fabricated the evidence and demanded the police to get results fast, should be charged and the book thrown at them. I would then like to see the Burmese get compensation, but little chance of that.

  20. Royal Enfield India have been producing the Bullet in India since 1955 when Royal Enfield GB, to reduce the cost of sending the parts to India which were then assembled into complete bikes for it's customer the Indian Army, set up a parent company there and shipped the manufacturing tooling across to the factory in Madras. When Royal Enfield GB folded the Indian factory continued with it's motorcycle production. There were actually very few British built Bullets exported to India. I rode a couple of Bullets, a petrol and then a diesel thousands of miles around Bombay and up into Kashmir without missing a beat. The latest models are produced in a state of the art factory from high grade materials and have received very positive reviews for both build quality and reliability. Why don't you have faith in India's ability to cast engine blocks and forge pistons? The fact that they build and send rockets into space is proof of their engineering ability. The Indians are as excellent engineers as they are doctors and soldiers thanks to retaining British teaching systems following independence.

    Ok to tell you the truth I think India is a cesspit and I don't want to buy 60 year old technology. Yes I have been there.

    And more truth is you have only joined in this post because you are a narrow minded racist bigot who knows nothing about the subject and thought it was a good way to demean one of your prejudices..You had to say you had been there, when no one was asking you, a bit like an antisemite slandering Jews and in the next breath saying you have Jewish friends.

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