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Everything posted by Tropicalevo

  1. Many places. Police, armed forces, illegal imports, home made. Not difficult to find if you look on social media. The 14 yr old kid had a 'prop' gun that was illegally modified.
  2. I receive OTP's on my AIS SIM from Nat West in the UK - no problem. I also receive OTP's from my UK PayPal account OK.
  3. Now is the best time to go. Security levels will be high until complacency sets in say in six months or more.
  4. I have just read about the shooting in Siam Paragon, Bangkok. Banning guns might also help to improve public safety..
  5. Sorry Sheryl, I cannot answer that one quickly. It is all paperwork trails but all of my documents still state April International with all of the French contacts and that is who I transfer money to via their bank in Lyon when I use an International Bank transfer. I am currently trying to make a claim for a colonoscopy/haemorrhoid removal and they tell me to send my claim to an address in Bangkok. I was originally on an 'Asia Expat policy' but in 2018 they moved me onto an 'Asia Health Plan policy'. I was led to believe that it was the same company but a cheaper policy eg no repatriation and so on. Just supposedly easier to have 'local' contacts. The bits in bold are the headings on the invoices. Apart from that policy name change at the top of the invoice, and the policy number, all documents are exactly the same.
  6. The reporters should check their previous stories. BJ's lawyer has ordered him not to speak about the subject.
  7. That guy's body was found on rocks a couple of days later.
  8. Rectum. A good friend of mine is a doctor and treats lots of older gents at his practice in Germany. He told me to leave a biopsy as a last resort - they can miss the cancer and if you have cancer, the biopsy can spread it more quickly. (You are putting wounds in your prostate.) He told me to always go for MRI's until you really have a good idea. Every urologist that I have consulted here in Thailand (5?) tries the 'biopsy needed' at the first consultation. (I have a very large prostate and high PSA.) The best urologist that I found listened to my explanation and agreed to do the MRI's. He only did the targetted biopsy when the last MRI showed 'something'. All clear. No pain but blood in the semen for a long time.
  9. but "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step". Thailand is not going to change overnight. Every step here takes a lot of effort.
  10. If you really enjoy the massage, 200 baht is fine. If it was an OK massage, 100 baht is fine. If it was not even OK, then zero tip.
  11. A very depressing subject. My wife died in her sleep, in bed, next to me at 04:00. The doorways were wide enough for me to carry her to the car (to take her to hospital to see if they could revive her). Getting her into the car was a totally different issue.
  12. Hi Sheryl - I too have Essential. Changed from Basic back in 2018 when they moved me onto the Thai side of the business. I had been on Basic since 2011 ($1,491 per year.) No deductible. Just a couple of small extra charges to the basic premium. See below In 2018, Basic and Essential costs were similar. 2018 also included repatriation which was stopped in 2019. In 2019 $600 increase In 2020 $800 increase In 2021 $600 increase In 2022 $1,500 increase Then this year $4,000 increase. My last claim was the lung infection in 2019. One small factor aside - April send all notifications/updates etc etc to me via standard post. Where I live, we have had no post since January this year. Staff shortages. There may be an explanatory document sitting in a huge pile of undelivered post in the local post office. ????
  13. Too late to change companies. Too many issues have 'popped up' in the last 7 years. Lost half a lung to a lung infection - now have COPD. Very large prostate - need a TUER-P procedure to remove it. Chronic kidney disease and so on. All just appeared fairly recently in life. I self insure for out patient. Let's see what happens on Jan 1 when the next premium is due. At current premium rates I feel that April just want to get rid of me.
  14. One should never assume. Assume makes and ASS of yoU and ME
  15. Not too bothered about coffee prices, I buy a coffee from a local brand in Chiang Rai through Lazada - Sakoku coffee. https://th-th.facebook.com/Sakokucoffeee/ Always the same price and supporting traditional Thai businesses. Mind you, do not ask me about Waitrose raspberry jam from Tops. Price increase of 100 baht per jar. (129 to 229 baht!)
  16. Immigration rules appear to be 'flexible' and can change day to day, and office to office. When I travel to another province, I submit my TM 30 on my return as the hotel will have registered me there. If I travel abroad, I do not submit a new TM 30 as I am still registered at my house. Here on Samui, immigration do check for TM 30's.
  17. It is a legal requirement for all foreigners to carry a photo id document that is currently accepted in Thailand. Same rule for Thais.
  18. Except the durian ones. Sesame seed with an egg for me. That reminds me of a story. A friend was taking some moon cakes for his girlfriend in Australia - he forgot about the 'no food' rule. He was stopped at customs and admitted his 'crime' so they went to confiscate the moon cakes. He asked 'what if I was to eat them here and now?' They said OK - so he did. Not an easy task to eat four moon cakes without a drink. It took him a while.
  19. I understand your frustration. It is the same here on Samui but it is not just the Thais. It is everyone. I ride a scooter because it is usually quicker with the traffic and crazy tourists here. (Thai and foreign tourists.) Most days it is 'dicing with death'. I warn all guests that want to rent scooters - assume that everyone on the roads is trying to kill you. And if you are a learner - do not rent a scooter. Samui is the most dangerous place in the world per capita. Still, it is what it is. As the man said as he fell of the Empire State Building and passed the 50th floor "so far, so good".
  20. Disagree. I am often called khun by Thais. I am definitely not of the Thai people
  21. In most business dealings and with the people that I work with, I am called 'khun'. Now and again, in a professional environment with people that do not know me eg hospitals, I am called 'Mr'. Out on the street I am called 'papa'. Sometimes with a 'pompui' in front of it. ???? I cannot print what friends call me. None of these offend me
  22. Click on the link to The Thaiger for the full story. It's there.
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