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Posts posted by kicking

  1. 174,000 baht to get a job paying 10,000 B per month. That's a 17 month period to break even. I used the word in another thread.......Muppets! coffee1.gif

    Pretty easy to judge others when you are born lucky, huh?

    Maybe it is easy for somebody born lucky to judge others. I wouldn't know because I wasn't born lucky - but perhaps you'd like to flesh out your inferred judgement that I was, so I can understand your reasoning. coffee1.gif

    Born lucky = white male in a First World country.

  2. Please feel free to name company's who have multi skilled staff doing multiple jobs

    Is this even a serious question? If it is, then you obviously have never been to a Starbucks. Here are a few more: Bake & Brew, Benjamit, and Pitini.

    Reading through your posts, it sounds as though you are incapable of properly training your own staff. You might want to start with yourself.

  3. The Johnny Cash of Thailand. Wonder if he played Jailhouse Rock.

    Also, musical instruments don't distract people from drugs. It was playing music that got them involved with drugs in the first place!

    Thank you for such a witty reply, I'm sure everyone had a good chuckle.

    "It was playing music that got them involved with drugs in the first place!" You state this as fact, would you be so kind to point the rest of us to a source? Thank you.

  4. Enjoy your purchase, I had a bicycle and was hounded by dogs whilst out and about.. Have now sold the bike to a friend. My friend uses pepper spray on the dogs if they get within range. Has had to use it 4 times to date (the pepper spray)...

    That's nonsense. I've probably trained over 40,000 km around here and never once had any altercation with a dog. A friendly little whistling is all it takes. I've seen idiots be aggressive and the dogs are aggressive right back.

  5. No to Jim Thompson's, the silk is fine, the way they are made is not.

    Be sure that you get a pair (or specify to the tailor) that do not have the seam running up the middle of the back of the shorts. It's the cheapest way to make a pair of boxers (the way Jim Thompson's does it) and it's also the worst (most uncomfortable) way.

  6. Grana Padana is the top brand of parmesan cheese from Italy...

    As noted above, this is 100% false. Gran Padana is also less expensive than Parmesan. However, I've been to this place several times, they do try to nickel and dime their customers and nobody likes that. The food is quite good and I'd go more often if they would change their ways just a little bit.

    • Like 1
  7. Ah ! i always thought it weird to see thais bicycle around with their knees around their ears,

    i thought they didnt know better, but it is unavailability of decent sized bikes then.

    This isn't true. You can get any bike size here in Thailand. Any size at all.

  8. I've been all through Northeastern Thailand, Lao, and Cambodia on an MBike 200 dualsport within the last 6 months. It's super easy. Probably the nicest people in all of Thailand work at the border crossings, I went through a bunch and they were all very accommodating, including Friendship Bridge into Lao.

    Shoot me a PM if you have any particular questions.

  9. This place is a disaster. Here's why:

    1) The aircon is not turned on, it's hotter inside than it is outside! Cheapskates!

    2) When I was there there were dirty tables piled high with garbage everywhere. We had to wade through garbage-laden tables all the way to the back and found the only clean table in the place.

    3) Menus? Service? Non-existent when we were there. Is a menu posted somewhere? Is it self-serve?

    4) There's a farang with body piercings working there. Seriously, who wants some white dude with a barbell in his eyebrow as a waiter?

    5) WiFi? Who knows? And at this point, who cares?

    6) After reading about a surcharge for milk in coffee, I'll never go back to give it a chance. Not being cheap, but that's just not right.

    After being ignored for five minutes we finally left.

    Save yourself the hassle and go to Bake & Brew on Soi Excite instead. Those people are happy to serve and the coffee cannot be beat. I used to go to Pitini on Soi Buakow but the owner must be too cheap to turn the kitchen ventilation on, it always smells like the back of a diner, so much so that your clothes will smell like grease after you leave!

  10. Poor girl. I hope they find the gang that hired her. You guys don't even understand the half of it when you say you have no sympathy etc. Sme thing in these cases happens about the same way they do with human trafficing in the UAE etc. They take the girls and threaten to kill their entre family if they don't prostitute themselves and even recruit others. Also if any of you were raised in a third world country where you see your own family and many people starving every day and have no prospects of making money through and honest living you all might just do the same.

    Noone knows this poor girls personal story yet so lets stop all the smart remarks and THINK.

    Many of you sit on your high horses collecting pensions etc living like kings here in LOS and never even think about the poor. Many of you even contribute to their sad lives by using them as prostitutes etc so try not to be so judgmental until you hear her side of the story.

    Finally, a post that makes sense.

  11. I am looking for a place to do some 11x14 and maybe larger prints. I went around yesterday to a few places and nobody knew what a tiff file was, nobody knew if their processes had automatic correction, etc. And nobody could suggest a place. I did a search and only info I found was from 2007, but I'll try those places today.

    Anyone know of a decent lab in Pattaya? Thanks.

  12. Seriously, would it have been too much trouble to call the police? You didn't have to get involved, a simple phone call would have sufficed. Just think if your bother or sister was lying in the road and everyone had the same attitude as you. Really sad...

    Is there an "ignore" feature on this forum?

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