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Posts posted by kicking

  1. 2,250 ?

    that's a deal ?

    note to self: continue not to (OVER) pay /play at siam country club

    If you knew anything about golf, then you would realize that it is a deal.

    Also, if it's a note to yourself, why post that???

  2. Actually, if you aren't joking around you have no regard for others. Drunken idiots cause most of the motorbike accidents around town. You are the exact type of person I try to avoid. Would you act like this where you come from? Would you have your daughter or sister hop on the back of a bike driven by a drunk?

    A real sad commentary on your personality if this thread isn't a joke.

  3. Here's another one of the pictures from the thread that I edited (last one I'll do and I hope OP doesn't mind), again took about five minutes. Maybe a little overcooked for some, but maybe kind of interesting all the same (didn't realize it wasn't even straight till I uploaded it but I'm too lazy to fix it now):


    Nice shot but as u said a bit overcooked (way to much saturation and TOO sharp)


    Yes, was going for a somewhat different look (I wanted the saturation and sharpness). The pic was someone else's from the beginning of the thread. Here are both, which one is more compelling?


  4. Here's another one of the pictures from the thread that I edited (last one I'll do and I hope OP doesn't mind), again took about five minutes. Maybe a little overcooked for some, but maybe kind of interesting all the same (didn't realize it wasn't even straight till I uploaded it but I'm too lazy to fix it now):


  5. I think what Vulcan is saying is that a lot of these pictures are just snapshots with no real effort behind them. A lot of these pictures are good, they just maybe need some attention.

    I took the monk photo and rotated it (straighted), cropped the tourists feet out, enhanced contrast, and a couple other Photoshop adjustments (including unsharp mask), and put a black border around the picture. It took about five minutes and here is the result:


  6. Years ago - (pre-digital)- most of this stuff coming back from the lab would have been (quite rightly) binned as the disaster it is, (and that's assuming it was shot at all)

    But we're in a digital age - it's all free- so lets shoot any old crap.

    Ask yourself - if you had to pay for a film and it's development cost, then pay for a scan, spot and clean:-


    If the current spread of images on this forum's postings are indicative of digital photography all I can say is:-


    I've seen better with a throw-away disposable in a child's hands.


  7. Win - he can't - he's a voyeur - "a person who gains sexual pleasure from watching others when they are naked or engaged in sexual activity".

    Source - Wikepedia

    Or likes to take pics of unawares young females

    Source - Obvious! :)

    it's a disease

    Have you never been to France? :D

    This is the main reason I pretty much stopped visiting this forum, a lot of his pics give me the creeps...

  8. kicking:

    Who cares if it closes at 4:45? - anyone who has to work for a living for a start and anyone who has to go to school for seconds.

    Also it's a bit of the TIT mentality when they only allow those who are playing a round to practice on it.

    As you 'stated' - it is the best facility in the area - that I have seen anyway - but it could be so much better if they allowed people to actually use it.

    Touche. No, I didn't think of the people working normal hours or those going to school. If you can't use it then it's no good at all.

    As far as the long walk, they take you and your clubs via cart to the range. You don't have to walk.

    I've been to Plantation just for the range many times, never heard that you had to play to use the facilities. It's also a great course though somewhat expensive.

    Good luck everyone...

  9. On an extremely good day Harold is about a 15, he was never a PGA pro...

    There are hundreds and hundreds (and maybe thousands) of PGA Pros. They are not PGA TOUR Pros. There are only 125 of them in the world and the #125 is probably a +4 handicap on the most difficult courses from the back tees. Another words he plays golf on a very different planet (level) than you and i do or can imagine.

    The term PGA Pro generally refers to a teaching pro. He is designated a PGA pro because he passed a written exam and played a PGA designated course and averaged 87 or better on three consecutive rounds (or something to this effect as i am not up on the latest PGA Pro qualifications). Most PGA pros are guys who can't or never could make it on the PGA tour/Nationwide Tour/European Tour/Asia Tour, etc.

    He can be anything from a outstanding golfer (scrath to plus 2 or 3) to mediocre golfer (10-15 handicap). He may be an excellent teacher but not a great golfer. He may also be a excellent golfer but not a great teacher and just work in the Pro Shop.

    Generally, a PGA Pro is a pretty good golfer because he works at a golf course and has unlimited play/practice access.

    Just want to say thank for the great review of driving ranges (or lack of) in Pattaya. Went to a couple when i visited and very discouraging. Practice facilities are severly lacking unless you are a member or have access to the nice country clubs (Siam/Lam Chaebang) from what i have been told and my observations at the 5-6 courses i played in the area.

    Firstly, there are way more than 125 PGA Tour Pros in the world. You are wrong there.

    Secondly, Harold was never a PGA Teaching Pro. The score average you refer to above is more like 77, not 87.

    Best of Luck...

    1. Wrong. There are only 125 PGA Tour Pros every year. 125 in 2010. Some come (new) through qualifying school and some go (retire or don't make the cut that particular year). There may be 500-1000 living but there are only 125 PGA tour pros playing on the PGA in 2010. Just like there were 125 in 2009 and will be 125 in 2011. Top 100 in 2010 automatic to next year bottom 25 have to go through qualifying school.

    2. Don't know Harold from Joe. Could care less just stating that because someone is a PGA Pro does not mean he is on the PGA Tour it means he works (or has worked) in the golf industry and earned a living being involved in golf.

    3. Read my post. One can score as high as 87 during the player aptitude test. Agree most PGA teaching pro's are closer to 77.

    I am feeling lucky.

    No, you are wrong yet again. Look at the official PGA site, they list 302 active PGA players. This week's Quail Hollow started with almost 160 players.

    PGA Teaching Pro - rigorous test and playing test. Not awarded solely because someone earns their living from the golf industry.

    If anyone scores an 87 during the Players Aptitude Test they will surely fail! To be fair, I did once hear of Harold shooting an 87 though I did not witness it. Usually he's in the 90's. Observe him on the range and you will see that it is impossible that he is a pro.

    Back to the best range in Pattaya. I already stated Plantation GC is the best practice facility hands down. Who cares if it closes at 4:45? And boring? What the heck is the OP looking for anyway???

    Good luck...

  10. On an extremely good day Harold is about a 15, he was never a PGA pro...

    There are hundreds and hundreds (and maybe thousands) of PGA Pros. They are not PGA TOUR Pros. There are only 125 of them in the world and the #125 is probably a +4 handicap on the most difficult courses from the back tees. Another words he plays golf on a very different planet (level) than you and i do or can imagine.

    The term PGA Pro generally refers to a teaching pro. He is designated a PGA pro because he passed a written exam and played a PGA designated course and averaged 87 or better on three consecutive rounds (or something to this effect as i am not up on the latest PGA Pro qualifications). Most PGA pros are guys who can't or never could make it on the PGA tour/Nationwide Tour/European Tour/Asia Tour, etc.

    He can be anything from a outstanding golfer (scrath to plus 2 or 3) to mediocre golfer (10-15 handicap). He may be an excellent teacher but not a great golfer. He may also be a excellent golfer but not a great teacher and just work in the Pro Shop.

    Generally, a PGA Pro is a pretty good golfer because he works at a golf course and has unlimited play/practice access.

    Just want to say thank for the great review of driving ranges (or lack of) in Pattaya. Went to a couple when i visited and very discouraging. Practice facilities are severly lacking unless you are a member or have access to the nice country clubs (Siam/Lam Chaebang) from what i have been told and my observations at the 5-6 courses i played in the area.

    Firstly, there are way more than 125 PGA Tour Pros in the world. You are wrong there.

    Secondly, Harold was never a PGA Teaching Pro. The score average you refer to above is more like 77, not 87.

    Best of Luck...

  11. I think that you are one of the many people here who want something for nothing. I will also assume (and truly hope) that English is not your first language.

    That's what I think about it.

  12. Can someone point me to a web site that explains the use of the terms 1st world and 3rd world countries? Or 2nd world for that matter? I never hear of England or Euro countries or the USA or Australia called 1st world countries. We kick around the words "developing" and "emerging". Where can I read the info that explains this?

    I'm like the OP. I have done a "ton of research" and I just don't see it explained.


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