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Everything posted by Pappap

  1. Thanks, can now get all sorted...:-)
  2. Thanks, seems the answer is two totally separate wills in both countries, different executors and update in each country if necessary. Those who have done this are the other countries/lawyers/executors notified of the other will? Thanks for all the answers.
  3. Hi, has anyone experience of having two separate and different wills in two countries, i.e. one in Thailand and one in the UK. Seems this would be easier for the relevant executors/administrators in each country, one dealing with each country. Thanks.
  4. The government hospital, (where I live, Krabi) End/Colon are as have been quoted 10/11000k for both, go to a clinic in the town/city that offers these, sometimes the sign outside will only say Endoscopy and usually all in Thai, but they usually offer both, the one I found was the doctor that performed the test in the government hosp, I paid a consultation fee of 1000bht and the endoscopy was done within 3 days, colon next week. I had done the same research as most here and was expecting 30/40k....... hope this applies to wherever you live.
  5. I'll second this one, absolutely delightful, classic Thai music and dancing, very friendly and not very big.
  6. Updated bank book showing all of last years requirements. Letter from the Bank Copy of Passport Copy of Visa Copy of house rental contract Photo of you outside of where you live Map of where your house is TM 7 Form Passport picture This is what I took 3 weeks ago, all done within 20 mins, wait time 30 mins, went early am 9ish this time of year really quiet and pretty helpful as well, enjoy Krabi.
  7. Excellent replies, thank you.
  8. Hi, two part question thanks. Is my UK will valid here in Thailand or do I have to get it translated. I have heard I can do it or leave it at the local Ampur? Can it be just a basic translation or have to been done by a lawyer? I have made a Living Will using one of the downloadable forms, it's been witnessed by two independent people. is this legal and will it be acknowledged by a hospital if ever it's use is necessary? Thank you...ps have searched for these answers but nothing found that is specific.
  9. Some interesting posts, thanks, have done three transactions since the first post, one for 20k one for 40k and one for 65k, all using wise and putting in "funds for long term stay" the 20 and 40 came through as a bank transfer with a few moments. The 65k came through as an International Transfer and took about 24 hours. This is from Barclays UK using Wise.
  10. I'm going to start transferring the 65k per month for a year then change from the existing 800k requirement for a retirement yearly extension. Funds coming from Barclays uk bank. I've noticed that some transfers are listed as "Transfer A/C from another bank", others are listed as "International Transfer" which is what is needed for immigration. I use the same system with Wise, direct transfer from the UK bank. Is the difference between where the cash has come from on the statement because its smaller sums, (from 20k to 40k ish... A/C from ano bank) or because I don't always tick the "use of funds needed for" same box, can never remember what I said the last time! or because larger amounts don't come immediately, can take 24hrs to arrive. Thanks
  11. Interesting reading, seems Tap water standards are above what most perceive them to be. Only way to be sure is to take one's own samples and get them tested I guess. Would presume the water bottle companies would heavily disagree with these findings? https://www.researchgate.net/publication/322954094_Evaluation_on_the_Quality_of_Bangkok_Tap_Water_with_Other_Drinking_Purpose_Water
  12. Hi, good info thanks, prob a bad photo but I only needed the basic 5 stage, not an RO so it wasn't sold as one. Tap water tested TDS wise and bad metals, nitrates etc ok, but I still wasn't sure about the quality so installed one of these, not much difference, and PH excellent, as most know RO is used ( supposedly) by the bottled water companies, variable, so a very low TDS and consequently lower PH which isn't good long term. still seems a bit strange not a lot of difference so will take some samples to the local marine water research lab near here, seems they test for all impurities.
  13. Much appreciated, thank you.
  14. One like this
  15. I've installed a 5 stage filter for the tap water, TDS has stayed the same as the tap water, about 350, TDS in most bottled water ranges from 90 to as low as 9, seemed strange the TDS didn't change with the filtered water, so tested for metals in both, Tap and filtered, none showed up in either, tested the PH in all, tap filtered and bottled. Tap and filtered both 7.5 all the rest slightly below, some as low as 5.5. Rechecked the filtered TDS result by putting in rusty nails overnight, yep TDS way high and showed up on metal test. Tests used were litmus strips for PH different ones for metals, chlorine, nitrates etc. So is there something that doesn't show on these tests to make the tap water undrinkable and why hasn't the filter changed the TDS? Am in Krabi town if this makes any relevance. Obviously I don't know enough about the science of water and would appreciate advice before I screw up my body totally!! Thanks.
  16. Paid by 7/11 2 days ago, one item out of stock, refunded today, used funds from the wallet, no problems. This is from a laptop, maybe different with the app..phone to small for my ageing eyes!
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