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Posts posted by taxidriver

  1. I think most guys on here might be thinking is this true or not, so maybe a few more pictures of yourself might be good evidence. If you like the sound of anyone, just PM them.

    Did I just take the bait by responding? I feel sorry for her being stuck in here with all of us.Hahaha

  2. I bought a dog for my wife for her last birthday. He was in a cage in Huay kwang, same thing as chutujuk. I got him out the cage and threw him a ball and he was a bit active. He took a while to get use to his new surrondings, we took him to the vet and got all the shots etc.. He's a barrel of laughs and we couldn't live without him now, but the little bastard won't stop biting me. My wife said not to buy one from Chutujak as they are just the unwanted ones from the farms, she got one from there a few years ago and it was constantly sick. I still think it's luck of the draw.


  3. I'm surprised to see so many Marvin Gaye fans,what's going on???

    He was a big disco-guru wasn't he? Also responsible for that gaye song 'sexy thing'.

    1.Talking heads- Little creatures (1st album at age 9 from my aunt)

    2.The Pixies- Debaser (lost teenage years)

    3.Something for Kate- Beautiful sharks (great Aussie band that most haven't heard of)

  4. Done all sorts of things both legal and not so legal.

    The last 13 years I'm working in the Middle-East; oil & shit

    Meom - middle-east oil man :D

    Deepwater exploration oil drilling and I'm getting sick of it... :o

    Project Engineer - offshore oil & gas industry.

    Geezzz, I was thinking about getting into the offshore oil & gas industry. It's hard to get into isn't it? How much time do you spend on & off? I did fly in/fly out in Oz mining industry, but don't know much about offshore. If I did it, my wife would probably kill me, although the money might keep her happy.hahaha

    Offshore oil and gas industry - Seismic surveys. An ###### of a job. Hope to be permanently retired in about 5 years.

    Offshore oil and gas industry

    Seismic surveys.

    its the only thing i can do,  hate it but the money is good.

  5. It's fair play for both, but what I mean is that the girls are at fault from their innocence and desires and the guy (sugar daddy) can end up lonely and depressed when the party's over. I didn't want to sound harsh and it must be tempting, but it just looks odd to me, an old bloke with a heap of uni girls coming around at strange hours. I'm still quite young though.


  6. Well, Thailand and it's people are great, but they do lack common sense quite often. Many Thai girls choose finding a sugar daddy and having multiple partners that also increases the risk of catching std's, to supposedly 'survive'. It's pure laziness, rather than finding a part-time job and keeping their self respect, they choose the degrading road. Uni isn't expensive here or food and rent, they want the money to buy nice clothes and the latest mobile phone. As my 23 year old wife says, 'Thai uni girl no good now, she wants money to buy everything'.

    As for the sugar daddies, these girls just see you as a money tree to be picked occassionally, no love in it at all, in fact they go with their young Thai or farang boy friend who they love and have a good time and more interesting sex (free). Then the dirty old man dies alone looking out the window at the young happy lovers going by. And if the DOM are married, if their wife knows then she will probably leave him and tell the kids what he's like, if she stays, she will be waiting to get him back. Chinese men are good at it though, cultural thing. It's acceptable in my book for young, single farang guys to have free sex,but that's coming from me and I can't stand old perverts.

  7. This may be a stupid question or just one I have never been faced with. However it is in the application for sponsoring my wife to go to Oz. So, am I eligible? I thought all Aussies were, but it's wierd how this odd question pops up out of no where. Are you an eligible New Zealand citizen? tick NO go to next section, tick YES do the health and character section. ??? I'm thinking yes. Can anyone clarify???

  8. Hi, my wife and I have friends a Thai couple, that went to the Sillamons and they were supposed to be flying back to BKK yesterday from Phuket and we are really worried now, we both tried calling their mobiles yesterday and today, but we can't get through. My wife can't get through to the info line off the TV either.

    Does anyone know about what happened in the Sillamon islands?

    The main mentions are Phuket,Krabi & Phi Phi, but no talk of the Sillamons. We think they were on a boat. They are both scuba divers and they go there frequently, but we don't know much about the Sillamons. Any info would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

  9. I haven't, but my wife has lost a few. We were in a taxi one night and as soon as we got out she said,'I left my phone in the taxi', he must have known because I waved him down only meters away, but he just looked in the rear view mirror and put his foot down. Oh, and her purse was stolen the other night because she has a bad habbit of leaving it the trolley whilst she shops, sitting duck. Iv'e told her a hundred times, but that's not enough. The crew at amphur office know her pretty well now as she always goes there to get new ID cards, other than that she's a great wife.

  10. I'm afraid it is an unfortunate fact that some with fake degrees get work here.  But, this is not to condone it in any way.

    Does this mean that TEFL courses offered on the Internet are not accepted in Thailand? Oh, oh......I just enrolled in ITTT (International TEFL Teacher Training. Found it in Ajarn.com site and they seemed pretty legit. Anybody know about them? Thanks.

    A TEFL certificate is valuable if you have a degree to go with it. You may get a job with it, but you need a degree to get a work permit, in Bangkok anyway.

  11. Thanks! I heard that it is a hassle and I'm finding that out now, it's like another world and now my wife is pregnant has really thrown the spanner in the works in a race against time.

    If she gets the visa after she is 7 months,(doctor said she can't fly after that) will that visa be history? Because child dependant won't be on the application/visa or would we just get the child an Oz passport?

  12. ok thanks, I'll try to find that list on the web site oz embassy BKK, but are you sure about the 888 form? First I sent the link to my parents in Australia of the ordinary white stat dec, which is at the top of the list, then I thought it was wrong and they needed the 888 form, because thats what is mentioned in the booklet.

    I'm cofused about what form they use. What did u use when you got your stat decs done in Oz?

  13. The 888 is the one used for permanent residence, it's a supporting document that you will get all your family and friends to complete for you after 2 years in Oz.

    A "stat dec" is a solemn declaration made by a person, witnessed and signed by a qualified person in the state it's made.

    Use the stat decs for your family to provide evidence of a genuine and continuing relationship, dont forget to sign them in front of the JP.

    The documents will have to be translated but go to an approved translation service to get this done, the embassy will provide this.

    Ok, so I thought there was a specific stat dec form that must be used by my parents that is provided by immigration, but in actual fact it can be done on an ordinary piece of paper and signed by a JP. Its got me beat why in the partner migration booklet, under the stat decs info it says to use 888.

    Original question, does anyone know where an accredited (NAATI) is is Bangkok?


    Email 'em [email protected]

    Who is it doc?

  14. The 888 is the one used for permanent residence, it's a supporting document that you will get all your family and friends to complete for you after 2 years in Oz.

    A "stat dec" is a solemn declaration made by a person, witnessed and signed by a qualified person in the state it's made.

    Use the stat decs for your family to provide evidence of a genuine and continuing relationship, dont forget to sign them in front of the JP.

    The documents will have to be translated but go to an approved translation service to get this done, the embassy will provide this.

    Ok, so I thought there was a specific stat dec form that must be used by my parents that is provided by immigration, but in actual fact it can be done on an ordinary piece of paper and signed by a JP. Its got me beat why in the partner migration booklet, under the stat decs info it says to use 888.

    Original question, does anyone know where an accredited (NAATI) is is Bangkok?


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