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Posts posted by mauGR1

  1. 1 minute ago, YogaVeg said:

    Actually, yes. It is a huge problem on Craigslist in California. Especially elderly folks sending money for all manner of scams.

    I don't claim to understand why. Some folks are incredibly trusting I suppose, probably because they wouldn't dream of burning someone themselves.

    I see. I noticed that in the last few years, the competition for survival has reached new levels.

    You can't trust anyone these days, and it will get worse.

  2. 3 minutes ago, pikao said:

    What is a troll post?? seriously asking

    You can find plenty of descriptions on google , i don't even know if it's correct to call it a troll post.

    Still it was amusing to see so many people taking this post seriously, and being outraged for the insulting replies.

    If the story is true, the guy deserves even more insults.

  3. 2 minutes ago, YogaVeg said:

    I was taking it at face value, I just don't understand what joy folks get out of posting fake threads, but yeah it surely happens. 

    I never heard of somebody buying a bike on internet and sending the money in advance, have you ?

  4. 4 minutes ago, YogaVeg said:

    Wouldn't surprise me in the least. I cringe when I read some of the antagonism and name-calling that takes place of TV, adding insult to injury.


    One has to have a pretty thick skin to survive on these forums. 

    So, do you think the OP is for real ? I could be wrong of course, but it has all the marks of a troll post.

  5. 11 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

    Who are these people? Why would someone even consider the possibility that someone is their "friend", due to an online encounter. There is no substance to the 'relationship". There is nothing there. Is this due to extreme loneliness? Why one earth would someone send 100,000 baht to someone they never met? And then do it over, and over, and over again, without seeing anything in return, or ever meeting this person? 


    I hear about guys all the time getting involved with someone online, and devoting hundreds of hours to the woman, sending her money, etc, etc. They have never even met. What is that?


    Is this just a very low IQ sort of thing? Desperation for companionship? Greed? It is all way, way beyond me.

    Yes, unbelievable, extreme loneliness for sure, coupled with an extremely boring life .

  6. 11 minutes ago, Nyezhov said:

    I got some two nights ago off TF. 28, no kids, decent looking skinny thang, works in a dept store, cost me a dinner, two drinks and 500B cab fare. First thing when she got to my crib was turn on the A/C (I hate AC and leave it off), rummage through the fridge, turn on the TV and make herself at home. Not a bad bang, she was happy that I am faster than a Japanese virgin and hung half as long.


    Now keep in mind Im fat and old and repuslive but jai dee. And I have a swimming pool (I like swim, watch TV, clean room). But my Line is blowing up. 

    ok, please let us know when you marry :biggrin:

  7. 2 minutes ago, rumak said:

    my daughter has a house that we rent out and we had some tall trees ( once they get going, they grow fast)

    I trimmed them many many times but finally had to admit is was too much work and the fear of limbs damaging neighbors homes led me to take them down.   The front yard is NOT concrete and there are other shrubs growing.   I still love big trees....but realistically you need a large plot of land to keep them .

    Probably your landlord , as someone suggested, was concerned of the dangers of falling limbs.

    Sure mate, moreover, a big tree with shallow roots may be easily eradicated during a big storm, and fall on a house with his weight plus the force of gravity.

    Sometimes is better to cut a potentially dangerous tree and replace it with another variety.

    • Like 1
  8. 2 minutes ago, bamboozled said:

    Yes I think the canopy thing is probably really the only feasible option without spending a boatload of money. Unfortunately, that won't do much for the aesthetics of the situation. That and some shrubs/small trees as you suggest to create a barrier. I do have some 30 foot bamboo poles that I could try to rig up and run some of that netting across. It all starts to seem a bit ridiculous at a certain point. But if I can make it livable with a little ingenuity that would give me some time to find a suitable place to relocate if that's an inevitability. I'm still digesting the change. As I mentioned in my first post, the house is all windows with screens and shutters but no glass so to make air con feasible I would either have to close all the shutters or put glass. Not that the shutters close well anymore. That still leaves me with purchasing a lot of air cons, too boot. Thanks for the reply.

    I would suggest you to spend a few days thinking about options, and speak with the landlord using your best diplomacy skills, so that he might propose some even better solution, and possibly help you to do the job in a proper way.

    • Like 2
  9. 11 minutes ago, bamboozled said:

    They cut down the tree because they were afraid it would blow down in a storm and do damage to their property or the neighbors. The fear is not completely unfounded but it was highly unlikely.

    Don't forget that fast-growing tree branches are very easy to break with wind and storms, probably the tree was still growing at a fast rate, so that the landlord decided to cut it before it becomes too tall and unmanageable.

     The green canopy all over the concrete area seems the best idea so far, and some potted shrubs might help to create a milder micro-climate.

    You will have to water the shrubs very often, but that is necessary only in the dry season.

    Don't buy small pots, better fewer but bigger, for better results.

    • Like 2
  10. 4 minutes ago, atyclb said:


    avoid getting the impression that "they think"

    Of course you are right, in fact i said "sometimes".

    It would be wrong to think "they are all the same".

    ..nonetheless, we look for patterns to form a knowledge..

    • Like 1
  11. 4 minutes ago, androokery said:

    I'm not familiar with this debating technique. Is it something the kids are doing nowadays? A children's version of the old "talk to the hand because the head ain't listening"?

    Well, to be honest you had a point in saying that there is a hierarchy among living beings, but all is relative in the end, and perhaps your 'hypotheticals' and your choice of words were not a shining example of grace, and now you are talking about 'debating technique' while adding fuel to the fire.

    Relax, it's just a forum.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  12. 3 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

    I'm more interested in the 40-50Kg range, 60Kg is way too big.

    Not bothered about a PHD, completed junior school will do.

    Same here, it was just a comment on the profiles.

    • Like 1
  13. 14 minutes ago, atyclb said:



    the last thaifriendly gal i had a date with (educated and real hospital administration job) spent the night at my place (first date) and a couple of days later wanted to borrow 5000 baht. her interest in me evaporated as i did not feel comfortable loaning her money so soon.

    Sometimes i get the vague impression that they think we are all stupid :coffee1:

    • Like 1
  14. 16 minutes ago, atyclb said:

    heres some food for thought


    on thaifriendly a gal clicks "interested in me" . she then sends a message with a big hello spelled vertically in caps.  next we exchange many nice and friendly messages.  then i ask for her line or other social media/ instant messaging contact info.  then she replies . " Hi "


    i would pull my hair out if only i had more of it left.


    this is common mentality on thaifriendly.    erratic, illogic, no sense behavior.

    Sometimes i smell there must be some kind of industry behind it, like , for example, one woman or man, who is managing multiple profiles.

    I am also surprised how there are so many girls 1.75 tall , 60 k. weight with PHD.

    Years ago i met genuine ( or half genuine) women there, these days i can't be bothered.

    • Like 1
  15. 4 minutes ago, Daveyh said:

    My thoughts ............... Malayan Pit Viper. Nasty little suckers, no warning just strike. Plentiful everywhere in Thailand. Built up areas don't seem to bother them much ........ even come across them on dark evenings after rain on roads looking for rodents. I've stopped wearing "flip flops" now ........ nearly stepped on one on the darkside in Soi Khaw Noi, only just I saw it in time ......... curled up in an entrance to a beer bar, thought it was dog's poo .... yikes!! Many juveniles around the area too ......... as venomous & deadly from birth ...... about 20cm in length. They don't run, stepping on one ruins your day. Hospital immediately & get treatment ......... loss of limb or possibly worse if you delay. As I've said probably the worst snake around here due to their commonality although there's other varieties that are as dangerous, but not so common. ie Russel Viper, Banded Kraits & Cobra's. 

    I think there are 4 or 5 most common kinds of viper in Thailand, once i had a water viper in my garden pond.

    Although i cannot tell the difference, all vipers have a characteristic triangular head, and they are all very venomous.

    I don't see a snake around here since 5/6 years, i guess it's the only positive side of the increasing population and road traffic on the island.

  16. Very interesting thread, Thanks to the OP, and to Kieran001 and DoctorG for the detailed explainations.

    I have had a few snakes in my garden in the last few years, and i noticed too that, once they hear me, they move away.

    I killed a viper once which was coiled, probably asleep just in front of the backdoor.

    So it seems that necrosis of tissues can be a major problem if you survive a bite, and i heard first-hand stories from country people which confirms that.

    It could be interesting to know if there are "natural antidotes" for snake bites.

    Hospitals may not have the right serum, or the serum might be expired, so that the only cure would be a surgical operation.



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