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Posts posted by mauGR1

  1. 7 hours ago, maprao said:
    9 hours ago, MickTurator said:
    Three men from Wang Chin have been arrested in connection with the murder of Alan and his wife. Allegedly hired by Notts brother.  





    Thai Rath says they did it for 5000 Baht.Also the brother was suspected of killing the younger brother years previously

    The mind boggles


    I have the link not sure if allowed to post here

    I find it strange that there is no mention of people arrested in the other paper.

  2. Just now, Bantex said:


    Yes thats OK if the server is honest. I was behind a Thai who said 1000 Baht but was handing over 100 Baht note, possibly by mistake. Even if you say 1000 Baht and hand over 1000 Baht note this can still happen and they could still argue that you gave over 100 Baht note as you were trying to con them.

    Sent from my iPad using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    That's right, possibly that 7/11 staff were assuming the old lady to be unaware of the cameras.

    If there is no camera and no witnesses, it's my word against your word, i've seen that happen.

  3. 42 minutes ago, Tchooptip said:

    As regards double prices. I ask myself a question, stupid perhaps, are there no international trade laws that would prohibit pricing based on race? One can not even say based on nationality since the "Farangs" have dozens of different nationalities. What would Trump think, for example, or other head of state if they were told in Thailand that your compatriots are paying officially twice the price of Thais for entering the national parks?

    Double pricing in shops is another story since it related to individuals shopkeepers.

    Officially, in National Parks, the foreigners pay the right price, while the Thais get a discount.

    Hard to discuss that logic.


    • Like 1
  4. 9 minutes ago, Bantex said:

    Sometimes as I’m handing over a 1000 Baht note and before I let go of it I’ll ask the server what size of note it is, saying I’m not wearing my glasses this forces them to confirm its 1000 Baht in front of everyone.

    Other times I simply tell the server “I’m sorry but I’ve nothing smaller that 1000 Baht note” or “ do you have change of 1000 Baht note”.

    If you say : 1000 Baht- it will suffice.

    That's what all Thais do when they pay with big notes.

    • Like 1
  5. 13 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:


    Science requires assumptions, unless you have some evidence to suggest why these methods would be less accurate than believed then I will keep believing them rather than you who are relying on your reckoning alone.

    That's a fair picture, i admit that i'm very skeptical on the accuracy of graphics and data, and honestly i have no clear evidence in this case.

    Still, scientists have been proved wrong sometimes, so it's not completely foolish to doubt their claims.

  6. 14 minutes ago, 55Jay said:

    Not their rules, of course, but this example is annoying.  Seems once they take a position, even if it's a bit stupid, they dig in and double down. 



    Once i went into 7/11, on a Buddhist holiday, to buy some soda water..

    ... Cannot sell, Buddha day.

    - But it's soda, no alcohol .

    ...Cannot sell, Buddha day.

    -It's soda, no alcohol.

    ..Cannot sell, Buddha day.

    - ok :blink:

    • Like 2
  7. 3 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:


    The graphics have a level of inaccuracy displayed on them, if you have some evidence to dispute this level of inaccuracy then lets here it, so far all you have offered is supposition, so take a leaf out of your own book and give us some real facts. 

    Obviously we have a different opinion about 'real facts', so for the moment i will leave it at that.

    That's not to say that i don't appreciate your contributions.

  8. 6 minutes ago, mikeymike100 said:

    I believe you are correct, but why don't they just ban sales to under 18s or 21s? I know several places that sell alcohol 24 hrs, so I am pretty sure the locals do too.

    If i was 16 and need a beer, i would send a 21 y.o. to get it for me.

    Hardly a deterrent.

    • Like 1
  9. 11 minutes ago, wwest5829 said:
    On 9/22/2018 at 11:56 AM, mauGR1 said:

    That's about right.

    One time though, i had the satisfaction to see a couple, probably from Bkk, being overcharged at the local mom&pop store.

    Oops, the 500 versus 200 baht fines just came to mind.....

    Oh, in that case it was just a few Bahts over a couple of beer bottles, but funny nonetheless seeing Thais in Thailand being charged more than me.

  10. 7 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:


    Ok, then present something that demonstrates that their accuracy rates are not accurate, claiming you have read it is hardly going to cut it, you will have to evidence that or have it disregarded as nonsense.

    I thought it was clear that science and knowledge, despite being the highest goals of the humankind, have been manipulated and used by the powerful to fool the rest of the people since the beginning of organized society.

    That's not to take away anything from a serious and rigorous study of the nature.

    If you present a theory, you have to prove it with real facts.

    As far as i know, carbon dating is grossly inaccurate, but some 30 years ago they were telling us that it was perfect.

    So should i have blind faith in your graphics ?

  11. 7 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:




    As for the age of the data, you really would have to read through what we were talking about, it started off with proxy data stretching back 65 million years, the modern data was presented as evidence that the proxy measures are accurate, but didn't we already have this conversation?  I am sure I already explained all this to you.



    Thanks, but i read enough books and data in general to be almost 100% sure that those data are not reliable.

    "proxy data stretching 65 million year, you're having a laugh..

    • Like 1
  12. 28 minutes ago, mogandave said:

    Assuming the climate is changing, and assuming the changes will be mostly negative, and assuming man is primarily responsible for climate change, what if anything, are any of us willing to give up?

    Air conditioning in the summer?
    Heat in the winter?
    Personal vehicles?
    Air transportation?
    Eating meat?

    Generally, no one wants to give up anything. They want to blame oil companies and raise other people’s taxes.

    There is no magic energy source.

    Very true, and try to imagine if the poorest of the planet could have a house couple of cars, motorbikes , maybe a boat, internet computer, central heating and A/C while flying twice a year for holidays around the world.....etc..

    It would be unsustainable.

    And it will be, despite all the efforts to study alternate sources of energy.

    It will end badly one way or another, enjoy life.

  13. 28 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:


    We have nothing to suggest that anything other than the meteorite hit 65 million years ago, has made any lasting change to the correlation between co2, temps and sea ice levels.  Do you have any evidence to suggest that there are things influencing this correlation or just speculation?

    Excuse me, but what do you mean for "lasting change" ?

    Nothing is lasting, everything change in the physical realm.

    And your data is barely 100 years old compared to millions of years of history of the planet.

    My evidence is telling me that around 10000 or 12000 years ago there were big cataclisms, without the need of several billions of people polluting the planet. It just happened. It will happen again.




  14. 4 minutes ago, watcharacters said:





    Correct as far as I'm aware.      Seems to me there's a far bigger problem needing more attention than just  restricting  hours of  alcohol sales.


    Well, i am totally against excessive use/abuse of alcohol, so it's not a problem for me.

    This law seems a bit strange, nonetheless, it doesn't address the real problem, which is alcoholism and drink-driving especially, because the alcoholics have already their stocks, and a tourist on holiday can have a reason to complain.


  15. 3 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:


    Yes, normally as the air and sea get hotter we see less ice, what made you think it would be otherwise?  You think it unbelievable?  It would be unbelievable the other way around, ice freezing more the hotter it got, do try to engage the brain.

    I suggest you read the article I posted earlier, the cooling periods that are collectively referred to as the Little Ice Age were very localized, in the US neighboring states were having starkly contrasting weather.



    That was my point few posts above, and the point of many others.

    The weather and the ice sea levels patterns influence each other, only until a certain point, and there are many other factors of influence which we cannot control.

    Can you predict a volcano eruption ?

    Sorry to say, but we know a little more than nothing.

  16. 10 minutes ago, robertson468 said:
    22 hours ago, mauGR1 said:

    Definitely i would avoid islands and beaches, it can be very boring if you're not lucky with the weather.


     Rubbish ?

    Fair enough if you think so.

    But, here where i live the weather is completely unpredictable.

    The last 3 days the weather is great, but prior didn't see the sun for 5 days, with all the varieties of rain you can imagine.

    The good thing is there is barely some tourist around, so at least it's quiet.

    Still, if i was on a short holiday in the rainy season, i would rather enjoy a city like Bangkok, which has all the attractions that people can ask for.

    Plus, Ayutthaya and Kanchanaburi are easy and interesting towns nearby, which you can go and back in the same day.

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