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Posts posted by Valentine

  1. I always thought rubbing lime on the sting would help which is likely to be more readily available on the beachfront.

    I'm pretty sure the "rubbing" of anything will cause worse pain if there are still any unfired nematocysyts. Maybe after all the jelly has been removed. Never heard that one.

    Maybe one should just squeeze the juice of the lime over the affected area as should be done with vinegar. As I said it should be easy to find as there is always someone making somtam or lime juice nearby.

  2. global warming is a myth

    i kind of agree, if we have global warming, then the sea's are warmer, so we should get more evapouration??

    ie more clouds and more rain

    so why is this not happening and the only thing that IS happening is governments jumping on the bandwaggon and taxing us more??

    Read the post about El Nino which states that it causes drought conditions in Thailand. In other places it can cause abnormally high rainfall. None of this rules out the possibility of global warming. Droughts are a problem here because there is no coherent water management system in place.

  3. Be assured that while we do not have the vote - nor should we - TVF is read by Reds and Yellows alike, by the Thai media and most significantly of all, by both the government and the Reds. They closely follow that which we farang have to say in the here and now. like it or not.  

    If you seriously believe this one you are comically deceived.Thai Visa represents the legion of retirees, tourists,teachers, remittance men, and sexpats (present and past).I doubt whether most regular farang businessmen or professionals - ie those with visas and work permits - are even aware of its existence.The name of the forum tells you its audience as do the advertisers.

    You must have just come down in the last shower of rain & you are the one who is "comically deceived". Besides, why can't the "legion of retirees" make comment, after all they contribute to the economy & have a right to their opinion.

  4. AND the price of rice globally just keeps falling.


    Yet prices in the shops are about 100% more than a couple of years ago. Even with the drought I don't think there is a shortage of rice in Thailand as it has long been an exporter of rice. I think the pricing system is much more complex (price guarantees, middlemen, millers, price fixing, stockpiles, corruption etc) than we will ever know about & hopefully the present government will take steps to rectify this & make it more transparent.

    Water management is abysmal & again pretty complex but we cannot sit back & just hope for more rain in future. In the past when the dams are low the rains come & then everyone seems to forget about any new water management plans. Education would help as there is much wastage amongst both domestic & commercial users.

    On my website I put "water is our most valuable resource, please use it wisely". Now & in the future this will become increasingly important otherwise wars will be fought over ever dwindling supplies of water unless water management is taken more seriously. Peak oil, which may already be in place, has the potential to produce serious consequences & mankind can most likely survive without all the luxuries provided via oil but man cannot survive without water.

  5. Thanks for the details. Actually, I have been unable to find the type of rented house that I want in Thalang, but have found something that looks suitable in Chalong. So the Software Park is not too distant.

    Whilst it's true that a business can be operated out of any office space, my clients are major companies in the US/Europe. So it's important to portray the business as a modern, efficient set-up, blah blah blah, since these clients may well come and visit.

    In any case, I'm off to visit both the Software Park, house to rent and my accountant in Phuket later this week. I'll give you my feedback about how hot it is inside the Software Park building.


    PS - Just to add that the rent that I've been quoted for the office is low!, about 25% of my proposed house rent

    There are some long term plans to develop the park further around the lake so for the future it could be your best bet. I heard a rumour that Cisco have been sniffing around Phuket.

  6. I need to go to the P.E.A. office as I lost my bill.

    It's moved somewhere else in the last couple of years, as I found out after a wasted journey yesterday.

    Does anybody know the new address?


    Go to Phuket Town, drive past the turnoff into the bus station (opposite Royal Phuket City Hotel), take the next left just before the old Honda dealer & at the end of the car park on the left is the PEA office where you can pay the bill.

  7. I have TOT up tp 4MBs package & up until one hour ago the download speed from all sources (inside & outside Thailand) was 0.85MBs & has been the same for 3 weeks despite calls to their hotline. Earlier this morning I visited the TOT office in Phuket & within 30 minutes a technician appeared at my door & within another 10 minutes my download speed was back to 3.5MBs which is what it was previously. Perhaps I was lucky they had a tech in the area but he did say straight away he knew exactly what was wrong. I did not discuss with him as I was just happy to get my speed back.

    Another problem which has not been rectified is I cannot send messages to @yahoo.com but can receive. My incoming mail server is Loxinfo but TOT going out. Anyone else having this problem as I know of others in Phuket who are on TOT & cannot send to yahoo.

  8. There were actually 2 wars on drugs. In the first one the generally accepted number of deaths was 2,500. It was highly publicized & from some surveys seemingly supported by the public. There was a 2nd one about a year later which did not generate much publicity but supposedly accounted for another 1,000 deaths. At some stage Mr T declared victory in the war on drugs but it seems that no kingpins have been brought to trial. I think initial investigations into the killings were by a police committee.

    I have often thought that Mr T could end up in front of the court in The Hague but as a defendant. I agree with another poster that the Dems have a lousy PR machine, they seem to be living in the stone age when it comes to PR.

  9. In an online phuket news source there is a list of various expat arrests.

    Most are for drink driving or drug possession but there was 2 that piqued my interest as I've not seen them referenced anywhere else.

    The report includes separate references to Errol Salih and Selwyn Casey apparently each being accused of bouncing a cheque.

    There are no more details as to whether cleared, charged ongoing etc..

    Has anyone seen any other reports about this?

    Those arrests were on 15th March so assume it is sorted by now. I don't think it is easy to get arrested for bouncing a cheque. A couple of times I have mistakenly written cheques, bad subtraction on my part, thinking there were enough funds for clearance. On both occasions, the bank called & asked me to deposit funds to cover it, I was only out by a little bit.

  10. He has limited services but you can do a passport renewal.

    thanks will contact him on monday , what i want to see him about is verifying my australian drivers license so i can get my thai license in order for my motor bike , bit confused actually on what the license people actually want from me , i am aware of cert of residency , med cert but not sure on this verification and if larry can do it or not ...

    cheers CdM

    Probably easier to go & sit for your Thai licence.

  11. >Actually, there are size 13 US and 14 US which is a 13 UK at basement of Big C. And at an unusual location.... the large electronic shop to the far right off the escalator. You will see stationary gasoline coin stations, bikes, cctv cameras etc etc... In a large box outside, they have these huge shoes. jing jing!

    if im looking at the escalator is it somewhere in the right as though im going to get my bike in the parking?

    Im looking for some canvas shoes just to cover the feet for work....

    It would then be your far left past the telephone shops. To the right is the food hall.

  12. It's a well know fact the army is split. Part supporting the current gov and part supporting the reds. Khattiya is proof enough of this. I was taking with a fairly successful Thai business man the day after the first killings occurred (April 22?). He lowered his voice, even though we were in my house, and said "there are 2 armies." He didn't say any more.

    I am sure the government knows exactly what is going on, but with all the propaganda from both sides, it's hard for us on the outside to get things straight. Especially all the spewing the UDD leaders do!

    My favorite picture is the one with burned out Central World in the background and the large red banner saying something about peaceful protests....right...who's propaganda is worse? Not hard to figure out.

    edit: I do like this editorial:

    /link removed //Admin

    There were two armies in 1992. Seems to me the army has always been split into various factions as reports often mention groups of officers graduating from a certain class & how they stick together.

  13. Let's take care in our generalizations about Thai people. My observation, Valentine, has been the opposite of yours. Perhaps we only see those things that support our basic position?

    But this thread probably isn't about why people are withdrawing money or dawdling at the ATM machine, so let's stay on-topic.

    I wondered if someone would pick it up as a generalization or stereotyping & I originally planned to expand my explanation. I was merely making an observation. I have personally met many more hard working, honest Thai guys than the layabout, ne'er do well type. In fact I have had many do some small job & refuse to accept any fee.

    Back to the slow ATM people, most of the comments repeated here come into play at sometime or other. Middle & end of the month are good times to avoid ATM machines especially in shopping centres.

  14. Whenever I see a Thai couple at an ATM machine it always seems to be the girl withdrawing. The girls are usually well dressed or are wearing a uniform from their workplace. The guys are generally slovenly & hanging over the girls keeping a close eye on proceedings. My perception is the guys are lazy, no good & just using the girls for sex & money although for sure this is not always the case.

  15. The definition of terrorism in this article makes it pretty clear that PAD's seizure was an act of terrorism. 18 months and still not one arrest warrant has been issued. The investigation has been almost 100% complete for more than a year now.

    I thought many of the yellow shirt leaders have already turned themselves into the police. Cases are in progress.

  16. How much weight his "disappearance" - which sparked his "death" rumours - will have on the international stage remains to be seen.


    Wasn't there a lot of photos of Thaksin posted on his facebook page, twitter comments and even a video with reporters in Montenegro. Thaksin telling the public where he is and what he does at the moment.

    But the photos where declared to be products of photoshop, the video must have been from long time ago, twitter statements fake and so on and so on. you could read about it in The Nation.

    Why do you think Thaksin was doing that? Quite an effort. Especially taking a shopping trip to Paris precisely before the burning of Bangkok began. Now he's telling the international community "See, I was in Paris shopping, so, I'm innocent". Less than one in a million Westerners will buy such arguments.

    The photo shopping in Paris where taken by another customer in the store. than it made it to the frontpages in Thailand. 'Thaksin exposed'. Do you think that was a set up by Thaksin, 'leaked' by his PR team? same as the death rumours and so on? so hat the evil master mind has an alibi?

    The "international community" of patrons of the beer bars in thailand maybe think it is proven that he is the terrorist. for them Thaksin could do whatever, they always will twisted somehow that he is guilty of everythink.

    But the real international community, the sober state official, diplomats and media dudes aren't so easily convinced by this silly logic of the arguments and conspiracy theories and bar talks of the true thailand 'experts'.

    get real.

    edit: added PS

    PS. please follow this board rule:

    30) Do not modify someone else's post in your quoted reply, either with font or color changes, added emoticons, or altered wording.

    Yes but he is now exploiting this photo, taken by 'another customer' & usuing it in his interviews to the world press.

  17. My point exactly. Most everyone here has burnt there birdges to there home country. As for you working here since your mid twentys. I feel sorry for you. But it is your choice. Not to have a retirement and if things go wrong you are screwed. You have nothing to go home to. As with 99% of all farang that live here. What a bunch of bumb asses in my opion. I live here and with no rights i say who gives a shit. If i had rights then ok. I will be vocal about them and try to change things.

    But since I do not and every farang does not have rights here. If you come here for a life and burn all your bridges you are one bumb ass.

    Thailand is not a place to put all your eggs. If you do then you are stupid.. Plain and stupid.

    If they change the laws. Which will not happen. Then i would buy property here and think about perminent retirement. But IF you come here and have nothing and no rights and then complain about what is happening because if it does implode you will be forced to go home to nothing. I think is just crazy.

    You should try sticking to the topic instead of resorting to bad spelling/grammar derogatory remarks. You sound like the one who just came down in the last shower unlike the majority of foreigners living here.

  18. How much weight his "disappearance" - which sparked his "death" rumours - will have on the international stage remains to be seen.


    Wasn't there a lot of photos of Thaksin posted on his facebook page, twitter comments and even a video with reporters in Montenegro. Thaksin telling the public where he is and what he does at the moment.

    But the photos where declared to be products of photoshop, the video must have been from long time ago, twitter statements fake and so on and so on. you could read about it in The Nation.

    Why do you think Thaksin was doing that? Quite an effort. Especially taking a shopping trip to Paris precisely before the burning of Bangkok began. Now he's telling the international community "See, I was in Paris shopping, so, I'm innocent". Less than one in a million Westerners will buy such arguments.

    Yes, it is not really an alibi.

  19. I think the reds are basically peacefull, but Abhisit always changes his mind saying I will desolve parliament and organise elections, the putting all this on hold!

    How can anyone trust him?

    I would get violent too

    Abhisit has to resign if he wants peace back in Thailand!

    He made an offer to hold an early election along with the roadmap which the reds initially accepted but then back tracked for some reason & started making more demands. At this stage Mr A withdrew his offer while the reds continued with their hate & incite to violence speeches.

  20. Many significant places in the city were burned and trashed into rubble. Almost all of the destroyed targets are shopping centers frequented by the middle class and students who meet there to socialize. It's an attack on Bangkok and all that Bangkok has carefully worked to become, i.e., a part of the modern world.

    The Maoists among the Reds hate prosperity and peace, seek only to sieze power in their own self interest. Thaksin hates traditional Thailand and is determined to destroy it and to precipitate a mass Thai loss of life, limb to realize his sinister purpose and goal of possessing Thaksin Shincorp Thailand. Thaksin is a violent, vicious and vainglorious insurrectionist who has only himself in mind, continues to be focused on money and political power in the absolute, and is doing his damnest to wreck the country.

    If Thaksin's operatives could have burned more they would have. If Thaksin could have had Bangkok burned to the ground Dresden style but orginating at ground level he would have. Thaksin remains determined to fulfill his fanitical determination to destroy the country so that the Thai establishment can be violently and radically dismantled. This approach is the formula of Mao, Lenin, Mugabe among other murderous tyrants who care only for themselves but present themselves as the saviors of the country.

    The guy is a nastyarse sob who's only begun his mad efforts to establish a Sino-Thai People's Republic of Thailand which is music to the ears of the ruling Communist Party of the People's Republic of China, in Beijing. Since Abhisit became PM Thaksin concluded the only way to repossess the country is to destroy it. I repeat this point because it is Thaksin's repeated and endless obsession.

    The poor shmoor, this is entirely about the massive meglomania and hubris of Thaksin. To be at this for so long is definitive testimony to Thaksin's mad pursuit to control, own, the country.    

    On a forum that is riddled with propagandists of all persuasions, I doubt I will ever read a more blatant and daft piece of proaganda. This piece of twaddle by Publicus is as clear an example as I need that the propagandists on TV are just enthusiastic amateurs.

    One would need a serious set of blinkers on not to see that for quite a few years it has been obvious Mr T wants to become president of a Thai republic (go back to "Finland"). The way he is attempting to achieve this through violent protest seems to be hisonly response since the coup laid to rest his plans otherwise the president would have become fact in the very near future due to an upcoming event.

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