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Posts posted by Valentine

  1. Some of the rudeness on forums never ceases to amaze me. Nothing wrong with your question IMO. What is obvious to some is not obvious to all.

    Regarding the Law Firms here, most of the international lawyers are ligitimate lawyers in their own country but do not have a licence to practice here and are therefore labelled as "consultants". There are usually licenced Thai lawyers in the firm who deal with Thai documents and Thai officials. I was called a "property specialist" ...as you may know with many laws here there is a sneaky way around it. The fact that they may have a conflict of interest does not mean that they are not a proper law firm, but a conflict of interest is a major concern when doing a commercial transaction. You need a lawyer who will independently scrutinize the deal on the table and do so fearlessly, to the point that they are prepared to recommend that you do go through with it if it does not meet with your interests. As I said before you have to ask questions as the conflict may not be as obvious as it is in this case.

    thank you very much, very helpful. does anyone know if the head of this international law office/property broker is a lawyer, anywhere? he acts like it but then I am told he is not...well I do not know what to think now.

    I believe if you ask him he will tell you quite candidly what his exact situation is. If it is the same guy I am thinking of he has stated it in public before.

  2. Their website says it can treat a whole host of ailments although they do not promise a miracle cure & just wanted to know if anyone has been on this therapy & did they get any good results. Doing a search for biomaxx only points to a clinic in Bangkok. I am all for natural healing as long as it is not some kind of expensive snake oil.

  3. I am not really interested in politics. But I do believe all countries are the same....... power corrupts and thus it is hard to have honest people in power.

    Thailand currently is not a democracy, but a police/military state. Under this condition Thaksin would be crazy to surrender himself to the will of his opponents.

    I read all the posts painting him as an evil person who harmed Thailand. These people obviously know nothing of the recent political history of Thailand.

    Thaksin was elected & re-elected by the people of Thailand, he was & is popular with the majority of Thais. He was ousted while he was out of the country by his opponents with the backing of the military.

    Was he good for Thailand? I believe he was ... he is a good businessman and Thailand was prospering. Was he corrupt? Probably. Are there any honest politicians taking his place? Not likely. If all politicians are the same, isn't better to have one that does good things for Thailand?

    Good for Thailand? Unless your one of the Thousands he had killed that is.

    Drug dealers derserve to die.

    None of them were convicted drug dealers. During that time anyone could place an anonymous note in a police box accusing someone of being a drug dealer & occasionally some of them were summarily executed.

  4. And what about the 700 baht incoming Telegraphic Transfer Wire fee. That is another Thailand special. Just easier to spend less money here :ph34r:


    700 ThB fee ?

    You have a link for this please ?

    See my post 134

    I have often received money through international transfers as well as sent money out of Thailand. There is a check mark on the transfer form whereby the sender has the option of paying the foreign bank transaction fee or not. Last week I paid the fee here & my sister in NZ received the exact amount specified. Recently I have also received money sent from Hong Kong with no fee deduction as the sender paid. BTW money was received through my SCB account.

    When I first came to Thailand it was not easy to send money out of the country through the banking system. A friend of mine used an old method & I think there might be a special name for it. Anyway he would go to Phuket Town, pay cash to a Chinese merchant & later an associate would collect the funds from another Chinese merchant in Singapore. He never had any problems using this method.

  5. another good joint is happy days in chalong....im a bit biased because its my local...but they have an excellent variety of falang and thai food. Service is excellent

    Very ordinary food. Pizzas second rate.

    Though the Sunday Roast is excellent and good value for money, though, it's only available on Sundays (more's the pity).

    Don't forget all the broke, whingeing, diving instructors mixed up with those teachers.......

    I agree the Sunday roast is very good which includes a tasty pumpkin soup & fresh brewed coffee.

    Does anyone know if M & Ms is closed or is closing for their annual holiday as I am planning to go tomorrow night.

  6. No, legalisation of docuemnts can only be done in Bangkok, at the consuar section of the ministry of Foreign Affairs.

    Most agencies that translate the documents also will take care of the legalisation for you. Contact a few in Bangkok and have hem do it for you.

    Bugger.. Thanks for your help

    Bangkok Translation in Kao Rung will take care of it for without you having to go to Bangkok (they did it for me years ago). Coming from the football stadium go past the Mitsubishi dealer their office is just before the next traffic lights on the left side of the road.

  7. I know credit card interest fees are notoriously high throughout the world but some countries have different & lower rates which you can choose depending on your spending patterns. In Thailand there are no credit card options & the one I have with SCB charges 20% interest which IMO is much higher than elsewhere. If the Thai central bank want to address unfair fees &/or issues related to people getting into too much debt they should look at this. It is a huge spread from the almost 0% interest on savings accounts.

    BTW. Aeon ATMs are easy to spot in Phuket during the middle & end of the month as they are the ones with the longest queues.

  8. Miss Thailand World???????????????

    Since when has Thailand been the world?

    Miss Thailand I could understand.

    Training, well the mind boggles.......... :cheesy:

    The winner will go on to represent Thailand in the Miss World contest. They also have a Miss Thailand Universe competition. I saw them all yesterday in Central Festival & while most were gorgeous there were some I would not give a 2nd glance to.

  9. I have bought glucose from a pharmacy many years ago & as there were no Watsons or Boots in Phuket then it would have been from one of the old pharmacies in Phuket Town, possibly near the market. The glucose seemed to be the same as I remember when I was a kid.

  10. The traffic management at Kajonkiet sucks as the school is divided into 2 sections you have a huge number of vehicles entering & exiting from the same gate in one part of the school & then about 100m further on it is the same for the next section of the school. It is almost gridlock there in the mornings & evenings which is compounded by the official U turns at the nearby Honda dealership.

  11. I feel sorry for anyone that thinks they are being savvy going to Boots for a good deal.
    Yes, I know, that's why I rarely actually buy from Boots. But the fact that I was shocked to see how much cheaper Boots' prices were for exactly the same medicine (e.g. off-the-shelf Voltaren gel), shows how absolutely outrageous the hospital's (BNH's) prices were.

    Boots & many other pharmacies will offer imported medications at expensive prices but if you ask for the Thai version it is exactly the same & much cheaper.

  12. Thanks Phuket Gazette. Why don't you give warning to other parts of Phuket when there is going to be an outage? I guess Phuket Town is more important? Oh well, I learned years ago to always store water, as I never know when my power will go out and therefore my water pump...rolleyes.gif

    They normally do announce scheduled blackouts in various parts of the island. A truck from the PEA will usually drive around the day before to announce the blackout.

  13. I remember a couple of years ago there was big promotion in Central for a condominium project in Poonpol Plaza c/w small water park & some apartments had sea views. I thought it interesting as a way of promoting inner city living. A Thai guy in a fancy suit replete with cute promo girls lots of people were filling out forms & I assume many paid deposits. I have not been there lately but a few months ago the site was still boarded up & not a single sod of earth had been turned. I have yet to see any news item about this scam.

  14. Hi

    I pay 30 per unit,,,, just found out that i don't have government water, :o did not know that at all, all 10 houses where i live get water from a very big tank filled by water trucks (some have own well) that's why i have clean water and never run out, my bill is around 4-600 a month, i have my own well but don't bother to use it right now, (don't know how to set it up :blink: )

    Is your water on a meter measuring you usage? Or do you just have to pay since you are connected to the projects water system? I ask because if they are going to charge you anyway, then why bother with a pump... But pumps aren't very much money and the plastic pipe isn't either. There's a shop on Fah Cho east at the intersection you would turn right if coming from Chalong to go to Phuket Immigration that has big water tanks outside. It's called Phuket Pipe Sales and Service that has everything to do a water system. They don't speak english, at least the guy I talked to, but was very helpful and explained the problem with my pump to me and said he would drive to my house and fix it if I couldn't for 300 Baht. I figured it out and works great again. Their number is: 07621-1889 in case you are interested.


    I have meter and they use meter reading, i have a store tank as well thats why i have the pump, all the pipes is connected to my well and also to the filter, i am just to lazy to get someone to have a look how to change over to the well and maybe clean/change the filter, i guess its a sand filter, i have no idea what i have

    You should try the shop Jimi mentioned because I have used them as they are good honest people who will get your system on line & show you how to take care of it. Sand filters are easy to clean, just a matter of opening the correct valves to reverse the flow & flush the dirt out of the filter media to the drain.

  15. The real stupidity of the OP's topic is the fact that chunky has failed to grasp that there are both inappropriately dressed people walking around, bot Thai and foreign. Secondly, there are perfectly polite, well mannered people be they Thai or foreign as well as ignorant and rude. Level headed people are always aware of this.

    I have never seen a Thai man walking around a shopping mall with an obvious prostitute but I have seen thousands of farang doing so. I have never seen a Thai male in the various upscale apartment buildings that I have lived in, bring home an obvious prostitute but I have seen dozens of farang do so. I have never seen a Thai man take an obvious prostitute to a nice restaurant.

    Now, I am not saying that that farang who do these are wrong, I am saying that this type of behavior is not socially acceptable in Thailand. Doing any of the above will instantly cause the Thais around you to lose all respect for you.

    Now, of course many of you don't care what Thais think about your actions. That is exactly the point. Like I said, this is just something to think about the next time a Thai treats you with less than the amount of respect that you believe you deserve.

    Consider that many Thais will automatically assume the Thai girl with a foreigner is/was a prostitute no matter how well she dresses. Don't forget the periodic crackdowns/outcry over students wearing mini skirts. I seriously doubt that just because a Thai male is considered hi so means he does not make use of prostitutes.

  16. I have enquired of the (goverment) re. a bore hole told not possible here on Phuket! all you people with bore holes, are they bore holes or wells? :rolleyes:

    If you do a shallow well usually dug by hand with concrete rings put in place then it seems anyone can do that. If you do a deep well (say 40 to 70m) the operator will include in his price permission form the relevant authority & I believe a meter is put in place whereby you pay for the water.

  17. When reading t post the other day I also had a burger urge & went to Sizzler. Must say it was very good & seemed much better than the last one I had there which was quite a long time ago as I normally have the fish n chips when I go.

  18. Don't forget to straddle both lanes so you can make unexpected lane changes when it suits you, and by all means never use your turn indicator when making dangerous lane changes :).

    Recently on the back road from PSU through to the Honda dealer I was forced to speed up & straddle the lanes when I saw a Fortuner bearing down behind me & had to be very cagey when coming to the main road so he could not beat me to the U turn.

    Ah but we digress from the subject of the trashed pickups. The ones in question must certainly have been involved in a spectacular but most likely a sad & tragic accident as surely no one inside could have survived. Did not appear to make any of the news channels though.

  19. Not sure if this can be considered a scam but could certainly have deadly serious consequences. I have often thought about driving on a fairly lonely road at night to be confronted with an accident scene & upon stopping to assist you get rushed by a group who demand your valuables. If you are lucky you drive away intact. Does this happen in Phuket? I am 100% sure it does.

    yes, there have been a few reports on road accidents (light rearending) after midnight followed by robbery, most in the bypass/chao Fa west close to Central area. But this is much more common in the west. Americans introduced auto central locking late 80s due to theft of first car stopping on red lights and robberys

    This seems more like an opportunist robbery. I was talking about an accident that has been staged purely for serious criminal intent.

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