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Posts posted by Valentine

  1. Not sure if this can be considered a scam but could certainly have deadly serious consequences. I have often thought about driving on a fairly lonely road at night to be confronted with an accident scene & upon stopping to assist you get rushed by a group who demand your valuables. If you are lucky you drive away intact. Does this happen in Phuket? I am 100% sure it does.

  2. I have so many of these stories they have stopped being funny..

    Skilled (and honest) tradesmen are really hard to find, the last 'electrician' who came here electrocuted himself..

    Yes one must always keep the contacts of skilled, honest, reliable tradesmen especially electricians as they can lead to life & death situations more so than other trades.

    Did you have any legal, financial problems with the "electrician's" death? It must have been quite a shock (no pun intended).

  3. Has anyone seen the two trashed pickups at the car repair shop on Chao Fa West just down from Central? They are completely totaled & look like something has been dropped on them. I notice the white Isuzu has a teddy bear on the front which makes me think a child has died but surely anyone in either of these two vehicles when the accident(s) happened would have been killed. I am wondering why these vehicles are sitting at the car repair shop as they really belong in the scrap yard & it would be beyond belief if anyone was thinking about repairing & putting them back on the road although I thought nothing would surprise me anymore in this country.

  4. The campaign appears to be working as I observed on the school run this morning many of the school kids were wearing helmets usually with the chin straps in place as compared to previously when it was rare to see a school kid with a helmet on. Some silly exceptions though such as the driver on one motorbike with a flimsy plastic helmet being held on his head by his helmetless passenger. Another was rider screaming down the yellow divider one hand on the wheel the other holding his helmet on with chin straps flying in the breeze (this guy definitely needs to see the movie).

  5. Didn't the original article claim it was a farang suspect? Or are these different cases? That sketch looks like the guy from another article about a murder of some girl in Kata? 

    Maybe I need a coffee.

    The article stated the police were going to give an update of the murder of the girl found in Kathu (she worked in a bar in Kata) which is why the policeman was holding the photo but there was no update reported in this article. The 3 Thais in the photo are suspects in a murder at a petrol station in Phuket Town.

  6. This is indeed a red meat issue for the yellows. The local people in his area who live on commerce and tourism are quite OK with the status quo. Thailand, in one of its typical spoiled tantrums is not happy with half the Preah Vihear pie, it wants all of it.

    "Latest reports say that the Cambodians have moved their border markers up to 25 kilometres inside our territory in some areas."

    How thoroughly irresponsible, does anyone think for a moment that Thailand has ceded this vast territory to Cambodia? What folly!

    Yes it does sound like utter rubbish or at the very least extremely bad reporting which is quite the norm.

  7. I always see people fishing off Sarasin brudge. There is a mangrove walkway in Saphan Hin which you might be able to use for fishing but it could be dangerous as I seem to recall reading about a murder there.

  8. They seemed to start during the twenty/20 cricket but are now out in full force & yes pretty annoying. I just hope the rugby fans don't take to them but then again they are in a different class.

  9. The headline is titillating but proves to be entirely misleading

    I hadn't read that she used her breasts, but

    apologies if it proved to be anti-climatic after it evidently got a rise out of several people :P

    As if TV really needs another comedian.

    . titillating - pleasantly and superficially exciting

    exciting - creating or arousing excitement; "an exciting account of her trip"

    2. titillating - giving sexual pleasure; sexually arousing


    sexy - marked by or tending to arouse sexual desire or interest; "feeling sexy"; "sexy clothes"; "sexy poses"; "a sexy book"; "sexy jokes"

  10. I wonder if there is an 'Inspected by' sticker that shows where the suitcase was bought? a sales bar code would be great

    The location where the suitcase was dumped is an important clue. Is it a 'random' location or the most 'remote' place in the area? < pointing to someone who has local knowledge, or not. [One Poster said it was on the way to where foreign sailors dock?]

    They should be showing those pictures to all of the car rental places in the area. One doesn't call a taxi or tuktuk to drop a suitcase off in a ditch.

    If he didn't use a car to dump it, they should also be checking within short walking distance. Is it a long walk from the naval docks? 100 pounds makes a suitcase a difficult load to handle.

    I'm sure the police would have scraped under the victim's finger nails for DNA.

    Oh, as he likely checked out and moved on, he would have had to buy a new suitcase, so luggage sellers in the area should be canvassed.

    The road is nowhere near any port in Phuket, it is a relatively new road which traverses from Chao Fa West at the Honda dealer through to Prince of Songkla University in Kathu. Apart from a concrete plant there are no dwellings or buildings & it is a pretty lonely stretch of road especially at night. In many places there is bush within a few metres of the road. The only people who stop on this road are generally to take a leak, dump some rubbish or feed the stray dogs & occasionally some dirt bike riders venture off road.

  11. drove to Phuket Town yesterday and it seems there are working on the lines everywhere which is really necessary, Telephonelines hanging down to the streets here in Rawai, sometimes so low that children can touch them, also a lot of tree branches hanging in the wires and trees touching the telephone and Electricity lines everywhere....is that not dangerous when raining?

    atm my connection works ....since 10min, letz see for how long.... When I visited US last year after 10years Thailand I was astonished how fast the internet CAN work in the 21st century, even if they got telephone lines above ground too. ((((-:

    All my friends in Europe, Australia and USA never experience the same problems we got here constantly :blink:

    The overhead telephone cables are an ugly, untidy mess. I guess all the cables that are hanging down are the result of a line being cut off & the cable just left to hang rather than removed. Cable TV lines also add to this mess.

  12. As Mr T's representative & in light of the fact K. Noppodon is a private citizen he is really just pushing excrement up a very steep hill. There are plenty of other ways Mr T could try & legitimize or endear himself. One would be to use all the money he is paying for high priced lawyers & lobbyists & give it to the people he so loves in the form of sustainable programmes whereby they will not need handouts in the future.

  13. At 3 million Baht per kilometre for bitumen, its only 210,000 to complete this stretch - would love to see the breakdown on the 1Bn plus cost ! Ask any construction company here for the costs - and now ... we're on the road to nowhere... good line for a song!

    From the article "On June 24, a budget of 1,072,000 was finally approved. The money will go to the Department of Supplies and Property, which will purchase construction equipment and open a bidding process for the contract." However, I do not understand why they are buying construction equipment & then getting others to bid who should have their own equipment for the job. Seems like this could well be another inside job.

  14. I have noticed the same thing as valantine, i have been to immigration twice in the last two months for annual extension and reentry permit.

    Both times in and out in minutes

    I agree, Immigration has become much more efficient. Both by the volunteers sorting out stuff before approaching the thais, and the thais. The female officer running 1st floor is running a tight service unlike ever before

    Part of the efficiency has been due to the fact there is hardly anyone going there which is why 3 immigration officers were standing around with nothing to do the last time I went on a Monday morning.

  15. When I went to Bangwad to enquire about the water supply in Chalong, after pressure problems for about a month, they told me the repairs would be finished in 2 days. As it turned out it took another week but pressure has been OK this past couple of days. One concern I have with the water are the heavy metals. Bore water consistently has iron in it throughout Phuket so it would seem government tap water would be safer as it comes from the dam although I do know the water authority does use some water from tin mines which contains heavy metals & many of the water trucks get their water from old tin mines.

  16. Police have released a facial composite of the man in hopes that the public can provide clues as to his whereabouts. Possible sightings and anonymous tips can by phoned in by calling 191, he said.

    so where is the picture? , TV would be the best exposure they would have, esp if he is an expat in Phuket....

    also the best thing,they should be to make identicall composition picture whiteout beards , because i suppose that is the first thing he would remove to change chance for easy identification

    IF it was not a faked beard in the first place! How many farangs you see in Thailand with fullbeard? Excuse me but the girls hate beards anyway as far as I know. IF the beard is real they should catch him soon. Isnt the place where they found the poor girl not on the way to boat lagoon? maybe a sailor, they have often beards......

    may she Rest in peace....and this low life rest in jail for the rest of his days

    She was found off the shortcut road running from the Honda dealership on Chao Fa west through to Kathu. The road comes up behind PSU & then goes out to Wichitsongkram Rd.

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