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Posts posted by Valentine

  1. Actual car/truck sales so far in 2010 are higher than 2008 and 2009, and on par with 2007. Last stats indicate 620-650.000 new units in 2010. This makes 2nd hand transfers at LTD higher. I was at LTD twice last month, and both days long que for transfer ownership. Hours. Many foreigners are cutting back on expenses. Currency exchange rates decreases Thai baht amount available. Also agree some foreigners are being laid off work in LOS, and some just have lower income. Would have been very interesting to see present stats on WP compared to 2007-2009. Most foreigners here are not building a new house or improving exixting house presently, unlike what it looked like 3 years ago. Still I believe the foreign population in Phuket is increasing<BR> <BR>edit. I was 3 times in LTD last month for transfers, and all 3 times took more than 2 hours

    I reckon the immigration office & as you said WP numbers would be the best indicator of increasing/decreasing expats in Phuket. Immigration will obviously show lower due to less tourists wanting to extend but immigration also handles many of us who stay here & I was astounded on the Monday morning I was there to see it so quiet. Thais are generally quite insular & are being led to believe all is rosy in the world which could explain the rising car sales as it is also quite easy for locals to get finance.

  2. It took me 15 minutes to get through the Central intersection yesterday just before 2pm & there were also long lines around the the Merlin Hotel. The police were already in full view controlling the lights. Who knows if this had anything to do with the crackdown. Another TV headline states "police to crackdown on pirated goods". Crackdown headlines come out on a regular basis & quite often are just old ones regurgitated. If all the laws were steadily enforced there would be no need for crackdowns. However, the anouncements do assist many to escape the crackdowns as do those which state the names of people they plan to arrest on criminal charges. A better headline would be "police crackdown nets ......"

  3. Recently, on a Monday morning, I went to immigration for my 90 day check in. 3 officers were standing around chatting as they had nothing to do. I was out of there within a minute. I know someone who works there & he said the numbers visiting immigration are down quite considerably. A couple of car salesmen I know say they are finding it harder to make sales. A couple of weeks ago I went to renew a car registration & had it done within 2 minutes. I keep hearing stories of foreigners being laid off from their jobs. Many foreigners I know are cutting back on their expenses. None of these are a definitive indication to show a net decrease in foreigners but the trends do not look good.

    The threat of a double dip recession is looming closer on the horizon. Europe is becoming a basket case. The US has printed mountains of extra money which will have to be mopped up sometime & their debt must be enormous. IMO worldwide economic hardship will certainly not boost the number of foreigners living in Phuket.

  4. The Russians are one of the few group of expats who do not seem to have a problem with the current economic climate considering there could be a double dip recession with serious consequences. Most of the others appear to be hanging on to their money for various reasons one of which is the unfavourable exchange rate.

  5. My guesstimate would be around 5,000 to 10,000 considering the real population of Phuket must be close to one million rather than the official number of about 350,000 which is based only on the Thais who are registered here.

    yes valentine...your right about the real population being nearer 1 million for sure

    a couple of mates this morning 'guestimated' more in the 12000 to 15000 ...?? but most agree that this number is in a slow decline

    Ahhhhhhh man, here we go again.

    What statistics do you have to validate that statement (?), because the island sure doesn't look to be declining in foreign population.

    Carrefour, Villa Market, 7/11's en masse, you think these operations open because the foreign population is declining?

    Instead, why don't you make the statement "but most of my mates around the table while we were having a beer agree they think the number is in slow decline".

    I thought it was quite clear that the only figure which can be validated is the official population of Phuket, everything else is guess work based upon personal observations & I would venture to suggest the shopping malls are not specifically built for foreigners. 7/11s, Big C & Lotus would have at least 95% Thais on any given day. Villa Mart would be the exception but even then it has to be about 50/50 while the rest of Home Pro Village is predominantly Thai.

  6. Source Claims Thaksin's Wealth Valued at 400 Billion Baht

    June 29, 2010

    TAN Network

    A part of his remaining wealth generated from baht value speculation after the baht was floated in 1997 is believed to be in Singapore.


    At the time the Baht was 25 to the US$ & anyone who bought US$s prior to the devaluation could easily have doubled their money by converting back to Baht a short time later. I wonder if this could be considered as insider trading for those "in the know".

  7. This kid is 19.. And already been convicted of one murder, and done his time, got out and done another !!

    What did he get for the first one ?? 6 months ??

    I didn't see this mentioned in the article anywhere. Where did you come up with this information?

    I am not sure if I can quote this as it is from another website but anyway "Khun Narongsak was released from jail last year after serving time for an earlier killing". According to the photo in the story on the other website it was the guy in the centre of the PG photo who admitted to the killing.

    Again it begs the question of just how much jail time do killers actually serve in this country? Other questions which could/should be asked by any enterprising reporter are what was he in jail for previously & what was his sentence?

  8. I wonder how many people get murdered in this country due to jealous rage. It is beyond belief that someone has to blow away another's life because of jealousy at seeing his ex girlfriend hanging out with another guy. There are many issues here not least of which is how easy is it to get a sawn off shotgun.

    Quite often when I see some guy walking around with his girlfriend in a virtual "headlock" I think there is an extremely possessive & potentially very jealous guy who would not be happy with his gf even looking/smiling at another & generally do not look at all happy when someone looks admiringly at his girl.

  9. When I first came to Phuket it was for a short holiday but I never left apart from going to work offshore which was a month of work, eat, sleep with no females or booze allowed. On my month off it was party time & was that way for many years. Soi Bangla was a 2 way dirt road, the Kangaroo bar was the place to be after 2a.m. & you could virtually count the number of katoeys on one hand. Those were the good old days, when all females were actually original females, tuk tuks were 10 Baht anywhere in Patong (my favourite driver would even come to collect his money the next day when I could not pay).

    I am still here living quite a different lifestyle & although I sometimes get frustrated with the traffic & uncontrolled development Phuket is still my preferred choice to live as it has everything I need to enjoy life, family, friends, shopping, movies, good food, laid back Thai atmosphere which includes sanook, herbal steam saunas, a couple of good clubs with the opportunity to help with community service. The list is much longer but why labour the point.

  10. In that area I would go with Phuket Cable as they will be offering extra services such as internet connection & apparently trying to upgrade the quality of the channels. Prices are pretty much standard regardless of which company you choose i.e. 350/month or less if you pay so many months in advance.

  11. Recently tried the Tex Mex place in Chalong...forgot the name, but near Land & House and next to Da Sandro Italian Restaurant.

    Is this place on one of the Chao Fah roads? If so, is Chao Fah East, or, Chao Fah West. Or, is it on the road to Chalong Pier?


    East rd never been there but i did try the Italian one, dont think that was good at all.

    Karen Bravo, i know that one :)

    I have friends who are very much into Italian food said the Italian on Chao Fa East was really good for the price although they still prefer Ellis in Rawai (which I really like despite the parking & it being a little pokey) & Giantano?? in Phuket Town. Is the Tex Mex open during the day as it might be quieter then?

  12. My friend's ex wife meet on an internet dating site a self-styled English manager want to retire in Koh Phangan and buy a 5 millions Baht villa. Big love, beautiful words. The Thai woman, in his 40ies, was very excited waiting the day the manager come in Thailand. She already had found a land with a villa already built to buy (her name) with the Englishman.

    Arrive the very day this man must arrive in Samui, few hours before the airplane landing from Kuala Lumpur, the woman get a call from the man, stack in KLIA because the custom find 100.000 English Pounds with him and now he must pay a 100.000 baht to be released, with the money too. Cannot use that money and the plastic too (??) so if she kindly could send him the money he needs to be released, the day after he will come to Samui. He send her also a copy of an electronic ticket KL-Samui and let her talk with some Malaysian Custom-Immigration guy to confirm the story. She send quickly the 100 grands by Western Union and wait for the man to come the day after.

    No need to say the "manager" never arrive in Samui. Just he calls her back to ask for a 50.000 baht more (here I don't know if the woman send the other money or not, she disappear for a week to avoid to loos the face with friends and ex-husband).

    There is one born every minute which why these scams continue to exist. Once those dollar/baht signs start flashing in their eyes all common sense flies out the door.

  13. I have never seen any Thai's starving, sorry I have never seen any evidence or excuse for Thai's to sell their children. From what I have seen a TV or a big bass blasting noise machine is top of the list to buy when they receive any money from selling their kids or scams, or any of the other dispicable acts Thai's get up to and usually get away with.

    Yes, these arrested guys have done very wrong and should be punished, but the legal system here is a joke, when I see no Thai faces in the line up. For me 5% Ferang bad, 95% Thai bad. I have lived here 16 years.

    Anyway, that should liven up the discussions.

    While not agreeing with your figures I do feel that Thailand has its share of paedophiles, serial rapists & even serial killers. Much of it does not get reported or are not even considered as "serial" & any Thai paedophiles who are caught will simply buy their way out same as the farang scum did for a long time.

  14. Besides the DVD's on the evidence table, are those other items sex toys and/or prods?

    Vomit is not a strong enough description of what I feel at the image of these young children being subjected to such tortuous treatment by ghouls.

    The human race must be some kind of lab experiment that flew out of control!


    Okay let me get this factual. It's hard enough to think how the wiring can exist in the human brain for a rare freak of nature to be so perverted; but do these guys actually get together like some kind of club and do these heinous acts? please say NO

    How could there be a group of them???

    I think you will find there is a worldwide network whereby they can get all the latest info on where & how they can obtain children for sex. Disgusting but extremely widespread.

  15. I had a bike carry straight on to the left of me when I was turning left on a slip road that was meant for cars to turn left only and not straight on.

    A big dent in my car and me remembering to always check mirrors when turning regardless of what part of the road I'm on.

    Lucky for him, AND me he was not hurt.

    Also I was driving home very late one night and had to turn into my road on the right. There was a car about 200 metres behind me. Anyway I indicated right, slowed down and pulled over as far as I could without going over the center line and braked waiting for a bike to came past. Next thing this car behind me is skidding all over the place trying to stop. Despite having my lights on and indicating half a kilo back he still didn't see.

    What I am trying to say is, it may not be the car drivers fault.

    RIP to the bike rider.

    I see examples everyday of cars indicating to turn right (I can see from 3 or 4 cars back) but the car directly behind does not see it until the other car has to stop & wait to make the turn. The following car then attempts to get on the inside, does not have enough room to get by & has to stop also but usually is far enough over to prevent anyone else from getting past on the inside. It seem a lot of drivers here are oblivious to indicators.

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