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Everything posted by Blueman1

  1. YOU Are Talking Bo**ocks M8.....Where were The SUPERmarkets 70 Years Ago....??
  2. I returned during COVID and tried to claim disability benefits as I can't work due to my disabilities. Was told I couldn't get anything from any place I applied as I would need be in the country 2 years before being able to claim . I Think You'll Find it's 180 Days in Any TAX Year Apri l6th to April 5th.......Plus I doubt she would get much in the UK after being away so long . She WOULD They have to SUPPORT Her...
  3. Who can survive on this little money?....I HAVE To, I've Got NO CHOICE !!
  4. where there are more men who might be interested in your services.....What Services do they provide then ??
  5. Probably ?? No Definately WOULD have been better leaving it in the back of a Taxi, The Taxi Driver WOULD'VE Handed it in to the BIB Before Now....
  6. He'll Be O.K. When he gets his Insurance pay out ! ! !
  7. ALL I Can say is >>>>>Just WHY Has Thailand DONE This ???
  8. Yeah, Getting Older certainly DOESN'T Help...!!
  9. Well with the 30 Years Jail Sentence,I Don't think he'll be doing much driving in the Nick !!
  10. It's a Good Job He Didn't Use Yer Curtains...............
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