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Everything posted by Blueman1

  1. Then They'll maybe RUNNING for the Hills,But I Doubt it !!
  2. Maybe He Want's to go there one Night ??
  3. So it's O.K. For You to Swim in Sewage Water then ?? ??
  4. Thailand imports its milk. From USA I think......Oh Go Away, It would be SOUR Before it got here.....
  5. Milk often a loss leader for the supermarkets .....NOT In Thailand though !!
  6. Yeah, MOVE Before Yer Bird gets back from the U.K. !!
  7. London cabbies have been known to drive around for a while bumping up the fare before dropping first time visitors to their hotels. Do YOU Have ANY Proof of That ?? That is DEFORMATION.....
  8. Yeah Seems like a bit of a Goer !! Sarinya Must've been Very Fit !!
  9. But WHY Pay to deposit your OWN Money......7 /11's are Wealthy Enough !!
  10. Just call someone back home and get an airline ticket.EASY to SAY,But He Might not have ANYONE Who or wants to Help Him !!
  11. A lot of Thai's live on 120,000 ~ 180,000baht a year.... I'll bet a FEW Farangs Do As well.....
  12. Apparentely They found an Abcess on Eddies Brain & It seems to be growing larger on a Daily Basis !!
  13. If she returns to the UK, her pension will be updated to the current level, which begs the question: If she left again in six months, would she keep the new rate here?.....I Got 2 DIFFERENT Answers from the DWP....I'll let YOU guess !!
  14. Well it won't be The Titanic
  15. Well it won't be The Titanic
  16. Well it won't be The Titanic
  17. Isn't the new pension increase £898?...Have YOU been Smoking Something Again ??
  18. Yes Maybe they DO Lou, & There are Many that get even LESS as I Do.....
  19. The People who arrive in The U.K In Rubber Boats, Is That any more specific ??
  20. Not if you have been out of the country continually for 3 years or more I was told by the DWP....I Think they're telling you Porky Pies M8 !!
  21. All the hotels seem to be full....Yes Of People that have NOT even Paid into the System....( YOU Know Who I Mean )
  22. Try & Get any Lawyer to fight The Goverment.....Immpossible !!
  23. Yes. Much as I can feel. for her, fact is this policy has been in place since well before her move....But WE Weren't Even TOLD Our Pensions would be Frozen, Well at least I Wasn't 9 Years Ago.....And NOW I'm in the same boat as Her....
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