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Everything posted by Blueman1

  1. Fon confessed her love for his MONEY On Valentines Day.....They're FIXED It for Yer !!!!
  2. I think I'll give Laos a miss....You THINK ?? " I WOULD " Just Don't have a " FREE " DRINK......IF Yer Offered one !! SIMPLES !!
  3. Especially DELTA !!!
  4. Will YOU Pay for his BC Ticket then ??
  5. Why ?? Does THAT Make ANY Difference ??
  6. ( I look forward to an explanation of the behavior from the hospital management).......2 Hopes M8, Bob & No Hope !!!
  7. Sun,Sea,Sand,& S*X Maybe ??
  8. O.K. Sherlock onto Your next case now.....Off you go !!
  9. NOT Brake Failure AGAIN ????
  10. I made a small purchase of tablets,....BLUE Diamonds ??
  11. So, she stayed with a friend up country for two month and then begged me to come back. No nagging anymore.........555 ! 555 !
  12. Sounds like a bit of a slut to me......But She Could be a Really NICE Girl,DON'T go jumping to Conclusions without PROOF !!
  13. 35 years for full pension....30 Years in my case.....
  14. Worst case is having pension put back to the level when you left the UK......But I Get EXACTLY the same as I did then....Oh ! Sorry .....I Got a 4p Increase when I Came here & it's been frozen since, They CAN have the 4p Back Anytime they want........
  15. Well IF You Do......At least you'll get 3 Meals a day in The NICK.....
  16. No You DON'T......I've been OUT of the U.K. for 9 Years & Spoke to my U.K. GP Last Year & He told me he'd treat me if I returned !!
  17. They knew their pensions would freeze if they left the UK.......Once & for ALL......I DID NOT O.K. ??
  18. And End up in the " Nick " for Fraud & Deception when they catch you,And They WILL.....
  19. When I started started paying my compulsory government pension 50 years ago did I know that the government would freeze it if I retired in Thailand.....The Answer is NO !!
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