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Posts posted by deprogrammed

  1. Melting glaciers and ice clods breaking away are definitely signs, that there is something going on with mother nature. To observe that one has not be a scientist.

    There is always something going on with mother nature - so your point is what. Or dont you have one

  2. We urge the United States government to reject the global warming agreement that was written in Kyoto, Japan in December, 1997, and any other similar proposals. The proposed limits on greenhouse gases would harm the environment, hinder the advance of science and technology, and damage the health and welfare of mankind. There is no convincing scientific evidence that human release of carbon dioxide, methane, or other greenhouse gasses is causing or will, in the foreseeable future, cause catastrophic heating of the Earth's atmosphere and disruption of the Earth's climate. Moreover, there is substantial scientific evidence that increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide produce many beneficial effects upon the natural plant and animal environments of the Earth.

    This petition has been signed by over 31,000 American scientists

    Wow 31,000 - yet Jing and Tex know these guys are wrong

  3. More than 19 000 scientists are on record expressing the view that there is not sufficient evidence of human influence on global climate to justify any corrective public policy. The global warming industry is trying to fix an alleged problem that the scientific community has not yet been able to define, despite more than $15 billion spent in the last decade trying to find evidence to support the claim

    But Tex and Jingthing know better they trust their MSM source without question :)

  4. No facts just speculation.

    By the time millions of people are dying from this, it will be too late to take action. Enjoy!

    UN Blowback: More Than 650 International Scientists Dissent Over Man-Made Global Warming Claims


    Oh.....here we go again.......the head in the sand know nothing about science posters. Not you, of course.

    Yes, global warming in Thailand is real just as it is real worldwide.

    Just as a simple proxy assessment of whether it is real or not, all you have to do is talk with old people about temperatures in Thailand in the past........they all say it was cooler then.

    Now there they come.........but I am going to ignore them because you can't reason with them.

    Just note that there is a massive amount of information out there supporting the now undeniable fact that global warming is real......the peer review journals are full of articles supporting global warming......the major research institutions have come out and said it is a reality....

    If that is not enough to convince you, I don't know what is. But if you want to believe up is down and left is right, the good news is that you have the freedom to believe whatever you want.

    Update: March 16, 2009: Prominent Scientsits Continue to Join Report:

    Now More Than 700 International Scientists Dissent Over Man-Made Global Warming Claims


  5. Have a problem with the sugar, ask for yakult light !! :)


    Doctors recommend yakult :D I say more yakult deliverys - give eveyone a chance :D

    if you have trouble sourcing Yakult then why not try Betagen it is also good for you :D

  6. What a complet fuc_k up. Took me 50 minutes to get along Nernplaubwan yesterday morning. Same time - a friend told me - to get along Siam.

    Why dont the Thais employ some outside help :)

  7. I have used http://www.idl-iaa.com/ before. They issue an IDL. International Drivers License. Not a Document or a Permit. Surely just semantics anyway. I assume they would have been busted by now if it was illegal? The web site says it is only valid when carried with the home country drivers license. Certainly a fast and efficient service getting one and never been a problem when renting cars overseas.


    I think that you will find these are just translations of your legal driving license in a fancy package.

    A license can only be issued by a body authorised by the government of the relevant country.

    This is not a legal document and not regongnized by Insurance companys in event of an accident - yet why does ThaiVisa promote this?

  8. "I will never come back to Thailand. I used to love it here, thinking that the Thai's were such a nice people, but the way that they treat foreigners who have been caught up in their legal system is apalling."

    Are they suppose to treat foreigners different then Thais? Weren't most of the other 70 people he was packed into a cell with Thais?


    Foreigners are treated differently than Thais - or haven't you noticed.

    PS please note the use of than as oppossed to then: more than, better than .... then he said no, then I went out, then she stood up ..... please Americans stop bastardizing the English language,

  9. Posts have been deleted. A reminder of the forum rules appears to be in order:
    7) Not to post slurs or degrading comments directed towards any group on the basis of race, nationality, religion, gender or sexual orientation.

    Further such posts will result in formal moderator action.

    I personally object to (livinginexile) stating that 99% of these incidents are Brits - so please delete that racist post according to forum rules - thanks

  10. This is not a scam, These ladies work dammed hard for their money and make a honest living. I could see your point if they showed up demanding some crazy price like 500 baht or something but being charged a normal price for delivery is not a big deal, no need to classify this as a scam.

    Most Thai families have more than two people living in the house so its normal to have a little bag of drinks dropped off. If you don't want it just tell them you don't want it, no big deal. We used to have a delivery of a whole bag full every few days and it was quite nice to have them in the fridge.

    One of my best friends died a few years back and his wife has no other income other than selling these little drinks so I have first hand knowledge of how hard she works and how little she makes off it. I'm quite proud of her for being a good mom and raising up a kid in some pretty dramatic circumstance without having to bend over for her income.

    If any of you guys has a chance to buy a few of these silly drinks to support a hard working and honest local you should consider a very small investment into the community. Please reserve the term "Scam" for the true "Scams" which typically involve hookers, the police, or degenerates, not industrious moms who are sending their kids to school by working for a living.

    Most guys here support working girls and their extended familys - so cut the selfrightious lecturing.

    You seem to miss the point - what would you do if some poor milkman in England left 4 pints of unwanted milk o your doorstep each day and wanted you to pay :)

    PS Yakult is good for you. I would buy it if they deliverd to my door - if they asked me first.

    What a load of horse sh#t, Yakult is full of sugar. In that tiny small little bottle (65ml's) there is a massive 11.5grams of sugar, that ism 2 heaped tablespoons of sugar. Before you say it is "good for you" do your research. Yakult is garbage.

    F you. Yakult is a pro biotic and good for you. Since when has sugar been a bad thing. 2 heaped table spoons my arse

  11. Ever consider that maybe these people enjoy helping their family.. And don't do it because they have to, or because they are stupid, but because it makes them happy to see their son having a bit of extra entertainment money, instead of slogging away pushing carts all day for nothing.

    Or enjoy being involved in the upbringing of their nieces/nephews, and having some company around the house...

    No :)

  12. Why does he consider George Bush to be a good man and a very good friend. Seems strange considering he is symbolizes evil to many

    I think you and Chen through around the word "evil" very easily.

    I think you mean throw my child! Where does Chen refer to evil - can you read

  13. I was driving past the Daina Inn the othere day and witnessed a Thai guy (big lump og a Thai) beating up a farang outside one of the bars on the othere side of the road. A friend of mine was walking past the Lek hotel yesterday morning and saw what he describes as the same guy beating the shit out of anothere farang. Something going on or what?

    A fight perhaps? :):D

    Read the post DAVE. Same big Thai lump beating up 2 ferangs on differnt days in the same area - not a fight - or fights.

    The ferangs wer not fighting -they were being beaten. <snip>

  14. Why is he afraid of catterpillars. Seems strange considering they are very symbolic of reincarnation

    Why does he consider George Bush to be a good man and a very good friend. Seems strange considering he is symbolizes evil to many

  15. Warning!


    Any scheming scamming little girls selling scout cookies or tiny little yogurt drinks who show up on the doorsteps of a grouchy expat will be chained up, water boarded, shot in the face with a war weapon, then dismembered and dumped into the closest river. Grouchy expats cannot be expected to take any crap off little girls!

    P.S. Soundman, Good one, I got a good laugh out of that. Im guessing some of the tough talkers here know nothing of Thailand and have never been introduced to a true Thai scam which usually involves a large payment of cash for no other reason than being in the wrong place at the wrong time. I can just picture them jumping out at a police checkpoint, disarming a cop, then pistol whipping the MIBs over a two hundred baht traffic scam that many of us have encountered and dealt with politely so many times we cant even be bothered to remember them anymore.

    The point is Mr Krap: it would be normal to ask first - thats all. You know just ask any potential customer if they would like it. MAYABE SOME PEOPLE DON'T LIKE YAKULT.

  16. This is not a scam, These ladies work dammed hard for their money and make a honest living. I could see your point if they showed up demanding some crazy price like 500 baht or something but being charged a normal price for delivery is not a big deal, no need to classify this as a scam.

    Most Thai families have more than two people living in the house so its normal to have a little bag of drinks dropped off. If you don't want it just tell them you don't want it, no big deal. We used to have a delivery of a whole bag full every few days and it was quite nice to have them in the fridge.

    One of my best friends died a few years back and his wife has no other income other than selling these little drinks so I have first hand knowledge of how hard she works and how little she makes off it. I'm quite proud of her for being a good mom and raising up a kid in some pretty dramatic circumstance without having to bend over for her income.

    If any of you guys has a chance to buy a few of these silly drinks to support a hard working and honest local you should consider a very small investment into the community. Please reserve the term "Scam" for the true "Scams" which typically involve hookers, the police, or degenerates, not industrious moms who are sending their kids to school by working for a living.

    Most guys here support working girls and their extended familys - so cut the selfrightious lecturing.

    You seem to miss the point - what would you do if some poor milkman in England left 4 pints of unwanted milk o your doorstep each day and wanted you to pay :)

    PS Yakult is good for you. I would buy it if they deliverd to my door - if they asked me first.

  17. to the OP:

    It may very well be a legit charge. Shipping costs per tonne fluctuate ALOT. With the economy improving, shipping rates have shot through the roof. You may be a 'vicitim' of these increased costs.

    Shipping rates have dropped through the floor - down 95%! Economy improving - on what planet?

  18. I was driving past the Daina Inn the othere day and witnessed a Thai guy (big lump og a Thai) beating up a farang outside one of the bars on the othere side of the road. A friend of mine was walking past the Lek hotel yesterday morning and saw what he describes as the same guy beating the shit out of anothere farang. Something going on or what?

  19. What happened? i arrived in BKK a few days ago from issan to start school and thought i might get a haircut and every hairdresser is scared to death to give a farang a haircut!!! i ended up having to go to central and some french guy ended up cutting my hair....is there a common occurance of foreigners jumping up and down making asses of themselves when they get their hair cut??

    The problem is obviously with you - maybe your breath stinks. Try flossing your teeth

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