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Posts posted by deprogrammed

  1. Your a one off customer and they are stitching you up. I had dealings with shipping from UK to Thailand. At one point I told the customs and shipping company to go f**ck themselves as they were working together to extort money from me. They kept changing the rules everytime I came up with an answer to their BS.

    The customs guy wouldn't even speak to my wife. They never miss an oppurtunity to steal from a ferang :)

  2. [

    "who wants it" hahaha classic !

    Yeah, makes you feel good to see some shit head cowards kicking the guy in the face whilst he is knocked out. They are your type of hero :)

    Maybe you should read what the guy was arguing about, is this guy your friend or even possibly you ?

    Not interested - yes he was an arsehol_e and deserved a smack. But the monkeys jumping on the bandwaggon - kicking him in the head when he was out are scum. I guess what your saying is you would do the same - say no more :D

  3. I bought this breakfast for 35 baht from a vendor near Siam Paragon. Of course, I had to rewarm it at home. But, still it's a bargain.

    Anyone who puts such a thing into their body is lacking the most basic facts of nutrition

  4. Loud mouth farang gets taken down by a typical cowardice Thai. One on one they will run a mile every time.

    I agree theyre cowards, but i'm pig sick of fat asses like this guy in England thinking theyre hard after a few beers and he was quite clearly starting the fight .... hope his head hurt in the morning.

    Exactly, I hate people who to make themselves look big and hard start a fight. What a tool, he deserved everything he got.

    "who wants it" hahaha classic !

    Yeah, makes you feel good to see some shit head cowards kicking the guy in the face whilst he is knocked out. They are your type of hero :)

  5. Typical of the way people group together in a cowardly animalistic way. Straight for the kill - hurt the farang :) Yes the farang was out of order and obviously unaware of the big no no of confronting a Thai.

    If a Thai man sees a fight starting/ongoing between a Thai and a ferang then (will he) run over and attack the ferang without a second thought.

    Now lets consider if you were in your home country and you saw a fellow countryman fighting with or attacking a foreigner would you run over and kick them :D (obviously not unless you are a low life nutter

    PS me fighting in the street: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pCJ8J5yVTB8...feature=related

  6. As anyone who knows anything about this land understands, when buisness is bad Thais put up prices (generally).

    So with this sense of prevailing logic when things get really bad should ferangs expect to be treated worse - with more contempt - by Thais, who will be angry with us rich farangs for causing all their woes?

  7. I think the correct term is mass hysteria not mutual hallucination.


    It happens.

    In a more group think culture like Thailand, I bet it happens a lot.

    This is a strictly female phenomenon and is quite common amongst female students.

    There are hundreds of cases reported through the ages. Nuns are particularly prone to it. :)

    Here is a recent example.


    I don't think nuns would make a habit of such a thing :D

  8. Sadly, the Thai staff at the visa section of the Swiss Embassy have a reputation for being impolite, even downright rude. In fact, I have been asked how the boss there managed to find the rudest people in all of Thailand as his employees.

    Yes, they have a job to do, but they could do it without being rude. I suspect there is something wrong with the management of the visa section.



    it's not only the thai staff in the Swiss Embassy but usually the local consular/embassy staff in most of the countries. but Thailand seems beat them all. however, i enjoy my semi-annual visits to the German Embassy in Bangkok and kick the àsses of some arrogant thai staff. unfortunately most of them know me by now and all my fun will soon be over. hope to see next time some new faces who have a big mouth and lack the required politeness! :)

    I agree :D

  9. We have booked to stay at the Nautical Inn on beach road over Christmas and the new year, anyone stayed here? can't really find much info about it, there's not even any reviews on trip advisor.



    The correct way would be to check a place out before booking - makes a bit more sense :)

  10. so now we all get paranoid about a bit of flu, in Pattaya??

    Don't think to many people are paranoid mate and it's not this virus we have to worry about at the moment

    But if and when it mutates and possibly mixes with H5N1 (endemic in Asia)

    doubt that it will mix but agree H5N1 could mutate but I am not a virologist so wouldnt really know but as pointed out it is the general grasp of terminology and fear (or lack of grasp) that often creates the problem. How many people in the world died from malaria today and did it make the global headlines as did the flu status in australia?


    Well said! Millions of people die of malaria but that seems to be less important than people catching the flu. 141 have died of this flu so far. A child dies every thirty seconds of malaria. About 1 to 1.5 million people a year worldwide. If malaria became widespread an affected rich nations, I'm sure more money would be used to irradicate the disease.

    If this flu virus only affected poor people then we could all sleep easy :D

  11. This report from the Nation is just insane. Either the type of flu was edited out, or they are saying that these folks have the common flu or cold. Looks like another case of the hysterical media drones tripping up over themselves when trying to spread some more fear amongst the population, and to make a buck at the same time. I expect this bull crap to work in America, but not here...

    The headline says 'Flu 2009' which surely refers to H1N1 ?

    Actually the mail sent by TV to members email addresses states 'swine flu outbreak in Pattaya'

  12. you are sad!!! what is your problem no one to argue with today?

    Post some useful advice that may help people ..=You are just scare mongering why? get a life..

    No David tis not i doing the scare mongering. If you believe in taking your injections then thats all well and good but don't promote what you blindly believe to otheres by scaremongering.

    I do know people like you, who love to get all their inocculations and vaccines - makes them feel safe and warm. Call me old fasioned - but I personally prefer not to stick known and unknown toxins into my body.

    I know you can't relate to my point of view due to the syptomatic affects of your vaccines :)

  13. []

    so we would get the illness while we were young and therefore be safer when we were adults(reference my flu party joke!)..Now this flu is more dangerous than what we have encountered in the past because if we have a strong emune system we effectively can kill ourslves by flooding our own lungs....So please I miss your point...

    Simple point :) The guy who invented the flu vaccine (read above) states it is better to do nothing. Nobody has resistance to new strains :D

    At least three US federal laws should concern all Americans and suggest what may be coming - mandatory vaccinations for hyped, non-existant threats, like H1N1 (Swine Flu). Vaccines and drugs like Tamiflu endanger human health but are hugely profitable to drug company manufacturers. The Project BioShield Act of 2004 (S. 15) became law on July 21, 2004 "to provide protections and countermeasures of Health contracting flexibility, infrastructure improvements, and expediting the scientific peer review process, and streamlining the Food and Drug Administration approval process of countermeasures." In other words, the FDA may now recklessly approve inadequately tested, potentially dangerous vaccines and other drugs if ever the Secretaries of Health and Human Services (HHS) declare a national emergency, whether or not one exists and regardless of whether treatments available are safe and effective.agents

    Simple point !! read my post again.....Nobody is resistant to new strains, hence for people who are in the group where the flu to them is a dangerous virrus to catch its best and proven( me as an example) to get a flu jab each year)...You have got to be American....Why are you distorting proven advice by saying this administration or that will make you do this..the post is about flu not the world order as you interpet it!! lol lol lol

    Stop taking the injections David - your ability to think has been greatly diminished :D

  14. At least three US federal laws should concern all Americans and suggest what may be coming - mandatory vaccinations for hyped, non-existant threats, like H1N1 (Swine Flu). Vaccines and drugs like Tamiflu endanger human health but are hugely profitable to drug company manufacturers. The Project BioShield Act of 2004 (S. 15) became law on July 21, 2004 "to provide protections and countermeasures of Health contracting flexibility, infrastructure improvements, and expediting the scientific peer review process, and streamlining the Food and Drug Administration approval process of countermeasures." In other words, the FDA may now recklessly approve inadequately tested, potentially dangerous vaccines and other drugs if ever the Secretaries of Health and Human Services (HHS) declare a national emergency, whether or not one exists and regardless of whether treatments available are safe and effective.agents.

    Since when has the flu vaccine been dangerous! Unless you have a allergy to eggs?( As the vaccine is grown in eggs) Its a totally dead virus and harmless only promoting anti bodies to protect you against an infection..Or do you think the new flu has been produced to control the masses by the CIA!! lol lol lol

    So just eggs - no mercury :) maybe thats why your laughing so much :D

  15. well thats my trip to Patts cancelled! But maybe as I am bound to get it ( I always have in the passed) I suffer very badly.I have had the flu jab for the last 15 years and have not had it since..No flu jab for this one yet..My point is better i go get the flu there in Pattaya where they have Tami-flu to take..her in Chiang rai they do not have it! I've checked and for sure it will come up here sooner or later.......So maybe best to have a few flu parties so as to get it while you can get the medicine!!

    CANBERRA The inventor of the flu vaccination, which is given to 15 million Britons each year, said that he feared a severe outbreak of the virus and that he had never been very impressed with its efficacy.

    Dr Graeme Laver, former Professor of Biochemistry at the Australian National University in Canberra, said: "It is better to do nothing, and I wouldn't want to advise people not to take it, but you can't rely on it doing any good."

    Ok my point being that as a child I suffered badly virtually every year from the flu..As an adult I was advised to have the flu jab every year.I'am a Brit. Since taking having the flu jab every year for the last 15 or so I have not had the flu again. I of course have no resistence to this new strain, so maybe as I live in Chiang rai where they have no Tami-flu medication it may be better that I go to Pattaya get the flu and have done with it! At least there they have the Tami-flu there at the moment...So as my mother used to do when we were kids if any one had the mumps or chicken pox we were sent to play with them so we would get the illness while we were young and therefore be safer when we were adults(reference my flu party joke!)..Now this flu is more dangerous than what we have encountered in the past because if we have a strong emune system we effectively can kill ourslves by flooding our own lungs....So please I miss your point...

    Simple point :) The guy who invented the flu vaccine (read above) states it is better to do nothing. Nobody has resistance to new strains :D

    At least three US federal laws should concern all Americans and suggest what may be coming - mandatory vaccinations for hyped, non-existant threats, like H1N1 (Swine Flu). Vaccines and drugs like Tamiflu endanger human health but are hugely profitable to drug company manufacturers. The Project BioShield Act of 2004 (S. 15) became law on July 21, 2004 "to provide protections and countermeasures of Health contracting flexibility, infrastructure improvements, and expediting the scientific peer review process, and streamlining the Food and Drug Administration approval process of countermeasures." In other words, the FDA may now recklessly approve inadequately tested, potentially dangerous vaccines and other drugs if ever the Secretaries of Health and Human Services (HHS) declare a national emergency, whether or not one exists and regardless of whether treatments available are safe and effective.agents

  16. [

    Always been the same, motorcycle hits you it's your fault..
    Absoluty correct ,. if you had been in your own country it wouldnt have happened :)


    This is the law in Arab countrys - maybe this is why the Arabs drive like Thais.

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