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Posts posted by deprogrammed

  1. That may be true that this accident is a first but.....

    I know a little about steel & concrete. I have also heard all the architects & engineers involved in the building of those towers speak. They also showed films of the original building of them along with the steel columns that went from bottom to top. 80 I believe

    For any fuel based heat to melt all of that at that rate can only be described as impossible.

    Flying, i also know a little about steel and concrete and would like to add that nobody mentioned that steel and concrete "melted". what is credible is that one of the steel/concrete floors was dislocated by the (undeniable) intense heat from the bearing columns and dislocated as well as dislocating the next floor by dropping on it thus causing some kind of chain reaction which became stronger and faster with each floor adding weight and mass momentum.

    when working in Iraq i experienced something similar. the eight floor of an office building had been cast and after some days the supports were removed. it seemed that the connecting steel to the skeleton was either not properly dimensioned or perhaps for some other reason the last floor detached from the skeleton. all what i heard (being several hundred meters aways) was tack tack tack tack tack tack tack and looking over there saw the skeleton standing and all eight floors neatly stacked up on top of each other.

    Your theory is the biggest BS I have ever heard - and you know it :) Please explain how the BBC reported the collapse of building 7, 20 minutes before it collapsed. No building in history has ever collapsed after bieng hit by a plane. Building 7 was not hit - but collapsed. So according to you the fires - caused by what? were so intense that they caused a total freefall collapse. The steel structure was coated with Mandolite type fireproofing which would stand up to a intense hydrocarbon fire (as seen on the Piper Alpha Platform in the north sea in 1987) - for 60 mins (C60 rating)

    Jet fuel burns at far lower temprature than the gas you use when camping - doesnt melt the pan does it!

  2. "See you in another 7 days or on another id if i get banned until the year 2035 like they do on here."

    Ah, bygon, you and deprogrammed really brighten up a room (including a chat room) when you leave. In these days of fiscal despair and high oil prices...wait a minute! Alex Jones' "The Obama Deception" claimed that "Big Oil" conspired to drive the oil prices up, yet he had nothing to say about the decline of oil prices. Perhaps Alex believes that Big Oil conspired to lower their profits. It doesn't matter if Alex believes it, YOU believe it, and that's what Alex wants. Obama refused to shake someone's hand, and you believe that's further evidence that he's part of the conspiracy. I'm sorry, I got sidetracked.

    In these days of waning fiscal despair and lower oil prices we need to find joy where we can. My personal sense of joy comes with the knowledge that, with the reelection of Obama in 2012, your anger-induced rash in your nether regions will continue until 2016, and that itch is going to drive you crazy. Listen to your mom, don't pick or scratch, it'll only get worse and you'll have a scar.

    I stated earlier on this thread that the BBC reported the collapse of building 7, 20 or so minutes before its actual collapse. I was shot down by the usual suspects. Most who didnt even know what building 7 was, or that it actually collapsed without being hit - most sheeple are not aware of building seven.

    Some ridiculed me saying the BBC never reported it - and one spook said the video was false,

    Well my spooks and sheep, fill your boots here: (oh, funny how the BBC lost the tape but found it again once they knew it was all over the net)


  3. The most expensive commodity in such buildings is concrete. To test the potential strength and integrity of the finsihed product, a simple 'slump test' is carried out - at agreed stages during constuction.

    Slump test is very simple: eg. a 10 inch peice of plastic pipe is filled with the wet concrete mix and then the pipe pulled from the mix. The amount of slump in the concrete is measured. A one inch slump (depression) for example may be acceptable a 2 inch slump not.

    The material - wet concrete - should also be weighed by voulume to give density.

    If the pre specified density (specific gravity) and slump are below spec. then the resulting concrete will be honeycombe in structure and lack the required density/strength.

    Inspectors (clerk of works) who insist of such measures risk being shot. Enjoy your shopping :D

    You been reading Wikipedia again.. :)

    25 years - Construction Engineer (man and boy).

    There's so many discerpancies in your explanation I doubt that very much.

    When I say man and boy, well I really mean boy - you know leggo :D

  4. I don't know but I think it is very worrying to think about what may happen if just one such pillar gives in for the weight on top - 6 floors of mall + another 8 or so of a hotel on top of it.... :D

    Good idea Phil.

    As I posted in the other thread, I have sent copies of these pics and some comments to the Bangkok Post, and am still awaiting their action - if any :)

    Unlikely - considering a previous BKK Editor was forced to resign following negative press given to a very large project - think airplanes!

  5. My wife gave birth to twins three weeks ago. Unfortunately she had hospital troubles before everything was in order. We live in Ban Chang and have been dealing with the very good hospital, Phyathai, in Si Racha which is about 50km west (I think). We had inquired about using Bangkok Rayong hospital which is also (supposedly) a very good hospital but only 30km in the other direction. In the end we stuck with Siracha. Unfortunately my wife went into labor unexpectedly early when I was away at work. Due to the emergency she decided to head to the nearer hospital in Rayong. However when she got there the staff went into a spin and floundered, not knowing what to do. They kept her in a room while the confabulated outside the door seeming trying to avoid tackling the task or reaching a conclusion. My wife pleaded with them to do something but they just couldn't reach a decision. In the end after 3 hours they opted to put her in an ambulance and send her the 80km+ to the hospital in Siracha. Other than more delays in Siracha regarding payment the children were delivered without trouble, as they should have been. My son was in an incubator for a few days that did concern me as to the effects of the delay, but he is fine now.

    Maybe I am missing something but surely a hospital, especially a top end expensive one, should be able to deliver twin baby's.

    This adds to me list of disappointing experiences in Thailand. Although I guess this is offset a little by the good experience at the other one.

    Expensive does not gaurantee that the staff are any less moronic - as you are now aware.

    Congratualations on the birth of your twins :)

  6. The most expensive commodity in such buildings is concrete. To test the potential strength and integrity of the finsihed product, a simple 'slump test' is carried out - at agreed stages during constuction.

    Slump test is very simple: eg. a 10 inch peice of plastic pipe is filled with the wet concrete mix and then the pipe pulled from the mix. The amount of slump in the concrete is measured. A one inch slump (depression) for example may be acceptable a 2 inch slump not.

    The material - wet concrete - should also be weighed by voulume to give density.

    If the pre specified density (specific gravity) and slump are below spec. then the resulting concrete will be honeycombe in structure and lack the required density/strength.

    Inspectors (clerk of works) who insist of such measures risk being shot. Enjoy your shopping :D

    You been reading Wikipedia again.. :)

    25 years - Construction Engineer (man and boy).

  7. The most expensive commodity in such buildings is concrete. To test the potential strength and integrity of the finsihed product, a simple 'slump test' is carried out - at agreed stages during constuction.

    Slump test is very simple: eg. a 10 inch peice of plastic pipe is filled with the wet concrete mix and then the pipe pulled from the mix. The amount of slump in the concrete is measured. A one inch slump (depression) for example may be acceptable a 2 inch slump not.

    The material - wet concrete - should also be weighed by voulume to give density.

    If the pre specified density (specific gravity) and slump are below spec. then the resulting concrete will be honeycombe in structure and lack the required density/strength.

    Inspectors (clerk of works) who insist of such measures risk being shot. Enjoy your shopping :)

  8. How people conceive Thailand depends on many things, but length of stay seems upmost. At some point anyone with a spark of inteligence realizes that they are behind enemy lines.

    Lets justy consider the name of the most popular political party in recent times: Thai Love Thai Party.

    What next - That Hate Foreigner Party (Not that far out really).

    Most people I know have actually thought about the prospect of having to dump there house or condo in the event of an unfriendly power shift.

    Then ofcourse that is to ridiculous to contemplate in such a stable country run by well adjusted logical individuals :)

  9. What's with all the calls for the death penalty here? This was attempted murder, not murder. In either case, the death penalty is never OK, only backwards, uncivilized countries like Saudi, Iran and the USA use it.

    Politik aside, I'll infuriate even more TV members by playing devil's advocate here by saying that perhaps this attack was justified. Thai bar women are known to cheat, steal, and con - and it's always a farang that loses in these cases - perhaps someone finally fought back and gave the bìtçh exactly what she deserved. We'll never know the whole story or the reasons from biased newspaper reports - only Mr. Harry and Mrs. Sairoong know the full story.

    Strange how all those proffesing to be disgusted by this act of violence seek to go one step further by killing the kraut.

    Then again, I understand in a profound way, in that I think everyone who would like to kill another human because of a few lines they read in a post should be killed :)

  10. Right on kid! Those people are sh!ts to force that on him. You only have one life. Live it the way you want to live it; not the way someone else wants you to live it. The Dalai's a fraud. The dude never gets to the point when he's speaking. Just speaks around in circles like a fukcin politician. :)

    Didn't have much in way of a knowledgable opinion untill I watched an interview where he stated that G W Bush was a good guy and his good friend. Need I say more

  11. You haven't noticed yet that Thailand is on the bottom on the unemployed list worldwide.

    That surprises me with all the social security benefits theyre entitled to! Youre showing yourself up to believe such lists.

    And suppose there is no work for some, they would live at their homes with their families and they would manage to have all they need and be happy simultaneously. Remember sanuk?? Maybe not...

    Yes i know Sanuk i read about it in Lonely Planet as well as making sure i point my feet at someone and ask them to suck my toes ..... them poor destitute impoverished Thais with their lovely smiles are so happy i wish i could find such inner happiness without the need for alcohol, gambling and UBC..... can you offer me any further advice about Thai culture oh so knowledgeable one?

    Start right now and stop alcoholism.

    Then, to free all the negative feelings, which are stored up here and there in your mind and body, to get rid of the tense, helpless hate you feel day in day out, Yoga and a mediation retreat would be best.

    Or a lone sailing turn around the planet.

    Insane or not :)

  12. Many are wrong to think Thais depend on Farangs.

    When in a tourist resort and i go into a restaurant/ hotel/ taxi etc... they do rely on my business and i dont wish to be held in contempt ..... though i do agree if all tourists stopped coming here tomorrow theyd survive in one form or another

    No need to mention that, every business depends on their costumers. BUT suppose there would be no tourists, people would work something else. You haven't noticed yet that Thailand is on the bottom on the unemployed list worldwide.

    And suppose there is no work for some, they would live at their homes with their families and they would manage to have all they need and be happy simultaneously. Remember sanuk?? Maybe not...

    So you can write some very basic/simple thai common words. Does that mean your not a flip flop wearing misfit who feels the need to defend everything wrong with the worst of thai culture. Your still a peice of sh*t to most thias who pass you by.

  13. So, so all the advertisement signs, direction signs, danger signs, signboards......were in Thai at the arrival hall at Don Muang??? Did not notice that, although I worked there for 3 years.

    Of course all the necessary signs were in Thai youve made this up, show me a link to where Taxin walked through and made this comment as surely you must have read this somewhere and didnt read his mind .... im saying youre lying and made this up.

    Advertisers can put on signs what they wish.

    This Birdman thing is obviously a c***p. He thinks he is from Thailand. His kind are despised by both his hosts and his countrymen :)

  14. That's the way it is. Take it or leave it. Nobody cries for you. All is lip-service. No farang, mai pen rai, sabei sabei, prungnee pop gan mai ru phao

    Many are wrong to think Thais depend on Farangs. To the contrary. They can live very well without us. Not only certain circles of the elite question Western influence. Once a Democratic PM came back from abroad, saw all written in English at the arrival hall in Don Muang and said: Why is all written in English here? It is Thailand, all should be written in the Thai language...

    That PM was one of the most popular, because of his reserved and polite behaviour.

    Most Thais do not live well :) Many Thais depend on tourism :D People who defend the obvious madness of a foreign culture are highly questionable :D Most international airports have signage in English.

  15. When I first started to visit Thailand 15 years ago it was a good place to shop for inexpensive clothes - and not just copies. Recently I have had visitors from the UK, Holland, Norway and Switzerland and they all say the same thing - clothes are cheaper and better quality back home. Everyyhing from luggage (shit quality) to sunglasses are more expensive than anywhere on the planet!

    Taking into account the strong Baht, the Thais have lost the plot when it comes to pricing of - well everything. They have also become arrogant and greedy and their propensaty for increasing prices when buisiness is bad is plain nutts.

    When tourism was booming they went all out to attack visa runners. backpackers (said to be carrying vermin on trains) and those having bought property through nmethods sanctioned by lawyers.

    Attacks on foreigners has been seen as fair game and crime is booming.

    Most people arriving at the aiport are greeted with a scoul and have their passports thrown back at them after a unnecessary proplonged examination - unique in Asia.

    Karma - my Thai hosts - karma :)

  16. Are you asking about an extension of stay based upon marriage? You don't need it to get a visa.

    For an extesnion of stay they normally don't ask for it. But those would do if needed since you are married.

    If you own the house and your wifes house book shows that as her home then it would not be needed at all.

    Thanks :) I am currently on 'multiple O' and intend to apply for marraige visa before expiry. House is in company name and wifes name is on the blue book - so am i to understand that blue book with her name in it is ok for proof of my address - or utility bills in her (my surmane).

    Sorry just to clarify :D

  17. You have a real talent for latching onto the irrelevant. What difference does it make if I have a position on prisonplanet? I think that it's a very biased sounding name, that's all that I can say confidently about it.

    No difference really, but you gave your position then said you didn't have a position. I stated my position - I think Alex Jones is a shill. He mixes some truth with some BS therefore making the truth questionable. He also makes a few quid out of selling doom. My position :D

    I gave my gave my position then said I didn't have a position? I can assure you that whoever picked the name "Prison Planet" picked that that name for a reason and that they didn't pick it with the intention of sending out signals that they are an objective news source. Being able to perceive that and to be able to see the sarcasm in someone calling it fair and balanced does not require me to give a toss about that web site, nor does mean that I am one of the sheeple that have ruined your life.

    You are indeed a lost sheeple :) Again my friend you need to consider whether you have a view point or not. The spook guy who made said statement has said nought on the matter - so let it be know that you speak for the profane in matters of your choosing!

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