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Posts posted by F4UCorsair

  1. 3 hours ago, Luckysilk said:

    And yet the State Department sends out serious warnings about these places ....


    Liberals love being offended.


    Islam has been called the 'religion of permanent offence'.


    Now the democrats can be similarly called.....they need to be offended, to suffer at the hands of anything right.  It's the 'victim mentality'.

  2. Changes will be happening faster and faster in the KSA. I know a lot of Saudis especially late 20's to early 40's and they are nothing like the stereotypical remarks I often read on TVF.  The young population is huge and they want change now and they will get it. 
    .......or be beheaded trying.

    The SA muslim women....give them driving licences......next they'll want to actually drive!!

    Sent from my [device_name] using http://Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

  3. There is no more politically correct left wing bunch of stooges in the world than the ABC. You won't hear anything as it really is from the ABC. They're Australia's CNN and Washington Post.
    You'll need to pick a better example.

    Sent from my [device_name] using http://Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

  4. "...“Why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here?” Trump said, according to these people, referring to African countries and Haiti. He then suggested that the United States should instead bring more people from countries like Norway, whose prime minister he met Wednesday..."
    Or put another way, 'Why can't we have more white people?'
    It is truly sad to see the US being dragged down to the level of this idiot. I sincerely hope that Americans will get their act together soon and rid themselves of this...'thing'. There is a very long list of things to respect about the US, but it is impossible to do while this racist is in the White House.
    Australia has a law and order problem. Black africans and middle eastern races are largely the problem, so any person capable of rational thought would understand his rationale.

    Sent from my [device_name] using http://Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

  5. 4 hours ago, Silurian said:

    Not good numbers from America's youth for Donny John.



    No surprise from an organization seen to be well left of center.


    A poll can reveal whatever its organizers want.   You only call voters in those areas where you know what the answers will be, or exclude those you don't like.   Polls are of limited value except for those who commission them.

  6. I note that quite a few posters make an issue out of GB becoming 'small', i.e., not part of the huge EU organization.


    Take a look at New Zealand,  under 5 million people, smaller than Sydney, and geographically at the end of the world, about as far from any large population country that you could care to name, and it's prosperous, it has no shortage of trading partners, and thriving.


    Those who didn't like the result of the vote, and demanded another referendum, must be gnashing their teeth and wringing their hands, (more violent) rioting yet to come.

  7. A skilled hacker Assange may be, but an even greater idiot.


    Who, in their right mind, would publish sensitive information without first running it by any affected parties, in this case, the US government.


    He's regarded by a hero by US haters, and a curiosity by most others.


    It would seem that the Ecuadorean Embassy people have had enough of him and want to see him gone.


    His board and lodging has been funded by donations to the organization.   I know because my dope smoking daughter, who is in the JA is a hero group, donated a couple of grand to the fighting fund.  She's bloody near as silly as he is, and one of those who thinks the US can do no good, ever, or anywhere.


    The US may withdraw any threat of charges, and he may be free to go, but I don't think he will ever be truly free, always looking over his shoulder.  You made your bed Mr Assange, now lie (not sleep, or certainly not sleep soundly) in it.

  8. 23 hours ago, jenny2017 said:

    Haunting CCTV shows ex-British soldier taking Thai prostitute to hotel before she plunged five floors to her death


         Is he not British anymore? Should be British ex-soldier taking Thai prostitute...


    Both are OK.....he's an ex  British soldier, not ex British in isolation.   A 'former British soldier' would have been better.


    A "British ex soldier" doesn't sound quite right although it is grammatically OK; British, and a former soldier sounds much better also.


    "Ex" and "former" have essentially the same meaning in this context, but one 'sounds' better than the other.


    I love dissecting the English language, so many twists and turns, and SO many inconsistencies.

  9. I don't think the democrats would put her up....the woman is a <deleted> hypocrite of the first order.  She knew about Weinstein, all Hollywood did, but she kept her mouth shut, was even good friends with him, and when he's finally outed, she jumps on the accusers' coat tails, trying to make some mileage.  She's as bad as Weinstein himself, as is Streep and a host of others.

  10. 18 hours ago, zaphod reborn said:


    In order to be properly diagnosed with PTSD, you have to have witnessed and been subjected to bodies being blown apart or shot in wartime conditions or a violent rape.  This scum never served in wartime conditions, but I hope his future holds death or repeated rapes of him.  


    Not true.  People suffer PTSD over a whole range of issues.

  11. 16 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

    Are you so out of touch?


    The Democrats are not 'embracing her, and as for Trump, no one has condemned him for not being one of the political class, how I wish that were his only misgiving. They condemn Trump for being a narcissistic , Sociopathic, Pathological lying, self absorbed, childish, nasty , vindictive , dangerous, unstable SOB (Presidentially used term), and lets not forget sexual predator, and Traitor. Apart from all that I am sure he is a nice guy. If Trump does a second term, I will eat my shorts and then become a Doomsday Prepper! 


    Are you going to launder the shorts first, or do something really kinky?   You could buy a pair of those flavored, edible undies and eat them??   I love it.  Becoming a doomsday prepper isnothing compared with eating shorts!!

  12. 8 minutes ago, heybruce said:

    Way off topic, let me see if I can help you out.


    "....who are now turning on him..."


    Turning on people is a Trump specialty.  Perhaps that makes his fellow unqualified celebrities as qualified for the presidency as he is.

    Thank you for you help.


    There's the point, the democrats are embracing her whereas they condemn him for not being one of the political class, just as she is.  Nobody does hypocrisy quite as well as the left!!

  13. 24 minutes ago, heybruce said:

    One extra note:  The stock market has risen to ridiculous price/earnings ratios because the low interest rates give investors no alternative to stocks since bonds are literally paying nothing after inflation.  Rising interest rates will bring down stock prices by providing profitable alternatives to stocks, and dampen riclag's enthusiasm for the Trump economy and his 401k.


    Regarding share prices falling with rising interest rates offering an alternative, they will have to rise a LOT before they become an alternative.  Dividends on most good stocks in Australia are 7%+, and bank rates under 2% for a fixed deposit, tying money up for a year or more.  Shares are far more flexible, and can be traded in a moment.  Until bank rates are up around 5%+, they won't even start to be an alternative, and definitely not attractive until 6%+.   I imagine the ratios are similar in the US.


    If you bought shares in the big banks in Australia at current prices, you would be getting about 9% including franking credits, so no contest with bank rates.

  14. 24 minutes ago, heybruce said:

    Yeah, lots of people are debating interest rates and there are a lot of arguments on both sides.  However it is off-topic.


    It is on topic to note that deficits rose insanely high and the economy tanked the last time we had a tax-cutting, big spending Republican President.  Looks like we can expect the same again, although Trump will have to do all that damage much bigger than Bush.  Another reason to vote in a Democrat Congress that will restrain and, hopefully, impeach him.


    Trump won't be impeached, and is assured of another term if the democrats put Oprah up as their candidate, widely suggested over the past day or so, based ONLY on her 'impassioned' speech at the Golden Globes.   But the hypocrisy!!!  She, and the likes of Streep and dozens of others knew about the casting couch culture and particularly about Weinstein, but said nothing for decades, lying hypocritical b****es!!  There would even be many who benefitted, secured roles, by 'putting out' for Weinstein, and no doubt others, who are now turning on him, and every other male in Hollywood.

  15. 6 hours ago, Thaidream said:

    The simple fact without all the rhetoric is that if you spread the wealth everyone gets a piece and harmony and happiness is maintained. If you allow he materialistic capitalism of the United states to continue here will be one end- revolution.  Greed is not good- it destroys and if continued America will see a revolution that may not be better than what they now have. Thank God- I'll be gone!!


    I understand yhour sentiments Thaidream, but 'spreading the wealth' doesn't work, largely due to government inefficiencies/ waste.   The commerical world calls it 'distribution costs'.


    It's a little like charities where as little as 5% actually gets to the target organizations, and the rest is swallowed up in travel expenses, huge salaries, advertising, commissions for professional collectors, and just plain waste.


    On top of that,  governments can't help themselves, and see a pool of money intended for a purpose that never gets to its target because it's diverted for something more electorally popular.


    I'll tell you a story, and it's a true story........


    Many years ago I was on a flight and the seat right next to me was occupied by the Australian treasurer.   In conversation it came out that I worked overseas, and he asked why, so I told him that taxation was way too high in Australia, and that high income earners should be keeping more of their money.   If that happened, I may consider coming back 'home' to work.


    He thought it amusing and said that there weren't enough high income earners (in his words, 'not enough of you blokes'), to make a difference in an election, probably even if they were all spread over just a few electorates.  I said that if that was the case, it follows that taxing them highly wouldn't make any significant difference to the government coffers either, and he agreed.


    He then said that taxing high income earners wasn't about raising more money, or filtering it to the poor/disadvantaged, although it does raise a relatively small amount in the overall scheme of things, it was about appeasing the losers, making people on low incomes think that their government was taking from the rich to give to them, the Robin Hood mentality, and that IS what it's about.   It's about politicking!!


    It's not about spreading the wealth, because it seldom, or never, trickles down to them because it's lost in 'distribution costs' or diverted to other projects.


    An unfortunate characteristic of many Australians is they subscribe to the 'Tall Poppy Syndrome'.  Many hate to think that anybody is doing better than they are and like to see them cut down like a tall poppy, and they have sympathetic ears in successive governments.  Of course the politicians are caught up in the higher taxation trap for high income earners, but they get around that by being given pay rises by their 'independent tribunal', usually just before a taxation reform is announced so that it doesn't appear reactionary!!





  16. 4 hours ago, Opl said:


    "Starting with Trump’s inaugurationit the Dow has risen from 19,827.3 to 25,075.1 -- an increase of 26 percent. That’s impressive. But it’s not as impressive as its performance during the equivalent period under Obama. Under Obama, the Dow increased from 7,949.1 to 10,572 — a rise of 33 percent.


    Coming out of the worst market downturn since the great depression of the 1930's.  That's not a reasonable comparison...there was only one way It was going to go, and fast.

  17. Just now, samran said:

    Economics 101. The marginal utility of anything decreases the more you have of it. Same goes for money. 


    It is the basis of progresive tax systems. 


    Taxing your millionth dollar at the same rate as somones ten thousandth dollar is inherently unfair to the lower income earner. 


    Economics text book stuff.  It applies essentially to goods and services and you've extended/bent the definition to include money.


    My view is that it's the basis of regressive tax systems.  Take Hong Kong, 15% flat, everybody pays, no deductions, and it's so little that nobody bothers trying to avoid it.


    Just as taxing me at 51.5% (with NOTHING in return) is inherently unfair when somebody earning a tenth of what I earn pays NO tax, but is the recipient of a whole range of government benefits.

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