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Posts posted by F4UCorsair

  1. 1 hour ago, Opl said:

     "On the campaign trail in 2016, Trump had promised, “I’m going to be working for you. I’m not going to have time to play golf.” 



    But how does that relate to the subject under discussion, his fitness??


    I think that if he's playing golf regularly it's a good thing.


    All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy!


    I can see the next comment.

  2. Just now, spidermike007 said:

    Sorry, but golf does not qualify as exercise, unless you are NOT using a cart. There is no doubt this charlatan uses a cart. Probably a 24 carat gold plated cart. Probably a bullet proof cart. But, he uses a cart. So, the only exercise he gets is using his jaw excessively, and swinging a club. Not much. There is no doubt that an extremely toxic condition exists in his body, mind and colon. He could really use the exercise, and there is a chance it would tame some of his insanity, and temper some of his outbursts.


    You say "There is no doubt this charlatan uses a cart."     That statement is not definitive....it's your opinion.  You're guessing.


    Thanks for the medical opinion on his condition Dr Spidermike.

  3. 14 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

    How wrong. The Germans would have taken care of the Russians and the Russians the Germans as they were wiping each other out and the Brits would have taken care of the rest of the Germans. It would have taken a whole lot longer and a whole lot more lives. 


    Well, good to see you have it sorted out.   I bet the generals of the day would be sorry they didn't have you on the team as their tactical adviser.

  4. 10 hours ago, simple1 said:

    Last election I voted for Oz Conservative Party.


    Point to government stats to support your claims, otherwise just noise. As an example I have provided a link to a prior study from 2010.


    The 2.5 million individuals of Turkish origin represent roughly 3 percent of the population but more than 6 percent of welfare recipients, which says to me the vast majority of welfare recipients are non Muslim nationals.




    Of course organised crime from Muslim heritage groups, but obviously would not be practicing Islam. However, there are non Muslim heritage organised crime groups in German originating from Russia, Italy, UK , Germany etc. Your sole focus on Muslim heritage crime, welfare recipients etc is hate speech. The vast majority of crime is committed by German nationals e.g. 360 domestic murders in one year. You can explore facts at...





    Of course organised crime from Muslim heritage groups, but obviously would not be practicing Islam.


    I think you're suggesting that if someone is a practising muslim, that he wouldn't be involved in organized crime, or am I misreading your post??   


    If you are suggesting that, be serious please.

  5. Very poor diet and no exercise. If he is really in excellent health, it's a matter of luck and lucky genetics. We all hear of 100 year old chain smokers. Same kind of thing. 

    You guys were complaining about him playing too much golf recently. Now you're complaining because you contend he does NO exercise.  




    I get it...you complain about anything, for the sake of complaining. You really need more than a keyboard in your lives. Perhaps some exercise would help?


    A GP can establish a person's mental state very quickly, just in conversation, and assess if further testing is required.


    But as an earlier poster said, it's all academic because there is no obligation to publish the results.


    I think his detractors have missed that he has turned 'baiting the left' into an art form, and are suggesting he's mentally unstable because they can't lay a glove on him. They go after him, and he just pokes them more. They can't stand it, so revert to what they know best, criticize and abuse.


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  6. 23 minutes ago, bkkcanuck8 said:

    Usually when I don't care, I don't bother opening up a poll thread just to post "who cares", let alone making two postings (I vaguely think you made an earlier post but I am not going to look - since I don't care what was said :shock1: ). That is just too much effort when I don't care....  

    I don't think I did post earlier, but I don't care enough to check either.


    Don't join the ranks of the dozen or so on here who do little more than look for an argument.  It becomes tiresome for those of us, most members, who come for a little enjoyment occasionally, perhaps learn something, and are constantly stalked after we post, needling us into responding so that we can be reported.   It's just plain silly.


    24 minutes ago, F4UCorsair said:
    Who cares?? That I post on a thread doesn't mean I care. How/why could you possibly make that assumption? Bizarre......at best. Don't assess others on your own actions.

    TV is a forum where a member can post on any thread, whether it interests him or not, within the forum rules, of course, and there is no rule that says he must care or have an interest in the thread subject.

    I'd wager that a large percentage of posts are by people who have no interest in a thread subject, or care.

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  8. 3 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    He is definitely not stretching things at all!


    If trump fully achieves his goals, the American democracy is finished. 


    The same as Erdogan ruined Turkey.

    He's already done a lot of damage.







    If trump fully achieves his goals, the American democracy is finished. 


    Be serious................please!!  That is the stuff of a drama queen, no less.


    Perhaps you can enlighten us on what 'his goals' actually are???

  9. 1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

    People are focusing too much on the obscenity which he obviously DID say. What's much more obscene though is the context of the obscenity and that it came from the president. He doesn't belong there. He's a disgrace to all decent Americans. As he said of Haitians 'Take them out' paraphrased -- TAKE HIM OUT! 






    But Obama wasn't a disgrace when he said similar in an interview a couple of years ago??   The democrats certainly have a jaundiced way of looking at the world.

  10. 36 minutes ago, robblok said:
    Analogy is a bit wrong, because by doing MH your not endangering others.. its a victim-less crime.. now speeding on the motorway is a different story as by that act you do endanger others. 
    Your other part of the analogy that both things are against the law and you will pay the price if caught is totally right.  

    And there is a victim.....him, a victim of his own stupidity.

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  11. "it's worth noting that former President Obama called the African country of Libya a “shit show” just two years ago. The comments were recorded in an interview with The Atlantic. The wide-ranging interview was based on Obama's foreign policy"
    So why the double standard?
    President Obama said it in a public interview
    President Trump said it in a private meeting.
    The double standard of the left is legend. They say it's directed at Trump because he's 'harming' the US's image internationally, but if he died today, nothing would change. They'd just change the name of their target to Pence.

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  12. 17 hours ago, simple1 said:

    Below is what you originally claimed, which is false as proven by the Agency statistics.


    "Australia has a law and order problem. Black africans and middle eastern races are largely the problem"


    Your claim as to knowing Trump's motivation for his "shithole" description of African nations is based on which quotes from Trump?


    I've given you the figures you denied, so now you skew the 'argument' looking for another angle.


    Trump doesn't want people from $hithole countries for a host of reasons.  


    You want to involve me in  a verbal brawl, after which you'll report me.   I'm well aware of your tactics and I'm not playing the game.  There are a handful of you who like playing the same game.

  13. 7 hours ago, simple1 said:

    You're being utterly ridiculous with your right of centre rhetoric. The report was from the Victorian Crime Statistics Agency, 



    There are 380,000 blacks of African origin, versus 23 million others, in Australia, roughly a ratio of 60 to 1.  If there was a middle easter category, or I chose to include Pacific Islanders, the figures would appear even worse, but this is what we have to work with.


    The ABC published raw data without taking into account per capita crime rates, e.g.,


    Car theft, 1822 by Australians, 129 by blacks, a ratio of 14 to 1 (4+ times greater than Australians per capita); Aggravated burglary 415 versus 48, a ratio of almost 9 to 1 (almost 7 times greater than Australians per capita); Aggravated Robbery 526 versus 126, a ratio of 4+ to 1 (15 times greater per capita).


    So the Victorian Crimes Statistics Agency has shown that African blacks have committed crimes at disproportionately higher rates, and that is why Trump doesn't want people from those $hitholes in the US, just as most Australians don't want them there, but successive politicians of different colors have caved in to pressure by minority and left groups.


    We can always rely on the ABC to skew the discussion toward the left.

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