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Posts posted by tayto

  1. My my snippy aren't you.

    Well, I guess that is what I get for trying to be helpful to someone.

    I guess I just didn't realize that there were insurance companies serving only Chiang Rai residents.

    Yes, we have insurance companies in Chiang Rai, you should visit here some time. We're not as primitive as you seem to think. I'm sure our moderator Limbo would give you a tour and some tips about courtesy and manners.

  2. I wanna open a fresh 100% fruit juice factory, who can i supply in chiang rai ?

    I`ll take one

    SOme Questins for you Chang, is the prices alright for you ? if you really were to order from me

    Lets say 200ml

    Orange juice 15 baht

    watermelon juice 15 baht

    apple juice 15 baht

    lychee juice 15 baht

    longan juice 15 baht

    dragon fruit juice 15 baht

    pineapple juice 15 baht

    mango juice 20 baht

    What do you think ? 200 ml issit abit too much for thai standard ?

    Could I have 200ml of lemon juice please and don't forget to remove the pips.

  3. To the best of my knowledge, Tayto's are the main supplier of earthworms for Chiang Rai Province, and indeed beyond. But you may have to dig around carefully to find there whereabouts, as it is my understanding that this is an 'underground business' :o Happy Hunting :D


    Bon Appetite :D

    Imagedude :D


    The power of advertising, now we are thinking of going international.

    We already have branches in the U.k....ImageDude Co.Ltd and soon to open New York branch.

    If you are interested in joining this great new enterprise please pm me as soon as possible( before the rainy season ends) for details.

  4. Gossip, slander, defamation and libel aim to damage the reputation of a person or a group by saying or writing things about them which are not true.

    This morning I came across an interesting example concerning myself (I got a personal copy of the letter, so I feel free to quote):

    I have never been rude to Limbo in public or online and I have come to his defence when many and I mean many people slander his lifestyle here in C.R. I have stated to them that people have there problems and casting stones isn't productive.

    It was sent to a person who doesn't live in Chiang Rai and doesn't know me personnally.

    Limbo :o

    Do,tell us more :D

  5. Image dude, were you actually there. That`s your 2nd picture of the beauties that we can catch there but you always seem to have slipped the hook.

    chang35baht . . . my dear chap, are you inferring that I am telling 'fishermans tales' ? tut tut tut :D If you are so keen to see me and the fish at Khieng Doi, :D then, please feel free to check my website (URL in my profile). I have nothing to hide, there you will see many pictures of 'yours truly' and the many species of fish that I have caught there. :D In the meantime, here is another pic to 'whet your appetite' :o This is a Red Bellied Pacu weighing in at 8 kilos, and these fish are delicious eating.



    ImageDude :D

    I think that's the same fish I caught last week.

    Nice one tayto, you maybe caught that fish 2 weeks after it was eaten :D


    ImageDude :D

    Well it certainly looked the same around 8 kilos.

  6. Image dude, were you actually there. That`s your 2nd picture of the beauties that we can catch there but you always seem to have slipped the hook.

    chang35baht . . . my dear chap, are you inferring that I am telling 'fishermans tales' ? tut tut tut :D If you are so keen to see me and the fish at Khieng Doi, :D then, please feel free to check my website (URL in my profile). I have nothing to hide, there you will see many pictures of 'yours truly' and the many species of fish that I have caught there. :D In the meantime, here is another pic to 'whet your appetite' :o This is a Red Bellied Pacu weighing in at 8 kilos, and these fish are delicious eating.



    ImageDude :D

    I think that's the same fish I caught last week and it must have been caught 20 times before that as it's mouth was full of line.

    Everybody throws the fish back in again, so there's not much sport to it.

  7. For fun, nothing beats melting a tub of butter in a microwave oven, and seeing if you can tweeze your eyebrows before the body of butter completely melts. Also fun is measuring elastic bands and recording thier data on an traditional index cards.

    Could anyone recommend a good physciatrist in Chiang Rai?..................quickly.

  8. :o can you buy those fan's in Chiangrai? Where?

    Well, maybe it´s a rich place?

    In the poorer places I lived, they´d have those moisturising fans outdoors, the ones that distribute the lightest spray of water

    Thomas3940 are you running a marathon or just trying to get a big post count?

    11 posts in 1 hour.

    Soon you will overtake our great leader, or maybe that's the idea.

  9. Go into Chiang Mai Forum and ask the guys there!

    Are you opening a restaurant?

    English sausages...... I probably not visit .....

    But Good Luck anyway!

    Hey Svenivan what's wrong with english sausages?

    English sausages.............succulent, tasty, delicious. Eroy mak mak.

  10. Hi

    I live in chiang rai - I need to get the following in wholesale ammounts, please can someone point me in the right direction. I know about Northern Farm place. Perhaps I need to order some of this stuf from chiang Mai (but where) and can they send to chiang rai frozen?

    Gravy Powder

    English Sausages

    apple sauce

    sage onion stuffing

    branston pickle

    pizza bases frozen

    baguettes,half cooked and frozen

    lamb - to roast

    garlic breads - ready made and frozen

    a potato masher

    sour cream

    i also want to buy a good gas oven.


    I don't know but when you get all this stuff, please give me a ring and I wll help you cook/sample/eat it.

    I know there is a Northern Farm in Chiang Mai with a lot bigger selection than here.

  11. personally, im quite a girl who like to stay in a big city, even here is my mother hometown, the place i grow up and studying, but things here or cr itself is so boring for me..nothing to do much but in deep down of me i want CR being this way boring quiet and good weather. I dont want CR to change in any ways.The boring of CR is make CR seem interesting ....

    PS. im moving permanently to bkk in around 2 months.......

    ~Unknown_user ~

    or a McDonalds.

  12. Hey guys and girls.

    Is there a place in Chiang Rai that serves shrimp scampi? I'm only wondering because my client is a huge fan and he told me that if I can't find it in Chiang Rai, I might lose him. I don't mean to Fuss, but chiang rai must have a place. Geese, it's hard to please some people. I heard that scampi is well known favorite of a friend of a friend here. But I just can't find it. Anyone care to help?


    I used to have clients like that, luckily I dumped them and now have a life.

    However if he persists, I recommend you take him to Thoeng.

    There you will find an abundance of prawn farms/ restaurants, who will serve and cook various sizes of shrimp/ prawns that you can choose or catch yourself, which brings up the discussion whats the difference.

    Prawns, shrimp or scampi?

    A shrimp is a shrimp; a prawn is, well, a shrimp. The two words are used interchangeably in markets and restaurants everywhere. The textbooks may agree that a shrimp is a shrimp, but many people (and quite a few cookbooks) refer to this most popular of shellfish as a prawn.

    Some people say the difference is size. In many parts of the country, small and medium shrimp are sold simply as shrimp, while large, extra-large, and jumbo shrimp are called prawns. Unfortunately, this "rule" doesn't always hold. In some areas, all shrimp, small and large, are sold as shrimp, while in other regions, all you'll find are prawns.

    Purists may argue that the term "prawn" is reserved for the shrimp's close relative, the Dublin Bay prawn. The Dublin Bay prawn resembles a shrimp, but it's distinguished by its small pincer claws (similar to those on a lobster) and a narrower body. Sometimes called Florida or Caribbean lobsterettes or French langoustines, these shellfish can be hard to find in markets. And unlike shrimp, Dublin Bay prawns are usually cooked with their heads on. The claws make quite an attractive presentation, although they're too tiny to render any meat.

    In Italy, Dublin Bay prawns are called scampi, which has confused North Americans even more. In Canada and the US, scampi refers to a dish of large shrimp that are cooked with garlic and butter or olive oil.

    Tayto. Food lover.

  13. Hi all,

    I wondering if any one could give me some advice in how to find someones address/phone number in Chiang Rai.

    Im looking for a very special lady, I have her name and her last job details, but sadly they do not know where she is at the present.

    If anyone has any ideas, they would be very welcome to share them :o

    I'm hoping there would be an easy and discrete way of doing it as I do not want to cause any embarrasment to her in the process.

    Thank you all for your consideration and help!

    Best regards Tom

    If you use the private message button (pm), on the bottom left of the messages, to any long time resident of Chiang Rai, I am sure they will do their best to help you or point you in the best direction.

  14. CommuniThai Magazine is now being released from the printers.

    Look for it tonight at these fine establishments or ask the proprietors:

    24 Lounge and Grill


    BaanChivitMai Bakery

    Baanwabordee Guest House

    CR '49


    Lanna Realty

    Nova Lebanese Food

    R.S. Office and Legal Services

    Sinthanee Homes

    Th. Property Solutions

    The Old Dutch

    The Teak House

    The Tree House

    also... The Night Bazaar

    Am looking forward to reading it.

    Good luck.

  15. In the Rai, you cannot get everything.

    I suppose you want to live in a quiet and nice village where you can buy a rai of land for 20 000 bath, you can build a a house for 200 000 bath, prices in the local market are low, low, low, and then you have Central Department store 3 km away, the ferry to Koh Chang is 2 km away and barlife like Pattaya even closer. Phu Chi Fah you can see in the horizont.

    A good dream.



    Your assumptions are very wrong! Therefore you should never assume.

    I want to live in a quiet and nice village where you can buy a rai of land for 10 000 bath, I can build a house for 100 000 bath, prices in the local market are low, low, low, and then you have Central Department store 1 km away, the ferry to Koh Chang is 500m away and barlife like Pattaya even closer. Phu Chi Fah you can see from my back window!

    Jokes aside,

    The OP asked what we would like to see in Chiangrai to make it more interesting. I would like to see a shopping mall just like a central in Bangkok. That is what would make my lifestyle a little more interesting so that I dont have to drive to Chiangmai to watch a movie in English.

    No one is asking you to want the same as me. You have your own opinions and thoughts and that is your right, but please dont slam people for having their own opinions that differ from yours.

    I am in no position to be building a shopping Mall in the near future so dont get alarmed it is not going to happen.

    In The Rai!

    Why don't you consider moving to Chiang Mai.

    It's more interesting, has shopping malls, english movies , lots of farang food and you wouldn't

    have a long drive there every month.

    Everybody happy.

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