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Posts posted by sandgroper2

  1. On 28 December 2016 at 7:10 PM, 12DrinkMore said:

    I guess that I do not live in Thailand.


    I do not experience more issues at immigration.


    I do not have bank managers asking about my income and status.


    I do not feel that I am unwanted.


    I do not feel I live in a less stable land (with Brexit all those Brits on the continent are proabably way more concerned)


    I find things have improved enormously over the years.


    I do not routinely get pullled over by the cops.


    I do not get assaulted when walking around.


    I do not have problems with internet banking.


    I do not get run off the road by manic drivers.


    I do not regularly, indeed it has never happened, have money disappearing from my bank account. Only the Brits managed to do that.


    I have never had a Thai bank collapse on me and get absorbed into the government.


    I have never had the THB forced down the toilet by lunatic Central Bankers.


    I can walk to the 7/11 24 hours a day and meet friendly staff.


    My internet, power and water supplies are very stable.


    I meet normal people doing normal things in the streets.


    The opening of Makro, Tesco, Big C has improved the quality and variety of goods and reduced my cost of living.


    I could write a load more....


    With all these great things going on, maybe I am back in England. :cheesy: :cheesy:

    This topic has been done over and over so many times ,in one form or another. It's just to see how many replies he gets. 

  2. 3 hours ago, Briggsy said:

    Another reason for the police inaction is that the burglar is a police informant, the burglar himself pays off the police or provides assistance to the police in terms of, say, fencing stolen goods. Either way, he would be under police protection.


    Remember the police manage crime (to acceptable levels) for profit. This includes burglary and vehicle theft rings. They are not there to prevent crime. The police structure here is designed so all officers have to be on the take, have to 'rent-seek', have to pass money up the chain and must use their time and resources to ensure they achieve all these financial goals.

    Congratulations, ,your the first in line for the monkey house under the computer crimes act.One of the most serious claims of defamation against the Royal Thai Police I haver seen published. 

  3. 22 hours ago, zd1 said:

    I have obviously taken your originally comment completely the wrong way.

    I will ask the missus where she has put my sense of humour.

    As John Cleese said to Kevin Kline while being dangled out of a window in Butlers Wharf I apologise unreservedly and I offer a complete and utter retraction, the imputation was totally without basis of fact and was in no way a fair comment, I deeply regret any distress that my comment may have caused you and I hereby undertake not to repeat any such slander at any time in the future.

    Me thinks you may be doing it back to me. Cheers Ol fella. 

  4. 16 hours ago, zd1 said:

    What a load of codswallop, your saying if you haven't got a degree you have no work ethic and that is a ridiculous statement to make, there are many people out there without degrees that have a great work ethic. I don't have a degree and i'm not a teacher however I have run several businesses which require dedication and a strong work ethic, I have also met many people who do have degrees but who don't have an ounce of common sense and outside of their field of knowledge they know very little.

    Your last sentence is barely comprehendible I hope your not teaching English.


    To the op you can get a job teaching here but as people have said pay will be low and you probably won't be able to get a work permit, however you may try private lessons and if your any good and get a good reputation the work will roll in.

    Good luck and take what some people on here say with a very large pinch of salt.

    As the saying goes, "theres one born  every minute."

  5. 4 hours ago, puukao said:

    Yea, no degree means you are not serious about education.  Kids need a role model, not someone who thinks 140 hours of that crap TESOL is enough.  I've hired about 100 people in my life, and WHY would I choose someone without a degree??  never would, unless maybe I was buying a product they developed.


    so maybe create an App for the iphone on how to learn English.


    You will end up taking the lowest of the low salary, have visa issues, save zero money, spend all your money, and still not have a degree.


    but you can still have a great time in Thailand and maybe take online classes towards your degree.



    Totally agree. People without a degree have absolutly no work ethic, dont care a hoot about education. If you dont ave a drgree like me have, yor uselessl.

  6. 38 minutes ago, AussieRules said:

    I was down a Soi I don't usually visit running a small errand, I needed cash so used a machine there outside a 7/11, I thought the refusal might have been because 10 000 baht might have put me over my daily limit on that card due to currency fluctuations so tried a couple more and then one at an MRT station, when I tried to get 5k instead of 10k it worked fine.


    I use that account as my "pocket" account so if it gets emptied by phantoms its a pain in the digestive tracts outlet valve if I'm left cashless


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