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  1. If you're really gonna go that way....Physicist Julius Edgar Lilienfeld proposed the concept of a field-effect transistor (FET) in 1925, but it was not possible to construct a working device at that time.
  2. Not commercially available... would you really want to watch a color wheel spinning?
  3. No commercially viable....
  4. You're right, I didn't. But a boomer invented the Blue LED, which is instrumental in all modern display panels.
  5. You believe what you want to believe, brainwashing is common....
  6. That's a lot of ignorance talking. Boomer generation invented the transistor, the mobile phone, color TV, the Internet etc.... Just to mention a few things that later gens take for granted.
  7. Russia has never been a part of Europe. However, it did try to do dominate it on several occasions during the past centuries.
  8. Does Pink Floyd and Led Zeppelin ring a bell?
  9. Wouldn't bother me where I die. If I'm dead, I'm dead... Just throw my corpse out of the way and let me decompose so I can give back to the Mother Earth what I have taken to sustain my life. The dead don't feel anything, it's the living that suffer the loss...
  10. So all this political Russian wrangling just proves that Russia is Sh*t scared of NATO and EU!!! No more Russian bear, not even a whisper of the N word anymore. They are not scared of Americans as they know well the Americans are all woosies. They will all Sh*t themselves and run for cover if it hits the fan....
  11. They do have a nice selection of quality Vodkas though. And nothing beats a bowl of Borsht, followed by Beef Stroganoff or Chicken Kiev and who would say no to a few scoops of caviar on a frosty winters morning, with a few shots of vodka to complement. There is Shashlik (Russian take on Kebab), and Solyanka soup, almost as good as Bloody Mary to cure hangovers. But apart from that, not much of tasty Russian cuisine. I suppose over a hundred years of communistic rule, eating mostly potatoes didn't contribute much to culinary development.
  12. Like I said in another thread: Democrats lost. Now we are looking at four years of dynastic dictatorship from the POTUS.
  13. EU in Brussels is an abomination, I will agree on that. Just a bunch of politicos emptying the coffers. And yes, most elected European leaders just lack cohones, but your POTUS does too....
  14. Th They seem to wear MAGA hats. and bow to your "elected" GOD...
  15. I will tend to agree with you. F-35 is a piece of Sh*t, but F-22 is much better aircraft and in the top 10 IMO.
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