I have answered this many times in the my posts, but lets go one more time... Just to clarify the terminology; MWt is MegaWatt termal, it's what the reactor produces in heat. MWe is MegaWatt electric, i.e. the electric energy a nuclear reactor can produce from the turbine. Typically a 50MWt reactor would produce 30MWe. But all the extra energy is not wasted, as it can be used for H2 production, or water desalinization.
Modern reactor designs employ passive security, which means that the reactor would scramble automatically and without any human intervention if excessive heat was produced. Just using basic laws of physics... the aux equipment for the electricity generation has little to nothing to do with the actual reactor. Modern designs employ liquid sodium and or other metals for cooling and internal ( to the reactor vessel) electromagnetic pumps with no moving parts....
If you are really interested in a modern 50MWe SMR, just check out the 4S from Toshiba. It was almost deployed in Alaska before the coal and oil lobby stopped it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toshiba_4S. And yes, it only needed 30m deep hole for the reactor plus some small aux building for gens and such.
Chernobyl is a special case, based on the reactor design and the flawed operating procedures. Fukushima is just the location and the plant design. TMI is the case of bad operational procedures.
Currently, the most advanced SMR designs come from Russia (who has one running in production), Japan and USA.
I am ignorant on many topics myself, but that does not mean I would post stuff that is just hearsay, or just help me Thai bashing, which most of the ignorant posts on this thread are. Better to shut up than post and show how ignorant you are.
Just because Somchai in a local car workshop FU your car during maintenance, does not mean that Thais cannot manage power generation plants. They've been doing it for some time, you know...
And, if you read my original post, I did not quote/reply to any poster. Was just a personal reflection without mentioning anyone specific.