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  1. No matter what they say, it's still 30 years away from commercial application. And it will stay like that for the next 100-200 years.
  2. Had one of those back in the 80-90. The only programmers calculator when you were still working with hex dumps when something went wrong. Hex/Dec/Oct/Bin conversion feature was great. And working in RPN it was using the stack, just as the programs from that time. The workmanship on those was far beyond what you can get now. Lost it somewhere along my many moves, and found only the User Guide.
  3. I am an ABLF, and proud of it. A 1 litre bottle of vodka lasts 3-4 days in my house. Then, of course, there is an occasional beer or wine as well. Became one is Saudi Arabia, where we would party whole night, and in the morning just go home, <deleted>showershave and go to work as normal. Have been there, done that and did send the postcards through my life. Meeting people much over 70 makes me hope I croak soon. don't want to became like them, have no desire to live to be 100. Besides, I'll probably run out of money well before then. The world had gone to <deleted>, and you non drinking crowd can have it.
  4. Since your post is mainly copy/paste from the Wikipedia, you should include a link to the source... Okay, I'll do it for you: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Small_modular_reactor
  5. Your reading comprehension needs improvement. We are talking SMRs here, not the 2TWe dinosaurs. Power plants that can fit in a 40 foot container, and reactor vessels that are factory sealed. No external components needed to run the reactor. And wouldn't you agree that you calling me stupid implies the mental level of a 13 year old?
  6. I have answered this many times in the my posts, but lets go one more time... Just to clarify the terminology; MWt is MegaWatt termal, it's what the reactor produces in heat. MWe is MegaWatt electric, i.e. the electric energy a nuclear reactor can produce from the turbine. Typically a 50MWt reactor would produce 30MWe. But all the extra energy is not wasted, as it can be used for H2 production, or water desalinization. Modern reactor designs employ passive security, which means that the reactor would scramble automatically and without any human intervention if excessive heat was produced. Just using basic laws of physics... the aux equipment for the electricity generation has little to nothing to do with the actual reactor. Modern designs employ liquid sodium and or other metals for cooling and internal ( to the reactor vessel) electromagnetic pumps with no moving parts.... If you are really interested in a modern 50MWe SMR, just check out the 4S from Toshiba. It was almost deployed in Alaska before the coal and oil lobby stopped it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toshiba_4S. And yes, it only needed 30m deep hole for the reactor plus some small aux building for gens and such. Chernobyl is a special case, based on the reactor design and the flawed operating procedures. Fukushima is just the location and the plant design. TMI is the case of bad operational procedures. Currently, the most advanced SMR designs come from Russia (who has one running in production), Japan and USA. I am ignorant on many topics myself, but that does not mean I would post stuff that is just hearsay, or just help me Thai bashing, which most of the ignorant posts on this thread are. Better to shut up than post and show how ignorant you are. Just because Somchai in a local car workshop FU your car during maintenance, does not mean that Thais cannot manage power generation plants. They've been doing it for some time, you know... And, if you read my original post, I did not quote/reply to any poster. Was just a personal reflection without mentioning anyone specific.
  7. Yes, it's correct, the SMR reactors do not need maintenance, or very minimal and not on-site constant supervision. Generally, the SMR designs, say up to 100MWt, let's you dig a hole and drop the reactor there. And replace it at the end of fuel cycle some 30 years in the future. Just check how long the nuclear subs need before fuel re-cycle. Or just put the whole reactor in a standard 40 foot container and tow it where you need it. However, the aux equipment needs maintenance, like the generators and other. But that is not much different from what is needed in conventional power plants. And Thais are quite capable of doing it now. The ignorance shows up it the postings, and has nothing to do with respect. I'll happily go out for a few beers with people that know squat about nuclear. However, when they post just hearsay and rumors, without knowing the facts, that is ignorance, and I will call it that.
  8. It's always 30 years away. Been like that since the 50's when they first start taking about it. I'm talking commercial application, where a fusion plant can produce a stable supply of, say, 500MW to 1TW of power. Not those baby steps that the scientists are so happy to talk about today.
  9. To me it's amazing how ignorant and uneducated the general populace is about nuclear power, and SMR in particular. They tend to go for stereotypes, and listen only to the loudest mouthpieces shouting out their propaganda. It would not take more than 30 minutes to search and read some unbiased articles, but no, why bother, the leftists and greens already brainwashed the unwashed masses...
  10. You are very ignorant, no maintenance on SMR's that they are talking about...
  11. Well, I still feel like 25, but feeling like it and acting it are two very different things.
  12. When I lose interest in watching Jap porn and have a good <deleted>, I want to go! And in all fairness, past 65 is more that enough. Homo Sapiens were not designed to live longer than 40 year. You all old timers must know the feeling when, at 50, you still feel like you can do all the things you did at 30, but you can't! After that it's all downhill, sickness, injuries that take forever to heal, impotence.... you name it.
  13. Wasn't there an elephant somewhere there too?
  14. ALL planets and stars and even black holes in the universe are spherical, Well, some may be slightly flattened if they rotate fast.
  15. Yes, and those who do not toe to the party line, just simply disappear. Sometimes they re-appear months later after being "re-educated", but that doesn't happen often.

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