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Posts posted by Nickymaster

  1. Perhaps Thaksin has a vision of dividing the country and making Chiang Mai the capital of his little banana republic.

    With his own army of "Ronin warriors"sad.pngbah.gif

    I have always told my friends that Thailand will be 2 countries 1 day. I honestlty believe that Thaksin is considering this option.

    Mod, am I allowed to say this?

  2. And then she ran to the restrooms to cal

    Will she turn up for this meeting?

    I don't think the opposition will accept "I don't know anything about that, i haven't read the document" as a response this time around...

    You have to ask the relevant departments. I have no idea what is going on with that rice buying thing. Something my brother initiated I believe but that is all I know. Next question..

    If Yingluck plays it right she could be home within 2 hours after arriving government house.

    • Like 2
  3. I don't think the judges of any court should be treated differently to the general populace. However, they should not be subject to intimidation and to argue that their reaction to intimidation is censorship is a totally false claim.

    The real problem is that PT &, in particular, the red shirt leaders think that once they get into power they have a mandate to do what they like. It was exactly the same when Thaksin was PM & almost succeded in subverting all of the checks & balances that are a part of a democracy.

    It is surprising that a group of posters on this thread (& many other threads) go out of their way to defend the red shirt leaders who have instigated far too much violence on behalf of their paymaster. The latter, incidently, has made Kork-screw into a millionaire who is following his leader in having asset declaration problems.

    Bravo. But.... you are going to be challenged by people wearing red glasses who will claim that all despicable behavior by the Reds and Thaksin is justifiable because of the...uh... coup, and..uuuh oh yes, they won the election so they can do WHATEVER they want.

    Be ready for some twisted info.

  4. The only "despicable" acts I see here are the the giving out of judges addresses and inciting violence on those judges - if that is the case and when proven - I still believe in trials unlike some of the "voices of reason" on here .

    As far as the rest goes, the reaction to the symbolic "burning of coffins" is emotional hyperbole by people who really think that they are not "ordinary" people. As such the reports are ideal partners for the faux emotionality displayed on these forums - did you ever write to forums back home gushing "Punish these guys for their despicable Acts", actually you probably did.

    Get over it, some red shirts burnt some paper coffins over their understandable frustration with the Judiciary getting involved where they shouldn't.

    Don't you think that given the current political landscape here in Thailand, having groups of people, shown on TV, burning effigies of the judges as well as coffins was an incitement to violence?

    Simply put, No. Did you see any violence happening as a result? If that was the intended result it seems to have been a resounding failure.

    yeah no violence just hatred but that is normal..I guess. And hatred never resorted into violence. Challenging the law never resorted into violence in Thailand. Simply put, they did nothing wrong those law-abiding, democracy loving peaceful reds.

  5. Amazing twister PPD is.

    The only "despicable" acts I see here are the the giving out of judges addresses and inciting violence on those judges - if that is the case and when proven.

    What is there to proof? We have all seen it with our own eyes.

    As far as the rest goes, the reaction to the symbolic "burning of coffins" is emotional hyperbole by people who really think that they are not "ordinary" people. As such the reports are ideal partners for the faux emotionality displayed on these forums - did you ever write to forums back home gushing "Punish these guys for their despicable Acts", actually you probably did. Yes.

    Where I come people get punished for despicable acts otherwise we would soon have a lawless state run by a few.

    Get over it, some red shirts burnt some paper coffins over their understandable frustration with the Judiciary getting involved where they shouldn't.

    I think they did more then burn paper coffins. UNDERSTANDABLE frustration!? You are amazing.

    This court lacks credibility.

    We saw in the videos uploaded on YouTube exposing their contempt for the pheu Thai opposition during abhisit's reign with their consorting with the dems and their open discussions of placing relatives in key jobs in the court after releasing text answers to admission exams for them.

    The members of this court were installed by the junta after the coup precisely to prevent any reform to the coup enforced rewrite of the 1997 constitution.

    Let's not forget also the unelected senators placed by the coup who resigned en masse days before their 1 term was due to expire and then en masse reapply and take up their jobs for a further term.

    So now we have "contempt of court" charges from the constitutional court interfering into the democratic process.

    An alignment of the pad, unelectable dems, unelected placed senators and unelected placed judges against an elected government.

    This government is bad because the right side didn't win and then of course there's always the bogeyman/scapegoat to remind the dumber loyalist members of Thai society what the purpose of all this is.

    Democratic process = referendum

    Democratic process doesn't mean I will use my majority to change the law to whitewash a few people.

    The government is bad because it is bad. Simple as that. Only cares about populist policies to keep their voters happy and whitewashing their crimes. Soon Thailand will be a failed state where 90% of its people are not able to survive without hand-outs etc.

    If I had to choose between who has more credibility the court or Thaksin, I would say the court. Any party let by a guy like Thaksin has no credibility.

    Shame on you guys for supporting Thaksin and challenging every move the court makes. The UN called Thaksin a human rights abuser of its worst kind. You have to be proud to make that kind of guy your hero.

    Just to be perfectly clear - considering and discussing the actions of the Thai courts in current events is not supporting Thaksin.

    O yeh that is right. I thought I was discussing credibilty and why (mainly) the Reds give the court no credit. I was assuming it had something to do with the way Thaksin had set up his propaganda machine..

  6. Amazing twister PPD is.

    The only "despicable" acts I see here are the the giving out of judges addresses and inciting violence on those judges - if that is the case and when proven.

    What is there to proof? We have all seen it with our own eyes.

    As far as the rest goes, the reaction to the symbolic "burning of coffins" is emotional hyperbole by people who really think that they are not "ordinary" people. As such the reports are ideal partners for the faux emotionality displayed on these forums - did you ever write to forums back home gushing "Punish these guys for their despicable Acts", actually you probably did. Yes.

    Where I come people get punished for despicable acts otherwise we would soon have a lawless state run by a few.

    Get over it, some red shirts burnt some paper coffins over their understandable frustration with the Judiciary getting involved where they shouldn't.

    I think they did more then burn paper coffins. UNDERSTANDABLE frustration!? You are amazing.

    This court lacks credibility.

    We saw in the videos uploaded on YouTube exposing their contempt for the pheu Thai opposition during abhisit's reign with their consorting with the dems and their open discussions of placing relatives in key jobs in the court after releasing text answers to admission exams for them.

    The members of this court were installed by the junta after the coup precisely to prevent any reform to the coup enforced rewrite of the 1997 constitution.

    Let's not forget also the unelected senators placed by the coup who resigned en masse days before their 1 term was due to expire and then en masse reapply and take up their jobs for a further term.

    So now we have "contempt of court" charges from the constitutional court interfering into the democratic process.

    An alignment of the pad, unelectable dems, unelected placed senators and unelected placed judges against an elected government.

    This government is bad because the right side didn't win and then of course there's always the bogeyman/scapegoat to remind the dumber loyalist members of Thai society what the purpose of all this is.

    Democratic process = referendum

    Democratic process doesn't mean I will use my majority to change the law to whitewash a few people.

    The government is bad because it is bad. Simple as that. Only cares about populist policies to keep their voters happy and whitewashing their crimes. Soon Thailand will be a failed state where 90% of its people are not able to survive without hand-outs etc.

    If I had to choose between who has more credibility the court or Thaksin, I would say the court. Any party let by a guy like Thaksin has no credibility.

    Shame on you guys for supporting Thaksin and challenging every move the court makes. The UN called Thaksin a human rights abuser of its worst kind. You have to be proud to make that kind of guy your hero.

    • Like 1
  7. Amazing twister PPD is.

    The only "despicable" acts I see here are the the giving out of judges addresses and inciting violence on those judges - if that is the case and when proven.

    What is there to proof? We have all seen it with our own eyes.

    As far as the rest goes, the reaction to the symbolic "burning of coffins" is emotional hyperbole by people who really think that they are not "ordinary" people. As such the reports are ideal partners for the faux emotionality displayed on these forums - did you ever write to forums back home gushing "Punish these guys for their despicable Acts", actually you probably did. Yes.

    Where I come from people get punished for despicable acts otherwise we would soon have a lawless state run by a few.

    Get over it, some red shirts burnt some paper coffins over their understandable frustration with the Judiciary getting involved where they shouldn't.

    I think they did more then burn paper coffins. UNDERSTANDABLE frustration!? You are amazing.

    • Like 1
  8. Jumbo kills man near alms offering

    The Nation


    SURIN: -- An elephant stomped a 50yearold man to death before the alms offering ceremony on elephants' backs began yesterday at Surin. The event was being held to welcome PM Yingluck Shinawatra's mobile cabinet meeting.

    The unnamed victim, who appeared drunk, reportedly sneaked into the area where the elephants were kept at Wat Jumpol Sutthawat, and played with an elephant there. It got upset, grabbed him by its trunk, threw him onto a tree, and stomped on him after he landed. The man succumbed to his injuries at Surin Hospital.

    Surin deputy chief Yutthana Wiriyakitti later said no elephants at the event were in heat, and this incident was a force majeure [a result of nature]; an elephant reaction to being bullied. The elephant was not part of the alms ceremony.


    -- The Nation 2012-07-31

    YS is thoughtful again. Didn't forget to wear some red. Luckily our PM doesn't support divisions trough color codes. A PM for all.

  9. The last election for POS in Lampang saw 3 (!) candidates of PTP. A woman with accepted integrity won.

    The second candidate (a high rank police officer, Red Shirt leader, founder of a red village, involved in the exam fraud of police staff as "national leader")

    didn't accept the election and made big problems (copy the Reds in their attack against CC), and lost.

    About the third I have no information.

    The PTP is split open in some parts of Thailand. I doubt about K.T's possibilities to 'unite' the different factions of PTP.

    The Dems are confronted with a small problem like this.

    There is a faction of 'young democrats' (spiritual father is Chuang Leek Pai) to get down the Southern Group (Suthep faction).

    The game is open ......

    Money unites here in LOS. The outcome has all to do with how much money the coalition parties will get.

    • Like 1
  10. I have no idea why the farang political experts here on Thai Visa would get so worked up over something that they have absolutely no control over.

    It is quite obvious that the majority of Thai politicians (all parties) are all firm believers in the practice of "You don't tell on me and I won't tell on you". Rather than try to make a better less corrupt government, they spend all their time squabbling like school kids.

    I agree with you but that's what forums are all about I guess. Sharing opinions, arguing etc.

  11. What's really depressing is that these donkeys think the general Thai populace is stupid enough to believe the wind that they release. One day there will come a huge reckoning. It happens to all oppressed populations eventually. I think that the Thai version will be particularly bloody.

    Maybe the general Thai populace is ..... enough to believe everything their "heroes" say. Left, right, yes, no, stop, go, true, not-true, forward, backward. The sheeps and the wolves (in sheep clothing). I have to admit they might be difficult to spot for many.

  12. For the benefit of the uninitiated, let's have another look at Senior Sargeant-Major Suwichai and the family he left behind.

    He is innocent. There was a full investigation in 1999 and they didn't found any wrongdoings.

    we learn that he wasn't shot in the head at point blank range by "someone" until two years after 1999.

    For further clarity, Chalerm's son was reinstated in the Army on April 23, 2008 as a Second-Lieutenant with his father who was the Interior Minister in Samak's Cabinet at the time. That was his rank at the time when "someone" shot Police Senior Sergeant-Major Suvichai Rodwimud in the head at point blank range on October 21, 2001.

    Ohh, my comment was about Abhisit and that they didn't found any wrongdoings back in 1999.

    I mentioned that because some came up with his case. Abhisit seems to be innocent.

    Chalerm's son was also cleared of any charges related to the shooting of that police officer. That was of course later. Anyone who follows the news or isn't just a tourist but lived here since a while should know that.

    Everybody who has witnessed the shooting story when it happened knows that Chalerm's son did it. It was a huge scandal back then.

    Are you saying that you were here when it happened and you believe he is innocent?

  13. Thanks PPD it's clear that he should be banned.

    I agree with the NACC concerning Suthep because I don't wear glasses. I can see!

    Now the rest.... Let's see if you also agree when PT/UDD including Thaksin get punishments etc.. Let's see if you are going to blame it on the court or whatever/whoever in stead of agreeing with the order. (I think I have already seen the answer in other posts)

    Let's reveal true colors.

    Now the problem is this should have been done long ago - I mean this guy manged to get the Chuan Leekpai kicked out back in '95. If you honestly believe the courts as they stand now and since the coup have been without political leaning and interference from both within and without of the political sphere I would say you and I are never going to agree on anything regarding Thai politics.

    Two obvious points - how many yellow shirt leaders / supporters / hangers on have been jailed for offences they have been found guilty of since the coup?

    How many military personnel have even been sent to court since the coup?

    Do you sense a pattern there?

    IMO the military should be rewarded for what they did/do. Without them the country would slide into chaos. They fortunately (almost) got rid of a ruthless, corrupt, convicted, (now) on the run criminal.

    The term "as bad as" often comes from you. You always have examples of bad DEMS. Please give me some examples of PT/UDD people that should be banned. No double standards.

    FYI, I don't care if the whole DEM/AV etc will be banned because I DON'T support any party/group.

    Well if that was the case you wouldn't have bothered arguing with me and if you really think that the "military should be rewarded for what they did/do" I have nothing more to say to you after this:

    Are you not aware of the number of people of the red persuasion that have been, currently are still in, and future visitors to the Jail System. Are you not aware of the 80 plus people dead and over 2000 injured. I do not need to give examples of bad red shirts PTP etc - Public opinion, the judges and the military have already done their jobs on that.

    That is why I need to refer to bad dems, bad yellow shirts, bad security forces etc because nothing has been done about them....................

    Who made all those jailed people do the things they did? Who told them to burn buildings and fight the army? Who allowed them to terrorize Thailand for months. Come on man. You are not convincing me.

    BTW, can you give me some examples of bad UDD/PT people. Just your opinion. Simple as that.

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