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Posts posted by Jaggg88

  1. 12 hours ago, kenk24 said:

    The sound guess is yes, land in Chonburi has gone up... We have been buying farmland - again, nothing that will be sold in my lifetime but a gift to the family. I would say that land has been going up on average 15% per year... and sometimes more. 


    A friend built on land in Phuket - he did much of the work himself on the house and it was beautiful. He might have had a 20% increase over cost, not much more and the land, which he sold off in pieces probably tripled in value... 


    If you are close enough to the Pattaya market, it should have some resale value.. 


    And just a personal observation - the few people I have seen who thought they could do all sorts of manipulations against their investment in property ended up with nothing, other than a threat by the wife's family, though a couple of them deserved it... but at the time, they thought they were so smart, telling me to do this or that. My wife and her family are nice people - I will never feel badly about providing for them, even if we split. 


    It is important to note that I have never put more on the table than I was prepared to lose. 

    Sensible post and congratulations on being the first person to spell 'lose' correctly - everybody keeps writing loose - which is what happens to horses when somebody leaves the gate open. :smile:


  2. 57 minutes ago, fvw53 said:

    I am now more than 70 years old but 40 years ago I spoke already fluently 5 languages when I had to go and live in China for my work.

    I decided to learn Chinese with a private teacher ...and despite my skills I found it very stressful to have "face to face" lessons.

    On the other side my 3 children picked up spontaneously all the languages in the 5 countries where we stayed...because they were less than 12 years and played with local children on the street or at school.

    If your kid is 11 then it is time you find a way to let him play with English speaking children...this will be better than daily "face to face" teaching by yourself


    My nephew and his family emigrated to Spain from the UK and he had 2 kids (6 & 8) who did not speak any Spanish. He took them to school and the head teacher said they have very few English speakers in the school but not to worry as his kids would be fluent in Spanish within 12 weeks. Within 7 weeks his oldest daughter was so fluent in Spanish he used to take her to the builder's merchants and translate for him. His younger son was not far behind and well within the 12 weeks.

  3. 42 minutes ago, thailand49 said:

    That is old? at least it was at the Pattaya ATM.  It charges 200 baht plus since they replace their old ATM,  foreign Debit cards I believe the max is 5-8,000 baht only now?

    I used the Aeon ATM in Nakhon Sawan a couple of months ago and it was 150 baht but as the machines get upgraded they change to 200. I always withdraw 10000 which is the daily limit set by my card issuer so not sure if the ATM has a limit set.

  4. In my experience, the parcels are more likely to arrive if sent via normal post rather than a courier company. The courier company items tend to attract more attention from Thai customs. I have sent many things via 'international signed for' from the UK Post Office and so far they have all been delivered safely to Thailand.

  5. 6 hours ago, Crash999 said:

    No, it's presented at the engagement ceremony. The formal process is the groom and family go the house of the bride and present the dowry to her parents. Then the parents give permission to marry and the groom fetches the bride and then the rest of the ceremony starts. 

    No this isn't correct. Many parents want to see the dowry so they know the groom is for real but only the Tong Mun (gold gift) is given to the prospective bride at the Phitee Mun (engagement ceremony). A few weeks later at the Koo Mun (wedding ceremony), the Sin Sod (dowry) is presented to the bride's parents. A Sin Sod is not required if the prospective bride has been married before, has children or is not a virgin.


  6. On 09/09/2017 at 11:58 AM, 7by7 said:

    The title of this topic is "Is UK making it harder to get your spouse back?"


    Well, looking at the changes introduced since my wife and step daughter applied in 2000, the answer is "Yes."


    Since then the changes introduced have been:

    • the LitUK test,
    • the speaking and listening tests,
    • the TB test,
    • the iniquitous financial requirement replacing the more sensible, and fairer, adequate maintenance requirement.

    But it needs to be remembered that it was not UKVI nor the Home Office who initiated these changes; it was the government of the day; Labour, the coalition and Conservative. Don't blame the officials for them, blame their political masters.


    It's also more expensive than it was 17 years ago.


    When my wife and step daughter applied the fee for the initial visa was, if memory serves, £260 each. This included the cost of processing FLR, if required, and then ILR. Labour under Blair then introduced additional fees for these in UK applications, without reducing the initial fee accordingly. Instead they raised all settlemnt fees considerably and introduced the principle of annual above inflation increases to those fees.


    As for those who have posted their refusal experiences; they do, of course, have my sympathy.


    However, experience and research will show that there are just three reasons for a refusal of any UK visa application:

    1. the applicant simply didn't meet the requirements of the immigration rules;
    2. the applicant did meet those requirements, but failed to show that they did;
    3. the applicant did meet those requirements but the ECO made an error.

    Of course, without knowing the full details of each application, including the full refusal notice and the evidence supplied with the application, it is impossible to say which of the above any individual refusal falls into.


    But I have seen many refusals under number 2 which were later overturned on appeal when the missing evidence was presented.


    Very accurate as usual 7by7 but can I point out the initial fee increases were instigated by Gordon Brown as part of his 'stealth tax regime' and continued by successive governments. The visa sections of our overseas missions now make a healthy profit when in fact they are supposed to be not for profit organisations.

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  7. 11 hours ago, colinneil said:

    What a crazy comment!!

    My wife is 20 years younger than me, i am also paraplegic, my wife is not having it off with other men.

    She spends every minute of every day with me when she is not at school.

    Why do many farangs think like you? when they have no idea about other peoples relationships.

    Wow! your wife is still at school - that is young :stoner:

  8. 8 hours ago, dotpoom said:

    I am going to Ireland next May. I normally go with Etihad. Looked them up for my May trip, even with my air miles they wanted the equivelent of 1,200 Euro.

       Shopped around on the net, got my flight for 500 Euro less. Guess with who.....British Airways.

    British Airways have had a number of computer issues resulting in many ppl stuck at airports so they are now offering very cheap flights to try and win customer base back. My friend just returned to the UK with BA and couldn't believe the cheap price.

  9. On 17/08/2017 at 11:02 AM, sotsira said:

    Kodi is a media player platform that you can download on to any android box therefore any box 

    will work anywhere as long as there's a good internet connection.


    Hotel wifi around Thailand tend to be hit and miss though, also the tv you connect to will need to 

    have a HDMI input and you'll need a cable as well, therefore downloading Kodi on to your tablet is

    a good idea as you can have easier mobile access. 

    Kodi can also be downloaded to Windows and IOS Apple devices not just Android.

  10. When I married my wife in the UK she had her name changed in her Thai passport at the Royal Thai Embassy in London - I think it was only an endorsement but this was sufficient for the airline. We actually went to the Embassy but I believe it could be done by post. However, this was 8 years ago so I expect rules may have changed. The airline ticket must match the name in the passport as this is part of the anti terrorism rules called Advanced Passenger Information. I suggest you contact The Royal Thai Embassy in Washington for advice - consulates have limited powers in this area.

  11. 2 hours ago, bberrythailand said:



    Ridiculous. Speedboat is 1500 for the whole boat, night and day !



    So if you have 25 passengers that will be the same price as the ferry?  5555555

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