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Posts posted by Jaggg88

  1. Is this the type of behaviour we should expect from 'moderate' Muslims?

    It appears IS's treatment of women has some support in northern British towns.

    This, and crimes like it, are heinous and the perpetrators deserve severe punishment.

    But to use it as another excuse for Muslim bashing is disgusting; particularly as there is no evidence, other than the couple were originally from Pakistan, to suggest that they are Muslim. Not all Pakistanis or immigrants to the UK from Pakistan are Muslim.

    I notice you refrained from commenting in UK man forced into 'modern day slavery' and in Women 'held as slaves for 30 years' in London.

    Could it be because in both cases the criminals, or alleged criminals in the second case as it has not yet come to trial, are not Muslim and so you could not use them to promote your bigotry?

    Part of their defence in court was that they were moderate but devout Muslims and what they did was not wrong under Sharia law. So to compare their actions with the despicable treatment of women by ISIS in Syria does not make a person a bigot. Your comments remind me of the last Labour government where anyone who talked about immigration was called a racist. For 45 years I've lived among and worked with ppl from Pakistan (and have friends who are from Pakistan) but I have never met one who isn't Muslim, so to think some one is Muslim if they come from Pakistan is perfectly reasonable to me. I attended an EID celebration at my friends house last Sunday and in return invited them to my house next weekend so I will inquire if any Pakistani immigrants/decedents in our town are not Muslim - but I think I already know the answer. The OP was commenting on this thread and not the other stories you linked to. If this thread was about slavery in the UK then you have a point but it was about the girl from Pakistan and not the other stories.

  2. I tried this about 6 to 7 years ago with handycrafts and silk, had Thai contacts not only in CM, but also other areas, a website with shop and a sales channel in Europe.

    The problem than already was that your buying price here is too high, the Thai vendors already adept their price to foreign buyers, adding the delivery cost either by mail, courier or in some cases container shipping kills your business. You loose from retailers that buy big volume of often low quality or fake goods in lower price countries like China, Vietnam, India, etc. Prices in Thailand have gone up a lot since and Europe has less money to spend and the prices in Europe and the US have not gone up as much as here.

    Only if you can find a real niche market and can reach your customers with a good outlet you may be able to make some, but it won't be easy.

    That's it in a nutshell - Thailand is too expensive.

  3. I beleive that an Emergency Travel Document only allows you to fly to your home country. In this case the UK. It will only be issued on presentation of a police report stating that you have lost your British passport.

    I believe this is correct and I know for sure passport control keep your ETD when you arrive in the UK, because they kept mine It cost £80 about 5 years ago

  4. I think it all comes back to 'face'.

    Do you call it "face" when it happens in your home country?

    No in my country its called showing off and in my experience all Thais like to show how successful they are - it does attract thieves tho', as it would in all countries'. Apart from a half decent Swiss watch I don't wear or carry anything valuable and I'm constantly resisting buying a flash car.

  5. I have been staying in Los for 13 months on tourist visas .

    I returned to the uk for 3 weeks and whilst I was there I went to Hull and got a triple entry tourist visa without any problems and also had no problems re entering Los at bkk on 13/10/2014.

    What did surprise me was I met another expat on my return flight who says he has lived here for 12 years on visa exempt !

    I asked if he had a return flight as I doubted he would be allowed on the airplane to which he said yes this was his return flight to bkk , no return flight to uk though !

    He works offshore 1 month on 1 month off and says that's why he's never obtained a visa but I was still amazed after arriving in bkk having changed aircraft 3 times he had no problems getting 30 day exempt again and was not challenged on any of the flights

    Its not the airlines responsibility to check your return or onward flight but some ppl get asked at immigration and its usually if you look like you cannot support yourself - they will also ask for proof of access to money.

  6. When I go back to visit the UK I rent a car using my Thai License. No problems with the rental company and I think it also helps with speeding tickets.


    You will hardly be issued a speeding ticket by a cop on the roads in the UK. Instead, the car rental company will get one through the mail and your credit card will be charged with the fine.

    yes you are liable for the fine but they cannot put endorsements on your Thai licence

  7. You are a US citizen, all you need to do is go to the US Embassy and get a financial statement notarized. That is acceptable proof for any Thai Immigration office, Embassy, or Consulate.

    You state what your income is on the affidavit (you can put any amount), and the US Embassy asks you if it is true, you say yes, and they notarize it. They do not ask you for proof of the stated income (unlike other country's embassies).

    So don't worry about proving your income, just get the notarized affidavit and you are good to go.

    I thought they had stopped accepting the affidavit now or were at least threatening to.

  8. I wouldn't fly anywhere right now. You never know where your fellow passengers have been (Africa). I'll stick to my motorcycle for travel for a while.biggrin.png

    Sneezes travel at about 100 miles per hour," says Patti Wood, author of Success Signals: Understanding Body Language. She adds that a single sneeze can send 100,000 germs into the air.

    I wonder if the Ebola issue will cut into worldwide travel?

    Sooner some brain trust will figure out the disease is airborne when you sneeze and enact protocols to cover airborne disease but until that time the thing will spread like wildfire.

    We don't have to worry about Ebola as Thailand has found a cure laugh.png

  9. I took the train to Nong Khai once and it took 14 hours....had the worst headache and hard to sleep with the movement of the old cars. The connecting train to Vientiane does not really go into the city so there is no big advantage. I flew back. A plane to Udon Thani is one option to consider. If Lao Central Airlines is still flying that is a really cheap flight from Bangkok to Vientiane. I will never take another long train trip in this country until there is a major upgrade including foible tracks.

    I couldn't agree more. I took the train to Chang Mae from Nakhon Sawan - 8 hrs and so bumpy/noisy and uncomfortable - we didn't get above 40mph as they are still using the sames tracks from WW2. Forget all the other infrastructure projects Thailand needs a major upgrade on the rail network.

    The scenery was good tho'

    • Like 1
  10. Just transfered cash from nationwide yesterday arrived this morning 51.65


    Its been a number of years since I transferred from Nationwide but the standard Swift charge was £20 - I expect it has increased since then. I called in HSBC (Manchester UK) to enquire about their new charges and was informed they now charge only £4 Swift transfer worldwide or free to another HSBC a/c. I bank with First Direct (part of HSBC) but they still charge £25 Swift worldwide but only £4 for Europe.

    I transfer for free onto my Caxton FX Visa debit Card (upto £5000) and withdraw from ATMs. The max you can draw is £200 per day per card (I have 2 cards) but you are now stung with the ATM fees. The exchange rate is quite good - I got 51TBH last week - and the ATM fee is the only charge. Before Aeon ATMs started charging the whole process was free. You can load your card online or by text and you don't need a Thai bank account, so its a good short term solution.

  11. Have I missed something???

    Like Windows 9


    MS has never been logical in naming. For example look at this list, does it look logical to you ? I don't think so thumbsup.gif


















    Windows 2000






    Close but no cigar!

    • Like 1
  12. investigators Sunday seized three guitars from a shelter of Myanmar workers for examination

    blink.png but they where not beaten to death with a guitar

    ah get it...cunning new plan by the RTP to blame Pete Townsend for the deaths, as he used to smash guitars over things...thumbsup.gif

    Two of the suspects raped and killed Witheridge while another one witnessed the murder," a chief investigator said.

    how would you know this unless you were there or know someone who was there at the time ?

    ...and Pete's on the sex offenders register!!! mmmmm

  13. Look I take your flight out is important and also so freaking early So I say take train to BKK day before once in BKK from train station walk about one block jump on MRT subway gett off at makason think that is how it is spell book hotel at Nasa Vegasegas hotel get massage and whatever Then at 4:30 am get up on day of flight. grab your stuff take escaltor up to airport link line pay 40 baht to airport take elavator upstairs check in get your flight. book hotel through AGODA .com cost of hotel about 11-15 us a night clean good food. total cost for all maybe 30.00 USD That's my cheap Charlie package of the day.

    Even tho' I can afford better - I love a cheap Charlie package smile.png

  14. While I think it is strange, I don't know why the murder should be protected against being photographed....

    Because there's a difference between a suspect and a convicted criminal. Take the latest case, the beach murder on Koh Tao, as an example: The British friend of one of the killed victims was suspected of kiling them "out of jealousy". Now it turned out he's innocent. Too late, his picture is everywhere over the internet now, it made it even on the front page of the Bangkok Post and some British newspapers. See the problem?

    Well I don't recall him handing himself over to the Police or the British Embassy, as I understand he was picked up at the airport. Good work by the Police if you ask me.

    He could have had some seriously important info....why the hell did he run?

    • Like 1
  15. At what age do petrol sedans start to get smoky engines....worn rings, valve seals, etc. I don't see many smoky cars on the roads here.

    It depends on the way its been driven and the quality, regularity of the servicing. If your car is smokey on start up but clears as you drive off then its probably just valve stem seals( they get hard with age and oils leaks into your cylinders down the valve stems). However, if you de-accelerate when moving and then accelerate hard, you will see lots of smoke which indicates the piston rings are worn. A cylinder pressure test will confirm which it is. The former is much cheaper to fix than the latter. I believe much of this wear and tear is caused by users driving the engine hard in extreme cold weather before the oil can reach optimum temperature - something that isn't a problem in Thailand's warm climate.

  16. Looks like a few of us may eat humble pie (like me)

    looks like the police may have found the correct murderers / not stitched anybody up etc

    For that i apologise for doubting them and hope this is the future now

    The murders have created world wide attention which has helped to focus their attention.

    My UK ex-gf worked as a volunteer teacher on KT around 7/8 years ago and was amazed to be told the owner of the largest resort on the island was shot and murdered by local mafia, just before she arrived. She said it was the most idyllic place she had ever worked and couldn't believe the government would tolerate serious crime.

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