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Posts posted by Jaggg88

  1. I have used the generic version of Viagra. It is called Sidegra. I have used the 25 and 50 mg. dosages no more than once per week. The 50 mg. gives me a headache. The 25 mg. does what it is supposed to do, but for only about 12 hours. Taken with food.

    Headaches are a common side effect - even lower doses give me a headache. A poster in another thread said he scraped off some slivers of the drug and let it melt under his tongue. A much lower dose but he claimed it work quickly as it got into his system faster and did the job. Don't know if this works but worth a try.

  2. Get a Mac and an iPhone, activate all two-steps authorizations in gmail, hotmail. Easy life.

    Yeah cause Macs never get virus right? Still believe that?

    perpetuating the Apple myth - I'll download his nude pics from icloud like all the celebs. Apple products are no more secure than android or windows devices.

    • Like 1
  3. Yes amazing theyt are talking about VISITORS, not the ones who are resident here. maybe some posters need to learn to read before opening mouths and putting their collective foots in them.

    Perhaps its you who needs to read the OP as the second line says 'They explained that checks will be made whenever a foreigner requests an extension of stay in Thailand.' Well extension of stay includes just about all of us all so I suggest its your foot that is removed before your next post.

    It has always been the case to inform immigration that an alien is staying in your property - I forget which form it is as we have never bothered or been asked to do it. I understand how this would work for short stay visitors in hotels etc but it seems unnecessary for aliens who report every 90 days and supply this information already.

  4. The US Income Affidavit specifically calls out USD/month. I fill in the amount in USD and immigration dioes the conversion to baht on the day of the conversion. Immigration is interested in the monthly income. So start with the 50k, average your invesment income for the last 12 months and add that to it. Immigration is only interested in it being over 65k/month.

    If, like the UK Embassy, you have to show proof of income to get the letter then you will have to supply whatever documents they require to support the figure that you use. The US Embassy requires nothing (and we get new passports in less than 10 dayssorry.gif )!

    I showed the UK Embassy my last 3 months bank statements and they looked at the income on the top one (pension and other income) added it together and multiplied by 12. They really aren't bothered about accuracy as none of this affects them - they just want your money.

  5. Love the cop smacking the guest in the head at a wedding!

    Surely a quiet word would suffice, you know as to not cause a scene at someones big day. Then Thais and whiskey are a terrible mix.

    Classic village styles.

    I'm sure there's a book that could be written, 'Tales from the village'

    Op, best way to look at things as I see, is just go with the flow. It makes it easier.

    The cop was probably just angry that his day and everyone else's would be ruined if he let this guy drink whiskey - can't blame him for that.

    • Like 1
  6. shop around. speak to thai friends.

    though the best advice would be, if possible, not to buy a computer in thailand. dont know where you are from but computers are cheaper in the UK and there is the sale of goods act to protect the consumer. also you can speak to someone who knows what they are talking about.

    and all major manufacturers offer worldwide warranty. Dell and HP let you check warranty status online by inputing your serial number. If you buy in BKK make sure the OS is pre-installed by the manufacturer - don't let the shop put a Thai hacked version on.

  7. Simple buy a Mac problem solvecoffee1.gif

    The reason that Mac computers have less chance to be affected by viruses (in the past) is just because that less people were using them (overpriced). As more and more people fall for the Apple sales spiel and are using Mac computers, hackers are now developing more and more viruses for the Macs and that is what we called the iVirus - the latest one is Mac Flashback.

  8. There is an easier way to remove hijack virus'. On another PC download a freeware program called RKill - run this program, on the infected computer, from a USB stick - it will stop all non core processes (including the virus program). You can then download, install and run virus and spyware removal programs. If the virus denies you access to the USB stick then you will have to boot in safe mode and copy the RKill program to your desktop and then boot normally and run from there. Safe mode boot is obtained by pressing f8 key during the POST (power on system test) black screen and then selecting safe mode. My two free software recommendations are AVG and Malwarebytes - just make sure you install the free versions and not the free trial versions.

  9. Hasn't the bridge had problems recently ?

    Anyway, yes - for 2 or 3 days its great. An early rise, walk over the bridge with lots of photo op's. Continue to the temple at the other end of the island - and a walk back, is a long morning in itself.

    Swimming, local cuisine (the missus still talks of the frogs and catfish dishes), a boat tour in the evening. Bike ride to the border.

    Book a nice hotel by the lake, just take a long breakfast, read a book and relax.

    If you fish its a good place for snake heads.

    The rebuilt bridge has just re-opened - last Saturday I believe.

    Checkout this old topic from 2009 http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/255702-sangkhla-buri-land-of-3-cultures/

  10. You have to go to the Police to report the loss of your bank book , they will give you a document , take it to the bank and they will give you another one. guess what it will cost you the Thai police will want about 1000baht.

    Seriously. 1000 baht.

    I am hoping the bank will admit their machine took the book.

    Any advantage to going to the police to get the form or just use my atm card and withdraw all the money, close the and account open a new account?

    I am lazy to take taxi to go to the police, especially if they have a large fee.

    yes afraid true, the wife lost hers we had to got to the local police station, Its normally about 20/30 baht, but because i am a hansom western man, falang it cost more for her.

    Moral of the story here is don't go with your wife! Everywhere you go in the world there are two prices - local prices and tourist prices!

  11. The law is part of the civil code that children under 15 cannot be fined for certain things. It is based upon this that immigration does not fine them. There will be no problem when leaving.

    There was no need for the long overstay because the child could of gotten one year extensions of stay based upon being Thai at immigration for a fee of 1900 baht.

    There's definitely no fine for overstay for children 15 and under. I've never understood why a Thai citizen needs permission to stay, under any circumstances. There won't be an issue when leaving Thailand unless you're travelling alone with the child and then you will need a certified letter from the mother giving you permission.

  12. absolutely .....begin by exercising , look at your diet , it can be that simple ..... meds should be your last resort ..goodluck !!

    Good advice but don't be afraid to seek medical help if you don't improve. Depression is a horrible illness and you will recover more quickly with help from loved ones. Remember its good to talk. If you know the underlying cause of your depression this can be addressed but often there is no known trigger/cause. Good luck and stay strong and positive.

  13. Report the discrepancy to the bank which "issued" you your card. It's their responsibility to then take action by contacting the bank operating the ATM....happens quite frequently like when no money spits out but a charge still hits your account. And of course you can report it to the bank which operates the ATM....all the checks in the system will allow them to determine if an extra Bt1,000 is in the machine than shouldn't be. What would review of the camera footage show? It's only capturing an image of the upper part of your body and background...it don't count the number of bank notes that came out. Report the discrepancy to the bank which issued you your debit/credit card.

    My friend did this when the ATM didn't give any money. I think he said it took 3 weeks to sort out.

  14. Got this crap every time I left Thailand on Thai passport for (99.9% English ..0.1%Thai 5 year old girl). Note holiday Thailand 6 times a year for 2 weeks.

    Got really fed up with same questions from officers about my daughter so now enter and leave on UK passport and hey presto no questions!!!

    This was my first thought. Dual nationality just present the UK passport - kids under 14 don't need visa and don't get fined for overstay. Thai authorities have no right to stop an innocent foreign citizen from returning home. My wife travels all the time on her her own with our son (Thai passports) and never gets asked for a letter so dual standards operating here.

  15. Lite Beer, absolutely concur. My question is, How to get around an official that is telling them this? I couldn't find anything related to this on the Thai Immigration Website, yet my friend and wife were told very plainly that this was a new rule change for married visa.

    The couple that were told the SAME THING (so not a paperwork glitch, as they had done the extension before, but just switched to the Retirement as he had the money salted) a couple of weeks ago would be very interested in paz explaining how they misunderstood.

    Edit: I'm not denying that this sounds completely "off" but I am inquiring here, as I know others have dealt with officials that have new "rules" that aren't really "rules" being enforced and would like to know what my friend can do to either A) get the official to realize it isn't a rule (in a face-saving way for everyone concerned) or bypass this official in some way. (Hua Hin come to mind to anyone for jumping the gun or rules?)

    This seems to me that they are just trying to get him to do a retirement extension instead of marriage extension. This is very common if you earn or have enough money on deposit. The immigration offices all do this (in my experience) as its a lot less paperwork for them. This happened to my friend in Nakhon Sawan office in September. They told him he couldn't have an extension based on marriage but he could have one based on retirement.

  16. Anything but healthy, everything is loaded with Salt and Sugar......

    Average 4 portions of processed food every day (white polished rice) sugar in everything (food and drink) and they use Palm oil - all of this is why they have a diabetes epidemic. Its not just Thailand, the sugar and white rice over indulgence goes on right across Asia.

  17. When I put in for my visa in Sydney, rental income was not accepted as a income stream, as explained by the consulate official, tenets could stop paying the rent,

    This is always the trouble with consulates/immigration offices, they all seem interpret the rules differently. You only have to prove your income for the last 12 months is equal too or over the minimum amount. The income can come from any means. I give the Brit embassy my last 3 bank statements and they look at the top one multiply by 12 and confirm my earnings for the last 12 months. Where the income comes from is not mentioned. Even if your tenants moved out you would get new tenants and if you didn't you wouldn't be able to renew your retirement extension, so there's in no logic in their explanation.

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  18. It's quite simply a passage of rights for these young impressionable Muslims just like young impressionable Christians becoming left wing or even communist and then growing up to be Tory lawyers. I bet if you could be a fly on the wall in Syria there are a lot of young boys who want to go home to mummy. For many of them its almost like an Islamic gap year that turns into a nightmare.

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