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Posts posted by Jaggg88

  1. This law really winds me up sometimes. I have lost count of the times I have had to leave a pack of larger behind the till in a certain supermarket, because its a few minutes past 2, or its some holiday I knew nothing about. The last time this happened was last week, it was 10.45pm and I had a crate of 24 cans, and they would not let me have them. I thought it would not be a problem as it was well before 2pm and a crate counted as wholesale.

    A crate is not wholesale. It's either over 10 litres or 10 litres & over. Forget the exact wording. Anyway 1 box of large beers is not enough. 2 is! Macro always make me buy more than I want just to comply with the law. Crazy.

    wholesalers of course of which there are many looking like warehouses will sell you one box any time, just another anomoly

    Yep thats what I do, park outside the wholesalers on my way home and shout LEO! and they bring me out a box - my Thai language skills still amaze me. The 711 used to sell out of hours but they have the fridges sealed now in the afternoons.

  2. It's Thailand's answer to stopping school kids buying alcohol when they are supposed to be at school. Of course there is no similar ban on tobacco sales for some reason.

    What is grossly more aggravating is when you are half way through a meal and are told - sorry it's past 2pm and you are sitting there with your wife trying to enjoy a leisurely lunch and having consumed one drink already.

    Then lots if things don't make much sense in Thailand so it's sort of par for the course really

    you have been refused at a restaurant?? o . O

    I've never been refused at a restaurant

  3. Thanks a lot everyone for all your answers!

    --- About wine and food:

    I don't drink alcool and I obviously cannot pick or recommend anything myself. So considering all you said, I will stick with the sweet "umeshu" (plum alcholo) I bought in Japan, 1 liter, and that's it.

    About food: I might bring good (brand) biscuits or sweets (for ex. macarons as someone suggested).

    --- About Vuitton bags: I will try to make things a bit more clear.

    My wife is working at Vuitton. She can get a good discount for some items, and a VERY good discount (employee price) for some other items. She is NOT joining me for this trip, I will travel alone.

    I will be welcomed for free in my friends home. Considering that she really wants to get *real* Vuitton bags, and we can save her a lot of money, we decided to help her for that (as a kind of "payment" for giving me a roof to sleep under wink.png). She will transfer me money, I will buy bags, and get them to her.

    She wants 2 bags : a big and a small one. The small one cannot fit in the big one.

    Totally they are worth a bit less than 2000 euros.

    --> So far my idea was : bags are cheaper than 2500€ (100.000 bahts) and import should be free as they are "personal items" (until given, that is).

    But it does not seems that custom will agree with this.

    --> I was thinking of just "hiding" them as there are no serious controls. But apparently there are. And 2000€ of bags might lead to something like a 8000€ penalty if i'm correct, and confiscated bags... I'd rather avoid that...

    --> Latest idea : use the big bag as MY own bag (more or less unisex, I just might look a bit... well... feminine). Carry my plane tickets inside, camera, etc. Put the small bag in my cabine suitcase (but this one kinda looks womanish) and stuff it with personal items : smartphone, books, whatever. And if asked, just answer that it is for later use.

    I would just carry the box in my checked-in "big" suitcase and use them as containers for tee-shirts, underwear, etc.

    PROBLEM : mrfaroukh answer reads "you must declare if you have any luxury bags or watches and pay duty on them even if they are for personal use. So if your bring them and not declare at the immigration and go through green channel, and if you are stopped then the goods might be confiscated and penalty must be paid. May be more"

    Meaning that EVEN my latest option might not save me from paying duties and taxes. The big bag will be in plain view because it will be "mine", carried on my shoulder. The other one will be "used", but tidied up in my cabine suitcase, and that might not be enough to save me from paying something, either.

    Though, I find it weird: with this rule any wealthy person entering the country would have to pay a lot of taxes...no?

    i can't imagine that is the case...

    Your opinion, advice?

    First of all you need to know that there is a luxury tax on designer bags in Thailand, so they're much cheaper elsewhere and there is a thriving business with people flying to Singapore/HK etc and smuggling back new bags. The customs officers are looking for this traffic so you are taking a big risk trying to smuggle these 2 expensive bags.

    If you insist on bringing these bags I would suggest you send the boxes, tags and dust bags via normal post and just bring the bags, so they don't look like new bags.


    But I am enquiring as to wether I can get an international license here (legitimately) which would allow me to drive in Europe/UK/US.

    Basically, can I save myself a bunch of cash by getting an international license while I am here?

    Basically yes, as Crossy says in post no 2 - although depends on how long you are here.

    You would have to apply for the 1 year licence and renew at the end of that first year for a 5 year (need a long term visa of some description) and then apply for a Thai International Driving permit which only lasts one year.

    There is no such thing as an International "Licence".

    If you go this route please make sure you notify us when you will be driving abroad and where so TV members can be sure to avoid you..........laugh.png

    You can obtain an International Driving Permit which allows you to drive in the UK, my wife had one, but they only last a year.

  5. And for those with GBP held in Scottish banks or other deposit taking institutions, what becomes of that money if Scotland leaves and adopts a currency that is not the GBP?

    For a start banking rules state that a bank must be based in the country where it has most customers so the main Scottish banks will be forced to move HQ. There are similar rules for parts of the insurance/assurance business.

    Although the oil and gas is running out there has already been some new finds north of Shetland and Shetland has said it will not leave the union, so lots of contentious issues abound.

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  6. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    I suggest you get the book Thai Fever. It's for Thai-Farang couples that discusses the cultural differences. Written in English and Thai.


    One of the key points in that book that stuck with me is that Thais (and perhaps Asians in general) don't separate money and affection. They are interlinked. So by paying her and her family you are showing your affection. In the west it not like that which is why that sort of financial arrangement is often views as an insincere relationtionship based on material things.

    I think the truth lies somewhere in the middle. Often times it can be an insincere arrangement of convenience under the guise of this cultural thing. Of course the guys always want to believe it's sincere and there are no shortage of stories of how wrong that can often be.

    Thailand fever is a very good book. Written in English on the left page and Thai on the right hand page so everybody knows where they are at. Its only a short book which you can read in an hour or so. Don't worry about buying a Thai bride as ALL brides in Thailand are bought, it called a sin sod and the link below is the best explanation and advice about sin sod I've found.


  7. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    You do a self certification that your marriage certificate is valid by doing a statement.

    Next you have it and your marriage certificate translated and then have them certified at the MFA. The translation service can get the MFA certification done for you.

    Then you go to a Amphoe to register your marriage. They will issue a Kor Ror 22 marriage registry that you will need at immigration to get an extension of stay based upon marriage.

    If you only want a visa from an embassy or consulate they will accept your UK marriage certificate.

    Surely the certification would need an Embassy stamp to be accepted by MFA.

    I understand all the other requirements but not clear on what I need to get from the Embassy.

    Anyone who has done this recently as I believe the system changes from time to time? The Embassy website isn't clear either

    You will have a embassy stamp on the statement you do for the self certification. These are accepted by the Amphoe.

    You can look here under "Administering an oath or affirmation" on this page and send an email to the embassy to get the template for the self certification. https://www.gov.uk/notarial-and-documentary-services-guide-for-thailand

    The MFA will only be certifying the translations and the consular officers name/signature on the statement.

    Now all is clear, thanks for your help.

    I hope this is also useful for others with a similar problem

    You can take the translated documents to the MFA yourself but most ppl just pay the translators to do it. By the way the translators all crowd outside the notaries office and approach you as you leave so negotiate a good price.

  8. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    The Swiss Embassy is almost opposite the UK Embassy. I have twice seen people outside the UK Embassy looking distraught, it may be just a matter of time until somebody attempts suicide. The Swiss Embassy probably is expensive as far as fees go but I have always been happy to be able to go there unannounced and get the job done on the same day. I decided not to renew my UK passport years ago.

    A UK citizen who is in trouble should have the right to turn up unannounced at a British Embassy and at the very least be advised on his best course of action. To refuse even to speak with him is outrageous. In the old days you could have called the embassy but staff are more expensive than websites so calling is now very difficult. Unfortunately costs now come before service.

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  9. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Just cancelled my acc, and its messenger after i foind over 500bht a month in unknown calls.... read the permission of messenger its scary stuff.

    Don't use messenger on apple devices as you can't change the settings and its control is invasive

  10. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    I know not the current rules however, why marry at all? Ok, so you want to be married. You can get married in Thailand but not report the marriage to the government. Next, you can report it to the government which just gets you into legal issues - but maybe you can get a marriage VISA easier...I assume so at least.

    Normally, a marriage means alimony up front. That is called a dowry. You pay it to the parents nonrefundable. When you leave her for a younger woman yes, it could have been a one night accident, but she can leave you ASAP and go get the dowry to live on for a while.

    There is a lot of misunderstanding about sin sod (dowry) so checkout this page for a clear explanation and good advice


  11. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Having just got a visa I can categorically state that the UK visa office told me that it is an old wives take that they give a hoot how much of the 6 month visa you use. Ie if as advised on here frequently you tell them you want to get her in for 2 months but use up the full six it will NOT harm future applications!
    I haven't got time to bust a few others according to the chat I had with the visa office but wanted to get this one straightened

    Absolutely correct - every visitor gets 6 months whether they use it or not. The initial visit visa is the hardest to get as they are looking for bogus marriages etc. You have to understand that ppl are risking their lives to get into some countries so a visit visa/scam marriage is an easy option but unfortunately that affects all genuine applicants. They are looking to see if you have the finaces to support your wife/children on your visit as they do not want any non citizens making claims on public funds - which is fair enough. If the visitor qualifies for all current criteria they can visit for 6 months every year. I believe you can actually obtain 3, 5 10 year visit visas.

    Under current EU legislation the Human Rights Act doesn't allow a country to deport anyone if it deprives them of their right to a family life so if you came with your family on a visit and you didn't want to return to Thailand (which is your right as a UK citizen) the authorities couldn't deport your wife or children. I've never heard of anyone in this community trying this option though.

  12. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    My Bangkok Bank account still has the address of the house I built and sold over 18 years ago. I asked them a few months ago if they needed an updated address and they said they would need to request the change of address form from head office and would let me know. I have heard nothing about it since.

    Meanwhile, my Isle of Man based bank that I have been happy with for nigh on 30 years has suddenly requested that I prove who I am and where I live with very arcane and limited ways of providing the evidence they seek.

    But I digress... the OP should pop into the local branch and speak to the manager about what exactly they require and why. It doesn't sound like much of a hardship unlike my UK offshore bank!

    Offshore banks are under enormous pressure from the EU to identify customers under the pretense of money laundering laws whereas the real purpose it to track down tax evaders. EU has decreed that off shore bank accounts will be taxed @ 14% if they are registered to an address within the EU and not declared to the Inland revenue. This happened to me a number of years ago with my bank in the Isle of Man so looks like your bank is playing catch up. You can have a UK address for admin purposes but the account must be registered to an address outside the EU to avoid the punitive tax.

  13. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    What about the other extortion rackets in Bangkok? Were these the only two bad apples in the basket?

    Slowly, slowly, catchee monkey.

    There is corruption everywhere you care to look. It's going to take time to organize a list of corrupt activities, form a plan of action, and act on the plan with the staff available. No sense doing a half-assed job of it. Have you never heard the saying, 'Rome wasn't built in a day.'

    One thing for sure, I never saw so much good being done when the Democrats or any of Dr. Thaksin's puppet governments were in charge. I am amazed at how much positive change the NCPO has effected in such a short time.

    Nothing can be done unless ppl complain and no body complained before because they were ignored. It seems the current Junta are making a determined effort to reduce corruption so now is the time for the little guys to lodge official complaints.

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  14. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Seems to be one more article abusing the term "surrogate".

    If a guy makes 10 women pregnant, that has nothing to do with surrogate. Surrogate is when the fertilized egg of another woman has been implanted in the womb of a woman.

    And I am not aware of any law forbidding to make a woman pregnant, or am I missing something here?

    "In the case of the Japanese man, the surrogate mothers have said they did not use their own eggs, according to police."

    You need to read the post more thoroughly

  15. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    I have an ATM card that does not charge anything and REFUNDS me the ATM fee up to 5 a month. I just take out 20k at a time and the $6 is refunded to me on the last day of the month.

    I bet banks love people who think paying $6 is no big deal! I know I have saved hundreds over the years by doing a bit of research!

    These cards aren't available in the UK.....I think probably only in the US

  16. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    So what about bringing with you, and filling out the TM30, didn´t you have to do that? Have heard from several immigration-officies now these recent days, that they demand that to be in the pile of documents... Plse let me know!!


    That's always been a requirement but only recently have some offices been insisting on it.

  17. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    All of the convoluted logic about the catch 22s etc may be valid, but the simplicity of the solution in post 18 seems overlooked here. Do a "border run", out on the UK, in on the Thai. Home free.

    No, border run is not enough because land border officer want to see stamps matching on the same passport, even if there is no written law or regulation prescribing that. Again, Thai non-sense and jealousy.

    I don't understand what stamps are missing. She entered Thailand using her UK passport and left using he UK passport so all the stamps match and she re-enters Thailand using her newly acquired Thai passport. This is what would happen if she had lost her original Thai passport. She hasn't broken any rules and can show the UK passport for evidence. What stamps don't match?

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    There are half a dozen restaurants in this medium sized town that have mats and low tables.  A couple are outside and the mats are on the ground.  They are quite popular.


    Ever heard of JAPAN? 


    You guys really don't get around much.  Guess what?  In Malaysia, they eat with their HANDS while sitting on the floor.


    'nuff said






    Some old ppl still eat with hands here too - always the left hand because they wipe their ass with their right hand (the explanation I was given). In England ppl like to eat chips out of old newspaper because that's how it was when they were kids.

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