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Posts posted by saintofsilence

  1. A man is in a hotel lobby. He wants to ask the clerk a question.

    As he turns to go to the front desk, he accidentally bumps into a woman

    beside him and as he does, his elbow goes into her breast. They

    are both quite startled.

    The man turns to her and says, "Ma'am, if your heart is as soft as

    your breast, I know you'll forgive me."

    She replies, "If your penis is as hard as your elbow, I'm in room 436."

  2. Tuk-tuks are a miserable part of the Thai experience. Phuket is the worst place by far.

    Nothing spoils a nice time more than the thought of getting taken advantage of everytime you need to go someplace.

    Pattaya's baht busses, while even crooked, are at least uniformly so.

    I agree Phuket should be ashamed how they run their taxi and Tuk Tuk service 200 baht to go 200 yards it would be a much better place to visit if they had fair and honest service

  3. I was just after a few suggestions!!!! and yes it is for this year..............

    So anyone with any suggestions?

    i believe central on beach road has some nice restaraunts you may need to bring crash helmets just check when booking

  4. BAR mat mum Annice Smoel's dream family trip to Disneyland is in tatters after she was denied a US visa because of her conviction in Thailand.

    Ms Smoel had planned to take her four daughters to Disneyland to make up for the family's Thai nightmare.

    The trip was all but cancelled after the US embassy knocked back her application for a non-immigrant visa, the Herald Sun reports.

    Ms Smoel is ineligible because she is listed as a convicted criminal after she was jailed for stealing a bar mat in Phuket.

    The 36-year-old Melbourne mother said her daughters - aged six to 12 - would be shocked by the latest drama.

    "They are going to be devastated, absolutely devastated by this," Ms Smoel said.

    "They've been having nightmares and coming into mum's bed at night since I got back.

    t would have been the perfect way to take their minds off all of what's happened."

    Ms Smoel received a conviction, a six-month jail term suspended for two years and a small fine after she agreed to plead guilty to theft in exchange for her freedom.

    She was given her passport and allowed to leave Thailand after 18 days.

    At a meeting with the US embassy in Melbourne yesterday, Ms Smoel was told her conviction for stealing rendered her ineligible for a non-immigrant US visa.

    She could be barred from travelling to the US for up to seven years.

    "They told me that normally you have to wait five years after a suspended sentence expires to be eligible for this type of visa," Ms Smoel said.

    "That's seven years away, my girls will be grown up by then."

    Ms Smoel's only recourse relies on the wording of the Thai theft charge.

    If her conviction is for a misdemeanor charge and not a felony charge, she may get a reprieve from US authorities.

    "I've got to get all the Thai court documents translated into English and hope the charge is a misdemeanor and not a felony, but I'm not very hopeful," she said.

    The family was originally to fly to the US in May when Ms Smoel was trapped in Thailand after the bar mat prank.

    A US embassy spokesman said it did not comment on specific cases.


  5. Hi Everybody

    I have decided to take the long journey from Bangkok down to the beautiful city of Pattaya at Christmas need to have a few things done dental work , hemmoroid surgery etc and do a bit of sight seeing at the coconut bar.

    I am booked into a restaurant for christmas dinner in the Central shopping Centre on Pattaya beach road but I have seen many conflicting reports about the building and that it is about to collapse.

    Can anyone please confirm this or will it be repaired by christmas day.

  6. โปรดชำระเงินภายใน 12 ชม.หากรายการที่ท่านสั่งซื้อ Liberty Reserve แล้วไม่แจ้งโอนเงินภายใน 12 ชม.

    นับจากเวลาที่ทำการสั่งซื้อ รายการสั่งซื้อนั้นจะถูก ยกเลิก จะต้องทำรายการสั่งซื้อเข้ามาใหม่

    เราจะโอน Liberty Reserve ให้ท่านทันทีหลังจากที่ได้รับแจ้งการโอนเงินแล้ว ภายใน 15 นาที - 90 นาที

    ภายในเวลาทำการของร้าน พร้อมแจ้ง SMS หลังจากรายการเสร็จสมบูรณ์

    ขอขอบคุณเป็นอย่างยิ่งที่ใช้บริการของเรา และหวังเป็นอย่างยิ่งว่าจะได้ให้บริการท่านในโอกาสต่อไป

    can u translate these as well?

    Please pay within 12 hours if items you purchase, Liberty Reserve does not transfer notification within 12 hours

    Time from ordering office. Items purchased will be canceled must be made to purchase new items.

    Liberty Reserve we will transfer you to be notified immediately after the transfer, within 15 minutes - 90 minutes

    Within hours of the store with SMS notification after the item is complete.

    Thank you very much for using our services. And hope that you will have the opportunity to serve

  7. you can use google translate

    สวัสดีครับ, คุณ สุพัฒน์ ศรีทอง

    ท่านได้แก้ไขข้อมูลส่วนตัว ตามรายละเอียดด้านล่างต่อไปนี้


    หมายเหตุ - ชื่อบัญชีธนาคารของท่าน จะต้องเป็นชื่อของท่านเอง หรืออย่างน้อยจะต้องนามสกุลเดียวกันกับท่าน

  8. There is always heaps of empty hotels and guest houses available in Pattaya and Bangkok , it is a good idea to just book one night and walk around check the different places out , its very easy to book a place on the internet which looks perfect but when you get there its crap or the location is not what you expected or there are beer bars under it.

  9. Hi all, I have quite a big problem and your advice and help will be appreciated. Three evenings ago I heard a noice outside my house in Pattaya, after investigating I found a drunk Thai man infront of my gate trying to get in. I picked up a stick and beat the man over the head and he fled into the darkness. A few minutes later another man came to my gate and asked if I new who hit the first man and I said that I had because he was trying to get into the gate. He spent three days in the hospital and now his familly are demanding I pay them 100,000 Baht. Should I pay or take the situation to court.

    You should take it to court but also you have to be aware some of these people are crazy when it comes to wanting money and will use other means, both of you have done the wrong thing not an easy situation but try and stay calm.

  10. Thanks, folks. Yes, going to get a US adapter. I know of only two places to ship from: Mail Boxes Etc. at Carrefour and a post office at IT Mall. There is also a local post office around the area.

    Well, it might be quite a bit. I haven't put them in boxes yet (still figuring out where to get those!). Where can I find a freigh consolidator?

    And no, am not in a hurry. So I don't mind freight so long as stuff is safe. :)

    Dont use Mail Boxes etc at Carefore or tesco they are not govt post office ,these are very expensive eg 20kg to australia 9000 baht from mail boxes and 20 kilo from thailand post office prakanong 3000 baht

  11. i am 49 french tourist, i have been arrested in pai whith 0,6g of heroin, police said 3,6g, i have been jailed in mae hong son prison the 27 and a very good friend from chiang mai bailed me out the 1 june for 40.000 bath, plus 10.000 the lawyer piut in his pocket without receive...i have no family and very little money...this lawyer try to ask me the code of my bank card and keep my ladtop...now i am looking for a lawyer and ask all of you what you think of my case and what i should do, i am completely lost...i want to say also than every body in pai police station and guards of mae hong son prison have been really really good whith me, trying to help me and i want to thank all of them...it is so different of all you can read every where...thanks a lot to tou to help me how you can, patrice

    How anyone can do this and think they will get away with it , its illegal and deadly the warning signs are everywhere , you ruin your life and others around you.

    Sorry no Pity for drug users you know the rules you know the punishment. I do feel sorry for all the people that have to waste there time helping you.

  12. Looking for cheapest way to fly BKK/Langkawi. Air Asia wins on price but you can't book a connecting ticket through KL and have to buy separate tickets. Does anyone know how timely Air Asia is and how long is needed to change flights in KL and how easy it is? Also is there any difference/preference between their ThaiAirAsia operated flights and the AirAsia flights or doesn't it matter? Any advice welcome.

    There were direct flights once Bkk to Langkawi but I think they have stopped personally I enjoy catching the ferry from Penang

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