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Posts posted by babuhavas

  1. Hello members

    few friends(on holiday) wants to go to the boss night club(petchaburi soi 39)tonight,i have never been there,searched the website also but not enough info about the place,

    so can anyone help me how the place is?the opening time?entry fees?etc



  2. hey everybody so i am a 17 year old American

    I will be going to travel in Thailand for like 2 or 3 months.

    I am working now and saving up money.

    I am gonna go out there with very little money and spend not much at all.

    I am gonna leave in march, so my question is can you give me some advice and tips about living in thailand.

    I got kicked out of high school about 6 months ago so i thought i live for adventure and am against the way america is right now where everybody is caught up in the money game.

    thanks alot for any advice or any input

    Whats one of the cheapest towns, maybe like chaing mai.

    I believe in living simple with just maybe some rice and noodles and just a little bed to sleep.

    The only revolution is of the mind.

    welcome to land of scams,and enjoy your stay

  3. Dear friends

    i have business guest visiting me and they don't want to stay in hotel(don't know why)

    they will be here for about 3 days only,i am looking for a luxury condo for very short term rent,it will be bonus if i can find one on the river side.

    can anyone help me please

    thanks to all advice :)


  4. Hi guys, i am 22 australia and want to live in thailand ! i no this question has been asked befor

    but not exactly like this one. i have saved up 1 million bht i can wait

    and save up some more if need be, i know i can last on 1 million bht for a long time

    in thailand but i dont want to just keep eating into it i want to be able live there for a

    long time.i know i cant live there more then a year at a time dont mind flying back every year

    for a little bit.Also i want to live in phuket if that helps answering the question. And

    my english is shis so i am not going to be a english teacher haha...

    So my question is, is there any thing i can do like rent a shop or bar to make a income

    that can cover my living exspenses so i dont just eat away my money ?

    I hear you need a working permit also, isnt there away around it buy havning

    thai staff or somthing ??

    cheers guys

    sorry to the people that is sick of this question.

    mate i don't think 1 million will last long,your monthly expence will be atleast 30,000,it can be more also but 30 k is minimum(if you don't have a thai girlfriend),yes you can do some business but bar is not a good idea,as not much tourist is thailand now,

  5. Around 9:30pm 11 police officers waltzed into California Wow. One Major and three Sergeants.

    I thought it was a response to a robbery (in England you get 11 officers for a robbery in progress, not for a theft report) or something pretty acutely serious, but the police after around 5 minutes sat down on the swivel chairs and started chatting as if in a karaoke bar.

    There was an undercover officer (he had the standard radio) and he seemed to be doing the talking. He wandered up to staff spoke for around a minute and then wandered up to customers, who just carried on on their jogging machines.

    I was entranced by the whole situation.

    Then while the police took pretty random photos of nothing in particular, the staff of the gym started taking very serious photos of the officers (I mean there were no smiles, no interaction, but the staff carefully took photos at all angles of the police officers sitting around doing nothing). It all looked pretty frosty on the staff side, but the police were grinning, sitting on their swivel chairs.

    So here comes my conjecture: if you are the 'thiefs in brown' as the locals call the police it is never a wise move to walk through the main entrance and joke around to obtain your tea money. I see them do this at my local snooker hall all the time; most of the bets laid on the table are by mildy drunk police officers in uniform at the snooker tables. But at a publicly limited company like California Wow, surely some subtlety is required?

    Where I sat to rest after my workout was where the officers decided to congregate. So I became either the best protected farang in Bangkok at that moment or the worst.

    This is bizarre. Any thoughts? Any knowledge?

    anyways where you play snooker,i am also interested :)

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