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Posts posted by babuhavas

  1. now this is hight of stupidity

    first of all you read the whole mail which says someone is giving you 900 k for free.

    second thing you check everywhere to confirm if its real or fake.

    third and biggest mistake you did is to post this on forum.

    Good heart but stupid mind

  2. i am veggie,i belive in if i dont eat they wont kill any animals,

    if monks are eating meat it means they are flexible and can not control their desire,

    if any monk can tell me real name of buddha i will bow him.(i know)

    dose anyone from TV knows?

  3. He was a color full person and I really liked him. He opened his mouth against the press who bothered him and I feel so sorry that his last days were like they were. This man should be honored and not damned. He did a lot for the country in the short time of being MP and also as

    governor of Bangkok. I really hope that his death will not be misused for political fights.

    Rest in piece and I hope to see you up there some time.

    Regards Zappergeck

    PM not MP

  4. well if she is shy tell her to ware that thing in room,

    you click pics and show to your friends and dont forget to post on TV.

    we would love to see :)

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