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Posts posted by pastitche

  1. Bungalow - I know you love the red shirts but to use the same subversive bullying and intindation that they use on an expat internet forum is very council house!!!!

    Please for once in your life try and post a sensible coherent argument and instead of bullying and flaming, try and respect other peoples views - not even Shinawatra shows the same disrespect that YOU do!!!!!!!

    Would you like to elaborate on your first sentence?

  2. <br />
    Remember the bogus Yong Kha Crop Substitution Project in the Wa-controlled area that the Thaksin administration was suckered into giving Bt20 million seed money to while the rest of the world shunned it because they saw through it?<br /><br />For Thaksin, good relations with Burma were good for his family business. Remember the Bt4-billion loan the Thaksin administration made to the military government in Rangoon to purchase satellite services sold by Thaksin's family-owned communications businesses?
    <br /><br />That's an affirmative for remembering both.<br /><br />That's but one part of the sad legacy of Thaksin's murderous War on Drugs. It wasn't even about restricting drug usage.<br /><br />.<br />
    <br /><br /><br />

    Wonderful! For once we have a sensible debate on the approach to drug abuse and it is hijacked by you to make an attack on Thaksin. Everyone agrees that the extra-judical killings were wrong, so sit back and let other people talk about the topic and possible solutions without harping on about the past

  3. I get your point and you're somehow right. The projects in this post are generally good projects but it all depends who is in charge. If you have a strong leader it's going to work. If you have a weak leader with a coalition kept together by bribes, it's going to be a huge waste of tax payer money. Why ? Because all these big projects are going to be excuses for local politicians to extract bribes from contractors. These big projects are not gifts for the people, but for the politicians who will need to decide who to support after the election.

    Thaksin is the only one who is strong enough to say I want it and it's going to be done. Abhisit is way too weak for that. With Abhisit, we will still be flying out of Don Muang ....

    News for you. The PM won't be managing any projects.

    edit: and in addition to that - look at all the corruption involved with Suvarnibhumi.

    So will he be involved in the allocation of the contracts? Or if not him, his government. It would be better if you responded occasionally to the point being made.

  4. Do you understand parliamentary democracy? It is acceptable for a party with the largest number of MPs to form a government; they may fail to carry through their legislative programme and perhaps fall as a result of a vote of no confidence but there is no requirement to form a coalition.

    That may be true, but only AFTER any of the parties fail to form a majority coalition government. It's certainly NOT the first choice.

    There is no compulsion to form a coalition which means the involvement of other parties in setting legislation. The opposition has the opportunity to vote against the govt's proposals but it is possible to tailor legislation in such a way that there is no fundamental disagreement and opposition would be costly in the electorate's eyes. It may be the norm in Thailand to seek coalition partners but that is NOT universal.

  5. As this is not about k. Thaksin, shouldn't the article read

    "Ms. Yingluck Shinawatra, first on the party list for MP candidates of the PTP urged the army Wednesday to refrain from staging another coup as she gains momentum in her bid to become the country's first female premier."

    maybe the journalist posts on this forum and has become brainwashed into turning all threads into threads about Thaksin, however tenuous the link is.

    People need to get used to the idea that she will win, the dems were unfaily given a shot at power and they have fecked it up on a grand scale, now the army need to respect the election results and accept the will of the people, the whole country, not a select few. Hopefully when PTP get into power they can also prosecute certain individuals for the slaughter of unarmed people last year, then the country can really move forwards (the dems should be accepting her amnesty policy as that might be the only thing that saves some of them).

    sadly though i think we all know what will happen, PTP will win, the courts will find fault, disband them while ignoring the dmes for doing the same things, the dems will get back in power on a parliamentary vote, the people will come back on the streets, the army will conduct another wholesale slaughter, other countries will ignore this while criticizing certain middle eastern/north african countries for the wholesale slaughter on the streets, and thailand will be no furtehr on than it was the day after the previous coup.

    What an incredibly ill informed crock of manure

    As the rather long election campaign approaches the finishing post, Thaksin's forum clones will get more and more hysterical. They are already giving advance notice that Thaksin's troops will not honour the election result. Would I care to substantiate that? I would indeed. Thaksin's supporters will refuse to accept any result won by a majority coalition with the PTP being the biggest party. In fact they are already demanding that if they are the biggest party, they should form the next government. No ifs and no buts. Do they understand democracy? No they don't and don't for one minute allow them to peddle their nonsense without challenge.

    Do you understand parliamentary democracy? It is acceptable for a party with the largest number of MPs to form a government; they may fail to carry through their legislative programme and perhaps fall as a result of a vote of no confidence but there is no requirement to form a coalition.

  6. It's not a problem that I'm not a good speaker.

    So then, what is the problem?

    Why not at least make a commitment to participate in a debate as that's what the public wants and there's no better way to reach as many voters at one time to present her stand on a myriad of issues and her vision for the future of Thailand as its leader?

    Perhaps, like Rocky after accepting the offer to fight the world champion, she wants some time for preparation.

  7. Thaksin might have abused his position somewhat and "lined his own nest" ...


    The hard-working Thai people in the villages LOVE him !!

    No they dont!! Not in all villages by any means!!! isan and Chiang Mai where hes bought people maybe but Tak Sukhothai and Pitsanalot people CERTAINLY dont feel like that about him.

    Thais are NOT stupid!!

    Sorry for the late response but I have been doing other things for the last couple of days; of course it is possible that my friends and family live in a vacuum without any contact with non-Thaksin supporters but my point was that it was not my experience that the Thais I know dislike Thaksin as much as Ianbaggie avers.

    I know the background to your visceral dislike of Thaksin and the Red Shirt movement and I have deep sympathy for your dreadful experience. I live in Phitsanulok and have family and friends here and in Sukhothai and they all are basically PTP/Thaksin supporters. I personally have no strong feelings for or against either of the power groups which want to have their noses in the trough of Thailand's wealth, so please no accusations from the outraged Democrats out there.

    Well couldn't it be that

    Thaksin Supporters group together,

    and Thaksin haters group together,

    and if your wife's family like Thaksin, then most of their friends that you will meet ALSO will like Thaksin. But you are not meeting the others, or they aren't saying it out loud around your circle.

    Most Thais tend to avoid confrontation, and not saying they dislike Thaksin around a Pro Thaklsin family, is a good way to NOT have confrontation. But that doesn't mean they don't hate Thaksin

  8. Thaksin might have abused his position somewhat and "lined his own nest" ...


    The hard-working Thai people in the villages LOVE him !!

    No they dont!! Not in all villages by any means!!! isan and Chiang Mai where hes bought people maybe but Tak Sukhothai and Pitsanalot people CERTAINLY dont feel like that about him.

    Thais are NOT stupid!!

    I know the background to your visceral dislike of Thaksin and the Red Shirt movement and I have deep sympathy for your dreadful experience. I live in Phitsanulok and have family and friends here and in Sukhothai and they all are basically PTP/Thaksin supporters. I personally have no strong feelings for or against either of the power groups which want to have their noses in the trough of Thailand's wealth, so please no accusations from the outraged Democrats out there.
  9. And as for the comment about me not being a "permanent resident", you're splitting hairs. While I may not have official Thai residency status, it does not change the fact that I live here PERMANENTLY with my wife and family

    You are not here permanently on a non-immigrant visa even with extended permission to stay. Your file at Immigration says "a temporariy resident for purposes other than tourism." Until you obtain permanent residency there is nothing permanent about your status here, whether you acknowledge that or not.

    To be honest I am sick of people defending the indefensible and blaming the victims of scams just because they feel some misplaced loyalty to the country they have decided to move to and the locals.

    Oberkommando is right and is not splitting hairs.There is nothing "permanent" about timestamp's visa status.He is a bird of passage whose residence can be ended at any time at a stroke of a bureaucrat's pen.Actually the more likely outcome given current Thai policy is a massive increase in the wealth test.I say this with some sympathy as my efforts to obtain PR have been frustrated.The other positive factor, since the Thais are a compassionate people, is that existing temporary residents who are married will be allowed to remain as before.

    You and Oberkommando are allies against the fascist tendency which dominates TV and I welcome that; it seems a pity that you stoop to the same level as so many of your political opponents by claiming that there is a requirement to have been in Thailand for "x" amount of time to have credibility

  10. Instead of complaining constantly about everything Thai we could all just go back to our overtaxed over PC feminist men hating unsmiling countries where we could find a lot more to complain about

    What and who are "over PC feminist men"???? I know you mean politically correct but what are feminist men exactly?

    I would assume that he is talking about men like ladyboys and other non hetro men. Not sure but I think that is what a feminist man is as he is refering.

    Or missing the hyphen ; men-hating makes it perfectly sensible

  11. I have explained my feelings and opinion to my wife and although she has some confidence in my knowledge she is still has much of what I think are animist beliefs that her family has instilled. Like every other farang "I don't understand.....(complete the sentence yourself!) but I do know that this boy is set to continue a life of delusion and hallucination without proper care.

    Express your opinion to your wife and perhaps her parents. Point out that getting a medical assessment can not make things worse and might find the cure.

    If they don't listen - Learn to disregard the situation and put steps in place to ensure that your own health is never subjected to their ignorance.

  12. Before I came to live in Thailand I was a confirmed atheist with a very sound knowledge of Christian doctrine which I rejected at an early age; I also thought that the other religions that originated were equally false. I did believe however that Buddhism was a more logic based belief system.

    In Thailand I have found that the belief system is, as someone else put it in another forum "Animism with a veneer of Buddhism". I have no problem with that and wear a very valuable Buddhist amulet given to me by my wife's mother, go with my wife on temple visits, had the monks at the house for the blessing and the wedding, even went for a a purification ceremony, where I was drenched to bring me luck

    So what my wife and family believe is normally not a concern to me but recently I have been distressed at how their beliefs and mine are so far apart.

    My wife's cousin has severe epilepsy which appears not to be controlled by AED medication - he has multiple seizures (not every day) and the family's response was to initiate him as a monk in a temple where "they have medicines from the jungle that can cure him".

    Far from being cured, he developed the obsession that he was a vessel for an ancient Thai king and felt he had to leave that temple as a result; he then went to a new "temple" being built on his uncle's land which has only two monks - the main one being a numerologist fortune teller and exorcist. That did nothing for him either and he is now living on the farm of another uncle.

    I have visited him there and I am convinced that the problem is not "possession" but a psychriatric condition either epsileptic psychosis or schizophrenia both of which could readily be treated with modern medicines; most of the family, however, are convinced that what (from the advice of a non-monastic guru is needed is the sacrifice of a buffalo.

    I would appreciate any help/advice you guys out there can give but please don't make the usual flippant comments

  13. It seems to me that there is a tendency on this website to assail Thailand for its inability to do what you think is appropriate no matter what the subject is and to castigate the police for inaction. What would you have them do in a situation where there is a dispute between a losing and a winning concessionary? There is no confirmation that these "men in black" (a phrase which appears to be a red rag to a bull to some people) are in fact armed and the response that they should be "taken out" is juvenile

  14. Without knowing the full facts its difficult to argue the rights and wrongs of this incident.

    If the former owners of the Contract are refusing to give up their concession? then its yet more bad news for the Thai Tourist Industry.

    On the other hand if the new owners of the Contract,are making sure that they are taking over the Contract(with the legalities in place) and no if or buts,then that puts a different light on the matter.

    The news that the disputed Car Park is now open again,would possibly indicate the latter,albeit with the 40 armed men in Black, still present.

    Either way,its a strange intensive way to do business.

    This is the first sensible post that I have seen. There seems to be a selective amnesia amongst members that where we came from "security firms" operate in much the same way because they are run by mafia/gangsters and these enterprises are necessary to launder money from illegal sources. I doubt that this apparently unconfirmed report of "armed men" means firearms

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  15. Adverse to sarcasm? Some one must tell my wife :)

    This isn't sarcasm but a sincere inquiry. In "American" english. The correct word to use here is "averse", which is a different word from "adverse", and has a different meaning. My question is, is averse used in "English" english and does it have the same meaning as adverse. I'm not denigrating your post as I see your usage frequently here. Just curious. TIA

    You are correct "averse" is the appropriate word in English

  16. No resemblance at all!

    The Scots have for the last 13 years been bought and paid for by the English thanks to the Scottish Mafia wing of the Labour party. Without the ENGLISH money Scotland would cease to exist. Why do you think that donkey in charge of the SNP has never pushed for complete autonomy ? Because he knows that without the huge cash subsidies from the English Scotland would go broke.

    To try to compare what is happening here in Thailand is senseless. The SNP didn't achieve anything by non violence they were handed it on a plate to help push though decisions in Parliament.

    The only comparison between the two is that in Issan they get drunk on Lao Kaow and in Glasgow it is Buckfast :) Oh and it is a dam_n site safer in Issan than it is in Goven !

    Is there any point in pointing out that, since the English rediscovered the cross of St George, the only place in the UK where the Union Flag is flown regularly at football grounds is in Govan.

    Shug I believe is from the other side of the country.

  17. I'm a little sick of hearing the redshirts this and the redshirts that. This is democracy in motion. If a ruling party refuses to openly compromise then the outcome can be violent. People here are passionate about their country. I admire them for that. They are willing to give their life for what they believe in. You whiners that think your opinion matters are just adding to the problem. The Thai people have a leader they believe is illegitimate and they are acting as such.

    Many years ago our countries did the same thing the Thai are doing now. GIVE THEM SOME SLACK!!! Your opinion as a farang means nothing but your trivial rhetoric may create discontent that isn't needed. We are bystanders. Pay some respect and allow the process to come to it's conclusion. It is coming soon. I believe we will have a better country that we are visiting than the one that exists now.

    I couldn't agree with you more - and before the rest of you start with your nonsense about my maiden posting let me say that I have been reading this website for a considerable time and been appalled by the political naivete (and the grammar/spelling) of an apparently European/American/Australian website. I am not in any way an expert in Thai politics or history but it is obvious that we are witnessing a similar uprising (led by equally suspect demagogues) to that in Tsarist Russia where the people merely wanted a more equal society and the Bolsheviks claimed to want social revolution. Everyone knows how the Russian experiment with Socialism failed because of the corrupt politicians that too little democracy allows; what I believe could happen in Thailand is that somewhere down the line when the people realise that most politicians are not really interested in their concerns then they will wake up to the idea that universal suffrage means that they have a right to choose. At that point, as in our older democracies and with the same failings, a new political movement may arise led by a new generation of honest men and women of genuine conviction and integrity.

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