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Posts posted by pastitche

  1. I suspect you wont get much sympathy and most expat thais are distinctly red

    What!!! Do you mean Thai's living abroad or expats in Thailand??? If you meant the latter then judging by the ratio of posters slating Thaksin, Pheu Thai, Yingluck and anything red (including Arsenal in my case) as compared to those praising or supporting/defending them then you are undoubtedly mistaken in your thinking on this!!!:jap:.

    It is obvious that he mans exactly what he says "expat Thais"; how can you possibly interpret that to mean Westerners living in Thailand?

    Do you or he have sources to corroborate this claim?

    I made no claim, merely explained that it was obvious what was meant

  2. Did anyone expect anything else from the Megalomaniac?

    Sadly Thailand is about to enter one of it's darkest phases. My wife, son and I have a ticket booked to England next Aug if things degenerate too much we'll be going sooner.

    You can tell your friends about the revolting peasants in Thailand.

    But seriously:

    Here's some suggested reading for you.

    Civi Society and Democreatization, Social Movements in Northeast Thailand

    by Somchai Phatharathanananunth.

    It deals with amongst other things the farmers' Assembly of Isan (SSFAD) and their historic struggles with the elite in Bangkok seeking to improve the lot of the rural thai.

    The redshirt movement in part has grown from them.

    What we've seen in UK and US, throughout the west the greed of the bankers, the oncoming civil strife in the west you really should have noticed ,living here, the struggle of the ordinary people.

    I suspect you wont get much sympathy and most expat thais are distinctly red

    "I suspect you wont get much sympathy and most expat thais are distinctly red"

    What!!! Do you mean Thai's living abroad or expats in Thailand??? If you meant the latter then judging by the ratio of posters slating Thaksin, Pheu Thai, Yingluck and anything red (including Arsenal in my case) as compared to those praising or supporting/defending them then you are undoubtedly mistaken in your thinking on this!!!:jap:.

    It is obvious that he mans exactly what he says "expat Thais"; how can you possibly interpret that to mean Westerners living in Thailand?

  3. Am I wrong or did the poll (not the headline) make the point that people had lost faith in politics?


    Basically, you're wrong. Did you read the article?

    Results from a recent poll suggest that popularity of the government and politics in general is on the way down

    (not that I would take much notice of this poll or, particularly, the analysis of it.)

    No I am not wrong, as you quote "politics in general". ...

  4. Starting salaries are increasing on average 55% - a bit misleading because the higher raises are in the lower qualification categories where I would expect the number to be employed to be higher. With increases of this magnitude, there will have to be flow-ons to those already employed or the obvious situation of a new starter's salary exceeding that of his experienced colleagues.

    The cost of this as expressed is B18.8 billion spread over 4 years, and of course ongoing. And we have 2 million public sector employees.

    So on average, each employee will receive an extra B9,400 , again spread over 4 years, so B2350/ year, or a whopping B200/month.

    To avoid the risk of being accused of being negative, I will let you mull those figures for yourself.

    A whopping B200/month; can we look at this?

    B200 =

    AUD 6.64

    USD 6.40

    EUR 4.79

    GBP 4.12

    Doesn't seem that much in those terms

  5. Starting salaries are increasing on average 55% - a bit misleading because the higher raises are in the lower qualification categories where I would expect the number to be employed to be higher. With increases of this magnitude, there will have to be flow-ons to those already employed or the obvious situation of a new starter's salary exceeding that of his experienced colleagues.

    The cost of this as expressed is B18.8 billion spread over 4 years, and of course ongoing. And we have 2 million public sector employees.

    So on average, each employee will receive an extra B9,400 , again spread over 4 years, so B2350/ year, or a whopping B200/month.

    To avoid the risk of being accused of being negative, I will let you mull those figures for yourself.

    A whopping B200/month; can we look at this?

    B200 =

    AUD 6.64

    USD 6.40

    EUR 4.79

    GBP 4.12

    Doesn't seem that much in those terms

  6. The Democrat MP obviosuly forgot to point out that even after 2 months of attack dog mentality by the Dems, their media mates and their establishment handlers and mass floods that Yinglucks popularity as PM (in the high 30s to low 40s in most categories) still remianed well ahead of the popularity of Abhisit (in the teens in most categories and usually the low ones when PM according to the most recent poll. It doesnt help if your opponents popualrity is low if your own is far lower

    Tell your wife to get her own Thaivisa ID....!

    Why do you feel that it is appropriate to repeatedly make snide and offensive remarks about hammered's wife; if his relatively objective observations are indeed the product of his wife then she is obviously a great deal more intelligent and rational than you appear to be.

  7. Imagine how disappointed they will be in 6 months. This governement could go down as the worst ever

    Then of course the argument will be the lady is not up the job, time to bring back the big man.

    i have said this before but i think this thread deserves a re-run of my thoughts:

    here's my thoughts for what they are worth:

    we can expect a general election next year

    my thinking on this is as follows

    this government is simply a vehicle to get everything in place for Thaksins return, its like a pre-runner government

    its not really meant to achieve anything, they have been instructed to simply tread water and just potter along without doing anything too radical to cause a serious protest or even a coup

    the overall plan is to do very little except transfer Thaksin sympathizers into the top spots and by doing nothing they create a needy political atmosphere for some real leadership

    after Thaksin's return and he having been cleared of all charges and the five year political ban has elapsed, he and the other 100+ banned thai rak thai politicians that are currently advising caretaker PM Yingluck will be free to run for office again

    a new Thaksin led party will emerge, the caretaker PM will call an election, Phua Thai in its current form will lose ground wholesale, the new party will win by a landslide, no coalition with anyone will be needed

    the current red MP's will be voted out of office by their own people in favour of Thaksins paid for and bought up cronies

    consequently Thaksin and the voters will have in th eyes of the law legitimately ditched the red MP's who brought him home and his thai rak thai guys will take their current positions and a new order will emerge

    the reds are going to be very unhappy but what can they say?

    they were the ones who wanted Thaksin back and the red MP's were voted out by their own red people in favour of Thaksin's ''real politicians''

    thaksin will be happy, he wins by a true landslide, everyone is where they are supposed to be already under this silent coup that's taking place right now

    thaksin and all his mates will be back and rich(er) in six months.

    the people will not.

    the red menace will be disbanded and disheartened through lack of funding from thaksin

    they will not be needed as Thaksin has got his own better equipped army to back him up and he does not want a conflict he can't win

    the reds will go back to picking rice, being treated like the mushrooms (kept in the dark and fed on shit) they are and left wondering what the hell happened ?

    a very major event occurs that shakes the foundations of Thailand

    someone involved closely in that very major event makes a new deal with the new order and Thaksin dynasty runs forever and ever and ever..........

    That's a very plausible outcome.

    Am I wrong or did the poll (not the headline) make the point that people had lost faith in politics? The article mentions both the government and the opposition. In that case the Thai electorate is following the situation in most western democracies where cynicism about politicians is rampant. Surely that shows that they are more than the mere unsophisticated ballot fodder that so many on here believe. As usual, however, this article is a rallying call for the self-appointed guardians of the nation to whom Thaksin is the equivalent of Genghis Khan. I have more respect for the thais than to believe that they are not aware of the "warts and all" of their leaders

  8. whybother

    You used the same argument to discredit a report in the unmentionable paper.....

    "It's interesting how it mentions the Democrats' use of ISOC - "Democrats reportedly exploited" and "It was reported that [the economic solution project] was actually aimed at convincing people... not to support the Pheu Thai Party"

    Different argument.

    Where was it ''reported"? Certainly, you can't take a "source" as fact, but ''reported" is taking it one step further than the "source".

    I disagree. As long as it remains unclear who made the "report" it is no more credible than an anonymous source (except perhaps to those whose views it lends support).

  9. Unidentified sources. Anonymous sources, etc. are so easy to "quote and/or fabricate".

    A serious newspaper will substantiate a claim with factual data.


    You should tell that to Bob Woodard and Carl Bernstein at the Washington Post.


    You used the same argument to discredit a report in the unmentionable paper.....

    "It's interesting how it mentions the Democrats' use of ISOC - "Democrats reportedly exploited" and "It was reported that [the economic solution project] was actually aimed at convincing people... not to support the Pheu Thai Party"

  10. It reads as " I have met the Almighty already so all my sins are forgiven" ,however in my country this would read as collaborating with a much wanted fugitive criminal and would probably land me in jail instead of a position in governing the country.

    What kind of repressive regime did you flee? Speaking to a fugitive in another country would have landed you in jail...really?

    I think most Governments would frown on their citizens meeting with exiled wanted for terrorism criminals................which country are you from that says "its ok - go ahead"?

    So, you would not entertain the idea of any sort of meeting with or acknowledgement of a person accused of or convicted of terrorism in their home country?

    Most governments might disapprove but no western government has a law that makes speaking to a convicted fugitive an offence, unless it can be proven that this was for the purposes of furthering criminal acts. I was merely asking JVB where he believed that might happen

  11. "Even if ex-PM Thaksin Shinawatra was attending the match, I wouldn't go to Phnom Penh again because I have already met him last week and talked with him for 20 minutes," Kwanchai said.

    He said he and Udon Thani red shirts would meet Thaksin next month in Laos.

    It reads as " I have met the Almighty already so all my sins are forgiven" ,however in my country this would read as collaborating with a much wanted fugitive criminal and would probably land me in jail instead of a position in governing the country.

    What kind of repressive regime did you flee? Speaking to a fugitive in another country would have landed you in jail...really?

  12. How many people in germany (or any other western country) would have handed over money to help him?

    Chalk one up for the generousity of the Thai people.

    Everybody in europe knows that German people are not friendly and arrogant(this is a fact)and sure would not help him seeing him,

    and yes walk away and not even bother.

    What nonsense! Over a period of twenty years I visited Germany at least once a year and I never experienced anything but friendliness and hospitality.

  13. Seh Deng was killed by water melon soldiers or tomato cops, a right wing fascist got out of control after the raid on the hospital. Dangerous for the "Reds" and their international reputation. One of the conspiracy theories, plausibility very high.

    Plausibility miniscule to nil.

    The trajectory of the bullet that killed him points clearly to the upper floors of a building that was under complete control of the military forces, and not of an empty building that rogue soldiers could have accessed.

    There is an advantage in attending public hearings in which forensic evidence is presented by investigators to the public ...

    Wonder if the survivors reminisced over the good times with their fallen comrade when they reunited today.



    Any source for the photo Buchholz, or just trolling?

    A 2-year old irrevelant photograph on a serious subject? You are letting yourself down

  14. I guess it depends on what he means by "downpour", seems to qualify it by saying "no more rains".

    The Thai Meterological Department are predicting slightly above average rainfall in October for ALL areas of Thailand except the South, not to mention the October high tides which back up the flood waters in the Chao Phraya.

    As this almost "suprising" seasonal event happens every year it is surley time that Thailand seriously adresses the issue by better controlling forest removal for illicit developments, for cultivation and timber extraction etc. which lead to excessive run off and hence flooding.

    Good luck to all Bangkokinas, time to move upstairs.

    Not quite as simple as that.

    There is very little actual scientific data to support the link between deforestation and flooding outside small size river basins. In the absence of complete information, overgeneralizations or myths about links between land use activities and hydrological processes have emerged, such as 'deforestation causes flooding' regardless of basin size, or 'deforestation causes erosion', even where natural erosion rates are high. These generalisations, which cannot be verified, and in some cases have been disproved scientifically, are still frequently used as justifications for policy and programmes.

    Such myths may selectively single out particular causes from multiple ones in order to support institutional and political agendas, and may be a convenient basis for advice because their assumptions are unverifiable. This leads to misguided policies and remedial approaches, and often results in poor and minority populations in upland areas being made scapegoats, despite their relatively minor contributions to the problem.

    There is a growing weight of evidence that the management practice of upland forest appears to be more significant than its presence or not of flood mitigation. Forest management activities may actually increase floods. Additional, poorly planned drainage and road construction tend to increase stream density and soil compaction during logging.

    The actual frequency of flooding globally is little changed (with some local variation), but the impact in human terms is dramatically worsening. This is more a function of construction in inappropriate places due to lack of choice, control or knowledge (often a combination of all 3).

    You are obviously an expert, so provide some information to back up what you claim

  15. Increased skill levels / skill enhancement. Nice words but totally hollow.

    Government run 'skill enhancement' programs have been suggested / conducted many times before, all a total waste of money.

    - Too many government people creating rules (for the skill enhancement program), processes, procedures, multiple forms to be completed.

    - Large percentage of people who might benefit can't attend because they have to go to work.

    - Lack of focus in the programs, lack of quality content, lack of quality presenters / teachers.

    and the list goes on.

    And of course, the funds all used but with holes in the transparency of where the money went.

    In the meantime pt has no policy whatever to change the big picture so that a large percentage of all Thais gain a better quality of life through their own productivity.

    treading water at best.

    A very interesting rant but where is the evidence other than your own (possibly prejudiced opinion)?

  16. Hopefully this will make the burocrats sit up and take notice, as they are worse than their political masters when it comes to corruption, though I won't hold my breath.

    My sister-in-law is a schools area adminstrator with a big budget responsible for buildings and infrastructure repair and maintenance. While the schools under her control are shoddy and seemingly lacking in funds, she and her co-workers make at least three overseas study trips a year to expensive places such as Switzerland and Japan. In addition, there are these monthly seminars which have to take place in resorts such as Trat, Phuket, Hua Hin, Chiang Mai or wherever the fancy takes them.

    I won't even begin to mention the income-generating schemes they run using the free services of the students in the name of vocational training.

    Corrupt to the core.

    Apologies for the off topic but what does your screen name NCFC mean mate?

    Newport County Football Club? They play in the lower leagues of English football and it seems their sole trophy over 90 years was to win the Welsh Cup one year. They went bankrupt 23 years ago and were expelled from all senior football. Their shirt colour is Amber but it seems it will never change to Green. :D

    Perhaps Norwich City FC?

  17. Sticky tape

    According to the wife they call it Scottape here, probably due to the general expectation of getting away with murder scotfree. :ermm:

    No they don't, they call it Scotch Tape as do the Americans I believe because it is a registered name like Sellotape. "Scot free" has nothing to do with Scotland - it is an English term which originally meant free from royal tax. Scot is an archaic English term for tax. So your attempt at humour fails with pedantic pr*cks like me.

    However I do live in Phitsanulok and the wife's cousin is a rescue worker so I ask if he knows anything about it tomorrow.

    Apparently he had a lot of Buddhist amulets on his person when found - some valuable (local newspaper report)

    Someone asked about the attitude of local Thais - in Phitsanulok I am treated as I have always been. I am not a curiosity nor am I anything special. Most of the time people look at me as they did where I came from - if they recognise me, they will show that recognition; if they don't, they will pass on. Farangs are not as thick on the ground as in tourist areas nor as rare as in truly rural areas but they are not uncommon and are just treated as part of the environment with the occasional smile

  18. "He added that so far, the military has been able to control the resistance and stop rebels from launching largescale attacks. Prayuth added that more Army rangers, instead of regular troops, would be deployed in the deep South on a more contingent and flexible basis."

    50 were killed in July 2011, so much for control ... military is not a proper tool for providing peace .. giving justice to people is .. give the 3 restive Southern provinces autonomy, thai muslim are very moderate, there would be no Sharia law there.

    Why not give Issan autonomy and chuck in the Shinawatra clan to rule them... no loss to anyone... then ship all the muslims there.. then Nuke the place...Ahh peace at last..!

    I think that your solution shows how shallow and sad your thinking is and tells us a lot about you and your values

  19. I have to say that i read with incredulity something quoted by the new finance minister 'Thirachai Phuvanatnaranubala' where he stated that "the inflationary impact of the wage increase would not be severe as it was a one-off event"!!!!

    What is this ignorant prat talking about??? If this is the best they can serve up then "god help Thailand":o.

    How can the implementation of a wage increase be a one-off event? A windfall tax on the banks IS a one-off tax but a salary increase IS NOT - unless of course he awards it for the first month and withdraws it the next sending people's salaries back to what they were earning the month before.

    What a dumbo he must be to get something as basic and fundamental as this wrong!!! How is he going to ensure that inflation doesn't spiral out of control when he clearly doesn't know what he's doing?? Allied to this - nearly all of Yingluck's government's policies are inflationary and with bozo's like him in charge of the finances then it should be fun and games from here on Ha Ha Ha Ha!!!!

    I bet he was nominated by big brother as he has in all probabiity been planted there to hide or cover up some of his illegal and dodgy past activities - if this is anything to go by, then he might inadvertently end up doing the opposite B).

    Come on all you Pheu Thai sympathisers help your new finance minister out of this one if you can!!!! I somehow think that you will find it impossible!!

    If you look at it from the point of view that it is an increase in the minimum wage that is already in place then, using your argument, we should already be in an inflationary spiral. Minimum wages have been in existence in many countries for a number of years with no obvious correlation to spiralling inflation though the argument has often been used in opposition to them.

    The 300 baht minimum wage isn't in place so your argument doesn't hold water I'm afraid!!! When it is implemented it will impact on the inflation rate (will send it higher) and this drag will continue until something is put into place to bring ot down. Unfortunately, the interest rates are relatively high and cannot be allowed to rise too high otherwise it will stifle growth. The fact that all of their other policies will raise the inflation rate to higher than desirable levels then there is little wriggle room left to control it. Basically this spells doom for the government - especially with that twerp in control!!!

    Try to read the post that you are so vehemently opposing - a minimum wage is already in place wihout an inflationary spiral; introducing or increasing a minimum wage level has always been the harbinger of doom to some, but where is your evidence that it will result in an inflationary spiral?

    Sounds like Daily Mail economics to me

  20. Funnily enough, I live in Phitsanulok (mentioned as an area at risk) and there has been no flooding nor excessive rain. Indeed, stopping the wife from watering the garden on the premise that it is unnecessary is a major problem.

    However it is important to remember that the weather is always unpredictable everywhere and (whether due to man-made climate change or not), we are at its mercy.

    Planning for the less than worst scenario at least is always worthwhile, major inundations will not take place everywhere despite heavy rainfall.

  21. its not about the money, its about face

    in this instance the poor thais have their face rubbed in it.

    Hell it's 11 billion - the number of TVF members who are moving their money out and going elsewhere will be taking more than that out of the economy

    Perhaps you'd like to share your calculations re TVF members moving out will take more then 11 Billion Baht out of Thailand. Further do you have any real data that indicates large numbers are actually moving out?

    I wonder if you have an incorrect /overinflated picture of how much foreigners (living here) actually contribute to the Thai economy.

    Absolutely no factual basis for what I considered to be an amusing, facetious remark........sense of humour bypass has worked then?

  22. slapoutHe has already made his way to the Red TV broadcasting room and is continuing where he left off prior to going into the slammer. Sounds like he is on the campaign trail for a ministry position.

    If this is factual rather than hearsay it could prove to be Yinlucks first testing time regarding the Red Shirts and no doubt her brothers expectations of positions in the cabinet.

    Indeed there may well be the grand opening of a can of worms for Yingluck, the P.T.P. and sadly the Thai people in the not to distant future.

    OK I know that this is not going to be popular but has the time not come for all TVF members to accept that there has been a decisive victory for the PTP and that no amount of rhetoric will change that.? The wishes of the people of Thailand must be respected, irrespective of what you think may have been the voters' motivation and whether their choice was the right one. Let the new government make its own way, with whatever mistakes it makes but don't nitpick on such irrelevancies as Jatuporn's release from custody. In my opinion, he may be a popular figure amongst the redshirts but is a nobody in the realpolitik of the new government.

    I also wonder what terrorism charges have been brought against Jatuporn, has he been alleged to have bombed, shot or personally committed arson against the populace? Or is it the case that he incited such actions?

    Do not misunderstand me, I do not believe that he would be a useful member of any administration but he is an elected MP and that is the will of the people


  23. What was it i was reading on here the other day about the TAT wanting to get Thailand, in particular the tourist resorts, to conform with certain standards in order to get onto a recognised list of top tourist destinations in SE Asia. ?????????????

    Are they having a laugh.

    I have never been to Phuket and to be honest doubt that i ever shall while shit like this is so rampant. Shame really because it could be so good from what i can see of it in publications.

    The funniest thing is that the people who want it to be on that list of SE ASIAN destinations, aren't even making the scams and all the other shit that seems to be going on there a Priority. CALS OF WAKE UP THAILAND AE BEGINNING TO ECHO YET AGAIN.

    You have never been but are ready to condemn Phuket. I have been 3 times with no problems whatsover, so is your opinion worth more than mine?

  24. Ok, please enlighten us as to which convicted criminal was pardoned and endorsed as an MP in Britain, US, Australia, Canada or New Zealand?

    We're waiting!

    Why not? Why so many slamming Thailand over this? It's not like our home countries haven't allowed evil people to run things.

    As I pointed out before, Bobby Sands was convicted - not pardoned- but elected to the UK parliament

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