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Posts posted by pastitche

  1. for me less than 1 week for average low scum sex tourist they can make 4k last 4 months or lots more

    The OP has said nothing to indicate that he is your "average low scum sex tourist" and I expect that such a small amount of money would not last long if paying for sex were involved. I would guess that he is a young man who wants to experience SEA as an adventure.

    What he obviously is not is an 85-year-old expat who decided to start a new family at 70years old and now wishes to leave Thailand.

  2. Of course it isn't so why did you use it?


    You're really hung up about this, eh?

    I posted it because it's a nicely worded proverb that dovetailed very appropriately in replying to Insight's post.

    While you're thinking about that can you tell me why the Strait Times is a better news source than the Guardian?


    Who said it was?

    Apparently from your frequent use of it, you (well you did ask)
  3. Buchholz, does it never occur to you and your fellow-protagonists that anyone who does not subscribe to your views is not necesarily a "pro-Red"?

    I defy you, with your famous research capabilities to show that I have ever shown support for them. I expect an apology when you search fails.

    This was a perfectly valid discussion about the Thai economy being in a positive position. You deemed it appropriate to introduce rubber imports in an attempt to suggest that the government was in some way failing, Are you surprised that it received a negative response?

    It might interest you to know that I have a view of the Thai body politic that is not about the existence of Thaksin as a dictator with a dynasty to follow; I completely accept his undesirability as an influence. However I believe that what he has done is unwittingly create a force for change that will be unstoppable in the modern world where everything is on view internationally.

    In such a situation, military coups are unacceptable if Thailand is not to be seen as a latterday Myanmar.

    Yo have said yourself that the Redshirt movement is less admiring of Thaksin. I agree but in my opinion the movement itself iis not likely to dissipate from lack of his largesse but will remain in Thai politics with an electoral potential which will scare any opponents.

    Maybe democracy in Thailand is possible.

  4. Thailand to import rubber

    Thailand, the world's biggest rubber producer and exporter, will import rubber for the first time to meet deliveries at a time when domestic supply is tight because of the impact of unseasonal rains, The Thai Rubber Association said on Monday.

    Prapas Uernontat, the president of the association, did not specify the exact amount of rubber that Thailand would import, but said it would be equivalent to the current Japan rubber stocks of around 15,000 tonnes.



    BANGKOK, May 21, 2012 (Reuters)

    Doesn't this article say that the reason for the shortage is flooding in South Thailand and suggest that the rubber harvest is merely behind schedule? The trees have not died, so the harvest has not been lost.

    Thailand to import rubber

    Thailand, the world's biggest rubber producer and exporter, will import rubber for the first time to meet deliveries at a time when domestic supply is tight because of the impact of unseasonal rains, The Thai Rubber Association said on Monday.

    Prapas Uernontat, the president of the association, did not specify the exact amount of rubber that Thailand would import, but said it would be equivalent to the current Japan rubber stocks of around 15,000 tonnes.



    BANGKOK, May 21, 2012 (Reuters)

  5. That said, It's also probably a good idea to stay well the f*** away from Ratchaprasong or any other red shirt gathering tomorrow.

    Proverbs 22 >> New Living Translation

    A prudent person foresees danger and takes precautions.

    The simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences.


    I can't believe that you are trying to sell this biblical nonsense in an essentially political thread. Have you exposed your real motivation - to make Thailand a Creationist Christian country?

    I see no problems with quotes from a recognised source, even if it is a work of fiction. Such as

    "The truth. You can't handle the truth." A Few Good Men

    I can't see the relevance of your quote but of course I don't have a military background which I believe is the setting.
  6. That said, It's also probably a good idea to stay well the f*** away from Ratchaprasong or any other red shirt gathering tomorrow.

    Proverbs 22 >> New Living Translation

    A prudent person foresees danger and takes precautions.

    The simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences.

    I can't believe that you are trying to sell this biblical nonsense in an essentiallyolitical thread

    I can't believe that you can't see the worthiness of a well-worded proverb, irregardless of it's source.

    As an atheist, I don't have any difficulty with it.

    Not everyone is a Seventh Day Adventist trying to "sell" you something. wink.png

    Perhaps more than a few of the 150,000 no-shows at the rally agreed with the concept it expressed.


    We have something in common then - we are both atheists.

    Personally I would use regardless rather than the neologism "irregardless".

    However, if Phiphidon is to be criticised for use of external sources such as the Guardian then your use of a biblical source and other foreign news sources must be equally deserving of criticism.

  7. That said, It's also probably a good idea to stay well the f*** away from Ratchaprasong or any other red shirt gathering tomorrow.

    Proverbs 22 >> New Living Translation

    A prudent person foresees danger and takes precautions.

    The simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences.


    I can't believe that you are trying to sell this biblical nonsense in an essentially political thread. Have you exposed your real motivation - to make Thailand a Creationist Christian country?
  8. Let's not lose sight of the fact that it's not a beauty contest like Miss UK or Miss Thailand where a katoey would not be allowed to enter. It's a contest to find a model to show off women's clothes: in effect we are talking about an animated mannequin. If he/she can do the catwalk thing convincingly enough to satisfy buyers that the clothes on display will sell, then that is the only qualification needed.

  9. Terminate the cat with extreme predjudice and when our shop cat has its litter I will send you 2 or 3 more by Thai post. EMS is too expensive.

    I can't do that - as I explained before he is living with us (when he comes home) as atonement for my wife's killing of his siblings. Only judicial killing would avoid the bad karma she anticipated for that.

    It's very sad that he should be such a degenerate when he is the progeny of such an aristocratic mother even though she had the morals of a whore and no doubt his father was as alluring to females as he is. His sister is a completely different character and obviously had a different father because she has a completely different build and colouring from him and her mother. She is smaller, elegant and displays her breeding in her graceful carriage while disdainfully walking past the lower class of humans with whom she shares a house. She exudes an air of mystery and unattainable sexual promise, decidedly unattainable since I had her neutered. She does, however, have one vice - she loves to kill things just like the UK's royals reflecting her aristocratic heritage.

  10. Felines are simply selfish unfeeling parasites, naturally feral.

    Spilling HP sauce deserves transportation to the Isle of Man.

    Off with its tail.......... !!!!!!

    I would agree with you if you were not from NZ, a country where the only native population was avian and lived in an ecosystem unique on this earth until the arrival of the Maori with their mammalian food animals, rats and pigs. Cats came later with the European invasion,along with dogs, deer, horses, sheep etc. What was the greatest depredator of the Kiwi? Boot polish or the dog?

    Congratulations on your World Cup Win; being a Scot I am happy that a southern hemisphere country triumphed ( mind you the referee....).

    Anyway the little Shit is out on the tiles again. Cataoke bars seem to be rainproof

  11. "Chow Hok Kuen" A classic British name if ever I heard one...! Was it really necessary to have Brit in the headline?

    Oh I don't know,Taksin Shinawatra is apparently a very common Montenegrin name??

    That's amazing.... because it's also apparently a classic Nicaraguan name as well as an apparently commonly-encountered Ugandan name.


    I have just read the whole thread and in spite of its straying into British citizenship/ethnicity it appears that your attempt to deflect it with an obvious untruth into another Thaksin attack didn't work. Maybe next time your apparent trolling will work
  12. The feline felon has had a reprieve; I approached the local police and explained that he had in effect profaned the highest institution in my country and should be sent there for trial and punishment. Their response was very disappointing.

    They claimed that since the crime was committed on Thai soil which I did not own and that he was a Thai citizen by both birth and parentage, extradition would be unlikely to be successful. They also said that the UK still had extant laws in which the death penalty could be imposed for treason. I believe this to be incorrect but could not persuade them to contact the UK Embassy.

    When I pointed out that he even dared to sleep under the "Buddha Table" they mocked me and said that as long as he was not higher than the Buddha, it was acceptable. Do these people have so little respect for the tenets of their beliefs?

    In a final attempt to break this creature's continual anti-social behaviour I asked that he be placed under an ASBO and electronically tagged; again they pointed out that he was a Thai national and therefore had immunity from prosecution for offences against a farang.

    So now he is free to continue with his deviant lifestyle, appear home to be fed then disappear to cataoke bars and associate with promiscuous pussies and return to lie around unsconscious after a 36-hour spree of dissolute depravity.

    I can understand why he is a popuar figure with his many female "friends". He is young, slim, very well-muscled with hypnotic eyes, and to be fair to him his presence has stopped other cats shitting in the garden.

    • Like 1
  13. Buy a gun and go shoot some ducks instead. Cats are pleasant creatures while ducks are completely unfeeling and, if I may say so, a tad thick. One more dead one won't make any difference.

    Plus you get a tasty supper as well.

    Its the win win solution!

    I believe you are right.
  14. It's ridiculous, like a pack of rabid dogs trying to bring Yingluck down.

    The consequences of Yingluck losing power, such as she has, could be disastrous. Get off her case about stupid things like English fluency.

    There are far more important things at stake here.

    I agree people should get off her case with regards to her English. They should be focussing on the more important things like her continued absence from parliament, her refusals to debate anything, the mishandling of the tablet procurement and its laughable implementation, the constant mixed messages and backtracking during the floods, the rising costs of goods (no they're not, yes they are, no they're not etc.) comical cabinet reshuffles where people with little to no experience are given positions in the highest office in the land, the continued influence of Brother Number One which she denies and finally the fact that she employs Chalerm. These are the things that should be debated, but then you'll never get a proper answer on any of this, just a smile, silence or some cryptic bullshit.

    So you have defined the problems with the present government and PM and you have the support of the majority of posters. However, given that PTP and Yingluck are in power on a legitimate mandate, how do you see a way to resolve your dissatisfaction?

    It is rare on here that anything is said that might be realistically constructive in improving Thailand; venting frustration is pointless without an alternative and it appears that no credible alternative to PTP currently exists.

  15. It woudn't necessarily have to be any political party involved at all, as noted by bendejo, the Shinawatra family and the Red Shirts are less than popular in the South. Considering the fact that this is widespread knowledge, the motives of the red shirts in the South do seem questionable.

    The South is not the only place, they aren't welcomed.

    In the heart of Issan...

    KHON KAEN – In Non Reuang, an unassuming Northeastern village located just 15 kilometers north of Khon Kaen city, fallow rice fields line pothole-ridden roads made dusty with windswept topsoil. Here, most residents are looking to have those roads repaved. Others are interested in having the local elementary school’s bathrooms renovated. These are the daily concerns of a small provincial town in which everyone knows everyone else.

    But on December 23, Non Reuang made headlines when a group of concerned citizens successfully torpedoed plans to establish the community as a Red Village, just one day before its proposed inauguration ceremony. A village-wide vote saw 160 votes cast against the Red Village’s establishment and, as a result of a Red Shirt boycott, none cast in support.

    The Red Village movement, conceived in the run up to last year’s July 3 election, has seen hundreds of villages throughout the Northeast name themselves “Red Villages for Democracy” in an attempt to demonstrate organizational power and scale. But in places like Non Reuang, the movement has strained community relations and deepened political divides.


    A bit of a disappointing reference; classics graduates who couldn't find teaching jobs in the US came to Thailand, presumably to teach English and set up a website reporting on life in Isaan based on interviews carried out via an interpreter. With no professional journalistic experience or training, in a country with a completely different political system and political culture from their homeland, I don't think that their insights are of any particular worth
  16. Wow! Factions within political parties, how unusual. Now how can this be turned into another diatribe against the government? I know - maybe it's Yingluck's lack of awareness of what is happening around her; or it's the 111 developing their power base. Maybe it's an attempt to neutralise the Red Shirts or Thaksin's run out of money. Jingthing, where are you? We need a poll....

  17. Perhaps you meant to say a patriotic Thai who served his country and loved his king ???

    Being a country boy, I have a wider understanding of the words 'service' and 'served'. So I do agree that leading a pack of mercenaries in attacks against fellow soldiers and the legitimate government of the day is 'serving' your country. I would rate his patriotism on a par with Quisling or JW Lindh.

    Thaksin thinks of himself more as an Emperor I'm told.

    Who told you that?
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