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Posts posted by pastitche

  1. Since when do you make up the posting guidelines ?...and its nought

    No it isn't necessarily - I almost said no it's not but that would have confused things even more. Naught and nought both mean the same thing ie nothing but nought is usually used for zero..... I think that's right, maybe....or maybe NOT
  2. Being 'English' does have it's advantages in international competitions, if England gets thrown out, you suddenly become British and support the Scots or the Welsh.

    Normally tje Scots and Welsh are not there anyway

    so you're not a Rugby fan in that case.

    Never been to Rugby but that's where Bonnie Prince Charlie's army decided to go home. What might history have been if they had continued to panicking London or even Twickenham?
  3. ...


    I had a job which included duties as a bookie's runner. I had to buy the paper for the fixture list and results; I got the Telegraph, which had the best coverage, but the chaps were a bit baffled by it.

    I've never gone to the dogs except figuratively, but I enjoy a trip to Shatin. I'm thinking of going in a couple of weeks after the HK - Korea game.


    I'm sure you're all interested to know that in the first round, the televised game is HK v UAE this coming Friday night.


    I used to buy the Telegraph for the crossword; it was harder than The Times. I expect that might be what baffled them.

    Will the game be on True?

    I liked the Telegraph crossword as well, though it was too cryptic for me, and left me for dead.

    The first thing that baffled them was trying to find the racing pages...

    The game will be on Star Sports or ESPN; I'm not familiar with the Thai TV packages.

    11 pm kick-off, Thai time.

    I went out into the desert to watch the last Arabian Gulf game (UAE took their place) against Korea. Gulf were clinging on (not you, Naam!) with a seven point margin, if my memory serves me well. Korea looked sure to score, but Gulf pushed them into the corner, and the missed conversion saw Korea relegated. They're back up now, obviously, at the expense of Sri Lanka, who lost out to the Philippines on the latter's meteoric (volcanic, even) rise to the top last weekend in Manila. On the same day (last weekend) Singapore's World Cup dream died when they were relegated to Division 2 - the first Top V team to sink so low.


    I only wanted to know about the telly. I'd never think of travelling thousands of kms to see a bunch of wee men trying to play a game invented for big fat guys or in the case of Ian "Mighty Mouse" McLauchlan wee fat guys.

    Rugby's never been the same since thae tight shirts came in, they all want to look fit now. What's next, M&S underwear modelling?

  4. That's actually a good question.

    Have you ever noticed that some Thais have a sort of extra tooth? The extra tooth (sometimes, extra TEETH) is located in the upper jaw, to the left or right of the front teeth.

    I spoke to a dentist about this. She worked at Kasetsart University and was kind enough to fix my teeth gratis.

    She explained that this extra tooth (or extra teeth) is a Mongolian trait. Her opinion was that this extra tooth WHEN SEEN IN THAILAND is an indication of Chinese ancestry. I guess she felt that Mongolians must have passed on this "tooth gene" to the Chinese, and the Chinese must have brought it with them to Thailand.

    This is (of course) not to say that all Thais with Chinese ancestry have that strange extra tooth, but it does suggest that those who do have it are of Chinese descent.

    You may wish to Google this. I personally don't have time right now as I'm off to join the water fights.

    I usually refuse to answer your nonsense but this is absolute drivel. How many teeth has your exotic lady got? Why did her super-rich parents not have that corrected during her ultra-privileged childhood?

    The Mongol conquest of China took place in the twelfth century, that's a long time ago. Even if there were a genetic tendency to extra teeth amongst the Mongols (and I find that improbable).during the sixty years which they spent invading and conquering, it seems unlikely that they bred enough numbers to leave a lasting genetic legacy in a population so large and covering such a massive geographical area. My little dog has an extra canine tooth; does that mean a Mongol raped a Shih-Tsu at some time in the past?

    Like you I did not google this peculiar idea - but in my case because I thought it absurd.

    Perhaps you watched the National Geographic (?) show on the genetic traces left by the Huns in Switzerland.

    Re-read my post, fool. Notice how I was quoting verbatim a Thai Dentist.

    But then again -- and let's be honest about this -- how could these little yellow people possibly know what they're talkin about?

    If you don't wish to Google this idea, fine. But you may wish to Google "racism". You may also wish to learn how to read properly.

    One more point. Are you honestly saying that you've never noticed how some Thais have an extra tooth/teeth? Do you actually live here in Thailand? Please don't tell me that you're just another odd-bod who posts on this forum from another country.

    It is very easy on an anonymous internet forum to call someone a fool - you would not do that face-to face even with your much-vaunted position in the elite of Thai society.

    It has no significance that you claim you were told this by a Thai dentist and are quoting verbatim. You have offered nothing to substantiate an idea that is at best unlikely.The racism you accuse me of harbouring against "little yellow people" is purely in your head.

    It may be a new concept to you but having fewer or more teeth than the recognised "full set" is not unusual even in places where the Mongols never reached.

    In the west it is usually corrected.

    Your allegation seems more racist than anything that you tried to attribute to me; you are suggesting racial characteristics in the Thai population which I do not believe exist here, in China or in Mongolia. Dental abnormalities have been with us since prehistory.

    The Mongols at their maximum fighting strength numbered about 75,000 warriors. They were nomadic herders and on campaign in China they were accompanied by their wives and families and their livestock. China, then as now had a population that was huge. How many of these Mongols do you think sired children and how many of those children would have inherited this dental abnormality? Given the size of the population of China in the 13th century how prevalent would that abnormality be within a population such as Thailand where many have no Chinese ancestry?

    For your final question - I do live in Thailand.

    • Like 2
  5. The mystery is how St. George ever became patron saint of England.

    He was probably a Moor and he certainly never set foot in England.

    He's also the patron saint of Greece, Malta and Georgia to name a few.

    it is a strange one, just as strange that St Patrick was an Englishman

    Unlikely since Britannia as it was known at that time by its Roman rulers had no Angles from which the name England came. He was Brythonic or maybe pictish.

    Anyway, as a Scot, I personally am happy that the English are now proud of their own flag and don't flaunt the union flag at football games. That used to piss me off.

    I have a similar reaction when England play Wales or Scotland in the 6 nations and are not given the courtesy of an English anthem; Furthermore I feel England should be given the opportunity to Morris Dance in responce to the All Blacks Hakasmile.png

    That I would love to see - Morris Dancing is sooooo gay
  6. Flying the union flag by English clubs was was OK in a way with me because I felt, however wrongly, that they they felt that British and English were synonyms and the entire island was English. It seems nowadays that they have grasped that they have a long, proud and separate history from before the Empire and I applaud that and also the fact that their club and national team supporters in all football codes have become aware of their national identity.

    What I do find sad is that are two teams in the west of Scotland one of which flies the union flag which disguises the fact that they are Scottish and one of which flaunts the flag of another country; we left a benighted place when we came here.

    I am delighted that English Cricket team ( which has had Welsh, Scots and Irish in it, not to mention the South Africans ) come out with "Jerusalem" before the start of play, it is the English National Anthem ( King GV thought it better than God save the King/Queen) So I await the football team to follow suit. I think it is right that all the nations have their own flag and their own Anthem.

    I too wish that you would find an anthem but not "Jerusalem" ; something with a more English title would surely be more appropriate. I will not be facetious and suggest "Blaydon Races" or "Ilkley Moor" but I am certain that there are many on here who might find something more appropriate. Wasn't there a vocal rendition of the Eastenders theme tune a long time ago?
  7. Oh Mr Nocturn! Really!!! You cynic!!!! You doubter!!!!!!!

    Give me some time and I'll PM you a couple of photos.

    You'll see immediately that my exotic girlfriend is Thai. You'll see too that she looks Indian / Arabic. The Chinese part (25%) won't be apparent in the photo/s.

    You'll probably notice her perfect nose. And when you see her hair, I doubt you'll be surprised to learn that she used to be a model for Schwarzkopf Hair Products.

    If the Chinese part was 37% would it be apparent?

    That's actually a good question.

    Have you ever noticed that some Thais have a sort of extra tooth? The extra tooth (sometimes, extra TEETH) is located in the upper jaw, to the left or right of the front teeth.

    I spoke to a dentist about this. She worked at Kasetsart University and was kind enough to fix my teeth gratis.

    She explained that this extra tooth (or extra teeth) is a Mongolian trait. Her opinion was that this extra tooth WHEN SEEN IN THAILAND is an indication of Chinese ancestry. I guess she felt that Mongolians must have passed on this "tooth gene" to the Chinese, and the Chinese must have brought it with them to Thailand.

    This is (of course) not to say that all Thais with Chinese ancestry have that strange extra tooth, but it does suggest that those who do have it are of Chinese descent.

    You may wish to Google this. I personally don't have time right now as I'm off to join the water fights.

    I usually refuse to answer your nonsense but this is absolute drivel. How many teeth has your exotic lady got? Why did her super-rich parents not have that corrected during her ultra-privileged childhood?

    The Mongol conquest of China took place in the twelfth century, that's a long time ago. Even if there were a genetic tendency to extra teeth amongst the Mongols (and I find that improbable).during the sixty years which they spent invading and conquering, it seems unlikely that they bred enough numbers to leave a lasting genetic legacy in a population so large and covering such a massive geographical area. My little dog has an extra canine tooth; does that mean a Mongol raped a Shih-Tsu at some time in the past?

    Like you I did not google this peculiar idea - but in my case because I thought it absurd.

    Perhaps you watched the National Geographic (?) show on the genetic traces left by the Huns in Switzerland.

  8. [

    Ah you innocent colonials, the working man's race is greyhounds and whippets

    Having at one time worked with working men, I can tell you that the working man's race is the sport of kings.


    Good God sir no!! They may spend their time and money betting on that aristocratic pursuit but rarely if ever attend. Whereas the dog track, particularly those with the appelation "flapper" are where the true sons of toil are seen at their emotional best, where the euphoria can dissipate in 30 seconds to be replaced by anguished depair and recrimination - "that c*nt must have pit a pie in her trap" or " they pit a loose hap oan her so she tripped".

    A most interesting social anthropology project is there but has never been pursued

    I had a job which included duties as a bookie's runner. I had to buy the paper for the fixture list and results; I got the Telegraph, which had the best coverage, but the chaps were a bit baffled by it.

    I've never gone to the dogs except figuratively, but I enjoy a trip to Shatin. I'm thinking of going in a couple of weeks after the HK - Korea game.


    I'm sure you're all interested to know that in the first round, the televised game is HK v UAE this coming Friday night.


    I used to buy the Telegraph for the crossword; it was harder than The Times. I expect that might be what baffled them.

    Will the game be on True?

  9. Flying the union flag by English clubs was was OK in a way with me because I felt, however wrongly, that they they felt that British and English were synonyms and the entire island was English. It seems nowadays that they have grasped that they have a long, proud and separate history from before the Empire and I applaud that and also the fact that their club and national team supporters in all football codes have become aware of their national identity.

    What I do find sad is that are two teams in the west of Scotland one of which flies the union flag which disguises the fact that they are Scottish and one of which flaunts the flag of another country; we left a benighted place when we came here.

  10. Yes, happy St Georges Day.

    It actually means little to me now that I reside in Thailand.

    I do have fond memories of some very good celebrations back in the UK - but, I don't consider such celebrations to be part of my life anymore.

    It seems you have been "Acculturated"

    Oh My Buddha !

    I sincerely hope not biggrin.png

    A true expat, many forget what the word expatriot actually means...

    Except it's expatriate, quite different but I agree
  11. The mystery is how St. George ever became patron saint of England.

    He was probably a Moor and he certainly never set foot in England.

    He's also the patron saint of Greece, Malta and Georgia to name a few.

    it is a strange one, just as strange that St Patrick was an Englishman

    Unlikely since Britannia as it was known at that time by its Roman rulers had no Angles from which the name England came. He was Brythonic or maybe pictish.

    Anyway, as a Scot, I personally am happy that the English are now proud of their own flag and don't flaunt the union flag at football games. That used to piss me off.

    • Like 2
  12. I don't go for that snotty rich kid crap;

    I prefer the workingman's race; Nascar

    Ah you innocent colonials, the working man's race is greyhounds and whippets

    Having at one time worked with working men, I can tell you that the working man's race is the sport of kings.


    Good God sir no!! They may spend their time and money betting on that aristocratic pursuit but rarely if ever attend. Whereas the dog track, particularly those with the appelation "flapper" are where the true sons of toil are seen at their emotional best, where the euphoria can dissipate in 30 seconds to be replaced by anguished depair and recrimination - "that c*nt must have pit a pie in her trap" or " they pit a loose hap oan her so she tripped".

    A most interesting social anthropology project is there but has never been pursued

  13. I don't go for that snotty rich kid crap;

    I prefer the workingman's race; Nascar

    Ah you innocent colonials, the working man's race is greyhounds and whippets

    Having at one time worked with working men, I can tell you that the working man's race is the sport of kings.


    Good God sir no!! They may spend their time and money betting on that aristocratic pursuit but rarely if ever attend. Whereas the dog track, particularly those with the appelation "flapper" are where the true sons of toil are seen at their emotional best, where the euphoria can dissipate in 30 seconds to be replaced by anguished depair and recrimination - "that c*nt must have pit a pie in her trap" or " they pit a loose hap oan her so she tripped".

    A most interesting social anthropology project is there but has never been pursued

  14. Like rubl stated correctly:

    "Mind you if it's a 'smear campaign' I would have expected legal advisor k. Noppadon, or some cabinet ministers, or some Pheu Thai MP's or the like to have filed a defamation case against some Democrats already".

    Or maybe they forgot.. Like they forget many things when they are spending time serving the pay-master.

    I'm sure rubl is good at his job but I don't think that includes being able to read minds. That includes Jaturporn and Noppadons.

    It's not just Abhisit, another one of his party MPs insists that there was a photograph of Thaksin embracing one of the Insurgent leaders on its web page - this has not been produced.

    Lets face it the democrats were trying to use the Yala bomb and the others to discredit Thaksin and the government by somehow trying to link him to private talks with the insurgents that had gone wrong and resulted in the bomb.

    Yes, the democrat party and its leader are capable of dirty politics.

    I believe most of the thai politicians are capable of dirty politics but (became a multi USD billionaire when in office) Thaksin is 1 of the best at it. But Thaksin could have been much better at dirty politics if he wouldn't have made (and is still making) the assupmtion that everybody is stupid and has an IQ and memory of a donut.

    There appears to be no real evidence that Thaksin met with the southern insurgents and no evidence of why the bombings took place when they did, other than the usual TVF fantasising.

    Talking of fantasising - you claim that Thaksin is a USD multi Billionaire. Where did you get that? Not from Buchholz's signature I trust

  15. They will cull the best looking inmate newly released from jail to run in her place why continue to be cagey about thief just put it in the voters face.

    Thief, why stop there, how about an MP accused of premeditated murder, I mean surely the democrats would want to wash their hands of this man............


    What, oh sorry, he's still a democrat MP, under immunity, still not answering police questions.

    He should be stripped of immunity, be removed from the dem party and a fresh by election held to replace him, for which he pays the costs. If he is found innocent the cost will be reimbursed. Because lets be honest if you have to hid behind 'immunity laws' it speaks volumes about how you as a person perceive your own guilt or culpability

    I have to disagree with your suggestion. There is no reason any MP should have to give up his seat because he faces unproved accusations, and this is the reason the immunity system exists. Of course it is open to abuse, such as the nomination of accused candidates to help them avoid prosecution.

    A better system is "pairing" where when an accused MP is absent from parliament, another member of the opposite party is not allowed to vote until the charges are heard and guilt decided. Not a hard system to implement, but not likely while THIS government has a substantial portion of their party list profiting from their immunity.

    There is no pairing system that would cover an absence for an MP on a murder charge; parliamentary immunity in Thailand is farcical - in other countries it means immunity for what is said in the House, not for criminal acts outside.
  16. When it comes to Bangkok, I only got there when I have to and I don't like to stay for more than a week, noisy, polluted and crowded, the up side it has shopping and prices that is better than places outside of Bangkok. I don't think Bangkok is truly representative of Thailand, but is rather the main entry point into Thailand for tourists and the transit point on to other destinations inside Thailand and internationally. I think that the majority of Thailand is still an aggrarian society, whereas Bangkok is more cosmopolitan, so by saying they are separate would not be completely incorrect, Bangkok is reliant on the remainder of the country for logistical support, and the remainder is reliant on Bangkok for administration, but otherwise they could be considered separate.

    I disagree. Bangkok provides a huge level of income opportunities for the seasonal workers from Issan. Many migrate to Bangkok for work during the dry season looking for work which provides a large sub economy and shift of financial aid to the North East that is totally reliant on this income. Without Bangkok the north east would be in dire trouble. This is far more than mere administration.

    And where would Bangkok (or any other capital city) be without the workers from the provinces?
  17. I really liked Dubai. There was a buzz about the place - different buzzes, depending on where you stood, not to mention the air-conditioned bus stops.

    Its easy to condemn places we don't like, and criticise them, but it might be more appropriate to avoid being judgemental, and understand what the place was like, swapping objective or complimentary terms for prejorative terms like "concrete jungle". You might call it 'developed', or 'modern', or 'modernist', or 'Corbussien'; 'metropolitan' or 'cosmopolitan'. 'Bustling'. Whatever.

    I'd far rather live in Bangkok than in the boondocks with the inbreds.


    You mean Wishaw?
  18. I don't go for that snotty rich kid crap;

    I prefer the workingman's race; Nascar

    Ah you innocent colonials, the working man's race is greyhounds and whippets
  19. only on TV would the discussion lead back to the center of all farang thought.

    ? You need to get out more.

    When the topic's shopping centres, there's not much to talk about bar shopping centres. Some of us prefer the high street, there's a few chaps here like to pop down to the village mom&pop store, and I imagine some guys will try to be self-sufficient and grow their own...

    Many years ago, one of my favourites was the golf club, a little cafe bar with a two-hole putting green at the bottom of the South Seas Centre. It was scarcely the Miramar, with its 'beer buffet' home brew beer garden in the atrium, but it was more convenient for the office.

    I suppose one of the things I try to do, best I can, is make some semblance of relevance to the OP, though its all too easy to get led into a side track. Whilst we're talking balls, I bought the bairns their rugby ball in Dubai - it was a lot easier to get, in one of the mainstream shopping centres there than in Bangkok.

    Anyway, 99, what was your point?

    I get the impression that, like me (of course) you are not a sad lonely aging whoremonger, and yet you never seem to offer anything constructive to lighten their lives. Perhaps your life also needs brightening a little. Have you tried whoremongering?


    only on TV would the discussion lead back to the center of all farang thought.

    ? You need to get out more.

    When the topic's shopping centres, there's not much to talk about bar shopping centres. Some of us prefer the high street, there's a few chaps here like to pop down to the village mom&pop store, and I imagine some guys will try to be self-sufficient and grow their own...

    Many years ago, one of my favourites was the golf club, a little cafe bar with a two-hole putting green at the bottom of the South Seas Centre. It was scarcely the Miramar, with its 'beer buffet' home brew beer garden in the atrium, but it was more convenient for the office.

    I suppose one of the things I try to do, best I can, is make some semblance of relevance to the OP, though its all too easy to get led into a side track. Whilst we're talking balls, I bought the bairns their rugby ball in Dubai - it was a lot easier to get, in one of the mainstream shopping centres there than in Bangkok.

    Anyway, 99, what was your point?

    I get the impression that, like me (of course) you are not a sad lonely aging whoremonger, and yet you never seem to offer anything constructive to lighten their lives. Perhaps your life also needs brightening a little. Have you tried whoremongering?


    I personally find the idea of men in shopping centres a strange idea and don't really consider Tesco or Big C to be anything more than supermarkets with mobile phone outlets.

    To be fair however I prefer our local Big C which does have a number of boutiques as well as a fingernail shop and a tattooist. More importantly, in the food court, it also sells jugs of beer between the forbidden hours of 2pm - 5pm unlike Tesco. I keep telling my royal princess (one up from a HiSo Chinese Thai) that she really needs a complex but tasteful tattoo but she refuses on the basis that 4 hours on the piss is too much for an afternoon. Best I have managed so far is the fingernail job and the 2-hour massage that they also have.

  20. I'm amazed that this thread has mainly focused on baked beans, something so readily available in supermarkets. Don't you guys miss anything else? If I were an Australian I would long for things Australian like Moreton Bay bugs, WA crayfish, barramundi and if I were from Adelaide perhaps a pie floater; and your country has the best lamb in the world.....

    hmpf....goes to show how much you know.

    Moreton bay bugs are here...just different name and about 5/700 per kilo from memory.

    Crayfish is over rated....the bugs are much tastier than any crayfish or lobster.

    Barramundi is available in plentiful supply...we have it regularly.

    We have a freezer currently stocked with lamb chops and 2 legs....easily available and if you know where to shop...priced right too.

    Pies available from 2 suppliers I know of and one sells a tub of mushy peas if that takes your fancy.

    Vegemite a plenty.

    I dont know how much you know...so why would you be insulted by it ??

    Have a look at what you said or are you suggesting that "hmpf... goes to show how much you know" is not meant to be offensive? I am sure that you are not that silly.
  21. ^ and a prime example of why i dont have a TV biggrin.png

    You don't have a tv but you have a computer? You miss out on all the things that make life worthwhile like.....wait while I have a think

    Use my computer for many things. 3d/2d graphics. Video editing. Writing. Information. Study. Research. Banking. Booking. Connections with friends and family. List goes on and on. Love it. With TV you usually plonk yourself in front of it and watch. Of course, life isnt my computer either though. I have an active life outside. But really love what a computer can offer.

    I'm still trying to think of all the things that tv makes worthwhile .......whistling.gifblink.png
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