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Posts posted by pastitche

  1. As said above, if you dont vent them to the outside they just blow cold out the front and hot out the back !

    If you put the pipe through a window etc it kind of defeats the whole object.

    If its a smaller room, you want to knock a hole through the wall for the pipe then might be Ok, but then you lose the mobility of the unit which again kind of defeats the purpose.

    Basically, Crap ! thumbsup.gif (imho)

    We have one in the smallest bedroom vented through a window pane. Works fine but as you say that means its not mobile.
  2. Haven't read his article but it's still nonsense and I think the idea of whiteness is absurd; my wife is now starting to mention my colouring becoming darker. I don't go in direct sunlight much except sometimes to water the garden and I am genetically a pale-skinned Celt. She doesn't believe I prefer the colour of a normal Thai

  3. put 100 baht in the envelope for helping with the costs of the funeral/wedding and make sure you drink 3 bottles of lao kow to make a profit on the day.

    play hi lo with the other mia farangs losing 5000 baht over the course of a 12 hour period, but tell your husband you went to help prepare the body.

    build the biggest house in the village, because everyone will forget you were a hooker.

    You were a hooker?
    • Like 1
  4. Which two members would you like to introduce to each other?

    I would like to arrange a meeting between theblether and mediumpacedbowler

    Well you know I would show up, and he would make some kind of excuse like having to go out walk his dog whistling.gif

    Would be nice to see if the wife of a certain person really was as exotic as we keeping being told and having it pushed on uswink.png

    He wouldn't bring her - he'd rent a katoey with a moustache. She's part Portuguese after all. Or have I got the wrong fantasist?
    • Like 1
  5. After glancing through your first few paragraphs of waffle I came across one line of relevance which both surprised and amused me. It was this line they are prostitutes and have chosen that occupation, without coercion in many cases. Many cases? Not all? Which after dissecting the rest of your irrelevant drivel is exactly what (and all) I was saying all along. You have been going off on so many tangents trying to hold it together I doubt you even know what you are arguing about.


    ]Why was "obtuse" really classy, did you have to look it up? Stop behaving like the precocious young man - we both know that you are not.

    I cannot see why you think you have put me in my place since you never answer the key question of why you think that inter-generational relationships are in some way "dirty", a word that you have failed to define.

    Do you really think that the prostitutes in tourist areas of Thailand are comparable to the drug-addled whores of some European cities who have no other option? Or the underage girls who are trafficked into prostitution and kept in locked rooms?

    As I have implied repeatedly, you know little about human society and the many variants that exist therein and how they might have developed; I would suggest that you start with Plato's Republic and his thoughts on marriage but I don't believe you will because of your inbuilt reluctance to stay with the argument.

    I suggest that the successful development of the Modern Human has encompassed many differing moralities and, unless you are some kind of intelligent but non-intellectual religiionist you should realise that yours is not the only truth..

    Try to answer relevant points rather than use arrogance as your defence in your posts.

    But that's not really cool, is it? And you're the wannabe smart guy.

  6. As a contrast to the completely anti-police rhetoric I'd like to tell you about a recent event in my experience.

    We were caught by a speed camera doing 128kph in a 90 kph area (Mrs P was as usual driving). Postal notice of a Thb400 fine was duly delivered with incriminating photograph of the number plate so no argument.

    When she went pay the fine she was asked where we lived and gave the town whose amphoe is ours. He then reduced the fine by Thb200 to cover fuel used to get to the station and then realised we live about 1km from the Highway Police station.

    He accepted this with good grace and even told us that we would be OK doing 120kph but no more in the 90kph area.

    They are not all bent or scammers - outside of BKK, Pattaya, Phuket and similar areas from which these complaints come regularly. In towns and cities elsewhere they live in the same communities as the rest of us

  7. I don't know why anyone would doubt this story. The BIB have been running this scam for as long as Farang have been here.

    The same thing happened to me a couple of days ago.

    I often get stopped by the police because of my dreadlocks and (I guess) because I'm half-Jamaican.

    Anyway, this time they planted 12kg of cocaine in my Bob Marley rucksack and demanded a fee of 12 million baht.

    I was gonna pay, but then I remembered that my exotic pan-Asian girlfriend's father is a politican. So I called him and luckily he got me off without having to pay.

    But yeah -- the local police!!!! All rotten!!!! All corrupt!!!!!!!!

    And yeah -- all Thai women are whores!!!!!!!!!!! And all Thais stink!!!!!!!!!

    And the only place you get to hear any sense -- and I mean REAL sense -- is here on ThaiVisa.

    Peace, brothers. I'm off to listen to some Stones and Led Zep and Lou Reed and King Crimson.

    Try to get your musical references closer to what your pot (sorry) post suggests
  8. "What appalls me is that this investigation is said to be handled by the military which obviously cover up the unfortunate incident to protect its own"

    Let me pose this question, has the US military handed over the Sgt who shot up all the Afgan civilians a while ago for trial by Afgan authorities ? US military personnel raping a South korean girl, a few years ago ?....was he handed over to South Korean authorities for trial ?

    You see were I am going with this.....What Thai army is doing in this case is not unusual worldwide and is the accepted norm

    Well that isn't a suitable example. A country that conquers other countries and doing retaliation on civilians with drones can't be an example. In compare to them the Thai army is innocent like a new born baby.

    Talking about new born babies is not a good idea in relation to US military personnel. I know of many cases in the UK where, having impregnated a British woman, US personnel were immediately repatriated to avoid any action for child support.

    Off topic but military are frequently protected and this seems to be particularly true with US personnel.

  9. Kananga

    You might gain more credibility with me had you not edited my post to find an out of context phrase to which you could make a smartass reply. That is against forum rules, although perhaps not for those with an assumed persona of the precociously clever young iconoclast.

    What I said was:-

    When I was at school, the phrase "dirty old man" had connotations much more serious (ie a taste for prepubescent girls) rather than men who find young women attractive.

    If that definition has now changed, perhaps, as you suggest, I need to go back to school because I do frequently find myself looking at women significantly younger than I am and thinking that they are attractive. Does that fact mean, since I am over 50, I qualify for your definition despite doing nothing more than registering a natural reaction in my brain?

    Please comment on this and say that I am a harmless dirty old man and be prepared for an analysis of how our human brains respond to external stimuli and whether reaction to attractiveness in the opposite sex is unwholesome, unnatural or "dirty".

    My apologies, it was not my intention to take your comment out of context, and exactly the same answer I provided previously applies here too. However I sadly do have to accuse you of taking what I wrote out of context. Nowhere did I call you a harmless dirty old man. You just made that up to try and give your argument some sort of basis in reality. You're not really one to talk about credibility I'm afraid old chap.

    OK You called me a harmless old man with dirty thoughts and I paraphrased that as a harmless dirty old man. There may be a nuanced difference there but I cannot see it - perhaps my advanced age has resulted in a loss of cognitive ability.

    However I hate to prick your bubble but it is possible to look at feminine beauty without "dirty thoughts", if your definition of dirty is lustful. If that is your reaction to an attractive young woman it might say a lot about your psyche but it is not a common reaction; believe it or not before I became old I was young and so I have more awareness in this area than a purportedly young man.

    You need to learn that, in order to be the enfant terrible, of TV there has to be more to your thought process than tossing around ill-formed generalisations and insults. I suggest that you research a little basic psychology....

    The key difference here is someone who has thoughts and someone who acts those thoughts out are two very different things. If one thinks of murdering someone they are not an old murderer. And that my (very) amateur psychologist is the difference between a harmless old man who has dirty thoughts and a dirty old man (who acts them out). With regard to whether the thoughts you have of what you would like to do to young women are dirty or not is merely a difference in a moral standpoint.

    Oh look, my bubble is still intact.

    You are either obtuse or a fool; not everyone who looks at an attractive woman has thoughts of "what you would like to do to them". Since, in my case that does not involve anything that even a puritan such as you purport to be could object to, it appears that that you are assigning responses to me that are your own. When this "(very)amateur psychologist" studied that subject at university it was called transference.

    Without setting eyes on you, I believe that you have created a cyber persona for yourself where you would like to be a seen as a figure of controversy and challenge to the established order; normally that is done with radical challenges to the status quo, in order to create acceptance of previously-held taboos. In your case it is the absurd position that men after a certain age (50 apparently) should retire into some haven devoted to celibacy because otherwise they corrupt society by being interested in the young women around them.

    Hardly in the same league as Plato, Aquinas, Voltaire, Hume, Kant or Sartre or the earth-changing Marx and Engels but maybe on a par with the early Ben Elton and Alexei Sayle

    Perhaps you need to research some social anthropology as well as psychology

    I have at no time referenced our disagreement to Thailand, so I am not talking about sex tourism. Young prostitutes with older men may be distasteful to you but is irrelevant - they are prostitutes and have chosen that occupation, without coercion in many cases.

    Enjoy your cyberworld an alternative reality may suit you best

    • Like 1
  10. Kananga

    You might gain more credibility with me had you not edited my post to find an out of context phrase to which you could make a smartass reply. That is against forum rules, although perhaps not for those with an assumed persona of the precociously clever young iconoclast.

    What I said was:-

    When I was at school, the phrase "dirty old man" had connotations much more serious (ie a taste for prepubescent girls) rather than men who find young women attractive.

    If that definition has now changed, perhaps, as you suggest, I need to go back to school because I do frequently find myself looking at women significantly younger than I am and thinking that they are attractive. Does that fact mean, since I am over 50, I qualify for your definition despite doing nothing more than registering a natural reaction in my brain?

    Please comment on this and say that I am a harmless dirty old man and be prepared for an analysis of how our human brains respond to external stimuli and whether reaction to attractiveness in the opposite sex is unwholesome, unnatural or "dirty".

    My apologies, it was not my intention to take your comment out of context, and exactly the same answer I provided previously applies here too. However I sadly do have to accuse you of taking what I wrote out of context. Nowhere did I call you a harmless dirty old man. You just made that up to try and give your argument some sort of basis in reality. You're not really one to talk about credibility I'm afraid old chap.

    OK You called me a harmless old man with dirty thoughts and I paraphrased that as a harmless dirty old man. There may be a nuanced difference there but I cannot see it - perhaps my advanced age has resulted in a loss of cognitive ability.

    However I hate to prick your bubble but it is possible to look at feminine beauty without "dirty thoughts", if your definition of dirty is lustful. If that is your reaction to an attractive young woman it might say a lot about your psyche but it is not a common reaction; believe it or not before I became old I was young and so I have more awareness in this area than a purportedly young man.

    You need to learn that, in order to be the enfant terrible, of TV there has to be more to your thought process than tossing around ill-formed generalisations and insults. I suggest that you research a little basic psychology....

  11. Kananga

    You might gain more credibility with me had you not edited my post to find an out of context phrase to which you could make a smartass reply. That is against forum rules, although perhaps not for those with an assumed persona of the precociously clever young iconoclast.

    What I said was:-

    When I was at school, the phrase "dirty old man" had connotations much more serious (ie a taste for prepubescent girls) rather than men who find young women attractive.

    If that definition has now changed, perhaps, as you suggest, I need to go back to school because I do frequently find myself looking at women significantly younger than I am and thinking that they are attractive. Does that fact mean, since I am over 50, I qualify for your definition despite doing nothing more than registering a natural reaction in my brain?

    Please comment on this and say that I am a harmless dirty old man and be prepared for an analysis of how our human brains respond to external stimuli and whether reaction to attractiveness in the opposite sex is unwholesome, unnatural or "dirty".

  12. Amusing that you think there is a cut off date when ALL men do indeed all become dirty. Not all old men do become dirty, but plenty do. If you need a lesson on what makes a man a dirty dog then you probably need to go back to school. As for old, anything over 50 is an old man.

    So you think a 51yo man with a 52yo woman is still a 'dirty old man'

    Are you putting an age limit on when a man can be seen in public with a woman of any age?

    For the love of god where is your brain today?

    So you think a 51yo man with a 52yo woman is still a 'dirty old man' - NO (although if he is dirty he's a dirty old man as he is old and dirty but not necessarily)

    Are you putting an age limit on when a man can be seen in public with a woman of any age? - NO

    I am saying that I classify men over 50 as old. I am saying that some men (of any age) are dirty. These dirty men who are over 50 are the dirty old men I am referring to. Has it sunk in now?

    Now, I am going into the back garden for a swim in my pool. If I take a while to reply to your next round of incorrect assumptions do not get upset if it is not immediate. I'll be back in a while.

    When I was at school, the phrase "dirty old man" had connotations much more serious (ie a taste for prepubescent girls) rather than men who find young women attractive.

    If that definition has now changed, perhaps, as you suggest, I need to go back to school because I do frequently find myself looking at women significantly younger than I am and thinking that they are attractive. Does that fact mean, since I am over 50, I qualify for your definition despite doing nothing more than registering a natural reaction in my brain?

  13. Amusing that you think there is a cut off date when ALL men do indeed all become dirty. Not all old men do become dirty, but plenty do. If you need a lesson on what makes a man a dirty dog then you probably need to go back to school. As for old, anything over 50 is an old man.

    So you think a 51yo man with a 52yo woman is still a 'dirty old man'

    Are you putting an age limit on when a man can be seen in public with a woman of any age?

    Let's hope they keep raising the age, just like the UK pension age. Otherwise, I'll have nothing to do but go home to the Halliwell Jones to watch the Wire

    Halliwell Jones - I thought that was a BMW dealership but of course it's more than that, isn't it?
  14. It will be interesting to see if England does a turn around.

    What has visiting the UK got to do with England?

    He's off to see an English soccer match. Last time I checked, and I may be wrong. Manchester is an English city.

    I realise Thaksin's avowed purpose just as I am sure that you were aware that I was pointing out to the resident oracle that England is not a sovereign country but part of the UNITED Kingdom of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland and it is the UK government that will make the decision .
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  15. Fence mending. Good, I guess, but hardly front-page news. With all due respect, Ms Yingluck looks like she plasters on too much whitening cream and powder, and she could benefit from a few minutes in the sun. She's whiter than the white door at Prem's house.

    With all do respect I would suggest they only take frontal pictures of her. Looks like a little dieting is in order from the side.

    With all due respect I would suggest that your comment is neither relevant nor on topic
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  16. Bending down as if to pick up something definitely backs them off, yeah.

    Another trick is simply to point at them as you run by, even pointing behind you after you go by. Running backwards and staring stops them a lot too. If they're really aggressive (not just angry and barking and chasing, but won't back down even when you stop and move toward them aggressively - this is really rare) then just try to kick the hell out of them in the face or hit them with a stick. Basically, hurt them as much as is reasonable. I run with a stick when I'm in a dog-infested area, or unknown territory, for that reason. Amazingly I've never had to actually hit a dog or kick one, though I've tried a few times. It's always, in years and years (even against packs of 20 in rural wats), been enough to get aggressive with them. I did have some pepper spray once and got a few in the eyes, that was a lot of fun. Little bastards go crazy rubbing their eyeballs into the ground (and don't learn a thing, right back there chasing you next time).

    On the bike, on the other hand, I pop them right in the nose with my cleat pretty regularly. Wish we were back home where I could just shoot them, but that's not an option here. Mai bpen rai, it's a manageable problem!

    And don't believe the "give them a treat" stuff that people say. That works occasionally, it's true, but most of the the time - especially when dealing with packs - it has no lasting effect. I've been doing this for years and I've tried all approaches. The major reason they're after you most of the time is that you're running or walk with a different gait. They notice that you're different (like how they can smell the homeless guy and notice he's staggering along extra slow). If you shuffle slowly by them like the neighborhood Thai folks do they often won't even notice you.

    Why so hostile? Don't you realise that they keep the ghosts away? Or so I have been told.
  17. ^

    There's different types of cancer and the main types in Thailand are lung and liver cancer both of which have more to do with smoking and alcohol intake then with food although eating raw fish is a contributor to liver cancer.

    Although there is sound evidence that smoking and alcohol contribute to cancer deaths as you say, my family's histoty shows that you can die of lung cancer as a non-smoker and of liver cancer as a complete teetotaller.

    If it were that easy to define causes, cancer would not exist; how about all the other cancers that kill people every year? For whatever reason cells in our bodies mutate and the mutation kills us - young men die of testicular cancer, women of varying ages die of ovarian cancer or breast cancer, without reasonable explanation or something to blame.

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  18. someone told me that moo yang (grilled pork for anyone who just arrived in thailand this morning ) is dipped in msg which when barbequed become very carcinogenic

    what is safe to eat then ? sad.png

    Finely ground glass. Its not very nutritious or tasty, though.


    With the appropriate sauces and a wife who doesn't want you to sit up all night watching rugby league and drinking beer, it can be tasty
  19. I'm not sure whether cockfighting is illegal, though it might be; up here in Phitsanulok it certainly takes place at our local farm/shop every Sunday. It seems to be a tradition associated with King Naresuan who is a demigod locally.

    Before I came here to live, my wife made a deal with Naresuan that if I did come to be with her she would have a cockfight at the ruins of his palace - and she did..... looked more like WFF wrestling than a genuine fight, I'm pleased to say.

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