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Posts posted by mamborobert

  1. Saltire...or satire?

    What do you mean?

    Heraldry a diagonal cross as a heraldic ordinary.

    The "wee" also helps...its not the wee after drinking wee wee at the Olde Bell, but the other one.

  2. Its not that impressive from what I have seen of it.

    Look at reviews of Tripadvisor and its a mixed bunch with a lot of "low" comments.

    Try that and Agoda and you can get photos as well.

    Mr Google is your friend

  3. I am thinking about buying (not renting) a condo unit more as a crash pad than anything else as eventually I can see myself moving to a house farther out from the city.

    I just like the idea of when in town being able to chill out some where mine, comfortable, familiar be it from a shopping expedition, visiting friends in town, or staying a few nights like Loy Kratong, New Years, markets, social gathering, or after a few beers (and just generally avoid parking/check points/driving hassles. My family from Oz could also use when they visit, likewise friends.

    I am not so much worried about the economics of it, or the buying verses renting argument, investment return, or good condo management issues. I am comfortable with all of this bit I am very interested in the opinion of others on some aspects (especially from those that may have such an arrangement as I have one friend in Chiang Dao who does).

    This being with the traffic/expansion in CM now and in forseeable future at what point does the distance between "home" and "condo" make such an arrangement worthwhile for them, or of no benefit at all.

    Did any poster intend such an arrangement and not have the utilisation that they thought they may have had simply because they just decided to go "home" after a few drinks/movie/shops/walking street/party/event in CM proper?

    Did there come a point where the condo was more "home" than the home, through age/convenience and the home on the outskirts became a less attractive option (realising that this depends on home and condo but thinking purely in terms of what can be done in city and ease/laziness/whatever of just staying there).

    I accept that this will depend on the individual (young kids, love of rural area, age etc) but still interested in what others in CM see as the tip over point distance wise more than anything for those that have such an arrangement or would consider same.

  4. Given the slander/libel/defamation laws in Thailand perhaps it was not prudent to post this.

    Likewise if you want a possible resolution (ie. money back) why not contact the BIB and make a formal complaint?

    Then if they get a result I am sure it will be factually reported as news somewhere.

  5. I'm a motorcycle rider. I would never consider riding without a helmet.

    That said, I do NOT believe in enforced helmet laws by colleges or universities.

    When I go to school, I go there to learn a specific course of studies. I do NOT go there to have my nanny tell me how to behave. I am not paying my money to be told not to smoke, drink, or ride a motorcycle without a helmet. I'm going there to learn specific information from my professors. I do NOT expect to be told what to wear, how long my hair should be, nor if I have tattoos or not. I am NOT going to college or university to learn how to comply with local driving laws. I can learn that without paying large sums of money to the school.

    In theory, as a college or university student, I am grown up enough to manage my own life. If I'm not, I certainly am grown up enough to pay the consequences. Either with my wallet or with my life. Darwinism in action.

    Agree for the most part but I would have an exception for things like drink driving, speeding, reckless driving where sometimes it is an innocent party that pays with their life (including pillions) for a decision that another makes..

    Darwinism is not for survival of the smartest, handsum or the rugged individual, but for those that adapt and in this respect adapting by wearing a "quality" helmet may limit your injury as an offending or innocent party in an accident. You are adapting and this is good. What you do with your own head is fine when it effects others its no longer a personal freedom issue to me (drink driving for me being a pet hate).

    I reiterate thought that the campus is not the issue there is a wider problem, until there is uniform policing (like hellodolly suggested) with consequences and there is an education campaign on say head injuries, loss of a child/parent, loss of income to family rather than it be seen as a revenue raiser the issue is a fizzer.

    Perhaps on that basis thread really looks like it should wind up. When we look at specifically naming CMU to make this topic CM related we are stretching. Might as well write one for every other university, hospital, police station, army base, in CM proper and wider province.

  6. Why don't we start small when trying to police this law, start with the BIB themselves.

    How can any local have respect for this law as a life saver as opposed to a revenue raiser if police themselves do not wear helmets as a matter of course and do not uniformly pull everyone over when they see a helmet infringement.

    I will put my hand up here as being a 50/50 user of helmets....but the amount of times that I get overtaken by police (wearing and not wearing a helmet) is ridiculous.

    The other thing here is having some cheap quality helmets. Right now people wear all sorts of crap to avoid a fine rather than save their lives.

    I'm on a role...can we also do something about talking on the phone, helmets in baskets covering headlight at night, the use of infants as projectiles in accidents, actually having licensed motorbikes only on the road with (shock horror) licensed drivers, and (sorry) dare I say drink driving.

    World peace would be nice too.wai.gif

    • Like 2
  7. Always stock up for the kids in the market at Mae Sai.

    Did this myself for a 12 year old yesterday, one black and one white set for Real Madrid.

    I imagine they have the same sizes/range at night market but imagine you would be paying out a bit more. Having said that if you went to one explained what you wanted (and the number) I am sure if you came back an hour or two later they would be able to pick up from other stands or some place in Wororrot and have ready for you.

    I have got 12 year old stuff there easy (some men's brand small or medium) the kids like them sort of loose anyway, thinks he is a million dollars. A 7 year old might be a problem without some serious notice but given time I am sure a stand could track one down in an evening.

  8. Why do people complain about reading a post like this?

    It is easy NOT to read the post. The title makes the content very clear.

    True enough, my concern (apart from the brutality of the crime) is the GROSS errors in the OP, as far as source, names, a lot of the account of crime etc. This has been widely reported in Thai media TV3 for example had a nine minute broadcast on youtube. Its has been in multiple print ad internet media from day one. Nothing privy about this.

    Sympathies to family, mother obviously very upset in clip and father in BIB.

  9. Its bad enough paying that sort of money for faux fights, but if I am going to be stuck with faux fights can the ticket sellers at least wear a mask and carry a gun that way at least I will feel that I got some value when being robbed.

    Does anybody know if the are ever going to open Kawilla again. I know its been down for two years or so, and there does not seem to be any frantic activity to make it good, but it used to get packed and there was a lot of money made in it, if not from it. Seems to be that there are people there throughout the day and cars parked there regularly as well. Is it being used for training or something. Where do the hordes that went to Kawilla go now?

  10. There was a time when my Mum would tell me 'Don't play near drains, you will catch Diphtheria '. Scared the bloody life out of me and I've never liked drains since !

    But you've never caught Diptheria thumbsup.gif

    My mum was wrong on the "don't pick your nose your head will cave in" though and something about "you'll go blind".

  11. Where exactly are you going. Prices sound like the old Kawilla and that burn't down I guess two years ago.

    Please God don't tell me they are charging that much at CEC on Loi Kroh.

    OK I won't

    Thanks....I think

    Now I am crying on the outside as well as the inside.crying.gif

    • Like 1
  12. when you could eat python while sitting across from a live bear at the Jungle Food restaurant on Moon Muang

    Must be before my time. I know girls called Tiger, Rat, Kat (cat) and Nat (Gnat) but no Python.

    Maybe Python has moved on, and perhaps you should too. Try catching up with this decade (or millenium in this case). Are you also nostalgic about the HIV, Dysentery, Thyphoid and few other nasty things prevalent at the time

  13. It will get a little colder for a while and after it has reached the lowest temperatures it will steadily get warmer before the cycle repeats.

    On a smaller cycle that could also describe wifey.

    Back to the Op, I know for a fact it will be a lot cooler on Tuesday, unfortunately I do not know which Tuesday.

    What really is the point of this topic? We have seasons, and as the previous post by Thailand indicates, they rotate every year, the daily, weekly temperature does not.

    If anyone can work out exactly when it will "break" the perhaps they should also be putting in a similar effort to determining what the lottery numbers will be at the end of the month.

    I'd rather be here than freezing my knackers off somewhere else.

    I leave you with the immortal words of Robin Williams.

    What's the weather like out there? "It's hot. dam_n hot! Real hot! Hottest things is my shorts. I could cook things in it. A little crotch pot cooking." Well, can you tell me what it feels like. "Fool, it's hot! I told you again! Were you born on the sun? It's dam_n hot! It's so dam_n hot, I saw little guys, their orange robes burst into flames. It's that hot! Do you know what I'm talking about." What do you think it's going to be like tonight? "It's gonna be hot and wet! That's nice if you're with a lady, but it ain't no good if you're in the jungle."

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  14. I'm with the Vicar on this one. BIB perhaps more than the general Thai population ave a far more jaded view of Burmese as most contacts would be with either criminals (yabba/assaults/robberies) or low paid workers without ID/Visas.

    Last year I came across the Iron Bridge and the BIB had 4wd's with loads of Burmese in them (from a checkpoint).

    It doesn't matter that a Burmese may look like a Thai to me(and outside of one's own race it has been established that it is had to judge age/ethnicity etc) the Burmese will be condemned the moment they open their mouth if the BIB do not see them as ethnically different anyway. Many I know have basic and accented Thai only (can read a little if any and often cannot write in Thai).

    Do not read this as all Burmese are bad.

    Wifey knows quite a few Burmese (Chinese speakers) who have Farang partners here. They do struggle a bit as not having ID's, driving cars without a license of visa, and limited to land purchases off the books (through Thai proxies or Chinese contracts) in places like Chiang Dao (which is a bummer for the partners as out in the sticks and more often than not no Chanot).

    Real problems when they have complications in medical conditions (ie pregnancy) with no insurance or government coverage etc.

    Week before last wifey attended one hospital to translate where a Thai male had been co-opted by Burmese parents as the father on a birth cert/admission so as to make cheaper and easier for kid in the future (even to having Thai "father's" name on documents).

  15. True enough they are illegal. Sister in Law spent a few nights in the clink about a month ago (the one near Big C on the superhighway) after being caught playing cards matchsticks (one stick equal one baht so we are not talking big money here) in a Wat Ket soi. Then again belligerent attitude, full of Leo, and no ID card always helps but it was the cards and sticks that did her in.

    Apart from obligatory visit with wifey did not see sister in law for one week (blessed be the name of the BIB).....took that long to sort out that she is a Thai national (without an ID card) and for her to keep her mouth shut so BIB would accept this..

  16. Stopped AGAIN this morning 10am Chang Puak ...... showed my Thai DL, drove off.

    Didn't even speak with them this time.

    Take the Deadhead sticker off the bike.

    Perhaps you are simply a shit magnet or one of the BIB has taken a serious liking to you. Strike up a conversation and you may be able to cross the latter off.

    Rode round last night through two blocks (around 11.00pm ish and zip nil nothing).

    Amazed at the amount of Farangs without helmets (or clipped to back of bike or in basket) and Thais with helmets on. If only BIB would also do something about the projectile infants/babies on bikes with their helmet wearing brethren but God knows how you fix this given that the Honda Click is the Thai family sedan.....and with the lack of licenses, poor roads, and general driving skills not sure I want more sedans on the road either. What to do what to do..

    To cross with another thread (observations on my ride) there seemed to be a lot of bars getting in to the Halloween scene (Dragonfly was packed). Found it disconcerting actually. Not the masks/make ups but that it seemed to not be for a party but a purely commercialised venture with one bar trying to outdo another...well at least the Christmas sales have not started yet as they would have in Oz.

  17. For clarity, what is your costume?

    Certainly don't want to clash. giggle.gif

    So there is no mistake, I'll be dressed as an overweight Farang in shorts, a Chang T shirt (only worn one day honest), and flip flops. Given that it is special event I reserve the right to shower or shave but not both, it is Halloween after all.

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