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Everything posted by misterphil

  1. Thats the document you use to get married, not divorced. It says "Documents for lawful marriage registration in Thailand" at the top. And yes, we all get those documents translated when we get married, but not for a divorce. Do they understand you want to divorce and not marry? As it seems like someone doesn't to me.
  2. No, it wont be. You'll get a pretty flowered divorce certificate similar to your marriage certificate. You need to keep this safe incase you want to marry again. I needed this when I married again. Everything needs to be on the agreement you drew up and signed by both parties, plus witnesses.
  3. Its illegal for her to have a relationship ie a new boyfriend whilst married to you. If she is committing adultery whilst married to you, you may be able to have both your daughters, as you say she's unstable. If you can prove this and want to take it further action id recommend a lawyer. If I was in your situation I would also take a police officer with you. They will go with you as a witness and also incase she does decide to go crazy you have your back covered. You'll have to pay him though, maybe 1,000 to 2,000 THB. A Thai on your side is good support against another Thai. Be careful when alone with her, or avoid it as my ex-wife tried to stab me before. I was alone and she had 2 friends with her and she made up some story that I hit her and her friends backed it up. After she come at me with a kitchen knife I started to video her and when she noticed I was videoing her she fell to the floor and started some BS drama. At this point I called my landlady and she said she was on the way to come and see us both. While I was waiting for landlady to come I called the police and they said that they'd already had a call about my address, so the landlady had called them for me. This was all in Chiang Mai. Within 2 days id moved out and moved back to Pattaya and started again. Hope it all works out for you.
  4. Its step 3 of the medicinal process. Step 1. Go to pharmacy and explain symptoms to pharmacist and they offer over the counter medicines that would normally require a prescription in the Western world. Step 2. If pharmacy medicine doesn't help then visit a clinic. Step 3. If the above don't work then its a hospital visit. Personally I prefer the Thai health system than the UK as its a lot quicker and smoother.
  5. They were released from jail and the marijuana returned to them.
  6. Ive done something similar with my ex wife, but no kids involved fortunately. I drew up an agreement that was in English and this is what we done. 1. We both signed the agreement along with a witness which we used our house land lady. We split our assets 50/50 and she had to sign over my 2 motorbikes to me and she kept her car. This was all documented in the agreement. 2. Went to the local Amphur to null the marriage. Make sure you get a divorce certificate. We divorced at the same Amphur we married at and not sure if you'll need to do the same. 3. Sign all the paperwork at the Amphur with a smile. 4. Walk out the Amphur as civilised responsible adults. Took about 10 minutes to legally get rid of her. Next we went to the land transport with the bike green books and she transferred my bikes in to my name. All done and dusted in half a day and never seen her since. Good luck and hope it works out as smooth as it did for me.
  7. Exactly, well said. I know of a girl from the UK who kept a rape by 2 lads quiet for 30 years.
  8. It all goes on Facebook market place which is linked to kaidee.com Put it all on there and it will sell.
  9. What if your expecting a job offer and a possible future employer is calling you?
  10. These clowns have been calling me too. This all started since I used my phone number on the Thailand Pass website. I never give out my phone number and this is the only time I have so that system was never secure.
  11. If they started using contactless payment there would be no need to handle cash and that would help stop the spread for crying out loud.
  12. You can get them on Lazada for 400THB for 60 x 10mg capsules. I use them as I work in Greenland and theres very little darkness sometimes of the year. Careful though as they can be addictive and Ive found I wake up a lot during the night without them. Try this combination as it works well for me. 1 x 10mg Melatonin 2 x ZMA 1 x Vitamin D 30 minutes before bed.
  13. He should get the electric sorted out in Sao Hai Saraburi first cause Im sick of it not being enough power. Lights going dim when showers and ovens turned on. Had to buy a UPS cause I was tired of my TV turning itself off when the power dropped. ????
  14. Ive done this before. Bought an ounce investment bar in Dubai and sold it in a gold shop in Pattaya. Made very little from it and not really worth doing, unless you bought it when gold prices were low and you sell when higher. Also, they will melt a small part of it to test the purity so your nicely sealed package will be opened and your bar wont look the same.
  15. Our Doberman understands English and Thai commands, and was trained like this from a puppy. Dobermans are very smart so I guess if you have basic plain dog it may not understand if you tell it "sit" or "nang" "come" or "maa"
  16. You have Lopburi but where's Saraburi?
  17. Yeah just like 1 bottle of water between 5 of them in a bar. ????
  18. No problem for the Arabs. They just tell the rental company the police have took them and the rental company will sort it out. Happened to me and a mate some years back when we were driving rented quad bikes around Pattaya. Just sat in a bar and waited for the rental company to deal with the police then we were on our merry way again on our quads.
  19. Total garbage. If i book a hotel room for me and my Thai wife on Agoda its one price. If i book it its the same price if my wife books it. Get a grip for crying out loud. ????
  20. Thats great. Not too bad i guess. ????
  21. They'll cut it off and tuck it in for you at Bangkok hospital Pattaya. ????
  22. Been eating a pepper steak in Beefeater for the last 15 years and nowhere in Pattaya compares to the price v's quality. Im known in there by my first name and don't even need to look at the menu as they know me that well. Pepper steak - medium well Extra pepper sauce Mashed potato Chopped fresh garlic 1 litre carafe of house red wine. (Which is actually Mont Clair from the supermarkets)
  23. Wise and Starling banks.
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