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Everything posted by misterphil

  1. For anyone thinking about going to the UK for a passport Ive noticed that there is slots available at around 21:00 UK time. Ive been trying all day for a week now and found that if I check at 21:00 UK time it allows you to book an appointment. Just tried again at 23:30 and its saying no appointments available.
  2. Have you received your new passport yet?
  3. You can get the kids a Thai passport in one day. We got our sons in Pattaya. Your wife may also need their birth certificates for immigration. My wife was asked for this the first time we flew out of Thailand to visit the UK. My wife was also asked by immigration if she was leaving voluntarily and not being forced by me. Strange question but apparently it happens.
  4. Never click on any of these links. Once clicked on scammers can access your phones camera and see you. They can also read your screen and see what you are looking at. They can see you type in passwords etc. I know this first hand as in the past I received an email asking for money to be paid by Bitcoin. They knew my password for some accounts too. They weren't shy about how they got my password and explained which site Id clicked on and how they accessed my phone and read when I entered a password. Luckily that password was for non financial sites.
  5. Ive noticed that since I added my number for past Thailand Pass applications Im getting a lot more of these scam messages. I never give out my number and only friends have it. So the TP is not secure as somewhere along the line numbers are getting available.
  6. Eye lab in Central Festival speak English and have a good range of quality frames. They do varifocal as I got mine from there.
  7. Been there done that a few years ago and it was no problem for me.
  8. Exactly. ????
  9. You need to close the windows and get a humidifier pal.
  10. Yeah trying to cool down Thailand. ????
  11. Let me get this right. You have an AC on with windows open? How is that supposed to work? AC is air conditioning. How does it condition the air when theres fresh air coming through the open windows? Your electric bill must be sky high trying to cool down Thailand. ???? Windows closed, AC on and use a ceiling fan to assist moving the conditioned air around the room. Anyone that uses AC without a fan is an idiot.
  12. Easy. Just use ThaiTrack app. 120 baht with EMS
  13. My Kasikorn Visa debit card does not have my name on it but it works like a debit card. It says "Privileged Member" where a name usually is on a Western debit card.
  14. Just tried to book one of these premium services and there's no slots available. From what I read on the Gov website you have to be in the UK too as it asks for a postcode to find the closest office to you for an appointment. Online Premium service You’ll apply, pay and book an appointment online. The earliest you can get an appointment is 2 days from when you apply. You’ll get your new passport at your appointment. Appointments can last up to 30 minutes. Sorry, there are no available appointments Due to high demand, there aren’t any appointments available at the moment. Extra appointments are added each day, so check again later for availability.
  15. Have you received your new passport yet?
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