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  1. Exactly ! I was always amazed at Thai's in other countries opening Thai restaurants then ripping off their fellow Thai's by employing them at sub min wage etc. This is no different...A bunch of Falangs open a tax business in Thailand & try to rip off other Falangs with fear mongering. At this point this is all it is fear mongering. If & when the RD department ever makes all of this mud clear then these guys should be saying such things
  2. 555 As we all know what one Imm office states become a royal decree
  3. That is a pretty funny comment. Yes they cannot really check their own people as most are self employed there is no way to check them. But, to say "how in the hell are they going to monitor expats" ?? Well that is very easy isn't it? Expats actually need to check in with the government & ask for permission to stay. If/When they make this part of that permission well then you will have a decision to make. Comply & prove or leave
  4. It is probably fine either way but......There is an old saying for precious metals that goes.... "IF YOU DON’T HOLD IT THEN YOU DON’T OWN IT" Many reasons why but the original reason for holding metals is many don't trust paper (fiat currency etc etc) so why would someone want a certificate. Secondly many claims of companies that supposedly hold things leasing them out for various reasons. But in your case your using gold as a hedge & trying to beat inflation or better the 2% bank rates so again probably fine for you in any case
  5. Yeah I have really been tossing this scenario around a lot lately. While the rent income would be nice... these days you need to factor in as you say possibly a management company fee, then the increased property taxes since it is no longer your primary residence but a rental. This in our case can be 10x as much property taxes per year compared to what we pay now. Which would basically kill 2 months rental income. Lastly the increased homeowner insurance because it goes up as landlord insurance vs primary homeowner insurance. As you say could sell & invest. I have looked into the US Treasury Notes for a term of 2, 3, 5, 7, or 10 years. Safe & at the end of the day at current 4.25% rates the interest on home sale would not be much different than rental income after expenses + zero headache. Of course there is no guarantee for rates in the future but you can lock in 10 years worth on the notes
  6. Perhaps you should write your congressman or senator ? Oh wait you don't have one as you don't live in the USA nor have you lived there in decades right? Yet you want to decide how the cake that you need not eat is baked right? You want to decide what the families of the murdered victims should be happy/protected with right? Lastly about your protected by life imprisonment comment...how about you put your money where you situational ethics are & donate your SS to help pay for the life incarcerations of these murderers? Yeah didn't think so.....next
  7. They go even further now with things like this app someone developed to track politicians stock trades. https://www.quiverquant.com/congresstrading/politician/Nancy Pelosi-P000197
  8. You know it is funny but so many actually believe this. 😉
  9. Mainly the safety nets given to you as a Aus citizen If you were really injured in Australia you would be treated at any ER In Thailand you will need to show how you will pay BEFORE any real operations are done. They will stabilize you at a govt hospital while you arrange your Go Fund Me & deteriorate There are many SHTF scenarios where you would survive in your home country & not elsewhere I am not saying you can't go live anywhere on your 900AUD/20k baht per month I am just saying reality can bite. It hurts a bit less where you have citizenship because they usually do take care of their own
  10. It is funny...They will only let us cycle up Doi Inthanon but if we cycle down it is a 1000 baht fine...They want us to get in one of these vans or the red trucks instead as it is safer??? They should tell the silver van drivers THEY have to walk down or catch a red truck & let a tow truck take their vans down 🤣
  11. Meanwhile back on planet earth..... Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau flew to Florida to meet with President-elect Donald Trump at his Mar-a-Lago estate, where they held a "very productive meeting."
  12. Spoken by a lefty that is either deaf dumb & blind or has not lived in the USA for at least 4 years
  13. Greatness never strays very far and we the people are grateful 😉 But we are especially happy to hear the usual suspects gnashing of teeth 🤣
  14. 101% correct & all my children know that as they were taught that. Meaning don't do the crime if you can't do the time Actions have consequences ...Your actions your consequences What kind of father does Joe look like now?
  15. Probably true for many We live in both places but while in the US we do not have TV & live on a mountain in the country so politics don't really matter nor affect us. Of course we inevitably see things on internet but that is true in both spots.

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