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mania last won the day on August 29 2019

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  1. In just the past 40 days 90% less border crossing Now lets dump the millions Joe & Kamala let in
  2. Bunch of spoiled kids holding their breath 🙄 Hopefully those who voted them into their position are watching how well they are represented & move them out at next election
  3. Newin Chidchob has gotten rich beyond the beyond on all the handouts that has allowed him to get this far. He can dang well host MotoGP on his own & still reap the rewards maybe just a billion or so less each year. Look at what he makes on tickets alone + he has his finger in so many other things there. He can easily go round & get the hotels, restaurants etc to chip in if he really thinks he is skint. This is just a BS way of crying poverty & loss & using govt $$$ to enrich himself
  4. Perhaps you should look NATO has missiles stationed in Poland, Romania, Spain, and Turkey. The missiles are part of NATO's Ballistic Missile Defence (BMD) system, which is designed to protect NATO's forces, territory, and populations from ballistic missiles Even now the deal most likely to be put forth is Russia returns lands captured & leaves if Ukraine does not join NATO That aside quote from John Quincy Adams was 100% right & applicable here
  5. John Quincy Adams was right She well knows that by once enlisting under other banners than her own, were they even the banners of foreign independence, she would involve herself beyond the power of extrication, in all the wars of interest and intrigue, of individual avarice, envy,and ambition, which assume the colors and usurp the standard of freedom. The fundamental maxims of her policy would insensibly change from liberty to force... I hope President Trump pulls the plug on Ukraine. It was always just gas on fire. Let the bleeding hearts of Europe jump in as much as they like. Truth is & always was Putin does not want NATO on his border. USA would act no differently if in the same situation
  6. Except JT & the usual suspects here 555
  7. Talk about Pot/Kettle Black 555 Coming off 4 years of the most toxic misinformation USA has ever known PS: Those of us actually living in the USA are Lovin’ Every Minute of the new transparent Admin ...Thank You 😉
  8. 555 your such a funny poster to read daily your fear mongering sky is falling rhetoric Like some of the mods have already said why do you worry so much? What can you change with all of this nonsense? Especially someone like you who have not even lived in the USA for how many decades? Why stress yourself daily in this way? It is not good for your health mental or physical Go outside enjoy life look at the sky eat a nice meal...LIVE while your alive
  9. 555 Say's the guy who was calling Hillary & Kamala madame President & telling everyone to get used to it because its a done deal. I guess some folks definition of clueless is different 🤔
  10. To be honest I never thought about that but your probably right. I just thought it was a good video especially calming folks against what he terms tax pimps who should not even be allowed to work in Thailand & probably don't "legally" From the start it was these types fanning the fear mongering flames before anything official is even released
  11. I wonder if you might just get a International Drivers Permit/License Especially if you also have a license from your home country. They are good for 1 year although I *think* only 90 days continuous? But if your the type that comes & goes may be fine for you Although I am not aware of any type of visa in hand being required you never know with Thailand....
  12. Exactly ! I was always amazed at Thai's in other countries opening Thai restaurants then ripping off their fellow Thai's by employing them at sub min wage etc. This is no different...A bunch of Falangs open a tax business in Thailand & try to rip off other Falangs with fear mongering. At this point this is all it is fear mongering. If & when the RD department ever makes all of this mud clear then these guys should be saying such things
  13. 555 As we all know what one Imm office states become a royal decree
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