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Posts posted by reallyok

  1. Not only do these detergents kill the microbes but also turn into a kind of fat which stops any liquid drainage into the ground....alternative systems had to be well thought out.

    Would that apply to the typical toilet/bathroom cleaner ('stain remover') as well?


    This is a good line of questioning WELO.

    Yes one has to be careful with regards to chemicals and make sure that any detergents etc are BIODEGRADABLE this will be clearly marked on the product. Then there are no problems.

  2. Bottomless septic tanks are quite common in the first world, particularly in any non-urban setting. The earth is a natural filter which purifies your septic wastes as it seeps through. The key is not to locate the septic too close to your well from which you pump drinking water. Duh. If the shoe doesn't fit, don't worry about it.

    if no paper and no strong chemicals (chlorine, bleech) are put into the system,

    natural causes like enzymes will take care of the more solid wastes, liquid will

    be filtered by the soil!

    in many years never had a problem.

    Paper and sanitary napkins and the like,

    due through it qualities are likely to clog

    the natural drainage passage for liquids, thus

    the tank can be full in relatively short time and

    needs clearing.

    Sewerage is no problem unless it is untreated and

    let raw into waterways and onto fields and gardens... to "fertilize"...

    and of course should be furthest away from any well..

    very useful info, thanks.

    Thats just a little misleading!

    Here in Australia, i have got a septic toilet system which goes through 4 stages.

    First ...Toilet to holding tank with no sanitary towels or chemicals, but the amount of toilet paper does no harm as it dissolves.

    The solids just settle and break down by bacteria ( hence the NO chemicals)

    The water then pumps into a large underground gravel soakage pit and from there into another holding tank which has a dissolvable chlorine tablet in it.

    The grey water, which is by now odourless and clear, is then pumped through sprinklers on to the garden and lawns...................simple is'nt it.

    The original solids holding tank can be pumped out every 3 to 4 years if necessary and the whole system is only 3 metres from the house ..........no odours whatsoever.

  3. My experience with so called "Hi So" Thais is that first of all, they rarely marry farangs, and they rarely have more than around 7-8 years age difference, and as a student at the most expensive university line in Thailand I can say that almost NONE of the "high class" Thais send their kids to India. I have so far not met any who have been to India, some send them to US, Australia, Singapore and UK, but none to India... Why on earth would they send their kids to India???

    I can't speak for today, but the guy I knew, who will be 63 now, was sent to school in India, as was his brother; and it was, apparently, a standard deal. He was far from the only Thai at his Indian school. So, even though you have never met any who have been to India, some hi-so Thai went, nevertheless. Think back 60 years, when India had only recently overthrown the shackles of British colonialism and her education system was like Little Britain. What would a well-off, hi-so Thai be thinking? India is close. It is good value. The education was good. Why send kids far afield to go to school? Better to save money to send them to good universities in the UK or US later on.

    I don't see the relevance of your point that so-called hi-so Thais rarely marry farangs. It doesn't seem to have anything to do with anything that anyone else has posted, including myself. (Not that it isn't true; I'm sure it is. Just that it does not seem to be relevant.....I, for one, would not touch a high-so Thai woman with a 10-foot pole. Indeed, I wouldn't touch a hi-so woman from anywhere with a 10-foot pole. Too much posturing, not enough substance.)

    Well Im sure you could be right about the past, all I know about is present day. You asked about the age difference, and since the first problem is being accepted as a farang, then the age difference can only pose a greater problem. It took me four years to be accepted by my parents-in-law, and a demand that I get a higher education, and we are almost the same age (and we are young, below 30)

    Of course your parents in law were worried, after all you are just a kid :)

  4. Of course the answer would differ depending on the girls age. if she was 18, she would say a few years most. if she was 30, dating a 50 yr old would be ok. but it's up to the individual.

    What are doing writing a book on the subject? if so I suggest you go to Thai female forum and do a survey.

    No, I'm not writing a book. I asked a perfectly serious question because I want to know the answer, for reasons that need not concern you. Why should I do a survey? The responses might be biased. Why is asking here not sufficient? I am likely to get honest responses based on anecdotal evidence (except for people who attempt to be snide, of course......no names mentioned, wink, wink, say no more.)

    Hey chris..........my g/f is 40 but looks 26. I am 73 but look 60. We are happy, her friends are happy , her family are happy.

    So who gives a rats ass !

    You need to get it into your head that you are in an Asian society here in Thailand and not a western one. The only people who don't seem able to accept us as a couple are usually "over the hill" females from UK, Europe and USA. :)

  5. Well lets see maybe he did get the notes from a bank in Uk and maybe they were real notes.

    Maybe he handed over the real notes to the in the Nakorn Luang Thai Bank and as he was probably unable to track the movements of the notes from the time of handing them over who is to say that he was not a victim of yet another scam in Thailand with the bank replacing his real notes with fakes they had inadvertently taken from another customer.

    There is no mention of him posessing any other fake notes or otherwise and as has been posted many times already where did he get the bail money.

    This is noy making sense really - I guess another case of tourist or farang beware.

    Surely those notes can be traced back through his bank statement and the ATM in the UK ?

    that despite reading so many times that it was claimed the cash was drawn from a bank branch, you still haven't managed to grasp that fact. Nowhere was it claimed that the money came from an ATM.

    Yes but i was just referring to the other posts on this subject. FYI....i also read and understood the the original press release and yes i could also see that no ATM was mentioned...............geeeeeeez !! duh !!

    Maybe you are a bit slow, so i will explain for your express help !

    1) Surely they can trace back through his statements if he did in fact withdraw the notes , and the date.

    2) If he had withdrawn from an ATM there will be some kind of a traceable record.

  6. But when Thais do the same, they must be doing something wrong, at least according to some know-it-all Brits....your expertise in this is about as good as the chances of England winning Germany in football...ouch. :D

    And your Grammar is on a par with a 5 year old. It should be "England beating Germany at football".

    I think that England 'won' Germany back in 1945 .....did'nt they . :)

  7. Well lets see maybe he did get the notes from a bank in Uk and maybe they were real notes.

    Maybe he handed over the real notes to the in the Nakorn Luang Thai Bank and as he was probably unable to track the movements of the notes from the time of handing them over who is to say that he was not a victim of yet another scam in Thailand with the bank replacing his real notes with fakes they had inadvertently taken from another customer.

    There is no mention of him posessing any other fake notes or otherwise and as has been posted many times already where did he get the bail money.

    This is noy making sense really - I guess another case of tourist or farang beware.

    Surely those notes can be traced back through his bank statement and the ATM in the UK ?

  8. Well if they didnt find any printing equipment etc how can they charge him with "Forgery" ? I dont buy his story about pulling the dodgy notes from an ATM in England, but its easily checked by the Banks in England. Sounds like the guy just bought some dodgy notes down the pub and thought he could pass them off as real whilst on Holiday - silly boy! :D

    Well ! he must be innocent..................you see, he's British ole chap ! :)

  9. Also VERY VERY confusing is the 'limosine Taxi' boot inside and all these limo-agents!

    Tourists tend to think that this is the only taxi there is, and don't get informed of more than 100 Bangkok taxi's with meter, waiting for yoy outside!!

    Please kick these limo-guys out!! and give CLEAR info where tourist can get a normal taxi, for a normal price (on the meter).


    I came thru there last week and while I was waiting for the bags to appear I went up to the limo taxi booth that is inside the arrivals hall before Customs. I was shown a sheet with pictures of some cars ranging from a limo down to a regular sedan. I was told that the sedan ( Nissan something ) was " only 950 Bt " and that included taxes !!!

    Thats to the city and not Chiang Mai by the way :)

    What is a fair price these days .........Swamp to City ?

  10. Well i would if she was ok ! But i would make it very clear that once they met i was out of the scene and if it goes wrong , nothing to do with me. Having said that, i really could'nt give a rats ass if i was blamed. ATM i am trying to do it in reverse. I have got a good friend in his mid 40's never been married, own business but a little on the shy side with women, the poor bugger is just lonely. So why not try to help a friend.

  11. So much stupid anti-American rubbish being talked by naive ideologists... If the Chinese or Russians were the big boys of the world then we really would be farked.

    People that sell weapons (breaking multiple international laws), i.e. killing others for their own personal profit, should (actually must) be held accountable - trying to turn the argument into an ideological debate rather than a point of law is ridiculous. I'd strongly like to comment on the verdict handed down, but I think it's illegal here to critisize court rulings (though you can praise crazy court rulings perfectly legally???)

    In my opinion this Russian guy is a mass murdering scumbag who should be in prison. I reckon that Bush and Blair are mass murdering scumbags that should be in prison too, but that's a completly different and seperate story.

    Another embarrassing day for Thialand... they're just none stop...

    He hasn't killed anyone.

    He, as many other companies and countries, has sold materials and tools of war and defense.

    The rest is just hyperbole.

    How do you know he has'nt killed anyone............did he tell you, stupid !

  12. So much stupid anti-American rubbish being talked by naive ideologists... If the Chinese or Russians were the big boys of the world then we really would be farked.

    People that sell weapons (breaking multiple international laws), i.e. killing others for their own personal profit, should (actually must) be held accountable - trying to turn the argument into an ideological debate rather than a point of law is ridiculous. I'd strongly like to comment on the verdict handed down, but I think it's illegal here to critisize court rulings (though you can praise crazy court rulings perfectly legally???)

    In my opinion this Russian guy is a mass murdering scumbag who should be in prison. I reckon that Bush and Blair are mass murdering scumbags that should be in prison too, but that's a completly different and seperate story.

    Another embarrassing day for Thialand... they're just none stop...

    He hasn't killed anyone.

    He, as many other companies and countries, has sold materials and tools of war and defense.

    The rest is just hyperbole.

    How do you know he has'nt killed anyone............did he tell you, stupid !

  13. Of course this was entrapment and of course the Americans do not give a dam_n about the rule of law, wherever they operate in the world. If there is one people who have studied Mein Kampf very well it are the Americans as they behave like the new super race. The other fact of life is that the Thai police and military seldom follow proper procedure and entrap their own all the time even enlisting children, something the East german secret police would not have dared.

    In my opinion, there should have been a 'shoot out' in the hotel room with the gallant Thai police defending themselves and Mr Bout getting shot dead.

    I think this just might 'unfortunately' have happened before in Thailand ... :)

    Problem over !

  14. Regardless of how you feel about war, or peace, or arms sales, the issue is one man and one set of circumstances.

    Viktor Bout committed no crime in Thailand.

    The American DEA, however, created a "set of criminal circumstances" (i.e., an illegal sting operation.)

    I would argue that for all of us, who conduct business internationally, that the Bout case is one to watch, and it is not good for Thailand.

    Bangkok is a cross roads where many persons meet to discuss many types of business deals, or prospective business deals.

    Bout is guilty of meeting and talking.

    If Bout gets extradited to the USA, it sends a chilling message far beyond just the world of Arms Sales. Practically, it means that every International businessman, everyplace, in any business, must be well versed in every trendy and fashionable American "cause d'jour".

    So, I would ask the not-so-rhetorical question: If you plan to meet anyone, anywhere on the planet, to discuss any business deal of any kind, can you be sure that you are not somehow violating one of the USA's extraterritorial laws?

    How do you know Victor Bout committed no crime in Thailand, are you a personal aquaintenance of his ?

    It is a known fact that he has committed many crimes against humanity. Are you saying that those crimes are ok just so long as they were not against you or in your back yard.............How bloody pathetic!

    The fact is that the UN is a 'toothless' tiger and under many circumstances quite open to bribery.

    I am not a Yank, but say thank god for the USA, if it were not for them the world would be a far worse place to live in.

    Oh yes, they do go off 'half cocked' at times, but thats the price we have to pay for some stability in the world.

  15. Countries, especially the poor one, with history of colonialism threat are quick to be jumpy of the idea of foreigner owning land.

    I can't remember what grade but I first heard of the sign "No dog and Chinese are allowed" in school class.

    There has been talk of con/pro of the retire Japanese settlement for ages.

    It can be just local business man's interest not genuine motive in the advocation but the point is surely inflamable among the Thais and no policy maker want to take a risk against mainstream sentiment for change.

    Well, i think that the average Thai business men are afraid that someone might try to 'hop aboard' their gravy train. So seeing as how they and their 'cronies' are running the show right now, they are sure as hel_l going to keep it that way

  16. Have you guys ever been to Sri Lanka. The Tamil Tigers have kept that country in a state of panic for 30 years. They have intimidated and threatened their own people and held the country to ransom for that entire time. Colombo has been a city under siege for years and years and they have slowly ground the economy into the dust. All this for about 5% of the population. They want an autonomous zone. Impossible in a country of this size and they are backed by their brethen in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu. The current Prime Minister of Sri Lanka should be congratulated for what he has done. The Sri Lankan Government probably extended the state of emergency for good reason. The favourite tactic of the Tamil Tigers over the years has been to call a cease fire and then use that breathing space as a opportunity to re-arm. The Government has to keep their guard up because they are probably not finished yet. And you can't make an omellete without breaking a few eggs.

    Flame on bleading hearts!

    Make your homework! Tamils are making about 20 %, there are Sri Lankan Tamils (14%), and Indian Tamils (4%). The whole thing didn't start because the Tamils wanted an "autonomous zone" but because the then female PM was a fascist. The thing with the ceasfire is very true, but after killing them all it's hard to talk about a cease fire, simply because there is no one left to talk to. "Can't make an omelette without braking a few eggs" is something you should try to tell the "civillians" in the "humanitarian refugee camps" up in the north! Sure the LTTE was using tactics as inhumane as they can get, as any irregular army has to, fighting against a regular. And no I don't like them neither but this doesn't mean the SLA, SLN and their little "special commandos" backed by their government should be allowed to commit crimes against humanity on a daily basis, and to an extend that is even worst than what the LTTE was doing. About beeing backed by Tamil Nadu, yes You know they are also tamils over there, and if it wouldn't have been for the Indian Government, the LTTE would have never become what it was, and without selling them out Rajiv Gandhi wouldn't have been killed either...

    And your point is? the fact is the majority Sinhalese have a right to a peaceful existence without being held hostage by the terrorist LTTE - you cannot negotiate with these outfits and finally a Sri Lankan government had the balls to take the other option after successive governments tried to negotiate. Maybe the Thai Government could learn a thing or two from this about the trouble-makers in the South.

    To Mr Johnson and the others..............YES i lived and worked in Sri Lanka (Ceylon in those days) for 3 years in the 50's.

    The Sinhalese were the 'rulers' and used and treated the lovely friendly, but poor and uneducated Tamils like dirt! In those days life in Ceylon was slow and peaceful, i always felt sorry for those Tamils and their lot in life and slowly began to dispise the ruling class of the Sinhalese who looked down on them as 'uneducated nobody's; Something like whats going on today in the north of Thailand today.( So beware).

    I can remember saying to my ex-pat friends at the time...............quote..One day these Tamils are going to get some educated men amongst them and then the shit will hit the fan.

    So Mr Johnston and the others who pass judgement without really knowing the root cause of the problem , try to understand before you shoot your mouths off after thinking that you know it all from reading the newspapers. :)

  17. Hi Guys,

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    Will i have to speak German ? :)

  18. Thanks fella's.

    I know that i have to declare that amount to Aussie customs....no worries.

    However am wondering..

    1). Will i have any problems on entry if i just say nothing.

    2). Will the rate be of any benifit by changing $A to Thai Bhat.

    From experience i think that it would cost too much to transfer via Western Union.

    I suppose i could use Travelex Cash Passport linked to my Commonwealth Acct. With this i can withdraw up to $A6,000 per 24 hrs ($A3.75. per withdrawal).

    Thanks for any help so my next question will be , where to buy the car, probably Honda CRV.

  19. Well, pace the 'experts', some useful info has come out of the 'speculation' here. Don't fly on planes with narrow undercarts, for one. Another might be, keep on speculating. The air accident experts might take a year or two to produce a detailed report. In the meantime, most of the public will have forgotten about the crash.

    Whitewashing in air accident reports is not confined to Thailand, unfortunately. I remember a case many years ago. Modifications recommended by a plane manufacturer had not been carried out. The manufacturer knew this, yet was under no legal obligation to inform the air safety authority – manufacturers rarely snitch on their airline customers.

    And the 'safety' boys & girls are sometimes similarly pressured not to blame manufacturers or the airline operators – bad for business. Much easier to find pilot error, or, "Just one of those things".

    Recall that recent terrible Air France accident? Speculation wandered to the airspeed indicator pitots. Latest mods had not been carried out.

    Of course air traffic control can close an airfield down if conditions are bad enough, but how often do they actually do it? Google 'aircraft crosswind landings' for some hairy evidence. I suspect the attitude is, "We don't want to lose landing fees, so we'll leave it to the pilots to decide. Anyhow, Blog Air just landed safely, so it'll probably be OK." It is OK, most of the time. That's how hazardous practice becomes routine. The difference between the two is demarcated by accidents.

    I notice no-one has given an insider opinion on if , or how much, pilots are pressured now to save fuel by landing first try. And talk about air being safer than bus is hardly relevant where there is no alternative to flying.

    Beware public: listen to the experts, but remember their dependance on the industry's vested interests. Ask yourself if your air trip is really necessary. If you decide no, you save a little bit of the environment. OldgitTom

    Beware public ..............Bugger you OldgitTom, now i feel guilty ! :)

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