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Posts posted by reallyok

  1. I think The Thai authorities have every right to look into it. Why just because our own societies are full of scummy second rate programs, negatively harming our societies and creating unnecessary fear, should Thailand follow suit. It looked staged to me. As for the fights, I think it is more of a damning indication of how revolting some tourists are than anything else. They are guests here and they behave like retards. Those in prison are in there for a reason. They have broken the law.

    By the way there are 5,000 foreign prisoners in UK prisons ! Kind of dwarfs the hundred or so here !

    The high season is upon Thailand and we are in the world's worst recession ever in history. People are losing their homes, businesses are going bust and there are fewer jobs. This is the real world. Do you not think it was highly irresponsible and selfish beyond belief that someone should make such a program at this time ? We do not live in an adolescent TV world where no one takes responsibility. How self centered, self indulgent and naive can a human being be. This is garbage television for idiots. In 10 years I have never had a problem in Thailand. I stand side by side with Thailand 100%. Yes they do have problems but does it need spitefully spreading all over the globe; just before holiday season. How clever that is ? What moron thought it was a good idea ?

    Try looking at our own countries and if you don't like it here go home. The poor Thai's must be so sick of foreigners moaning all the time. Why are you here if you want to criticize it all the time ? I hear so much moaning and criticizing in Thailand but are we not guests here.

    The Thai's know their country is not perfect. No country is; but is it polite to come here as a guest and just moan and criticize ? This is what is so screwed up in Western society and the Brits are the worst. Moaning, negative and unnecessary sensationalism......garbage for garnage minds.... I am English and I am ashamed of my own nationality. Look at the effluent on the program fighting and acting like spoilt retards……..Thank god I live in Thailand. I love the country. This is pathetic garbage TV for idiots who do not have the intelligence to watch something well researched, well thought out and positive. The good far outweighs the bad here. I am so sick of all the moaning whining selfish people who do nothing but moan. Go home. The makers of the film are probably kids who like to sensationalize and read comics. Average reading age of most UK papers is below 15 so guess they don't even know what they did. Thank god most English people are actually quite nice. Shame the bad ones get TV time.

    Watching that documentary reminded me of FOX news from the states. I laughed my ass off all the way through it. The useless backbackers on holiday with no money, the cool sound effects....love the children playing sound bites as they mention the paedophile..... the snappy visuals and drama...haha the idiot cop crapping on about Yabba like its the evil of the world and you can't get that anywhere but Thailand....give me a break...all I saw were a bunch of drunk idiots - and I see that in every city I have been to.....I had a great time in thailand for 6 months with my Thai wife...we'll be going back soon. She has cool friends and we saw some great places. We even got ripped off a couple of times.....and she is Thai....those dam_n power boats to koh samet........hmmmmmm what ever...its still cheap and great fun....just do your research before you go.....remember the tourists being charged by the tour operator in Sydney to go on Bondi beach....yeah its everywhere....

    Yes ! Yes ! Yes !

    But that was a Chinese tour company who had a bus load of non English speaking Chinese tourists and would not let them off the bus to go on to the beach until they had paid...............NOTHING to do with locals whatsoever.

    So please get your facts right before trying to produce comparisons. DO YOUR RESEARCH before putting mouth into gear ! :)

  2. All them Lovely Houses make my ( wife's ) Newish house look like A Shed.

    3 Bed. Kitchen & Shower Room ( Western Toilet ) Low quality Fittings Doors Ect No Air con

    Only 350.000 Excluding Land Price of A second Hand Car So No complaints

    No plans to live here Perminantly.

    Here She Is

    No gutters ! what happens when it rains, how do you get to the house without getting soaked ?

  3. Any one looking for a private house to rent in Khao Lak area ?

    2 bedrooms, 1 restroom, kitchen, full furtintures and parking lodge.

    How much per mth Tim, and for how long

    For a small place like this, you should not have to pay more than 8000 baht per month. Any more than that and you're being ripped off.

    Thanks MOP.................looks like the way to go is to just wander around and look.

  4. Sorry. I vote "No".

    Institutionalizing prostitution only leads to greater corruption, and to illustrating this path as a viable career opportunity for young girls. Would you let your daughter or sister do it, if legal?

    I could only see this as a good choice if customers were licensed, regulated and medically tested as should be the service providers.

    "No", it is not the true path.

    Good on ya Woody !..................just so long as they don't ban it altogether.

  5. I simply cannot support these plans to regulate vice.

    Why would you even want to?

    When Prohibition is doing such a great job at controlling it.

    I think if you regulate the industry, that will result in people actually coming to Thailand purely for the sex industry!

    Scooter dude, where have you been? don't you know that around the world they sell "sex tours" to Thailand?

    Vice? even though I've never used the services of a prostitute I can see it as a necessity not vice. I can understand a guy that doesn't want the burden of a relationship but wants to get laid from time to time...

    Regulated, not regulated... it doesn't matter it won't stop. But if this brings some benefits to some women I think it should be welcome.

    Have a nice day everyone :)

    Gianni77...............never used the services of a prostitute ?

    Well thats it ! just you and me, and i have my doubt about thee. :D

  6. Having just recieved this visa, the following problem has just occurred in my mind !

    Dept Brisbane 21st oct

    Arr Bangkok 22nd oct

    Dept Bangkok 28th oct

    Arr London 28th oct...................... Only 6 days in Thailand !

    Dept London 12 th Nov

    Arr Bangkok 13 th Nov

    Does this mean that i 'use' one of my 90 day periods in Thailand because of the 6 day stop over thus reducing my 4 x 90 day entries to 3x90 days and 1 x 6 days ?

    If this is so, is there any way that i can convert the 6 days back to 90 days.

    Any good advice gratefully accepted. :D

    If you get a one year Non-Immigrant-Type-O visa with multiple entries (cost $175 USD) - you can go in and out of the country as often as you like up to the date of the expiration of your visa. Each time you enter Thailand you will be granted 90 days stay - this means that if you leave on the last day of visa and return on the same day you will get another 90 days stay.

    Thanks everybody now all is clear. Stupid me ! i was so happy with the visa that i did not ask more questions. :)

  7. Hi,

    Noob Q here.

    I'm 28 Australian citizen and I'd like to live in Thailand for a year just staying with my Thai GF.

    I need to apply for Multi entry Visa I assume or Is it possible to apply and obtain a 1 year visa where I don't have to border hop all the time (this would be ideal)?

    Here is what's Quoted on the Bris consul website.

    'Enables a 90-day stay. For business, professional education or other non-tourism purposes. A letter from employer, copy of the company's registration certified by authorized director(s). Or a letter from educational institute must be submitted. For Non-Immigrant Visa (Business Visa for Teacher and Volunteer Teacher), the applicants must provide a National Police Certificate or a current Blue Card.'

    Is my application likely to be rejected? I mean, I don't really qualify for any of the above. I just want to go over and live there pretty much... Have others been in similar situation, does it matter or do you have to be a little creative on the application.

    Any help greatly appreciated.

    If you live in the area, just front up to the Brisbane Thai Consulate at Wooloongabba. Tell them what you want and i am sure they will help you, they always have done for me, really nice people there. :)

  8. Mitsubishi, Hitachi are goood units, but the best = Grundfos.

    Pressure in the plastic lines / connections could be a problem if the pump is allowed to develop full pressure- see an earlier post I did on the Grundfos MQ3 45. You should limit the discharge pressure to ensure no problem - there is no need to develop such high pressure.


    Have to agree, Grundfos, Pricy to buy, but well worth it, Never had any problems, same normal blue pipe, have small valves on the Toilet hose's just to crank down the flow !!! But Grundfos #1 Pressure is great, Quiet, efficient, and no troubles .. Just my 2 Cents

    Can you get DAVEY or ONGA pumps in Thailand, here in oz, they are 'tops'

  9. I believe the operative word here is owner rather than tenant. As such they can sell, if the new owner wants you out you will go and probably wont see any refund on your advance payments. Better to pay by the month.

    The "rent never buy" mob (as they probably can't afford it) often forget to mention this. Think of it as the advantage of unrestrained mobility.

    Rent never buy mob ! I was led to believe that a farang is not allowed , by law , to own a house in LOS. Yes to a condo, but i am one of the "mob" who could/would never want to own or live in a condo.

    I will be looking to rent a small house in the Kho Lak area at the end of the year, so although i could afford to buy. i will be looking at the bottom end of the rental market with 6 mth renewable option.

    I am dead against buying in the name of my g/f so please do not suggest it. :)

  10. Having just recieved this visa, the following problem has just occurred in my mind !

    Dept Brisbane 21st oct

    Arr Bangkok 22nd oct

    Dept Bangkok 28th oct

    Arr London 28th oct...................... Only 6 days in Thailand !

    Dept London 12 th Nov

    Arr Bangkok 13 th Nov

    Does this mean that i 'use' one of my 90 day periods in Thailand because of the 6 day stop over thus reducing my 4 x 90 day entries to 3x90 days and 1 x 6 days ?

    If this is so, is there any way that i can convert the 6 days back to 90 days.

    Any good advice gratefully accepted. :)

  11. does this non immigrant visa allow for someone to just stay on holiday if they have their own cash?


    It does if you qualify for it.

    At the moment the nearest place to Thailand that will issue for the reason of Visiting Friends is Perth Australia.

    This would allow up to 15 months stay with border runs needed every 90 days.

    I have just recieved something similar at the Brisbane Consulate...........4x90 day visa border runs, this virtually gives me 15 mths. I did not have to have money in Thai bank, just had to show my current bank statements.

    The cost was $A210 plus $A15 for photos. She just about talked me into it, also telling me that i could enter Thailand on a one way ticket.

    Brisbane has got a good reputation for being helpful, there was one guy there who had driven 600klm from NSW because he knew that he could not get what he wanted in Sydney, he was there 20 mins for his visa and on the way back home, with a smile like the cat with the cream ! :)

    Can you tell me what class of visa this is and what paperwork was required over and above you bank statement ( Aussie I assume)?



    Non Immigrant O.

    Current Bank Statements, Passport...................Thats it, no worries mate !

    By the way, i am over 50 ( i think) lolololol

  12. its amazing that the real problem is never faced head on: TOURISTS

    ban all tourism and the visa problem will vanish

    i'm also very disheartened watching all these illegal foreigners from the U.S., UK, Australia

    mowing peoples lawns, cleaning their houses, and cleaning up the street garbage...give these jobs back to thai citizens

    You don't go one but several bridges to far with your statement

    ban all tourism and the visa problem will vanish

    This crackdown have nothing to do with the genuine tourist, they are not affected at all by this. 993.9 % of all tourist spend their 10 or 20 day's holliday here and go back home.

    Its that 0.10% who think that Thailand is some backword country that should be happy and gratefull that they spend their time here to develop the country. because in their view 99% of Thai are idiots and illiterates. And the women are just ............That they are not qualified as a teacher , or illegaly employed is of no importance. I seriously think that they not yet realize that the Colonial era is over.

    What a load of rubbish.

    Most of the long stayers in Thailand are wealthy, they might not have a flash car but they dont need to work.

    If you are european you can stay where you want in europe whether working or not. We can stay in most any other country in Asia too with a little more effort.

    Most young (under retirement age) people, farangs, long stay in Thailand have money from overseas.

    I cant understand these so call "legitimate" longstayers who look down on those becuase of their visa situations. We should stick together. WHAT HAPPENED TO THE LOVE :)

    Try Sio Cowboy :D

  13. You forgot all the foreigners who are less than 50, not married with Thai and don't work, just spend time and money here.

    People like that are not catered for, except the double Tourist visa, good for 6 months

    and in reality there will only be a handful in this category.

    There is a slot here in immigration policy for long stay tourists, who do not meet marriage or retirement requirements.

    Where I live I have to maintain $60,000 in the local bank to get my one year residence permit.

    Mind you the bank pays 5% on US$ and 8% on local currency, and that pays my rent here. :D

    I have to sign an affidavit that I will not work. No problem there.

    Say what? Can you get a residence permit just by keeping $60,000 in a Thai bank? More info please.

    Hey SORENSEN..............i should have mentioned it before, but whilst at the Brisbane Consulate i said that i was going to do a Thai language course at the "Mind your language" school on Koh Samui the lady said ok ok if you have letter from school confirming your booking, i can give you 12 month visa. I did not have the letter with me so she gave me something else. It might be worthwhile persuing this route. Anyhow, good luck and Samui aint a bad place to be . :)

  14. does this non immigrant visa allow for someone to just stay on holiday if they have their own cash?


    It does if you qualify for it.

    At the moment the nearest place to Thailand that will issue for the reason of Visiting Friends is Perth Australia.

    This would allow up to 15 months stay with border runs needed every 90 days.

    I have just recieved something similar at the Brisbane Consulate...........4x90 day visa border runs, this virtually gives me 15 mths. I did not have to have money in Thai bank, just had to show my current bank statements.

    The cost was $A210 plus $A15 for photos. She just about talked me into it, also telling me that i could enter Thailand on a one way ticket.

    Brisbane has got a good reputation for being helpful, there was one guy there who had driven 600klm from NSW because he knew that he could not get what he wanted in Sydney, he was there 20 mins for his visa and on the way back home, with a smile like the cat with the cream ! :)

  15. It is easy follow the law and you have no problems.Try to get a visa for europe as Thai people and you will see were it is the most difficult.

    If you work get a workpermit like in every decent country in the world and you get a 1 year renewable visa.If you are retired put 800.000 baht in a thai account and you get also the same visa.The people who complain are those who are doing monkey business and think that as foreigner all is allowed.Dont forget we are guest here no local people.

    I totally agree with ERICPHUKET. The amount of humiliation arrogance and attituse which the visa issuing officers use of European, Usa,is unbeleivable. You really have to be there to see how the third world country citizens are treated and spoken to. Sometines the tourist visa is rejected without any realistic reason.They act like God.

    One question what visa can you get by showing 200 thousand baht???

    How does one qualify for the non immigrant O visa?? Is it valid for 1 year or 3 years?

    I donot want to work in Thailand so whats my best option? My age is 48

    Would appreciate any advise on this

    Thanks All.

    Wait for another 12 months then apply for a retirement visa !

  16. The sky is falling, it's the end of the world as we know it and I'm packing my bags and on the next plane to a civilised country.

    (Not really, just wanted to be the first to say that on this thread.)

    Thailand's government and consulates and immigrations really are doing whatever they can to make it difficult for people to stay in the country!

    Foreigners are the ones bringing in all the money! So why are they trying to kick and drive all the foreigners away??

    How stupid!! They would cut their notse off to spite their face as the saying goes!!


    Hang on there Craig ! you seem to have got it wrong ere.

    I think that its the ones who don't have ANY money that they are trying to get rid of. i.e. the guy who arrives with next to stuff all in his wallet, likes the lifestyle and then looks around for a way to scratch a living. That is just not on and i don't blame the Thais for trying to get them out of their country, why would'nt they, i agree with them. They would'nt last long in Australia...........just a mob of users, kick em out ! :)

  17. Personally I fail to see the problem. If someone is a genuine tourist they ahve nothing to fear. On the other hand if they are working on tourist visas tnen they only have themselves to blame.

    Try pulling the same stunt in the EU, the US or Australia. Anyone caught doing that would be tossed out immediately and possibly be banned from the country for ever. It seems to me that despite all the crackdowns Thailand is still very generous at this stage and lots of people are abusing the system.

    Incidentally an Australian I work with recently went to Canada on a tourist visa and she was interrogated for three whole hours. She thinks it may because she was born in Armenia. Who knows but it seems Thailand won't be the only country to interrogate some tourists.

    Thats for sure, if they are'nt in possession of a current visa here in Aust, we lock them up, bill them for the Bed & Breakfast and anything else then deport them....................So, whats wrong with Thailand doing the same with the slobs who seem to expect the honest rest of us to feel sorry for them.............Kick em out !

  18. Sonti always said he wouldn't run away, if Newin keeps to his word he could be joining him in just over 10 days. It makes Thaksin look more and more cowardly.

    Well at least they got a fair trial wereas Thaksin has'nt even been to court yet and has been proclaimed guilty of just about everything the government can think of !

    He would have no chance in court so why would he return, i definately would not, but that does not mean i am a coward. :)

  19. "The maximum fine that could be imposed on the illegal operators was 1,000 baht."

    So, if I'm one of the illegals, I budget THB 2,000-3,000 per month as bribe money (cost of doing business) and keep going. A few hundred of my mates do the same and pay the same few officials at the airport. Everybody is happy except the foreigner I rip off.

    The clamp-down with a fine as punishment will never work. There are too many desperate people needing work.

    So, if I'm making the rules and in charge of enforcement, instead of a fine, I impound their vehicles AND charge them a fine of THB 2,000 (in addition to towing and storage fees paid direct to the impound companies) to get it back AFTER 7 days. It becomes economically impossible to continue their trade, AND I create more jobs, AND those who are doing the towing have an incentive to police my enforcers.

    Problem solved.

    Good one ! What taxi driver would risk getting his vehicle impounded if that was the result.........My way of thinking.

  20. Come on, Thailand, all this corruption is hurting the country more than you can imagine. And its like a slap in the face to those who their work diligently and honestly.

    How important do you thing tourism is? If memory serves, it's 6% of the GNP. So many of the farangs are cheap skates, losers and perverts who cannot afford Hawaii or Portugal. They end up costing a lot in police investigations, too.

    The Thais market to Asian tourists who cause way less trouble.

    Give me a good reason, based on the fat, dirty old men that have flooded Thailand for decades, that Thais should admire, no revere, farangs!?

    [if they had a barfing emoticom]

    Don't have the stats to argue with your figure but I'd always understood that tourism was their 2nd largest export until 2 or 3 years ago after rice

    While not a crucial contributor to GDP in itself, tourism is a very important source of relatively decently paying jobs, especially in areas with little or no significant industry or office jobs. The tourism stats also do not really capture all the spend (how much spent at Robinsons comes from tourists - who keeps score? etc). While formal unemployment is not seen as a major problem in Thailand (at least by the authorities), I believe that underemployment is a lot more widespread than is realised.

    My g/f had a massage business on Cheong Mon beach 7 tables and 10 girls working, guess what ! they have all been sent home and business closed down............Why ?.... no falang. Since the Yellow shirts fiasco at Suvarnabumi its all gone down the 'gurgler' . Stupid thing is, she comes from Surat Thani and is a YS supporter, thinks Abhisit is just wonderful Grrrrrrrrrrrrr . When Thaksin was in power, she was making money 'hand over fist' but she won't admit it. Its probably all about saving face ! :)

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