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Posts posted by reallyok

  1. It appears everyone agrees that the PAD should be punished. I agree too. WELL, Not quite everyone. there is one yellow shirt cheerleader who thinks differently.

    I am sure that every country of the free world will be backing Thai Air on this one , as they caused so much disruption to the lives of innocent bystanders. Just to blatently further their own selfish cause with no regard for anybody but themselves.

    I say ..............Good on ya THAI AIR and good luck

  2. What is your question?? Was your visa single or multi entry?

    Multi entry..........4x90 days.

    Entered 22nd oct

    Left for UK 27th oct

    Returned 17th nov.

    Does my first 90 day visa run start from 22nd oct., then second period from 17th nov ( after only a couple of weeks)

    If so, i have lost almost most of the first 90 days to visit my sick mother .

    Thank you for any info

    or does it mean that i can leave and enter as many times as i want in any 90 day period.

  3. What is your question?? Was your visa single or multi entry?

    Multi entry..........4x90 days.

    Entered 22nd oct

    Left for UK 27th oct

    Returned 17th nov.

    Does my first 90 day visa run start from 22nd oct., then second period from 17th nov ( after only a couple of weeks)

    If so, i have lost almost most of the first 90 days to visit my sick mother .

    Thank you for any info

  4. I entered Thailand in september on a non immigrant O, from Aust., after one week in BKK i carried on to UK for 2 weeks then returned to Thailand. I am now living on Samui.

    Now,after reading all the inquiries on this visa i am becoming confused. I am not married to a Thai.

    Where can i go to get clarification ?

    Thanks for any help

  5. Those "peaceful" redshirts at it again. Support them at your peril.

    How about we start with an accurate report first?

    When there was violence at the Cambodian temple site during the yellow shirt excursion, it was apparent, that the violent parties may have been sympathetic to the yellow shirts, were neither supported nor directed by yellow shirt leadership. I would suggest that the same holds here; that some idiots that may or may not be sympathetic to the redshirts may be implicated. For all we know it could be a dissident yellow shirt faction responsible. It certainly wasn't the redshirts that tried to assassinate the beloved PAD leader last time. I suggest we wait for a more reliable report.

    These stories tend to grow wings and fly taking on "fact" as they are repeated with each retelling adding more fanciful fact.

    AND............a few idiots in this forum get led along by their noses believing it, because they cannot think for themselves, and want to believe anything that

    is anti redshirt, which is printed.

  6. That is some very serious weaponry laid out on that table!! :)

    For 2 guys, not really it's only one hand gun each and then you have a shotgun and 3 rifles. I have close to a dozen rifles, two shotguns and 3 handguns in my house in the US, and I also keep a 9mm in my car. So really for two people it's not much at all.

    My one friend in the US (he owns a gun shop) has about 20 rifles in his house don't know about handguns as he has them hidden all over the house, now he has some serious firepower. (MP5/40, M1, SIG556, AR15 etc)

    mmmmmmmmmmmmmm!! yeh well, as we Aussies say "only in America"............no wonder that gun violence is rife in that country, glad i dont need to go there.

  7. The praise for Obama has been overwhelming on ThaiVisa. Obama is a man, not a God. I simply voiced a different opinion. Irrelevant? Yes. But, it seems that no matter what the topic Europeans have to bring in their praise for Obama and hatred for Bush and he rest of the U.S. It gets damned old!

    The hate for Thaksin is getting old too, don't you agree? Or is that different from the hate for Bush. Taking into consideration that Bush did a lot more bad to the world than Thaksin.

    Actually, my hate for Thaksin is quite fresh and lively.

    Had he been deposed in a legal election, i might have felt the same as you , but a COUP !! c'mon on !!!

    It should be a people majiority decision and thats the end of it.

  8. gallery_327_1086_102785.jpg

    PM Abhisit: Thailand sending Thaksin extradition request to Cambodia

    BANGKOK, Nov 10 (TNA) - Thailand's Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva said on Tuesday that Thailand will formally submit to Cambodia a letter seeking the extradition of convicted ex-Thai premier Thaksin Shinawatra after he entered the neighbouring country.

    The Thai premier commented as Mr Thaksin arrived in Phnom Penh Tuesday morning at the invitation of the Cambodian government which appointed the convicted ex-Thai premier as its economic adviser.

    Mr Abhisit said that the Office of the Attorney-General has given the letter seeking the extradition of Mr Thaksin under the extradition treaty between the two countries to the Ministry of Foreign affairs and it will be sent to Cambodia once Mr Thaksin's address there is identified.

    "We have to find exactly where Mr Thaksin is staying in Cambodia and how many days he will stay there," said Mr Abhisit, "If the Cambodian government does not respond to our request, the foreign ministry will consider appropriate measures."

    Regarding the Cabinet's decision to revoke the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on overlapping maritime boundaries signed by Thailand and Cambodia in 2001, the Thai premier reasserted that the revocation has resulted from the appointment of Mr Thaksin as economic adviser for the Cambodian government.

    Mr Abhisit however said the cancellation of the MoU will only take effect once the matter is forwarded to the parliament for consideration under Article 190 of the Constitution.

    "The government has carefully and thoroughly considered the revocation of the MoU because the issue can be argued," said Mr Abhisit. "I reaffirm that the cancellation applies only on the overlapping maritime boundaries, not the contested areas around the Preah Vihear temple as being circulated in Cambodia to stir confusion."

    Mr Abhisit stated that the Thai government has made no move along the Thai-Cambodian border or near Preah Vihear temple.

    Regarding Mr Thaksin's interview with the online edition of the British daily The Times of London which is deemed as offending the monarchy, the Thai prime minister said he has instructed the foreign ministry to clarify the facts with local as well as international media and has assigned a legal team to scrutinise the content as to whether it is considered a violation of the lese majeste law. (TNA)


    -- TNA 2009/11/10


    Seeing as how his conviction was brought about by an illegally coup formed military government and that his party has since been re-elected but denied government. I should think that any sane foreign government would rightfully be just a little cautious to become involved in the requests from any Thai organisation along these lines.

  9. Don't know anything about it. It has been discussed on several topics here.

    I take the liberty to include them here :)

    http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/Palm-Oil-Trees-t304934.html - Has some info on hazards.

    http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/Planning-Gro...ees-t98746.html - Good info as far as I can see

    http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/Income-Palm-...rm-t266321.html - Something with yield

    It's many more topics about it. Maybe having a chat with some of the guys posting there will give you an idea.


    What do you define as a reasonable living? It will be very hard for anybody to answer since it's too vague.

    Yes mate, i guess i was a bit vague. Thing is, i have opportunity to get 10 rai of 2 yr old palm oil trees all planted from good stock ! Don't really need the money myself but want to support my g/f. her father owns 5x40 rai blocks of palm oil in Surat Thani and seems to be doing very well indeed. I think that they are planted about 4 meters apart and look very healthy on level well tended land. I could ask him i am sure but want to play my cards "close to my chest" at this stage.

    I know that Palm Oil is in very high demand, which is still growing.

    Anyhow, thanks for your reply.


  10. Also bobnyc.. The event is about raising money for Foundation For Children. They already do a great job with the kids but need the money to feed and house the kids. Try to be positive about CHARITY events please.

    Tmark... see post 5 for details of the charity. also if you click on the poster it gets bigger

    Its good to see the positive comments guys. keep them coming.Also this is a bike weekend BUT you do not have to have a bike to attend the event. All are welcome.

    NO WHEELS............so how do we get there .

  11. May I ask what charity is benefiting from this? I can only see details about room rates and maps to get there.

    Foundation for children its on the top of the poster (you should of gone to speck savers)

    That small print is totally unreadable on my mini computer. Mustn't be very important then. I would have thought a little more detail on the "charity" would be in order.

    You seem very interested, so are you gonna donate ?

  12. Do you have a work permit? No

    Do you have a company to help gain a work permit? No

    Do you have a Thai partner to help open a company? No

    How many other people have thought of the same idea? millions and millions.

    Thailand is changing, people are getting wiser, the new immigration laws have seen to that.

    No company = No work permit = No way to work legally in Thailand.

    Getting caught will mean a hefty fine.

    Read pages on this site, get the information then sit down and think about it seriously.

    If you want to do business then get someone in Thailand to help you ship the T-shirts.

    Or get yourself a "Too hard basket" :)

  13. I work on the management team for 3 major projects on the Eastern Seaboard. Combined these 3 project have worked over 10 million hours without a lost time accident and an incident rate that would be the envy of any western project. We have been doing business in Thailand for over 15 years, in that time we have worked something like 50 million hours and have had 3 lost time incidents and no deaths.

    All workers are issued and use full personal protection equipment (PPE), have daily tool box safety meetings, and each job is planned with a full risk analysis in which the workers themselves participate.

    It is possible to have a safe work environment in the developing world. It requires a comprehensive education program, the full commitment of management and the active participation of the workers themselves.

    For the OP, do you require the workers to wear gloves or they were not allowed to work? To the poster that bought the equipment and then stood back and watched them not use it, did you enforce the usage on your jobsite? Why not? Did you not want a safe jobsite? Or were you just interested in giving lip service to it by saying I bought the equipment but they wouldn't use it.

    I have been working construction for some 30 years, I can tell you, if don't require safe work practices from the top down, it doesn't happen and to blame the workers is a cop out.


    Not sure you can blame the home owner/builder for what the workers don't do? How does one enforce safe work practice..I tried when they built my house,..safety glasses, harnesses, gloves etc..they put em on smiling ..then when your away they are back to sunglasses and flip flops.

    Seems rural Thailand building or farm workers do not seem to think ahead to potential dangerous practice.

    Of course us expats are a bit "midday sun" stupid too, many a time I have picked up a rock or lump of wood and got bitten by a scorpion! Can never find my gloves or too lazy..? Oh and yes cut myself moving tile debris too, then again cut myself on grass too! :D

    Come off the 'grass' ..........Scorpions do not bite ! :)

  14. Just one correction - the number of entries are unlimited (multi) not 4 I suspect. Each entry gets a 90 days permitted to stay stamp but you can leave/return anytime. A return one day before visa expires will still get you a new 90 day permitted to stay stamp.

    Yes mate, i am looking at my PP now and the visa definately says "Good for multiple journeys" However perhaps i am misunderstanding it , as the 'kind lady' did say to me that ..Quote .. You have 4 x 90 days virtually giving you 15 months and that you can go in and out as often as you like during those times.

    Can you please interpret this for me as it can be a little confusing and i would hate to stuff up.

    Thanks. :)

  15. Dear friends,

    My wife and I would like to go back to Thailand and I am quite uneasy with the procedures to follow. I have been reading on Thaivisa that you would actually need 400,000 baht in a Thai bank account in order to get the Non-Imm O marriage visa or at least a monthly income of 40,000 baht. That's perfectly sound.

    In order to open a Thai bank account, you are required a work permit and resident of Thailand, do you agree? This is the reponse from Siam Commercial Bank after that my wife had call them through skype. Therefore I would not be able to deposit my money in a Thai bank account.

    Now, I have also read that you need to apply for a non-imm O wedding visa outside of Thailand before... Are you getting it? How is it possible to get a non-imm O wedding visa outside of Thailand if I cannot even open a Thai bank accoount to put my money there?

    Isn't this


    outdated already? I do not see the mentioning of the 400,000 bank account and 40,000 monthly income.

    Also, I have read that the montly income is supposedly to vary between continents (E.g USA: 40,000, Africa: 25,000, Europe 40,000 and etc.) Can someone please confirm this?

    I would be very grateful if you can enlightened me on my way back to Thailand with my wife.

    Thanking you in advance.


    I have just recieved a Non immigrant O visa, 4x90 day entries.

    I do not have any money in a Thai bank, just had to show my current bank statements and proof of my Aussie aged pension.

    It cost me $A210 plus $A15 for photos at the Thai consul in Brisbane. They were very helpful and offered me any advice i needed.

    If you are coming back to oz, try Brisbane, they are great !

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