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Posts posted by unbiasbob

  1. problem is that within the past few months banks do ask for working papers. they do not want to open accounts lately without them. I have discontinued trying. I will just keep my US accts and ATM cards. There is info on the Bangkok Bank website about farangs being able to open an acct hassle free but I am fairly certain that like so much on the internet, the info is dated. Just do a net search on anything and it is likey to have old info. So few sites are kept up to the minute. updating them is not a priority for too many businesses. caught in the act says "last time he opened acct he was asked only for passport". I guarantee he did not open an acct in 2004 because no can do. I know cause I am up to speed on this. Others have had no probs in the past. This has changed this year along with visa issues

  2. lets see, 11000 baht/mo or 350 baht/day. lets back out the 2500/mo for the roach/rat infested flea bag room. you will have utilities of about 1000 min. OK you're up to 120/day for the room alone. your 350 budget is down to 230/day. go to bar and have 2 beers, 160 baht no tip. now you got 70 baht for food. hope you don't have anything else you need to buy, it'll blow your budget. visa runs will not fit into budget. no way no how. don't be illegal. you need to regroup. this will not work. we didn't even factor in transport or any other costs

  3. dude, now you're writing a novel? you sound a little mixed up. you are a young dude and should be cruising the US in a convertible bird dogging chicks. what makes you think you can live like a thai on a thai wage here? you cannot. your visa runs alone will chew up most of your budget. if you are going to do it, do it right. tell mommy and daddy to toss you a grand a month. it doesnt sound like they will so i would get a job in US like everyone else.

  4. I cant afford the visa runs, which is why im looking at a non-immigrant visa. My parents are paying for everything, unless there is somwhere rather close to go in order to do the visa run then i will do it that way. I just cannot afford $500 every 3 mths to fly back to the united states. Im not to concerned about facilitys the apt i found is pretty decent. when move ill have $2000 afer plain ticket, its not like im not going to thailand with any money whatsoever its just hte afterwords income that will be givin to me. Im not only looking for it work, in fact if i dont need to work thats fine as well, more or less im looking just to go and "stay" ro an extended period of time. I dont know if this is better clarification as to what my goal is but if u have any questiosn ask. And im used to surviving, im not looking for a fancy life by all means, more or less just cultural immersion

    Ok Did more research so im editing post, i guess i can get a 2mth tourist extend 1 mth, then pay to extend another mt at that point its 4 mths at the end of four mths fly into surrounding area and get my visa re instituted. This will cause a crunch in cash but ill just have parents keep 1 mth where i get more cash, ill just keep doing this until somehow i find a job or am able ot obtain a workvisa, I know i may not be coming down with most money but statistically the money i would have would be just enough to make me financially normal. So does this sound viable?

    Dude, moving to thailand is not the answer for you. Stay in US and work for 20 years or more to make money then consider it. You are not ready. $300 per week might get you by. $300 a month is a joke. please forget about it

  5. agreed that mai krap's post was a welcome one here. we need to get that perspective because people are getting smacked in the face with it although many persons here in the forum deny that this is taking place. mai krap will be referred to as a scruffy scum no doubt, who mouths off to embassy officials when he tries to get his tourist visas. the door is being slammed in the face of persons who don't fit the precise mold of each visa requirement. these requirements leave a great many in the cold who lack age, marriage or financial qualifications. and what do you know, the inablity to open a bank account on a tourist visa has reared its ugly head one more time. never fear mai krap, the experts here who opened their accounts years ago say no prob getting one open. how on earth would they know???

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