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Everything posted by Deerculler

  1. I don't really understand the reason for most of these comments. I take it that most who make these comments are expats. We are all guests here in Thailand. It is none of our business of ours as to what Thaskin his sister or anyone else does. We are all here for different reasons. I don't see Thai people blathering on about our countries. The old saying. If you cannot say anything constructive. Shut up. Or go back to where you came from. Be polite in your host country.
  2. About 12 months ago a Canadian I knew died. A friend of his handled his affairs. The cost of his cremation at a local Temple in Surin was 50,000. It was a quiet affair and quite dignified. When Thai start talking about hundreds of thousands. It is for the big party.
  3. I was a Corrections Officer for 25 years. I have been asked a few times. What is the answer to stopping crime? I don't know. I doubt that there is a answer. And it it the same with drugs, wars etc. None of it will stop until man destroys himself, the planet and everything on it. Mans biggest problem is his own stupidity.
  4. Yaba,Meth, P, Call it what you want is used in all levels of society the same as other drugs.
  5. Pump up the price and crime goes up to pay for the drug.
  6. The Op asked a simple question. And some answer to the best of there ability and often correctly and others go off on there one tangent, make no sense and confuse the issue. Always very annoying.
  7. Isn't that what the great leader Putin teaches his people with his propoganda.
  8. The more I read. The more confusing it becomes.
  9. Being able to buy his way out of raping a 13 year old girl. Makes a farce of the whole legal system in Thailand. I have seen it so many times where money buys pride, dignity and a child's innocence. The talk about saving face is sickening. It is more about selling there soul.
  10. I see some sensible remarks on here, but more stupid remarks.
  11. I would like to come in on this about myself if that is okay? I live in Surin on a OA Retirement Visa Can I make a land border crossing at Chong Chom into Cambodia without a re entry permit? Then come back into Thailand and to the local Thai immigration Office to apply for a Non O Retirement visa? And use a letter of income from my embassy ( NZ )
  12. I hope all turns out okay for you and your young lady. All the very best.
  13. Stay with your Filipina girl. More genuine and open in there love for you.
  14. Maybe she didn't give a freebie to the local cops.
  15. The policeman in New Zealand would not have pulled a firearm and fired a shot. I am not excusing there stupidity for what caused it all.
  16. Trump is inciting violence again. When is this dangerous idiot going to be stopped?
  17. The average Kiwi respects the law and police officers. New Zealand also has the most honest police force in the world. You cannot say this about the Australian corrupt police. These two Kiwi's were so stupid to the point of almost being unbelievable. They will pay a high penalty
  18. After 25 years as a Corrections Officer. I am inclined to agree with you. But no politician has the balls to do that.
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